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Bayham By-Laws 1946
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1144-1159 1946 Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS j 1122-1157 ] FILE # 25 1122 5 Sept 44 Provide for an additional road qxpenditure for 1944. 1124 6 Nov 44..... -"Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1125 4 Dec 44 Appoint Fence --viewers and Pound -keepers. 1126 15 Dec 44 Appoint an Auditor. 1127 2 Jan 45 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1128 2 Jan 45 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1945. 1129 5 Feb 45 Provide for the road expenditures for 1945. 1130 5 Feb 45 Appoint a road superintendent. 1131 5 Feb 45 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1945. 1132 5 Mar 45 Granting privileges to Dominion Natural Gas Company Ltd. 1133 5 Mar 45 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1134 5 Mar 45 Define a lawful line fence and fees for Fenceviewers. 1135 7 May 45 Rules and regulations with respect to the Eden Cemetery. 1136 2 Apr 45 Amend bylaw No. 1067. , 1137 7 May 45 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1138 5 Jun 45 Setting apart the Township School Area of part of Bayham. 1139 3 Jul 45 Establishment and maintenance of a reserve fund. 1140 1 Oct 45 Include poultry under the Dog Tax and Live Stock Act. 1141 1 Oct 45 Regulate the moving of buildings on Township roads. 1142 1 Oct 45 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1143 29 Oct 45 Provide for the road expenditures for 1945. 1144 7 Jan 46 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1145 7 Jan 46 N Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1946. 1146 7 Jan 46 Sell a road in Lot 20, to wparty- <xming land adjacent, to it. 1147 4 Feb 46 Provide for road expenditures for 1946. ti. Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS [ 1122-1157 J FILE # 25 cont. 1148 4 Feb 46 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1946. 1149 1 Apr,,.4G Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1150 6 May 46 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1151 3 Jun 46 An -end bylaw No. 1136. 1152 3 Jun 46 Regulate the collection and disposal fo garbage in Bayham. 1153 6 Aug 46 Appoint an officer under Sec. 139 of the Liquor Control Act. 1154 6 Aug 46 r Appoint a Clerk -Treasurer for Bayham. 1155 3 Sept 46 Provide for Supplementary Road Expenditures for 1946. 1156 3 Sept 46 The establishment and maintenance of a reserve fund. 1157 1 Oct 46 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. s Form 100-38 Ontario TOW NS.liI V OF BAYi�i fi . ........................................................................................................................ BY-LAW No....�.1..... to authorize the borrowing of S 35,000.00 Whereas the Council of the Towns nip of 13ayliam (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 3 5, 000.00 to meet, until the tales are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the rear; Norr.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Xlunici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1945 , not including ifear if not. adopted; revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is S 6 000.00 11111��illillillillillill�ilillillilillillill�illillillillilljllll� M. 7 _72"T ..�! ►.:, (Delete thisriX}:.y1��4''�l�t's paragraph if not � applicable). WtxxtlltAS fx&, �/1. XXXXXX • Therefore the Council of the Township of 13aynam hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF CODIbIERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 3 5 , 000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the l-Iead and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-Iaw, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect Of taxes levied for the current year► and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 7th. day of January 1946 T11D OF THE MUNICIPALITY ( SEAL :.... .................: .......... ' � �CLERii We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the Township of Bayliam in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This 7til. day of January 19 !_'6 . J As Witness the Seal of the Township of Bay-aam. SEAL i " ............................ THE HEAD OF TH•. E MUNICIPALITY .................................................................. C..... LERK N Township of Bayham. By -Law No. /1416" uF;ing a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Muni.lipality of the Townehip of Hayham for the year 19) 6 A.D. BE, IT THEkEFOtiF ENACTED in regular session assembled ;- Ix, That salary of 2. That Fcg rlf 09 if 1( S O/J shall be Assessor for the year at a and �oN� �0°D/f�g/�//J small be Valuators of livestock killed by logs at -500 per hour an,i . 12�� per mile one ray. 3. That J, 0. �//g� L=�� s nall be -�chool Attendance Officer at a 00 salary of 4P Pte- R In I 1, k c /VA wr4 i! � d 4 . TI1R ; /ji/ _CA1ZE L -L_ shall 1�U be Wee(] Insr_er,tor at a salad, of --0v 5. That itis_ t'�� -t �-. shall be Collectors..at a salary of h�.%�. --, 6. That -/-Ifff,�;Z, shall be xeAdf Uf'fir;er xt, A salary of X00.`'-� 7. That /li !, shall be Poll TRx dollect or st a of 00 for each collected. That ,U. %. �(r/la 90/ . shall be solicitor of the `'owns]lin. PFHI) a third time anfl finally passed in open Council this Seventh ay oma: January, 1946 ti- T. 4s By -Lan No. Township of Begham. Being a by-law to sell a road in Lot 20, Concession 7, to a party owning land adjacent to slid road. Whereas said road was reverted to the Township of Bayham by County of Elgin By -Law No. 1366 passed June 13th. 191; and Whereas said road is of no further use as a public road; And Whereas it is deemed expedient to sell said road, ThfdiEFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham, in regular session, as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That a road extending northwesterly and northerly across part of Lot 20, Concession'7, in the Township of Bayham from the ;'Western limit of the King's highway diversion as defined by deposited Plan No. D-59, to its intersection with the Western curved limit of the King's Highway diversion continued northerly, as shorn on a Plan marked A.7-211 be and the same is hereby sold to Horace B. Johnson, of the Township of Bay ham in the County of Elgin. 2. That in consideration of the above Clause 1, the Lair? 'Horace B. Johnson, shall pay to the Township of Bayham, the sum of. Thirty Dollars ($30.00). 3. This By -Law shall come into effect upon receipt of such Departmental approval as is necessary. READ a third time and finally passed in open Council this day of 1946 i By -Law No. // 1747 Township of nay !iam. Being a by-law to sell a road in lot 20, concession 7, to part; owning land adjacent to said road. Y,nereas said road was reverted to the Tonnship of Bayham by County of Elgin by --Law t1o. 1366 passed June 13th. 1941; Anel Whereas said road is of no further use as a public road; And Whereas it is deemed expedient to sell said road; THFREFORF` 3E IT ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham, in regular,'J�evBion, as follows; - 1. That a ror:d extending northwesterly and northerly across part of Lot 20, Conce cion 7, in the Towkis'°iip of 3ayha:-,i front the Western limit of the Ki-lig's 1'igh-.vay diversion aR lefined by (ieposibed P13n ".o. D-59, to its intersection witil the �iestern curved limit. of -'ie King's Highway diversion colItinue�i northerly, as shown on a Plan marked A-7-21, be and the ame is hereby sold to Horace 3. Johnson, of t'le Township of Bay'ian in the County of algin. 2. That i. -ii conside--ation of the above C16use 1, t'ie " J.d Horace i3. Johnson, hall 3.1y ;o L.]P. `l'ovfi-is alp of t�:��,'�5,.1, t:1e S.= of Thirty Do"Mars, ($30.00) e j. This $y- aw shall co: 1e ?;eoart-.lental approval as into effnot upon receipt of such ' it neer°seary. RFAD a third time and finally pa,. sed in open Council this day of 194 p C I er 'A w a t r ' i Form B - 6 A BY -iAW OF b By -LAV NO 1147 TO FROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19 i EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN T* BFy- t.0WNS' IP_, -.- i IN THE COUNTY OF AREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O�, 1937 and amendments requires th,_t the total expenditure on township roads and bridges be provided for annually y Township by -law. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ 25, CIOQ • Vv is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, deb_ntures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and main- tenance of the roads in the s,1 :d township during the year 19 )1 ✓ as follows -" Road Construction Bridge Construction Machinery Superintendence Maintenance & Repair, Total Estimated Expenditure ?2, FOO. 2 ,000- (2) The said monie, shall be expended under the direction_ of the duly appointed tow -,ship road superintendent an on work performed in accordance with the H ghway Improvement Act (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by -law to the Muni pal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, for approval on or before February 28th of the present year. Passed at �t1'fi- cx'`' v'i ii`'this `-'+j" day of. (SEAL) CLERK hhE V E Clerk of the corporation of the Icb. AID , 19 L6 t township of u" -P-do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -law No I-14= passed by the council of the said corporat ' on on the 4� +' on day of, s leb. TOWNSHIP LERK L- I i <y ------------- /1 11 0 Form B - 6 By -L Va PJO / '/ 7 - A BY -LAW TO i=ROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19 '`�6 EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF �/� i ��,�% �� -, IN THE COUNTY OF < w WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O_, 1937 and amendments requires th,,t the total expenditure on township roads and bridges be provided for annually y Township by-law THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ Cis hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, deb_ntures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and rrrain- tenance of the roadq,,,rTn the s^ :�.d township during the year l9k(p as follows Road Construction Bridge Construction Machinery - Superintendence ;> � Maintenance & Repair Total Estimated Expenditure—A+ (2) The said monie, shall b -e expended under the direction of the duly appointed tow -.ship road superintendent an on work performed in accordance with the Highway Improvement Act (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by -law to the Muni pal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, for approval on or before February 28th of the present year.., Passed at ..__.this day of A D (SEAL) - CLmu� I, township of REEVE Clerk of the corporation of the do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -law No passed by the council of the said corporat *on on the day of 19 TOWNSHIP LE U., 0 BY -Law ",To. Township of Bayiiara. Being a By -Law to a-POint an Assessor in and for the Township of Ba-w.rhqm for the year 1946. %F Therefore Be It by the Counoil of the Corporation of the Townsnip of Baynaint;- That /V HE L L, shall be assessor for the Township of Baybal'i iulring ti -le year 1y416 at a salary of pftsoecl this �ay Of Read a third time and f inA 1�44 • e Pk 7 By -Law No. %f '/ q Towns ip of Bayham. Being a by-law to appoint Fence -Viewers and Bound -Keepers in and f O the Township of Hayham for the year 1914.6 VlhEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 19L6 A.D.; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the MunicioRl Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled that the following Appointments be made-ror the year 1946 A.D. Fence -Viewers for 1946 Pound -Keepers for 19146. Lloyd Jackson, Vienne k'.R.1. Albert Moore Earl Noodworth, Pt. Burwell, R. X2.1 Earl Woodworth Wm. Be rdan, iia y hara T. C. `l homs pn Harry Saxton, Vienna R.R.2. Robt. Garnhan Fred Benner, DayYiRr;t John A. Jackson Ernest Holman,Straffordvill.e Morley Hotchkiss Carman ball, Eden. Morace Hague Horace Hague , St ra f f'o r,1vi 11e , R. R.1. Wm. Brinn Geo. S. Elliott ,Tilisonburp,, R. R.5. Reg. MoQuiggan Lloyd Herron, Port Burwell. Robt. Jackson `Geo. Procunier,Ingersoll, h.R.1. Judson ball Kobt. Jackson, traffordville,R.k.1. D. Stewart Geo. Rozell, Aylmer, k.R.6. Grant Stafford Alva brinn,Tillsonburg, R.R.6. Geo. Procunier Fred Ball, Straffordville. Cecil Beemer Alonzo liagell, Corinth. Clarence Wolfe J.Qbn" R6y Nevill 'Willard-McAllister,Straffordville. Ernest Holman Harry Saxton . W. L. White Card Benner Wm. Webber Geo. Green READ a third time and finally passed this Apri 1. , , 1916 . G 1st. :?ay of eCVC. C r . M S A&I V► f I 4 By -Lax No. 116-C Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1946, to levy the taxes for the year 19 6 and to provide for t; -le collection thereof. WIM ' SAS by By -Law No. 106^ of the Township of Bayhatn, passed on the 5th. day of February 19)+0, the Council cf the said Township provided for the making of the assessment o f the Muniotpality prior tc the 30th. day of September, 1� 5, as the assessment on which the 9 y rate of taxation for the year 1 should be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Tow'hip on the 15th, day of November, 1945; AND WHEREAS there were no appeal: from tht Court of Revision or that all appeals from the Court of Revision have been heard and decided; AND WHEREAS it is, expedient to adopt the said <ssessment as the assess- ment on which the rate c: taxatiozl for the year 1916 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $7/62Y-00 for the general purposes of the said Townshin for the current year, for the pati ent of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part pf the expenses of Public and high School education, and other purposes; TFMF,I;FORE THE COUNCIL OF' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHtY. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS;- 1. That the assessment contained in the of Bayh.am as made pursuant to By -Law Nb, and as revised, corrected and passed by County Judge, be and the sFvne is hereby assessment on which the rate of taxation levied. assessment roll of the Township 1067 of the said Township the Court of Revision and adopted and confirmed ss the for tyle year '946 shall be s PIN 20 That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby 61opted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of �0 6• �J �7for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County rates and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 16,6"' mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 19116 upon the whole of the sai,a assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll which is made up as follows.;- General Rate ---------------- 9-Omills being/0.0 mills less 1 mill deduction as provided by the Ontart-7-doverrmnent Subsidy. County Pate ------------- -- 7,off mills .. 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing; the sum ofV7 97101 for Public School edLiestion_ for the, current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the. year 1946 upon'the respective portions of the said assessment of the Public School supportiers of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder; - General Public School Rete on asse..smeGntof $2,444,091.- 5.1 mills (vienna School. Section not included) Fubli^ School Section Nod 2 on assessment of 1231,285.--- 3.1.E mills )1-+5,793•-- y,6 -*max.. 119, 950 -- 6.1 5.3 83. 3,-- t .S 5 723. --- g. 3 4'8 .-- 2.ti5 8x 129,274*-- 4'.g eiv- 9 67P964--- 509 lox 1.1,525.-- 5"..8 *tO 11 x 109,825 , 5' -�- �.� ,� { r Y Public, School Section 2,4o.12xon ascFssment of 1115,075.-- , "8 ills 144 237,409 - �r. 8 #- 15 102,850--- 9-0 16 299.,506-o-- X2-1 f /'? 17x 128x691.-- �-9 18x 230#93 23X 153p26 :'senna 31,2840-" /2D (x- Portions of bayham Township School Area) The above rates le, icd for school purposes have been reduced by an amount equal in total to $. Sg received by the respective school boards from the Provincial Government towards educational costs to be used for the relief of taxation on real estate. 5e That, in aldition, for the purpose of providing the sum of S /$03.9 for necessary expenditure in the Police Village of Port Burnell for the ,u=--nt year, and for the purpose of providing the surra of t,5417-10 p l�P Sas for street lightin ,'��n the Hamlct of ck.vafforlville for the current year, the® follow+ng mill rates be «:14A the ate;, is :i �.vy levied fcr t11e Yca.r 10"' aeon the following assessment according to the last revised sssecsment roll of the said Township; Police Village of Port Burwell, assessment of 5217,339. S-4 mills Straf.fordville Street Lights it " 1 o`f .27s" j/•C 6. the Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Holl to the Collector on or before the Fish qday of June 1946. 7. All taxes or other special rptes shall be paid into the Office of the Collector or Tressurer of the Township of Bayham or into the Branches of he Canadian Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Port Burwell and Tillsonburg. 8. Taxes shalt become payable one-::.^.lf on or before July 20th. 191+6 and one-half on or before December 2Cth. 1946. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of tares shall be as nre7ided in By"Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said Township of bayizam- 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several tax payers if he so desires. 10. After fourteen .lays notice, the Collo.-,to-r or his Bailiff r, -.ay e{ za and gcods for•:,unpaid taxes. HEAD a third time and finally P p passed in open Council this b / lay of A. FF .�/.G! .f...c/ U V► N l .4 I --- 1. s by -Law N o . 116 / Township of Hayham. Being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 1136. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to change the date of Court of Revision of the Assessment Holl of the Township of Hayhem; THEREFORE 13E IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the 'Township of Bayham; 1. That Clause No. 2 of By -Law No. 1136 shall be changed to read as follows -"That the last sentence of Clause 2 of By -Law zIo. 1067 shall be amended to react as follows;- Court of Revision of the assessment for the year 194 n shall be held at the Township Hall, Straf fordville, Monday October 7, 1940 at two o' elcoek P.M., and on the last Monday in October at two o'clock P.M. each year there- after for each subsequent year after the passing def this by-law. l READ a third time and finally passed this day of �� 1946. ',► Reeve. I* C 3 erk. C�l 1 O 1 4 it Bji- Law N©. Township of Bayhamo Being a by-lew to r;;gulatP the collection, removal and �j3spasa.l of ashes, garbage and other refuse in the Township of Baylian.. 7'KEhEAS this. authority is vested in the Council of Towr.shipe by Sub- section 7 Of Secticn 1425, C4Apter 266 of the ?Rev seal Statutes of Ontario, 1937 Alvis WIU:rl xiS it is ,-Icemed necessary acid expedient to regulate the collection, handlrg and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse aithir, the said Township; AND WMT.rEAS the board of Trustees of the ?olice Village of Part Burwell have requested by resolution that, thePolio- Village oma' Port, Burwe" I be :'efined as an anca A. the collection of F brbage aticl Etc*; 'FHEi2EiC"' BE IT iyA, °`r1 EY Ti3I: CO'J?.CIr Off`' J. MUI�ICITALIli' OF TIM TOWNSHIP OF BAY UkM as fcilows ; - 1. N:• rcrson s;iall place any garbage, ashes, Asper, bottles, ears, glass, rubbish or other Haste, or refuse upon any Highway or public road or ct:�or public pla$e inthe Township of Bay"lem� except for' ,;c,11Ej,;t-1 ;n ds Gr ri'Gvide�i. 2. !;G per on shall perr.lit raj.Er or othar materip.1 oi:' r-,;b,.—Ish to be bloiin from tl:E premises occupied by him onto any Highway or Public road in the seid Township. 3. No person shall suffer or permit within the eaid Township of Bayham tl$.e accumulation, upon his premises or upon lands or premises occupied by him or under his control, or deposit or permit the deposit upon any lands belonging to him or in his occupation or under his control of any garbage, animal or vegetable matter, househol-1 watte or any man , . er or thing which rasL become a nu_fsanoE or endanger public ilealth, except by permission by resolution of the Council and approval of the Nie3icsl health OfficEl• of the County of Elgin. � . The area of the Police Village of. Port hurvrell is hereby designsted as a specifted area for, the purposes of the co election of asl-tes and garbage grid the costs of the collection of same shall b3 pail out of „i�_ s ecial taxes �;ol`laected from l.rails within tilt --5810 ares e 5. Every person she desires to have Fshes collected from his orerr.ises sLall keep the same separate from the garbage and in containers vrhich may be conv- nientlj handled by one irian. U. Garbage for collection shalt be contFiiped in metal contal_rera with good cover and _tAitable Dandles for handling by one man and sh,4 1 be as free from liquid as possible. 7. Such artioles as clsites, newspapers, paching beC.(3ing, old furniture and material of a like nature may be 1,01lect ed in a like manner as ashes and garbage but mut be secured into compact bundles or parcels or -in suitable containers so they mciy be easily hendle l ant' not permitted to be sca"'"Aey-e<3 aboltt. the high Nay.. e. Bottles, broken glass, crockery and smsll metal articles ;rus4, be 40 placed with t111F ashes, but tin cans shall be in a separkte bundle or cont:; i.Der0 9. All garbege, ;E hes and other material to be collected must be pl&cel 'r� the prescribed receptacles in the front or rear, of the premises from which they art to be taken as may be designated by the collector an(l so as not to interfere with traffic. M IC. Garbage or bther material. fc _ collection shal1 not be put out :-ivrE: than twenty-four hours before time of collection ai n-1 P11 materz.al which the coil --tor refuses to take must, be removed from the highway or : t,r t et by the occuparil, of the premises within twel'.ie hours of such refusal. 11. Dogs, chickens and other sAs-,11 animals or fo•:f1 found dead On any street, higi.rYay cr, Yubl is _lace within arcy sdecified area shallbe removed n red disposed of by th!� collector. I - 2 - i20 The Council �4npy from time to time, by resolution, c?eaignatF any area w-Ithin the To7vi-iol,ip o, Hayhaaii as r, : pec3 J i ed ere,e for the purposes oi' ccllect,io:z cf ashes and garbage. 1;. tile;; person convicted of a breach cf lar=y p; c-� : _cns of sectibns 31 -J '', °, ;, 10 and 5 of tris ty-law shall ro.,tnwit,l forfe-it and pae at the disaretion of the cc)n -icting magistrate or justices a p3ii<y of not less than one dollar and riot ex(,,ee(',Ing (exclusive of costs) the aiun of Flfty Dollars fur Earh such offence. The said perielty and costs or costs only it►ay be levied by distress; rbd sale of the gcods and c;-F.ttels of the offender and in case of tLere being no distress found out of v+hic such penalty can be levied, he shRll be comriitt.ed to the conrrion geol Of the County of Elgin, unless tiih said penalty and costs are sooner pai.(1. 14. The provisions 9f this by-law shall not relieve any person from com- pliance with any _ ovision of the Public liealtl, tet or regulations described by the Public Healt}i Act oi- the Medical Cffioer• of Health. REA-0 a fI rst, second and third t tune hi 7/f l ` Ip.y of .,e rive . and finally passed in open Coux)cii C L w .r a u f By- Law No. /%(� Township of Bayhame Being a by-law to appoint an officer under Section 139 of the Liquor Control Let of Ontario. WHEREAS Section 139 of the Liquor Control Act authorizes a Municipality to pass a by-law appointing an officer to enforce this.Act and provides for the payment of such of�'icer and expenses out of the general funds of the Municipality; AND 'NHEREAS the agreement made with the Commissioner of Police for `Intario, provides that the Municipality may appoint the member of the =Intario Provincial Police Force so assigned, as an officer under the provisions of the 4bove mentioned Section of the Liquor Control Act; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that such officer be so appointed; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham in regular se; sion assembled as f ollewq;- 1. That William John Wellheiser be and is hereby appointed an& officer under Section 139 of the Liquor Control Act. - - J 2. That ifunds for the payment of the said officer and his , expenses shall be provided from the general funds fit the Tow.nship- 3. That this by-law shall be retroactive to June 28th. 1946, the day and date when the aforesaid officer assumed his duties in the Township of Bayham. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed in open Council thisG day of 1946* e eve . 1 1 ■ By -Law No. 1153 Appointing an officer under Section 139 of the Liquor Control Act. q By -Lax No. // 6_T Township of Baykiam. Being a By -Law to appoint a Clerk -Treasurer for the Township of B ay tl am . WHEhEAS the resignation of William M. Stratton as Tressurer of the Township of Baynam has been received and accepted by the Council in open session, and vvHEKF.AS it is deemed adv is able and expedient to combine the of f ices of Clerk and 'treasurer of the sAid Municipality; THENF. P)KE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM as follows; - 1. That J. Dewey Vallee be appointed Clerk -Treasurer of the Township of Bayham during the pleasure of the Council of the sair? Township enri their successors in office, at a salary of 51200. per year. 2. That by -Laws No. 1003 and 1103 be and the same abe hereby repealed. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed in open Council this b'41 clay of 194 6 . C er . eeve. ---� - C s By-haw N o . 1154, Appointing J. D. Vallee as Clerk-Treasurer of Township. 4 i ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 2, Sept . 16th, 1946. Mr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk of the Townshipof Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: ,, Re: Suppplementary F�enditure, By-law No. 1155. We have received through our District Eng*Lneer, Mr. T.S. Caldwell, duplicate copies ofthe abovesupplementary by -lax which was .passed byy your township to providean additional $2,000.00 for this years s highwaj expenditures. This is to advise you that the Department approves of this supplementary amount, wh ich together with what alread has been approved, makes your to?al 1946 approved appropriation $277000,00.1 Yours truly, �.. . cam.. �i� Q-�.•�t, ��►s-� J.A. Marshall, Chief Municipal Eagineer. on the Vres. day of IDcPU. 19 xv M A TUANSHlr { ��=' , { : ,'' � � ; .' �l. •- it Form B -G BY-:JA_t NO. 1155 ..Sxpplementary A BY -LAS; TJ PP,jjVTDE &R -THE TCTAf, 19 EXPENDITURE, 011-11ROADSISI THE TOWNSHIP 1 �r OF Bayha&4 IN THE COUNTY F__ Elgin WHEREAS The Highway I.-provement Act, Chapter 50", R.S .0, , 193? and wendments requires that the total expenditure on tov.nship road; and bridges he provided for annually by township by- lav:. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said toV.nship enacts as follov;s : (1) The sure of wP000-00_.____ is hereby appropriated fro:: ::ponies raised by leery, ' subsidy for total expend:l tur-� upon construction and r:ain- debertures and government y �. p tenance of the roads in t said toj;n: hiip during i; as follows: Road Construction Bridge Construction _ _ _ $ Suoerintendence_--._._.r..__ _ (K Maintenance & Repair '` 2000.00 Total Estimated Expenditure 2000, 00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent; and on volk performed in accurdance v i th the latest regulations respecting tov,nship roads issued by the Dr,rartm.ent• of Hig: -ays of Ontario. (3) The cleric shall transmit a copy of this by -lave to the i,lunic L,r..Zl Roads Branch, Depart-ment of High- ays, for approval on or before February 28-th of the present year. this Passed at Straffordville 3rd, day of Sept. A.D.- jc,_46. �.._.-.-..-_. f ` (SEAL) • CLEFK I J. Dewey Vallee Clerk of t_ne corpa.rat.i.on of the to:,nship of B%,Od 1 ._do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -lav: No. passed by the counci ? of the said c'-rporation on the 3rd' day of Sept' 1,946 G TJX';.IStIP CLEU 40 Form B -G BY -LAY, � C . /�__ st)PPLAc- IM:-N71Y' A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 1�_�&__ EXPENDI Ti) R ; 0714 ROADS IN THE TCi ,;1S .I P OF �/�i9 _ I v THE COUNTY JF __. E L' _ �r-/ WHEREAS The Highway Iuprove.lent. Act, 56, T, -I'D , 1957 :end wncndments requires that the total expenditure on tcv.nship roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by -lay.. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the ss;.d to,,,.nship enacts as follovis: �v (1) The sure of w t `=- is hereby appropriate,, fron, rionies raised by levy, debentures and government subui dy for total expends tur.- upon construction and main-- tenance of the reads in the said tov:nship during the„�r ar 1 `� halo as fo1J oz,L: Road Construction I B:- ridge Construction 0 'Machinery _ Superintendence_ vd I.iaintenance �: Repair Total E: timated Expend ture (2) The said monies shall be expended under the di -re -,,tion of the duly appointed t(,v;nship road superintendent and 021 v.ork peg -f o7: mem: in .`..c3oi,'l, ante vii -i'1, ti-,-,- Iat.e;it ng toy:nship roads issued. b; -he Dei;: .,a_-n�; of Highways of regulations respect _L Ontario. (5) The clerk shall bransmit a copy of this by-law t.c i.t?e 7.7 ^ � i)a 1- C) iarancx?, Department of Hioht-.ays, for approval on for before Feuruu,"., tie present year. -�rEPT Passed at o� /%���D�%� LE til i d?-!4d-ay..of— (S E A L) f_- (SEAL) l 'Aw CLE1:K I, A, D SEUL V v Clerkof tbe eorpora't.ion ::f the township of -do hereby certify that the loregoing is a true copy of By -lav, ilo._--_—...--passed by the council )f tl..)e ;ai.(z cirporation on the day of 1'j_. T,)VONSHIP CLERK r 1 •' By -TAA-W R Township of Bayham. Being a by-law for the establishment and maintenance of a reserve fund. WRLREAS seotion 316 (a)' of the Municipal ,iot authorises the council in each year for the duration of the present ar and with the a.)proval of the of 'Vunioipal .AXfairs to provide i. the esti .ates for the establishment or maintenance of a reserve fund for use after the agar in providing necessary replacements of or improvements in publia,,►orks; AND ��REAS the Department of aunloipal Affairs has authorized the passing of this try -law; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham M� CTS;- 1. That a reserve fund be established and maintained for use after the :,ar in providing neoe.-�sary replacements of or improvements in public works. 2. That the total sum of 45000.00 be provided in the 1946 est irlate for the purpose described in Schedule I"" attached hereto. 3. That the said Bunn of X5000.00 as provided for in Section 2 shall be invested in fully registered Dominion of Cana&a Victory Bonds of amounts, maturity and yield as :yet forth in Schedule "B" attached hereto, said bonds shall be sold, cashed or disposed of only with the a }proval of the ?3epartment of .'-"unioipal flair$. 4. That the money raised f or the said ac serve Find shall not be expended, pledged or applied for any purpose without the a,.proval of the Department of J'unioipal 5. That the auditor of -the .1inic ipality shall certify to the Department of Municipal, Affairs, not Dater than March 1st. in each year in such :forst as the Depairtment may prescribe, the position and transactions of the said Reserve Fund. 6. That a o opy of this by-law be filled with the-DepaAment of ' ?: =ioip A Affairs and the Bank in vohioh said nomies mentioned in section 3 are held* 7. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the date upon which it is approved by the Department of Municipalf}�¢ Affairs. Read a First time and passed in open Counoll this / day of 1946. Read a seoond time and passed in open Counoil this day. of 1946. Read a third time and fIna] 3.,y pawed open Counoil this dW of 61946. r Approved by Department of ;fiunicsipal _Lffaire on the day of 194 A by-law for the est ablishment and mainta.inamoe of a Reserve Fund, SCHHDULE ",A" - Reserve Fund. 2urp o srre amount For oonstraot i on and improvement $2500000 of Roads and Bridges and works pertaining to ` the same within the Township of Bayliam,, For oonstruotion of new or repairing $2500.00 of old munioipal 'build '.n.gs. •am6� 0— •_ ♦_"Pi g—a —0 -0-0-6� * 0— •— 0 - a 00 *.m• SCHEDULE "B" - Reserve Fund. Dominion of Canada Bond. Amount Maturity ;5000.00 1966 (27 V02163) APPROVE'u'''' DEPT, OF M0IPAL,,AFFA1RF -----------♦- i� Clerk -0 Yield. 3% p -� - El ilk By-1-aw No. //,.. �/ Township of Bayha.m. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Elections in the Municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1946, A.D and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers as well as Poll Clerks and Polling Places in the several Pollinig Sub -Divisions in the Said iYunicipality of the Township of B . IT THEREF^RE EN",CTED by the Council of th e, Trn., s��iZ� a�' BtA;Isami in se:.,.sion assembled; That, pr )viding moxe -oe r.31`1R 3 for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec. 2, 1946 as according to Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1017, and in accordance with�,�t. he provisions of the Municipal Elections Oct; That, the electiona for Shb-Division No. 1 of the Mtmieipality shall be held at the Police Hall in the Village of Port Burwell; and that rIMNk shall be Depl.ty Returning nff icer , and that shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held at or near the home of FhEb F4trj.k' in the said Sub -Division; and that (. C. E/Yli�-.k'Sc>4/ shall be Deputy Returning nffieer, and that FffirDA-k shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near the Smuck School House in the said Sub -Division; and that frc/? i_ t'- j&k5oltl shall be Deputy Returning nfficEr, and that r#t)ts, c/L/ shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 4 shall be held at the Township Hall in the said Sub -Division; `. and that 1111fi k°Y y gf#,4) 7- shall be Deputy Returning officer, and that /Ya�yl7lhlil ,E.>rc;/(, shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Div. That the eleytion for Sub -Division No. 5 shall be held at the . • -,- ;Nomen's Institute Hall in the Village of Corinth; and that wAA.TtR 4/,Ek vt,l shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that ���. r&&1Vf.7jj4.L. shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held 'at the School Hall in the Village of Eden, and that /.cyeNzo 4�Ad-q shall be Deputy Returning 'officer, and that c H4%, • kA:7tWfieAo) shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the School House in the Village of Richmond; and that rC,6U PROCc/N/Ek shall be Deputy Returning officer, and that v,EA/NiE fg7YINtD1LI shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at or near th residence of 4,oV44IM9 FRkSSEY in the said Sub -Division; and that 1,?4 1n1 i cNE1,4 shall be Deputy Poll Clerk, and that nitI j R/j V wiL son/ shall be Poll Clerk in said Sub -Div. AND THAT the said Deputy Returning nfficers and Poll Clerks be an& they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said 1-runicipal Elections in accordance with the Act and t,-� provide for voting,by ballots at the said elections 9 44. READ a third time and finally passed this ' day of is 194 G . e;. L A. i ' t C \ \ G t By -Law N o . l/,.5- / Township of Bay ham. Being a by-law to fix the day for nomination and election f or Municipal Councillors and any other local Boards in the Township of Bay ham. : ERE - S Chap. 60, Sec. 65 and clause (1) of the Revised Statutes of ''�ntarioii as amended 1946, provides that the clay_ fixed for nomination must be at least 14 days prior to the day fixed for polling. THEREF^RE BE IT ENACTiM by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows; - 1. That the last Monday in November shall be the day ffixed for the holding of the nominations for municipal council and other local boards in the Township of Bay- ham and such nominations shall be held at the Township Hall at St raftordville between the hours of ONS P.M. and 7_al0 P. iY`. on such day . 2. That the second Monday in December shall be the day fixed for the holding of the municipal elections for council and other local boards in the said Township of Bayha.m and the polls shall be open from nine o'clock to five O'clock P.M. 3. That By -Laws Numbered 1017 and 1028 are hereby repealed. 4. This by -lava shall remain in force from year to year until repealed. REND a third time and finally passed in open Council this ,2 �' day of C C j D /� �( 194&. Is 3 a Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS j 1122-1157 FILE # 25 1122 5 Sept 44 .,-Provide for an additional road expenditure for 1944. 1124 6 Nov 44 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1125 4 Dec 44 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1126 15 Dec 44 Appoint an Auditor. 1127 2 Jan 45 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1128 2 Jan 45 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1945. 1129 5 Feb 45 Provide for the road expenditures for 1945. 1130 5 Feb 45 Appoint a road superintendent. 1131 5 Feb 45 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1945. 1132 5 Mar 45 Granting privileges to Dominion Natural Gas Coripany Ltd. 1133 5 Mar 45 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1134 5 Mar 45 Define a lawful line fence and fees for Fenceviewers. 1135 7 May 45 Rules and regulations with respect to the Eden Cemetery., 1136 2 Apr 45 Amend bylaw No. 1067. 1137 7 May 45 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1138 5 Jun 45 Setting apart the Township School Area of part of Bayham. 1139 3 Jul 45 Establishment and maintenance of a reserve fund. 1140 1 Oct 45 Include poultry under the Dog Tax and Live Stock Act. 1141 1 Oct 45 Regulate the moving of buildings on Township roads. 1142 1 Oct 45 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1143 29 Oct 45 Provide for the road expenditures for 1945. 1144 7 Jan 46 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1145 7 Jan 46 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1946. , 1146 7 Jan 46 Sell a road in Lot 20, to 8apaxt-y<xir bn land adjacent to it. 1147 4 Feb 46 Provide for road expenditures for 1946. BAYHAM TOWSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1122-1157 ] FILE # 25 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1148 4 Feb 46 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1946. .-,- 1149 1 Apr 46 Appoint Fence --viewers and Pound -keepers. 1150 6 May 46 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1151 3 Jun 46 Amend bylaw No. 1136. 1152 3 Jun 46 Regulate the collection and disposal fo garbage in Bayham. 1153 6 Aug 46 Appoint an officer under Sec. 139 of the Liquor Control Act. 1154 6 Aug 46 Appoint a Clerk --Treasurer for Bayham. 1155 3 Sept 46 Provide for Supplementary Road Expenditures for 1946. 1156 3 Sept 46 The establishment and maintenance of a reserve fund. 1157 1 Oct 46 Provide for the holding of Munc, elections. BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 Bylaw # Date Subject 1158 1 Oct 46 Provide for the payn=t for the destruction of foxes. 1159 16 Dec 46 Provide for general repairs to the outlet of the Cornith lain. 1160 6 Jan 47 Regulate the erection of buildings within Bayham. 1161 6 Jan 47 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1162 6 Jan 47 Appoint certain officers in Bayh m. 1163 6 Jan 47 Appoint a Tax Collector for Bayham. 1164 3 Feb 47 Provide for the road expenditures for 1947. 1165 3 Feb 47 Provide that cheques must be issued and signed by Treasurer. 1166 3 Feb 47 Authorize the Agreement with The Liquor Licence Board. 1167 10 Mar 47 License and regulate taxicabs within Bayham. 1168 10 Mar 47 Provide for the payment of members of the Council. 1169 7 Apr 47 Appoint a road superintendent. 1170 7 Apr 47 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1171 5 May 47 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1172 5 May 47 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1173 5 May 47 Amend bylaw No. 1136. 1174 7 Jul 47 Provide for grant for the Board of Park Management. 1175 6 Oct 47 Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards. 1176 6 Oct 47 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1177 27 Oct 47 Regulating the location of stables, garages, barns,in Bayham. 1178 5 Jan 48 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1179 5 Jan 48 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1948. 1180 2 Feb 48 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1181 2 Feb 48 Provide for the road expenditures for 1948. 1182 1 Mar 48 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. BA_ HAM BYLAW RDC ORDS BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1183 5 Apr 48 Treatment of cattle for Warble Fly Infestation. 1184 23 Apr 48 ,.apt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1185 1 Jun 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police for police proctecti.on. 1186 4 Oct 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Derham. 1187 25 Oct 48 Provide the holding of Munc. elections. 1188 4 Nov 48 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. 1189 3 Jan 49 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1190 3 Jan 49 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1949. 1191 7 Feb 49 Provide for the road expenditures for 1949. 1192 7 Feb 49 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. r By - Law N o . // .�? Y T own sh ip of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the payment of a Bounty for the destruction of foxes within the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS paragraph 17a of section 404 of the l,iunicipal ,-Let provides that a Council of a Municipality may pay a Bounty for the Destruction of foxes; AND 'WHEREAS no such by-law is in force in the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that the destruction of foxes be ,encouraged in the Township of Bayham. THEREFnRE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled; - 1. That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay bounty for the destruction of foxes within the Township of Bayham by residents of the Township of Bayham or the Village of Vienna. 2. That the Bounty fee shall be as follows -P - For each adult fox destroyed - �"00 For each fox pup destroyed - d, DO A. fox shall be considered a pup until such time as it is old enough to have changed in colour to that of an adult f ox. t* 3. That each fox or pelt shall be presented to the Treasurer and application shall be made for Bounty on the proper form. 4. That the Treasurer may require that evidence be produced to prove that the fox was destroyed within the Township of Bayham. READ a third time and finally passed in open Council this day of ( e 7t- 4..Ff 194 6 . eeve. r 'o a Y m Ay -Law 11o, 115: Township of Bayham. i;eina a by-law to s to_-.► u?) and close incl sell a )vrtion of Second Street in the r1aml.et of :dea in the of Bayham. .7 ,1 , 'EAS Cha 2' , Sec. 495, subsection (l) and clause (c) � of t e evised '.tatutes of. :_)nt.,ario 1937 Prov idcs "Gha-t tLe Council of a To-vmship i;ay pass a b ., aw fur ,3to ping up any highway or part of hi h-ieay :n 'or leasi:z or sellin thy: soil �.�ici freehold o:L a stomped u1, hi ;h.say or *)art of a highway; 'D th- s portion of S ocond Street is not .,.t ?present used by the tr .velling public and whereas a portion of a :� building, :�ned by a rate:=,aY;er of adjoining land projects over on this wort, i ��n ol" said stmt'; No. /Z,1,5711 y' 04;' iSiOn cf 'Dgin (NIO. I CERI IFY thai this ins'Jum,_,mt is Gi i u i ftp A i: -0 t By -Law No. /� 9 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for `,eneral repairs and improvement to outlet of the Corinth Drain in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS Section 76 of the Municipal Drainage Act proviOes that the Council of a Municipality may proceed with this work; AND WHEREAS it 'is deemed necessary and expedient that such work be carried wut; AND WHEREAS in the settlement of a writ issued by Irven Murphy against the 'Township of, Bayham in respect of this said Drain, it was agreed that this work be done; ` hEhEkOhE bB. IT ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That Corinth Drain be repaired and the Outlet, namely Stimers Creek, be cleaned out and improved as according to a report and specifications provided by Fred A. Bell and dated at Wit. Thomas, Ontario, November 25th, i%-6, which report and specifications shall be incorporated in this by-law. 2. That the costs., of the .aforementioned work, survey, expenses " and report, Letting and Superintending, Clerk's fees and by-law and allowance to Owner of North half of -Lot 5. Cone. 9 for damages e;tc., be charged to the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the Corinth Drain under report rated August 29th, 1936. Read a third time and passed in open Council this 16th* day of December, 1946• 0 eve. rCle w To the Reeve and Councsi of the Township of Eayham. Gent len;e n: - CORINTH DRAIN RF.YAIR TOWN& HIP OF BAYH. AM . In--,5ccordance with your instructions I beg to report that I have made an examination and survey of the Corinth Drain. I f ind that it is in fair state of repair. The drain would work more efficiently if Stimers creek was I-ArAightened, cleaned out and lowered. The Creek runs through very sandy land and has filled in considerably since it was cleaned in 1%l. In order to keep the bottom of the creek from filling, at the outlet of the tile in the. Corinth ?gain, I recomyrend that it be cleaned from the west side of the road. I recommend that Stimers Creek be cleaned about 600 feet above the outlet, of the the and 800 feet below. its the work will be largely for the purpose of securing an improved outlet, for the Corinth gain, I recommend that tt-:e work be done in accordance with Section 7' of the .Municipal Drainage tict, and that the cost be charged to the lands and » roads assessed for the construction of the Corinth Drain ( report dated August 25th. 1936) . w -2- It 2- It will be nece-,-cary to fill in with soil the holes washed out in the drain and fill in with boulders and soil around the catch basin on the Main Drain lust South of the Canadian National Railway and the one on the branch. I estimate the cost of cleaning out and straightening timers Creek to be as follows:- 1000 ollows:- 1000 cubic yards Excavation Survey, expenses and report Letting and �uperinter►ding Clerk's fees and t3y-Law 35/ t 350.00 ,0.00 1F.00 15.00�� $ 420.00 Allowance to the Owner of the North Yialf of Lot Concession 9, South of the Railway, Township of t5ayham, for damages to lands and crops (if any) occasioned by the disposal of materials, includ- ing the excavation thereof, which I determine to be 20.00 440.00 To this add the cost of repairing the the portion as explained above. All. of which is respectfully submitted, (Signed) Fred A. ;yell, Civil Engineer. St. 'Phomas, Cntario. idovember 25th. 194E. w • h SPECIFICATION FOR THE REPAIR OF THE C ORINTH DRAIN IN THE TOVvVSHIP OF BAYHAIM. 1. The work to be done under this specification comprises the cleaning out and straightening of 1400 lineal feet of Open Drain. E. Stakes are planted along the course of the drain at intervals of 100 feet which are numbered conseoutively from 0 at the head to 14 at the lower end. 3* The cuttings given are to be measured from the surface of the ground to the bottom of the drain. The drain is to have a bottom width of S feet and side slopes of 1 foot horizontal to 1 foot vertical* 4. The earth excavated is to be placed at ' least 6 feet clear of the top edges of the drain and beyond this distance deposited to a width so that the average depth will be about 6 inches as conveniently as can be done by the e quipment.used in making the excavation. After the excavation is completed it is to be levelled by means of a bull dozer or by other satis- factory means. b. Before commencing the excavation, the Contractor is to remove all trees, logs or standing timber, N pull all willows, small trees, etc. for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the eentre.line of the drain. All timber of no value, which has to be out, is to be brushed and placed clear of the excavated earth, which will be reserved for the use of the Owner on whose land it was found. All trees, brush, etc* which are of no value are to be burned. -2- 6. All fences which the Contractor finds necessary to move are to be replaced by him in as good condition as found and as promptly as possible. The Contractor will be held responsible for any damage caused by his negligenoe in not protecting the property of the Owners -of the lands through which the drain runs. 7 • --"O"Stake s set by the Engineer are to be preserved by the Contractor until the work is taken off his hands. 8e The drain will be constructed to the depths given below: - Approximate Distance below Stake Cut Present bottom 0 5f05" ? 1 4' • Q" .10" 2 31010" 11.4" 3 4'•8" 1'.2" 4 V 02" .7" ti d 41.8" 7 51•0" 8 4'+9" 1197" 9 41•1" 11.5" 10 41.1" 1112" 11 31.10" New Cut 12 51.11" " 13 3'.0" " 14 r St. Thomas, Ontario. Civil Engineer. November 25th. 1946. 4 10 SPECIFICATIONS & CUTTINGS FOR REPAIRS TO C 0 R I N T H D R A It N TOWNSHIP OF BAYHLM . Fred. A. Bell, Civil Engineer.