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Bayham By-Laws 1941
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1079 — 1092. 1366 1941 Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS [ 1042-1082 ] FILE # 23 1042 7 Feb 38 Provide for the road expenditures for 1938. / 1043 4 Apr 38 Authorize a certain agrement between Bayham and Dereham. 1046 13 Jul 38 Provide for the road expenditures of Bayham for 1938. 1047 7 Aug 38 Levying a rate of the Township of Bayham for 1938. 1050 9 Jan 39 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1051 23 Jan 39 Recind bylaw no. 646. 1052 23 Jan 39 Provide for the retirement of Benjamin Brian on pension. 1053 23 Jan 39 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1939. 1054 6 Feb 39 Provide regulations to apply to all milk produced for sale. 1055 6 Mar 39 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1057 5 Jun 39 Provide a certain speed limit for motor cars. 1058 17 Jul 39 Levying a rate of the Township of Bayhem. 1059 5 Sept 39 Appoint a Weed Inspector, School attendance officer, and and Board of Health Secretary for 1939. + 1062 2 Jan 40 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1063 2 Jan 40 Provide for the road expenditures for 1940. 1064 2 Jan 40 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1940. 1065 2 Jan 40 Authorize a certain agrement between Bayham and Malahide. 1066 15 Jan 40 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1940. 1067 5 Feb 40 Assessment and collection of taxes. 1068 5 Feb 40 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1069 4 Mar 40 Amend bylaw No. 1064. 1070 4 Mar 40 Authorize the Corp. to enter an agreement with the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ont. for street lighting. 1071 4 Marr 40 Rescind bylaw No. 973. 1072 4 Mar 40 Appoint a road Superintendent. BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW REODRDS BYLAWS [ 1042-1082 ] FILE # 23 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1073 6 May 40 Amend bylaw No. 1064. 1074 6 May 40 Purchase of land for use as a Coin unity Hall. 1075 3 Jun 40 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1076 3 Jun 40 Regulate the use of bathing suits on the public beach. 1077 4 Nov 40 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1078 4 Nov 40 Designate a certain road in Bayham as a through highway. 1079 6 Jan 41 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1080 6 Jan 41 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1941. 1081 3 Feb 41 Provide for the road expenditures for 1941. 1082 3 Mar 41 Appoint Fence -viewers and Po%Ts-keepers. Form 100-38 Ontario .................................. T...I . NS" P... 4k:.. ,f�X�'�Hlv1......................................... . BY-LAW No.....L.G7.y........ 1411 P=jtjbj to authorize the borrowing of $ 5, 000, 00 Whereas the Council of the T o ii T1s f: i p of Ba y l iarrs (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum Of $ J r, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 194 not including if year not,to� hose revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ E0, U00 0 00 (Delete this paragraph if not '` "' ' ' Ak)P ��k XXX]iXa1� k/IX� applicable?. XAXXDW X?CXXYaX Therefore the Council of the T uNynsh i p of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 35, 000.00' to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding Five per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-Iaw, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years froin the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this sixth day of Janua..,,y 19 41 — p..... THE HEAD OF TH MUNICIPALITY , SEAL (. LERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1079 of the Township of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This sixth day of January 19 to As Witness the Seal of the Township of Bay'1am THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL ..........., CLERK y O cr C O v 0 0- 0 • 0 C+ J \p 13Y -LAW N0. ID �?o BEING a By -Law to appoint certain Officers in an,9 for the Municipality of trie Township of Bayiiam for Y„le year 1941 A.D. HF-. IT THEREFOhE. ENACT.IED in regular se:;sion a;-sembled; - `.1. HAT _ --�' shall be asse:-sor for the year at a salary of t THAT Ce, 0. YC) ) ) e- e, shall be a member of the Board of Health. I'HAT /Toot. WI -Can and John Qxood hand shall be Valuators of sheep killed by 3ogs. T1'_AT t/ D. 1491)e e- shall be School Attendance Officer at a salary of,��.� `r iHT !.!/. Cr. Mitt he)) of 4k TEAT d. 9. L d el do at a salary of "!49.--- T HA T T H X'k” (IV. Cr'. An i f c be) } of t c, all be weal Tnspector at a salary s' "l be secretary of the Board of health Fees. sk,a11 oe Col�ector st a salary of t y?6. vv shall be e lie f Officer at. a salary gear'. a tlii.-`9 time and finally passed in o:)en Council this ;.sixth :day of January, 1-'41 A.D. ?e eve . I i By -Law No. 1080. A By -Law to appoint certain of'f'icers for the year 191 1 i T 4 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TUOTTTO March 29th, 1 9 4 1 Iver, D. Vallee Bayham Twp, Clark Strafes ordville , Ont. Dear Sir, Re To,hinship .;,pproUriations for 1941 The Department h'as carefully considered the attached by-law which was passed by your to-rinship to a ,propriate for this years highway ex pend._t•.�res a total of 20,000.00. This is to notify you that government subsidy will be eligible under this by-law on a net total expend'i_ture for 1941 of � 20 , 000.00. Your co-operation tos,aard keepi�ig road. expenditures z -Within this approved amount will be appreciated by the Department. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer of Municipal Roads Pn 1{tEF <6F EtvGINEER MU �►,. MAY, �WSHIP w Form B-6 BY-LAVi 140..1,0$1 A BY --LAVA' TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19_42.EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF Bayh m IN THE COUNTY OF Flid" WEEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O., 1937 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on township roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by-law. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ 20.0()()•00 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and main- tenance of the roads in the said township during the year 19 41 as follows: Road Construction �,,-OL�C►+-Q4--- Bridge Construction Machinery $ 1a 500,Oa Superintendence 900.00 Maintenance & Repair $U ■ 600.00 Total Estimated Expenditure $20_000..00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the latest regulations respecting tovnship roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by-law to the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, for approval on or before February 28th of the present year. Passed at`' ra ordyin_this 3r -do day of Fe -b-0 A.D., 19 }. (SEAL) F. Clerk of the corporation of the toAmship of IR 3thas do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -lav; No.passed by the council of the said corporation on the 3 -rd- day of Feb. 1 ,,. % r ci Et4GINEER OF 14 YrNSHIP CLERK Form B-6 BY-LAW NO . 1 a g I A BY -LAVA' TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19_*_EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP r�z 19r OF IN THE COUNTY OF WHEREAS Oe Hight ay Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O., 1937 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on township roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by-law. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $2,104. AM' 191D is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and main- tenance of the roads in the said township during the year 19AI/ as follows: Road Construction Ct /0 -ay 'DO Bridge Construction $ Machinery Superintendence %DD • D Q Maintenance & Repair s4 -so o - C)o AV Total Estimated Expenditure $g , W., (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the latest regulations respecting township roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by-law to the Municipal Department of Highways, for approval on or before February 28th of the Passed at his _day of - (S E A L) f (SEAL) i • CLERK VE w Roads Branch, present year. 19 I, Clerk of the corporation of the township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -lav: No. passed by the council of the said corporation on the day of 0 TOWNSHIP CLERK r I By -Law No. 1082. Township of Baynam. Being a By -Law to appoint Fence -Viewers and Pound -Keepers in and for the Township of Bs;itiam for the year 1941 H.P. WHERE -Ab it is deemed necessary and expedient to annoint certain officers in and for the Township of Baynam for +tile year 191.11 H.n. BE IT THENEPOhE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assrQmbled, that the following apnoint- thente be made for the year 1941 A'.7). fence -Viewers for 1941. Pound -Keepers, for 1941. 1. Lloyd Jackson, Vienna R.R.111 nlbert Moore'` 2. w . L. Came ran, P t . Burwe 15A) �� ,Wt'� . 3 Robt . McLean, Vienna,� z . � T. C. Thomson✓ 4. Wm. Berdan, S4.raffordvilleb' 1+- R. Garnham✓ 5. Harry Sexton, Vienna, R . h .2'' 5. John A. Jauks.onv 6. Fred Be nnery 6. Morley Hotcrhki s s%,' 7.Ernest Holmariv 7. �_� et, -0 ..� __�.. 8. Carman Miall" Be wm. Brinnv 9. Flgin Underhill' 9. Keg. Mcwuigganv 10. �rQ_d Kennedy ;�� 10. kobt . MnLeanv 11. Geo. S. Elliott 11. `, .. 12. Monty wilsorav 12. ,. 13. k. 5ilverthorne 13. L. Joyce, Pt. Burwell' 14. Lloyd Herron✓ 14. Judson 3a11'r 15. Geo. Procuniery 15. PSI. Inman" 16. j n•�• o ;'Rohl F�e.v,,,ol� 16. J. D. Stewart'' 17. Ira btilwell.`' 17. Daniel Pearson'' 18. Geo. Procuniery 15. Cecil Beamery 20. Clarence Wolf ek# 21. R. 1'. Moodyv 22. Roy Nev i llr 23. Ernest dolman'' 14 �T- 25. W. L. Wrhitev 26. ward Beymerv' 27. Wallace ►leeks`: READ a third time and finally passed in open Council this Third day of March 19111 A.D. Reeve. e rx. O O a ►o xo m w be CD r 11111 0) to m g Mn o o o ►71 , C F- M M G �$ cc N CD N M m • BAYHAM 'IOWSHIP BYLAW RDCORDS BYLAWS j 1083-1121 ) FILE # 24 01 Bylaw # Date Subject -------------- 1083 3 Mar 41 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1941. 1084 3 Mar 41 Adopt thef`assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1085 7 Apr 41 Authorize the town of Bayham to pay for street lights. 1086 5 May 41 Rescind bylaw No. 1083. 1088 5 May 41 License dogs and regulate the running at large thereof. 1089 5 May 41 Armond Bylaw No 1067. 1090 5 Aug 41 Authorize the Central Pipe Line Crxnp. to construct, use and operate works required for the transmission of gas. 1091 3 Nov 41 Prohibiting, abating or regulating noises in Bayham. 1092 1 Dec 41 Appoint an Acting Medical Officer of Health in Bayham. 1093 5 Jan 42 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1094 5 Jan 42 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1942. 1095 2 Feb 42 Provide for the road expenditures for 1942. 1096 21 Feb 42 Provide for the overexpenditure on roads in Bayham for 1942. 1097 2 Mar 42 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1098 4 May 42 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1100 8 Sept 42 Provide for the borrowing of $ 5,000.00 for a new school. 1101 8 Sept 42 Provide for the Bell Canada approval to lay lines on highways, streets, and other places. 1002 2 Sept 42 See as bylaw # 1101. 1103 5 Oct 42 Grant leave of Absence to the treasurer. 1106 4 Jan 43 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1107 4 Jan 43 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1943. 1108 1 Feb 43 Provide for the road expenditures for 1943. 1109 1 Mar 43 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1110 5 Apr 43 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. BAYHAM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1083-1121 FILE # 24 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1111 5 Apr 43 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1112 3 May 43 Authorize the }:growing of $ 13,000.00 for a new school. 1113 3 May 43 Provide Bell Canada authorization to lay phone lines on highways in Bayham. 1114 Oct 15 43 Close up road allowance on lots 11 and 12 in Bayham. 1115 1 Nov 43 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1116 3 Jan 44 Aithorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1117 3 Jan 44 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1944. 1118 7 Feb 44 Provide for the road expenditures for 1944. 1119 ? ? 44 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1120 3 Apr 44 Appoint Fence --viewers and Pound -keepers. 1121 5 Sept 44 Close road through parts of lots 5 and 6 in Bayham. 0. 13y -Law L410 . 10,115,13 Township of Bayhan . Being a by --Law tr; a,,r)oir.t an yssoc roY' for the -rear 1941 who chal�. take tie rise:: wiert of t :e Townchin of Bayhan .,Iuri'n7, the nerlol bet -ween June Ist. and 5fptE;nC)Ar° 70+i1. �c- for the year 11-- WhFhF.A' it 4,,s necessPry to appoint an asses: or for the taking c,{. t: of +--e 'Township of syharn for t: -ie year 2'4' 2 Burin,- the eforementione I-erio,i THE: hE� QhE 6L IT 1. That shall. 4c the AssQFsov i -or the Township Of Ba-Yham for the taking of the Pbove mentione:", assessment. ., . ..att tilt alsry of the l Assessor slis- 1 be rr e PrrjM. �N hl -AD a ti.ir-i time and finally passers t, -kis -lav of 14)" 1 A. T). !teEve . O 'U 'O O fi Sn m cn p �n [A • r,^ rf) O Cl N �r. By -Law No. 1085 Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to adopt tie asseesment on ^shish the taxes shall be levied for the year 1y41, to levy t .e taxes for the year lAl an.1 to provide for the collection thereof. WhENEa6 by by -Late No. 1067 of the Township of Bayham, passed on the 5th. dRy of February 1940, the Council of the said Township vrovi(at d for the making of the assessment of the Municipality prior to 1st. lad• 6�May, 191 0, as the asFcn.,z gent on which the rate of taxation for tlle Near 1 )iLl should be levied; AND 'h'h .R AS the assessment roll containing the assecc.rment mRde as aforesaid was revisers, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the 7th. day of Octob�,r 1910; AND , BEREAS there Were no ap�,eals from the Court, of Revision or that all aopeals from the Court of Revision have been heard and decided; AND AHF.HF:AS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assess- ment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1941 shall be levied; AND THLREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate - .able property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of S67,00e cu for the general purposes of the said Towns io for t. iep current year, for, the- payment of the County rates for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying paft of the expenses of Public, and High Scho6l education, and other purposes; THEREFORE Tilt: COUNCIL OF' THE CORPORATION OF THL TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Law No. 1067 of the said Township, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and a the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on.which .0 the rate of taxation for the year 1)41 shall be levied. 2. That the sail assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed. as tree last revised assessment roll for the sajo Township. 3. That, f or tree purpose of providing tale sum af' �/, 0#0- of for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County rates and other purposes for the current year, a rate of /7.0 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1941 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, which is made up ens W follows: - General Rate -------------- - I0. v mi 2. is being #0 mills less / mills' deduction as provided by the Ontario Goverrunent Subsidy, Count; Rates -----_-_.._Y__-.. I' mills 7-po. OD� That , in addit;on, for the purpose of providing the sum ofd ,5Ot? 00 for Public School Education for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levies' for the year 1941 upon the respective portions of the said asc.essment of the Public Sohool support of the said Township accoxldtng to the last revised ascessment roll, as indicated here-under;- Genie."al Public School Kate an assessment of t2, 235, 087. Yublie' School Section No. 1 do 4 123, 300. --- .?•o do r fJo. 2 do 237, 5P6. -- g• ofAm,0 do No. 3 do �" 9e,0500 coo do No. 4 do 77,710. -- S`/ do do No- 5 do 62, 810. -- 4•0 do do No. 6 do 68,96-0, -- .2•0 do do No. 8 do 113, 661. -- .2.4 do do No. 7 do 56,!429. -_ 6.2 do do Noe 10- do'; 11G, 375. --- 3'0 do do No. 11 do 103,625. -- 7.7 do do No* 12 do 103,251- -- 3.9 do '10 No . 14 do 1 216-,,789* -- V' 'I do do No. 15 do 89-9650,o 3.7 do do No. 16 do 280,173. -- 7- *7 do do No. 17 do 116, 300. -- 3.0 do do No. 18 do 217, 895. -- 3-V do do No. 23 do 1521W3 -- Z 2 do do Vienna do 28,.715.... -==.%6•�° . rho �. That, tin Rddition, for the purpose of providing the Sum ,of Ik/.2/D. CO for necessary expenditures in the Police Village�of Port Burwell for the current year, +rile and for the purpose of providing the duet of 4-4-er S.226••0c for street lighting purposes in the Hamlet of Straffordville for tyle current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1941 upon the following ae:ressment according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township. Police Village of Port Burwell assessment of 5209,807. -- 44 Straflordville Street Lights do 6. The Clerk shall prepare: and deliver the Collectors roll to the mills do Collector on or before the 20the day of May 1%l. ' 7* all taxes or other speoial rates shall be paid into the Office of the Treasurer or Colltector of the Towgship of Hayham or into the •branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at ctraffordville and Tillsonburg and Port Burwell. 6. Taxes shall become payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1941 and one-half on or before December 20th. 1911. Penalties for non- payment shall be as provided in By -Law No. 1067 of the said Tonnrblp o• Rill ametZli'.'ten+s t:lereto• 9. The Collector shall have the privelf FF- of mailing the tax notice", to the several tax payers if he so -lesires. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff maL; seize any goo is for unpail taxes. dead a Third time and finally passed in open Ccuncil this Third day of March 1541 A. D. ,. Reeve. ^Iprk. C A by-. w No /0�S`.�� Township of Sayham. being a 'By -Law to authorize the Treasurer of the Township of Bayham to pay the costs of the installation of the Street. z ir; :ts in the Hamlet of Straffordville, out of the general funds of the Township Knd tc authorize the Clerk to cha tge the same to the rater ayers within the area assessed for th!E: said ;:treEt Ligi�ts. VriIE.RLAS t.ie Coupe of the Township of 5a;�'.la�n have agreed to finance the costs of tr e installation of t;:e Said Street L.-Ights out of the rencral Township funds and that the Same silall be repai•3 to t:.e Township over a period of 10 years from money ra{ sol for that purpose within the � o enef.l.u,epi ai'e a. HNP 'L -)y -Law No. 1U70 has been passed by this Municipality, authorizing ti:e Corporation to enter into an ogre tY^e I -It with the Electric Comr:.ission of Ontario in connection with the aforesai.19 C tY•eet, IIigrhts . NUN T.IIEREIOhF be it enacted;- -1 nacted;- jTnat the Treasurer of the Township of bayham. be and hereby is authorized to :gay the costs of the installation of the. . Street- Lights.:of.. the hamlet of Straffordville out of the general funds` af- the >ai�l% Town: hip. r 2. That the Clerk of the aforesaid Municipality be and hereby is autr.orizcl to place^ on the Collectors Moil for the SaLi Townsh i , for collIention in true same merrier as other municipal taxes, and anportuoned to trie various properties benefited by a special mill rate, a sum to cover tele arrlount necessary to pay back tills money over A nerio-I of ter. years ar:�i Mitis interest at five per cent and in e:il.)nj annual installments, 3: The.- Clerk: shall -bb►_:authorized.. to place such further sum on ti -Ie Roll and collectible in the same manner, as may be necessary to paj the "costs o service charges, upkeep, repairs and management of the said Street LiOts. 4. That the sum to be collected in the ten equal annual payments of ' the installation costs for the said lights shall be 5131.58. I RrAD a 'third time and finally passed this Seventh day of April, l^hl A.D. �ieeve. C erk. f By' -Law No. 1085. To authorize the financi►* of the- Straffordville Street Light. through the general funds. 10 } I ,;y -Law No . 1p e4 TownsiAp of liay:iam. beim; a r5y-Law to rescind t3y-Law No. 10L',? and to a�)point Rn xsceFSor f oz° the year ,1,1111-hEAS it is nPCE s nary and expe -hent to rescJ',.r,( BY -Lav "o. 10E3 an,j thus nececs ary to a,)poir;t an Afsec-sor to replace f?rir, Tiartlett ..ho was appointe l by t^ie Rbove mentioned By -Law; `1dL-KEPDXE �NACTI:D;- 1. That t}y-Law No. 1083 be and the same is hereby resr.inr'e�j. 2. T..at Vim. G. Mitchell be and hereby is appointel m-se:�-cor fcr tl,.e 1cwr�..:An of t:aYriam for trle ,r.,ar 1941 at a a.i_a.;- of :30G.`O ;.lug !0-" 811 dog taxes collected by him for tl�P �-Ai�! year. k14 Aid H L'.►�IrD I'i!,.T and finally passed this F'ifti- lay of Maar 101:1 A.''* j<.ee�rt . Oler;c. HP oint irk ��nr . G . ,I IT`3. LL a eS-OY' iUI' �i9�.;� an rer,ir.3irg By -Law No. 1023. • E Ll BY-LAW NO. /09,f TOWNSHIP OF' BAY.'ik,14. Being.a By -Law to License and Require the Registration of hogs and to Impose a License Fee on the Owners, Possessors or harborers of Then. '1FILE?EA5 it is desireable to impose a license fee on the owners, possessors or harborers of dogs and also to license and reotj.re the registration_ of dogs ani to restrain and regulate the running at large thereof. NOW ThER F'O"l— be it enacted and it is hereby enacted as a Fay -Law of the Corporation of the Township of Ba,yriarm as follows; - 1. For tree purpose of this By -Law, "dog" sliall mean any dog, male or female, and `10 ner" of a ,3og shall include ani person he possesses or harbors a (3 3. No dog shall be permuted to run at large in tl�e Township of BRyham at any time unless registered pursuant to Section L of this Hyi4Law and unless the said dog wears the = metal'- tag referred to in said Section 4. v. -very person who owns, posses: es or harbors any doh; within the Town. -hip of Bayham shall before the 30th. day of September, or when demanded by the Assessor, in each year file ait.h the Assessor of the said Tot7ns 4ip some description b; which the dog or dogs owned, po_sessed or harbored by hint may be readily identified and known, together with the naive and address of the owner, and upon payment to the Assessor of the tax by this By -Law imposed and upon delivery to .the Assessor of such description it shall be the duty of the. Assessor to x'eg-.s.tti=r- ceme by number .for tine year conl►iencing on the first '3sy of January of such registr*tioii ani to furnish the oviner with ametil tag, on which shall be inscr,i-bed letters , and figures. indicating the year fdr which such tax has b,.M'En• paid and 'a number correspuliding with the number under which such dog is for the t=r,.e 'ociiig registered in t'r'ee books of the Assessor,., together ►rith a written license for that year. The metal. tag shall be worn attached to a collar on tree neck of the dor; .wring the said year._._for which said licenss has been granted, and the granting of such license shall be authority for the said doh; to he At large in the Towrlchir the ;year. fcr which the license has been krante-j exeept of, Ba;rioa; durang as prc.itis:d by Ser tions , 91 11 and 12 of tL s By -Law. 5. No person scall rgister a :itch as a �riele dog or w!.lfull�,• give to tY.e Assessor a =ong Adesr;: ration of the d'.og which he or she rewi .res. to be registered and licenced. G. NTo person shall use any such metal tai; or attach the QRmA to a collar for any dog otYier than the dog for which the same was furnished as aforesaid* 7. It shall be the duty of the Assessor to keep a book ir which he shall record the name of the owner of every dog retg stered under tie provisions of this Hy -Lary, date of such registration, thedescription of the dog, the registration number and the amolant of the' tax paid, and it shall be the duty of the Assessor to make a return to the Council of il:_e Township of Baynam shoving the cumber of dogs upon which taxes Piave been paid under this By -Law and which have been licensed as hereinbefore nrovieed ard, also the navies of the owners who have paid the. license fee and who have registered under this By-Lavr. It eYiall likewise be the fluty of the Assessor to ;perform all vthf;r duties explicitly or impliedly required to; be done by him under the provisions of this By -Law. 8. No person shall suffer or permit any dog of which he is owner, even if licensed -under this By -Law, to run at large in the Township of Bayham if such dog is of a vicious or ferocious disposition or suffering from W a communicable disease or has been known to snap at or bite mankind or to t fight with other dogs and bark at or chase vehicles upon public highways. 2. Ti.e owner of any 16g within the limits of the Township of Bayliam S« shall pay annually and before the Thirtieth day of September, in each ."17 year, to the ,assessor, Constable or Clerk of the Corporation of the V Township of Baynarn, a license fee of Two Dollars (1)2.00) for every dog �IL 111i or spayed bitch and Four Dollars for every bitch and Fvur 1o'_lars each /71/) �19�� for each additional dog which he or she may own, possess or harbor within -- " the limits of tree Township of i3ayham. 3. No dog shall be permuted to run at large in tl�e Township of BRyham at any time unless registered pursuant to Section L of this Hyi4Law and unless the said dog wears the = metal'- tag referred to in said Section 4. v. -very person who owns, posses: es or harbors any doh; within the Town. -hip of Bayham shall before the 30th. day of September, or when demanded by the Assessor, in each year file ait.h the Assessor of the said Tot7ns 4ip some description b; which the dog or dogs owned, po_sessed or harbored by hint may be readily identified and known, together with the naive and address of the owner, and upon payment to the Assessor of the tax by this By -Law imposed and upon delivery to .the Assessor of such description it shall be the duty of the. Assessor to x'eg-.s.tti=r- ceme by number .for tine year conl►iencing on the first '3sy of January of such registr*tioii ani to furnish the oviner with ametil tag, on which shall be inscr,i-bed letters , and figures. indicating the year fdr which such tax has b,.M'En• paid and 'a number correspuliding with the number under which such dog is for the t=r,.e 'ociiig registered in t'r'ee books of the Assessor,., together ►rith a written license for that year. The metal. tag shall be worn attached to a collar on tree neck of the dor; .wring the said year._._for which said licenss has been granted, and the granting of such license shall be authority for the said doh; to he At large in the Towrlchir the ;year. fcr which the license has been krante-j exeept of, Ba;rioa; durang as prc.itis:d by Ser tions , 91 11 and 12 of tL s By -Law. 5. No person scall rgister a :itch as a �riele dog or w!.lfull�,• give to tY.e Assessor a =ong Adesr;: ration of the d'.og which he or she rewi .res. to be registered and licenced. G. NTo person shall use any such metal tai; or attach the QRmA to a collar for any dog otYier than the dog for which the same was furnished as aforesaid* 7. It shall be the duty of the Assessor to keep a book ir which he shall record the name of the owner of every dog retg stered under tie provisions of this Hy -Lary, date of such registration, thedescription of the dog, the registration number and the amolant of the' tax paid, and it shall be the duty of the Assessor to make a return to the Council of il:_e Township of Baynam shoving the cumber of dogs upon which taxes Piave been paid under this By -Law and which have been licensed as hereinbefore nrovieed ard, also the navies of the owners who have paid the. license fee and who have registered under this By-Lavr. It eYiall likewise be the fluty of the Assessor to ;perform all vthf;r duties explicitly or impliedly required to; be done by him under the provisions of this By -Law. 8. No person shall suffer or permit any dog of which he is owner, even if licensed -under this By -Law, to run at large in the Township of Bayham if such dog is of a vicious or ferocious disposition or suffering from W a communicable disease or has been known to snap at or bite mankind or to t fight with other dogs and bark at or chase vehicles upon public highways. a 0 9. No person shall suffer or permit ary bitch of which he is the"owner, even if licensed under this By -Law, to run at large within trip; To rnsh,ip of Bayham while in heat. 10. No person shall v:ithout the consent of the owner remove any metal tag from any licensed dog. 11. No ncrson Shall suffer or permit any dog of which he is the owner, even if licensed under this By -Law, to be in or upon any public highivey or in any public place in the said Township of Bay_iar, between the hours of sunset and da;roreak unle^c under the control of some person by mea -Ir of a leash or chain. 12. No person steal." Suffer or permit, any ;jog of which lie is the owner, euen if licensed under this By -Law, t.c run at large within the Township of t3ayham luring sue i periods as shall be prescribed in any proclamation issued under .t autnu: ity of this by-law uri .ef:s such ,log s ia1I br-, 1re?±} ly :nuzzled b;� a good, strong and suo U�_ tial muzzle. 13. The peeve of tale Township of Bayham at any tiyre inien authorize,? so to Io by a resolution of the Council imay issue a proclamation r_nlarinP_, ttSLt no :dog :ohall be peri-iiitt,01 to i --un at large within the Township of : Bayiiam at the nate of 1Qof all mons cvileeted by him under t«is 3y -Law. 22. By -Law No. 823 of the Towii6liip of Baysiam ie +iereby repealed. J Red a Third time and finally passeli in open Council u-iiis day of • 1941, A.D. reeve.. f 7 $ 0 46 M 1 M 4 e+ H w O m r A a f�f a c+ /4 • N A• � f� o OD C+ o p' A o � m �+ o C+ �o By -Law No. l off Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to amend By -Law No. 1067 of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that certain parts of the above mentioned by-law be amended. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham; 1. That the'last sentence in Clause No. 2 of Township of Bayham By -Law Number 1067 shall be and hereby is changed to read as follows;- "Court of Revision of. the assessment for the year 1941 shall be held at the Town Hall, Straffordville, Monday, October 7th. 1940 at two o'clock p.m., and on the first Monday in NOVEMBER at two o'clock p.m. each year thereafter for each subsequent year" 2. That the last sentence in Clause No. 3 of the above mentioned By -Law shall be and hereby is changed to read as follows;- "Provided further that a penalty of one percent shall be added to all taxes not paid when due and thereafter a further penalty of one-half of one percent shall be added each month for such period as the first instalment of taxes may remain due'and unpaid up to the end of each current year." READ a third Unie, and finally passed this Fifth day of May A.D. 191 1 - Reeve. Clerk. By-law Numb e r Of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF&T1 A By-law to authorize the Central Pipe Line Company, Limited, (hereinafter called the "Company") to construct, use and operate works required for the transmission of gas. FINALLY passed the � da of1194%! AL pa y WHEREAS the Company h s requested th Municipal Corporation of the Township of�to grant to it a franchise or right of,.tering upon the Highways or hereafter within the jurisdiction of the said Corporation for the purpose of con- struction lines, works,or systems for the transmission of gas, and the right to construct, use and operate works for the said purpose. AND WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Council of the said Township has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT 'THEREFORE ENACTIRD by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of�-n/as follows: 1. The consent,permission, full right and authority of the Corporation of the Township of hereinafter called the "Corporation" are hereby giv,,n and granted to Central Pipe Line Company, Limited, to enter upon the highways of the said Municipality and to lay, construct, maintain and operate therein mains and pipelines and all field lines, branch lines, service pipes, connections, apparattks, appliances and attach- ments necessary or incidental to a system or systems for the purpose of transmitting gas through the said riunicipality,and also for the purpose of collecting gas from wells now drilled or that may hereafter be drilled on lands in the said lAunicipal- ity and carrying same to a transmission line and to construct, use and operatoe upon the said highways all works required for the transmission and collection of gas not intended '.for sale or use in the said Municipality, except to persons whose lands abut on the highways along or across which same is carried or conveyed, or to persons whose land lies within such limits as the Council, by By-laws passed from time to time, determines should be supplied with any of such services. 2. The Reeve and Clerk of the said Muncipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute o:0 behalf of the Municipality an Agreement in the form hereto annexed, and to affix the corporate seal thereto. 3. , This By-law shall come into force and take effect immediately after the Agreement hereto annexed shall have been executed by all th• parties hereto. .. •'i THIS AGREE;r1ENT made in duplicate this Sixteenth day of December, A.D., 1940. BETWEEN: THE CORPORI?TIOT; OF THE TOINSHIr OF hereifigfter called THE CORPORATION OF THE FIRST PART THE CENTRAL PIPE LINE COMPANY LII�rST:ED hereinafter called THE COMPANY OF THE SECOND PART WHERETh Company requested the Corporation of the Township o to grant to it a franchise or right to enter upon the hig ways now or hereafter within the iurisdiction of the stid Corporation for the purpose of constructing lines, works or systems for the transmission of gas, and the right to construct, use and operate works for the said purpose. ANS) 7,T1T, -'AS the said Coir ,r ion has, by By-law passed on the U day of ed the said Franchise fron., and after the date of t execution of this Agreement an. has authorized and empoweted the Reeve and Clerk of the said Corporation to execute this agreement and to affix there- to the Corporate seal of the 14unieipality. 1. NOW THEREFORE THIS WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obligations hereinafter contained on the part of the said Company, the said Municipality does hereby grant unto the said Company, its successors and assigns, full right, power, permission and consent to enter upon the highways of the said Municipality, to lay, construct, maintain and oper=ate V-erein and pipelines and all field lines branch lines, service pipes, connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments necessary or incidental to a system or systems for the purpose of trans- mitting gas thrcugh the said mui nicipality, and also for the purpose of collecting gas from wells now drilled or that may hereafter be drilled, on lands 1n the said Municipality and carrying same to a ,transmission line and to construct, rise and mains operate upon the said highways all works required for the trans mission and collection of gas not intended for sale or use in the said Municipality, except to persons whose lands abAt on the highways along or across which same is carried or con- veyed. or to persons whose land lies within such limits as the Council, by- By-laws passed from time to time, determines should be supplied with any such services, 2. The fr n hise hereby granted shall be for a term of Ten years fro %ter the final passing of this By-law and so long thereafter as the said lines are in actual use for the transportation of gas. 3. The said pipe lines shall be laid along the highways in locations and such manner as shall be approved by the Reeve of the Corporation from time to time being, or the Road Supt. or such other officer as may be appointed by the Council of of the Corporation for that purpose, and the oharges,of such Reeve, Road 4pt., or other office, attending, to give such approval shall be paid by the Company. The Company shall file a plan in the office of the Township Clerk showing the location and depth of all pipe lines laid by the Company on all highways under the jurisdiction of the Township. '& w �1 -2- 4. All pipe lines shall be placed underground below plough depth, if required by the Officers of the Corporation along thw sides of the said highways in locations approved by the Off- icers of the Corporation, where it shall be necessary to cross any such highways the pipes shall be placed in conduits under the highway and in no case shall the surface of the highway be broken for the purpose of placing gas mains the travelle,:j' portion of the Highway. All pipe lines shall be so placed or constructed as not to obstruct or interfere with the use of any of the Highways or to obstruct or interfere with or cause damage to any sewers, water - pipes, drain, ditches thereon or therein or with any works or improvements or repair thereof or with the roads or bridges to properties confronting thereon. The Reeve or Road Superintendent shall have the right to order changes in the location of any pipe lines or other appurtenances if the same shall be necessary for the better use of any Highway or for the construction of drains or ditches or other works pa��such Highways. 5. All regulators, valves, boxes or any other appliances or appurtenances used by the Company in connection with the transmission of gas on the highways of the Corporation shall only be placed in locations approved by the Reeve or Road Supt. of the Municipality, or such other officer as may be app- ointed by the council for the purpose. 6. Upon the layin- down of the said pipe -lines or the construction of other works hereby authorized, or taking any of the same up, or moving the same from place to place in any highway, the highway shall be left unbroken on its surface and in as safe and good a state of repair as it was before it was entered upon or opened, notwithstanding that it may be necessary for the Company, by its agents, to return from time to time and fill in the highway when the same may have settled to the satisfaction of the Road Supt, of the Corporation. 7. The Company shall use all practical and proper *eans to prevent the escape and leakage of gas from its mains, pipes and the causing of any damage or injury thereby to any person or property and the Company will r?Ake good to the Corpor- ation and all. persons affected, all damage which they may be caused by the works or operations of the Company or by reastn of any leagage**of . gas from the pipes. 8. And the Company shall indemnify and save harmless the Corporation against all actions or suits, all loss, costs, damages and expenses which the Corporation may bear, suffer or be put to by reason of or in conse-iuence of the construction, operation or maintenance of the works hereby authorized, or any of them, or by reason of anything done by the Company under the powers conferred upon it by the By-laws above referred to or by reason of any failure on the part of the Company to observe or perform the.obligations imposed upon it by the said By-law, and will pay any judgment and costs obtained against the Corporation. in respect to any of the matters aforesaid whether founded on negligence or otherwise. 9. Upon the termination of this franchise for any cause whatever, the Company shall after six months written notice by the Corporation addressed to the Company, by registered mail: at Chatham, Ontario, requesting it so to do shall remove its mains, pipe and works from the streets and highways of the Corp- oration and restore such streets and highways to the condition in which the same were previous to such removal and to the sat- isfaction of the Reeve or the Road Supt. Provided if such maines pipes, plant and works, and all other equipment of the Company are not removed by the Company within one year after the date of the Mailing of such registered notice, to remove, all such wines, pipes, plants, works and equipment shall forthwith be forfeited to and become the absolute property of the Corpovation, and dealt with or disposed of as the Corporation may think proper, and for the sole use and benefit of the Corporation, and the Corp- oration shall it ho -,way be liable to the Company for anything so seized, possessed or forfeited. 10. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as giv- ing and granting to the Company an$ exclusive franchise for any or all purposes embraced therein. 11. This By-law and Agreement entered into pursuant there- to is subject to all statutes, orders or rules made or to be made by lawful constituted authority, having jurisdiction in the premises 12• This agreement shall enure to the benefit og, and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successor and assigns, but this agreement may not be assigned by the company of the second part except with the consent in writing of the Corpavation of the first part. IN WITNESS THERE§F the said parties have caused to be affixed hereto their respective corporate seals and the heads of their pamper offices in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DtLIVERED in the presence of Reeve Clerk Ftv�Prteident Secretary 10 ■ i K a 7y -lay, 1141umber 1.,1�') 0 f. T11 COR?ORATI::N OF T L OF BAYH.AM A Ey-law to a?athorize the Central Pipe Line Company, LimUed, (her,,inafter called t. -.,e "Company") to constuuct, use and op�-rate ;corks required for the transmissi�..n of gas. FINALLY i_assed on the 5th day of August, 1941. WHEREAS the Company has re -guested the municipal Corporation of the To 3nship of Bayham to grr:nt to it a fran- chise or right of entering upon the nigh:=lays`,,or hereafter within the jurisdiction of the said Corporati::n for the ,;ur- pose -f construction lines, works, o systems for thi trans- mission of .gas, and the right to construct, use and operate works for the said purpose. AND WHE-1. -AS subject to the t.,-rms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Cr`uncil of the s�--tid Towns ,ip has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREF T .E ENACTED � y the C �)uncil of tae Corporat_on of the To�anship of Eayh�_m as follows: 1. The consent, permission, fall right and authority of the Corporation of the Tot-nsiaip of Bayham, hereinafter called the "Corporation" are hereby given and granted to Centr 1 Pipe Line Company, Limited, to enter upon the highways of the ss. i d 1.:unici pality a:-ld to la;7, construct, maintain and operate thcr,t-in mains and pipelines and ull field lines, branch lines.. service -ipes, connectionsg apparatus, appliances and attach- ments necessary or incidental to a system or systems for . the purpose"of transmitting gas through the said ?municipality, and also for the purpose of collecting g" -,s from wells now' drilled or that ma)r hereafter be drilled on lands in the said Municipal- ity and carrying sane to a transmission line and to construct, use and operate upon the said highways all works required for the transmission and crollecti-:)n of gas not intended for sale or use in the said Municipality, except to 1�ersons ::hose lands abut on the highways along or across which same is carried or conveyed, or to persons w-:ose land lies witw_in such limits -as the Council, by By-laws passed from time to time,, determines should be supplied eith any of such services. 2. T)Le Reeve and Clerk cf the said Municipality are hereb authorized and em,:�oy,;ere.d to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality an agreement in the form hereto ,annexed, and to affix the corporate seal thereto. 3. This by-law shall come into force said -�uke effect immediately after the Agreement hereto ann-exed shi-.11. lza-v a been executed by all the parties hertto. Read a third time and finnally passed this F,if th day of A,zgust, 1941 R ?..........�00�9.. ..... •... Clerk .............re46voo .. w VIIS AGREEMENT mAe in duplicate this Sixteenth day of December, A.D., 1940. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATI "-N OF THE TOMISHIP OF LAY L,' hereinafter called THE CORPORATION OF THE FIRST "':.RT THE C"_N"TP L PIPE LINE COMPA14Y LIMITED hereinafter called THE C "MPANY : UERE'AS The Company the Towns ip of Bayham to grant to enter upon the highways now diction of the said Corporation ing lines, works or systems for rigiat to construct, use and op OF THE SECOND PART requested tr,.e Corporati n of to it a franchise or right or hereaf tor -.,.Ithin the juris- for the purpose of construct- th; transmission of` gas, and the rate works for the said purpose. A'D ':HERrFAS the said Corporation has, by Ey-law pas3ed on the 5th day of Aug.,-A.D. 1941 granted the said Franchise from and after the dr,. to of the execution of this Agreeme.-�t and has aut -)orized and empowered 4�ie Reeve and Clerk of the s. ---:id Corporation to execute this agreement and to affix thereto the Corporate seal of ttlle Municipality. 1. NO T �E�T�FFORF THIS WITNESSETH thEl t in considerati,.,n of the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obligations hereinafter contained on the part of t' -.e said Company, the said MyZI gipa-" t, does hereby grant unto the st-Ad Company, its sued@ sora anal assigns, full right, poti:ero Rermission and consent to enter upon th- x�igh.,:a,.rs of t1he said baunieipality, to lay, construct, maintain and operate therein mains and pipelines and all field lines branch lines, se,vice ries, connections, a! paratus, appliances and aj,tac��.ments. Y.e e: s- a.ry or incidental to a system or systems for the pur;ose- of trans- mittixig gas thr ugh the said muaicipalityj,- and `also for the purpose -of collecting gas from wells now drilled or that -may hereafter be drilled on lands in the said Municipality and carrying same to a transmission line and to construct, use and opf-,rate upon the said highways all works required for tr_e transmission and collection of gas not intended for sale or use in the said municipality, except to p_!rsons wrzcse lands abut on the highways along or across w :ich same is ca dried or veyed, or to persons v,,laose land lies within such limits a the Council, by By-laws passed from time t. time, determines should be supplied with any sucLi serviC-es. 2. The franchise hereby granted shall be for a term of Ten y!ars from and after the final passing of this ?y -law and so long thereafter "s th.. s_ -id lines are in actua- use for the transportation of gas. 3. The said pipe lines shall be laid along the highways in locations and such manner as shall be approved by the" Reeve of tht-: Corporation from time to time being, or the Road Supt. or such other officer as may be appointed by the Council of the Corporation for that purpose, and the charges of such Reeve, Road Supt.0 or other office, attending, to give such approval shall be paid by the Company. The Company shall file a plan in the office of th'-�. Township Clerk sh,.wing the locati :n and depth of all pipe lines laid try -.the Company on all highways under the jurisdiction of the Township. M ._2- 1r. All pipe lines shall be placed underground below plough depth, if required b;i the Officers of the Corporation along the sides of the said highways in locations approved by the Officers of the Corpo`.�ation, :.here it shall be necess: ry to cross any such highways the pipes shall be placed in conduits under the highv..ay and in no case shall bhe surface of the hil gh- way be broken for the purpose of placing gas mains the travelled portion of the highway. All pipe lines shall be so placed or constructed as not to obstruct or interfere ith the use of any of the fiigh%ays or to obstruct or interfere with or cause damz:ge to any sewers, water -pipes, drain, ditches theroon or therein or with any works or improvements or repair thereof or .Yith the roads or bridges to properties c.ntronting thereon. The Reeve or Road Superintendent shall have the -r°ight to order chr_nges in the loc_ - tion of a.ny,�ipe lines or other appurten,..nces if the same shall be necessary for the etter use of any Highway or for the construct- ion of drains or ditches or other works on such 11igh.rays. 5. All regulators: valves, -boxes or any other appliances or appurtenances used by the Company in connection with the transmission of gas on the highways of the Corporation shall only he placed in locti.ns approved by the Reeve or Road Supt, of the Municipality, or such otter officer as may be app- ointed by the council for the purpose. 6. Upon the laying down of the said ,Dire -lines or the constructi:.n of other-.orks hereb,".- aut'_�z,,rized, or taking any of the same up, or moving the same from place to glace in any highway, the high, -:ay shall be left unbroken an its surface and in as safe and good a st. to of repair as it was before it was enter.. d upon or opened, notwithstanding that it may be necess.,_ ry for tr Company, b,�- 4 tc: cagents, to return from time to time and fill in the high ay when the same may have settled to the satifaction of the RoLd Supt* of the Corpo�"tic;n, 7. The Company shall use all pr{:cticzl and proper mea..rs to prevent the esc-:pe and leakage of gas from its Mainsy . pipes and the causing of any damage or injury therby , tL any, person or property and the ompany Will ' make good to the Coi por- ation and llypersons affected, all damage which they may be caused icy the works or operations of the Company or, Ly reason of any leakage of g, --..s from the pipes. 8. And the Company shall indemnify and save hLrmless the Corporati•- n against -,,ll actions or suits, all loss, costs, damages C-nd expenses which the Corporation may bear, suffer or be put to by reason of or in corse uenee of :he construction, operation or maintenance of the works hereby authorized, or �:ny of them, or by reason of anything done by the Company under the powers conferred upon it by the _,.y-1 .ws above referred -to or by reason of any failure on the part of the Company to observe or perform t-. - obli ati . ns imposed upon it b�� tht: said 4".0'y -Lw,, and will y any judgment and costs obtained against the Corporation, in respect to any of the m.. tters afores":id zyhether founded on negligence or otherwise. 9. Upon the ter :Ina tion of this franchise for a ay -ause whatever, the Company shall after six months written notice by the Corporation ddressed to the Company, by registered, mail at Chatham, Ontario,, re uesting it so to do,shall remote its mains, pipe and works from the streets and highwai-; s of the C,_,rp- oration and restore such streets and highwLt-ys to the condition in which the same were previ -'us tc such remove l znd. to the sat- isfaction of the Reeve or the no4:d Supt. Pr(,vided if suc'._ maines pipes, plant and ;corks, and all other e uipmen t of the Ccom )any are not removed by the Company within one yec:r -. f ter the d__ to of the Nailing of such reartstered notice, to remove, all such 13.. malnes, pipes, plants, works and e.,uiprr'ent s call forthwith be forfeited to and become the absolute pvoperty of the Corporati n, and dealt with or disposed of as the Cor, ora- tion may th.ii:k proper, and for the sole use and benefit of the Corporatijn, and the Corporation shall in no way be Liable t`, the Company for anything so seized, _�ossessed or Forfeited. 10. Nothing herei i contained shall be construed as giving and granting to the Company and exclusive franchise for any or all purposes embraced therein. 11. Til' s by-law and Agreeme .t enteyed into pursuant thereto is s�i'�a j ec t to all statutes,,orders or rules m,:.de or to be m�-. de by lawful constituted <_uthority, having juris. diet'? cin in the premises. 12. This agreement shall enure to tl',=�; benefit of, and be binding upon the parties t:1Gir -ucces sor and assigns, but this agreement may not be assigned by the company of the :ec.-ad part except ith the con-ent in v.riting of the Corporation of the first part. IN � ITNESS THER-7_ OF the said parties hLve c�: used to be affixed her. F,to their res t=ctive corr;oratc se.-I..s nal V'je heads of their proper offices in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED s in thLe presence of Reeve Clerk - - 'resident � See: etry DATED The 'orpore tion of the Township of Bayha.m -and- The Central Pipe Line Con, pany, Limited. A G R E E M E N T U TOVINMEIP QF B MY BY -UV TSO. 10 q By-law for proni itin-;, frcatinc- or rer;ulati_ - zloises and ;ub _ic nuisances in the Town.s'nip of 3ay}ram. The, -Council of t11e To=si,.i p of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. `I`'.he ringing of bells, the blowing of Morns, shouting " and unusual noise ornoises calculated to disturb the inhabitants are .hereby zohibi ue," in the TotNnship of 3ayhsm. 2. `o -�er.con shall operate any maelli.ne, dant, e uipri-ent or carry on any operations result in;_, in the making of unusual noise or noises calculate to disturb the inhabitants of tha Tota-nsl,ip of 3ayn'a^m. 3. : io person shall carry on any operation of maclh ine ry, equipment, ,i anufacture or -other business which shall constitute a rublic nui3wice or unnecessarily; disturb the irdiabitants in the Township of 3ayham. 4* UT)on tine a�Yx lic�ition of any ler on tA(, Cou�lcii of the Township of 3ayham. may by resolution pe rmi t anyone i ,Z the To ."rnship of 3ay}ra�m to operate any macj�zine, equipment or other undertakin�g end after the -oassin,�_i A succi resolution tie operations permitted therein shall not constitute a breach of this by-law. I"rovided hoc=lever that any such resolution may, be rescinded at any time b,: a further resolution of the Council of the To-,,,mship of 3ayliam and thereafter the provisions of this by-law shall apply. 5. Any person convicted of breach of any of the ;�_covisions of this by-law sha- 1 forfeit an,(" at tht; aiscretion f7,4 Via con- , victing Yagistrate a penalt;,- n ,olt a -Kae dir,.� (excluciv:: oi' eo5tu) the sum of 'fifty ' Dollars and not less than the slam of one dollar for Hann, offence to be recoverable under the previsions of the summary Convictions Act. 'lead a third timj and passed �I. D. , 1` —11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reeve tl�i s c: icy of "ovembe r, TO'4113`HIl' Qr B AY111 _L Bio. /�r q1 3y -i �� for prohi�i inQ; , batin3 or ra j�lsti: noises and ubIis nuisances in the Iommship of 3ayiiar • I, uounc it of the_-- TownsIAr of 3ayhar. enacts as .follows: 1. '.she ringing of bells, tha bloyrinv of Morns, :,'outing and unusual noise or noises calculated to disturb 11"ne inhabitants are varaby ,rrchi b it,1 in the To =fail p of 3ayham • �. �o person opc:r to -my rnnc-bine, equilmant or carry on an.; operations r. exult in - in the of untusual noise or noi3as calculated to dioturb th-c inhabitants of the Toumship of 3ayhaam. 30 no person shall carry on any opar,;Aion of mac:iineri, e i mi ant, manufacture or other business which a` 11 constitute a public nuisance or unnecessarily disturb the iwhabitant s in the Township of 3ayharne 4.i;on the apr:lie �t ion ©i �y i!erson tie Jounail of the fo-xnship of 3.ayham may by resolution periit anyone in the, Topp,,. ... . of 3ayh&-a t*o -:operate any macl�inA, or other. inde rtakinr, and after the pas 3'kk: � of such resolution tie operations permitted therein :scall not constitute a breach of t1iis ..r -law. i'rovided however that any such resolution ,iay be rescind-eO at any time b;. a further resolution of the �ouna i l of tho T o -,-rax :i � of 3ayham and Cher after the ;•J.L ovisions of this by -lav s1,.iL11 apyply• 5* any por.~on convi.ctod of a oreaeh of any of the �.rovisions of this by -lair shall forfeit i ray 9t t1:.o discretion oi' thL con- . Y-ictin. .'."n-,.;distrate a penalty 'not o-.,:ceodin ; (exclusive of costs' the SIM of Fifty .Dollars and not less Ulian the. stun of one dollar for e_acli offence to be recoverable under V,ie j-,rovisions of the 3u teary 3onviotlons . ct. Aead a third time; . nd passed 61 Reeve this c day of ovember, w `; :;ler':. \R 4 h-1 to s t!: CJ G' W �^v s y 4 W l A By-law for prohibiting, abating or regulating noises and public nuisances in the Towahip of Bayh&*. The Council of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. The ringing of bells, the blowing of horns, shouting and unusual noias or noises calculated to disturb the inhabitants are hereby prohibited in the Township of Bayham. 2. No person shall operate any machine, plant, equipment or carry on any operations resulting in the making of unusual noise or noises calculated to disturb the inhabitants of the Township of Bayhas. 3. No person shall carry on any operation of machinery, equipment, manufacture or other business which shall constitute a public nuisance or unnecessarily disturb the inhabitants in the Township of Bayham. 4. Upon the application of any person the Council of the Township of Bayham may by resolution permit anyone in the Township of Bayham to opp rate any machine, a qu i pment or other undertaking " and after the passing of such resolution the operations permitted therein shall not constitute a breach of this by-law. Provided however that any such resolution may be rescinded at any time by a further resolution of the Council of the Township of Bayham anti thereafter the provisions of this by-law shall apply. 5. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the con- victing Magistrate a penalty not exoeeding (exclusive of -oosta)-the sins of Fifty Dollars and not leas than the sum of one dollar for each offenoe to be recoverable under the provisions of the Sumary Convictions ,pct. A? Road a third time and passed this day of November, A. D., 1941. . ................ :. BseIre Clerk. R dr, ,r • ['� r,'l r �`..... QNTARtp DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH orriCE of THE DEPUTY MINISTER Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, December 13, 1941. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, STR RGVILLE, Ontario. Dear Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of a copy of By-law No. 1092, authorizing the appointment of Dr. H. J. Hart of Aylmer as acting medical officer of health for the Township of Bayham, during the absence of Dr. J. H. F. Adams on military duty. Might I say that this appointment meets with the approval of the department. Yours very truly, l'.. e, putt' Minister of Health. 10 By -Law No. %C 7X TO'A NSHIP OF BAY AkM . Being a by -lawn to appoint an Acting Medical Officer of fi a.lth in and for the Towsnhip of Bayhamo 6! _hLAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to appoint an Acting Medical Officer of Health since Dr. J. H. F. Adams has been granted Leave of Absence Fps Medical Officer of Health for the Township of Bayham while he In serving; in the Active Forces of the Canadian Army, THEhLP)hE $r IT ENACTED, by the municipal Council of the Township of Bayaarn, as follows;- 1� That Dr. L11. J. dart of Aylmer, Onto be and hereby is a� pointed Acting :Medical Officer of Health .in and for the Township of Ba.yham. 2. That the salary for Dr. Hart shall be at the rate of t400.00 per annirn retroactive to November 15th. 1941, 3. That this by-law shall come into force upon, froln hnd. after receiving the approvpl of the Department of Health* nFAD a third time and finRily pnesed this 1st. play of Tecember 19ha t..r. IN I i eevA. Clerk* s w Rv-Law No. 1092, Appointing Dr, H. J. Hart as Acting Medical Officer of Healt A BAYHAA TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----- __ M- ------ -------------------------------- ------._,.. Bylaw # Date Subject 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Comrm1nity Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be'made;' 1243 4 Sept 51 Change the time for holding the Court Revision., 1245 1�Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vienna H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton . Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Piivilege of collecting taxes. K 1366 13 Jun 41 Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAY11AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 TO license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 Amend •bylaw ,No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 Amend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Amend bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. M s 1M 16 by -low No. IKGG To Revort ! unP In Au lu.arhl of 7vyhp,;, "hu 'L'in "Ouuly 'oulwil on"ets: LK, follu in rwd hu ruvertus to M 'Umphl M 1 %yh ! .: e .' Ll ltu.' I'l, ;vA Y C. P4 A of 7wt 79, p mcu -wUn V11 in V 0 Ow m 1. of ghru fr. ':. -u"t wo Ii: i i a 1V Q, 1 71 May 0i rwi.% Y -a" by on u Y, 1 1 hu. D-59, to Its i.. _r:• atim it A wee' wo -o wA 1 An In s 4 -1 "1 wplin wontimm Wirt MY, L- a M a N wn.A ev Ynne 1911 rk Men Py-lavv i.o. 1366 To Revert a load in the mownshi., of Pay'.am Pa --sed 13th day of June 1941 Certified Correct County Cl.rk d