HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1938BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1039-1048 1938 BYLAWS j 1000-1041 ] FILE # 22 Bylaw # Date Subject 1000 15 Dec 34 Amend bylaw No. 992. 1001 15 Dec 34 Appointing Auditors for 1934. 1002 14 Jan 35 Recind bylaw No. 997. 1003 14 Jan 35 Appoint a treasure of the Township of Bayham. 1004 14 Jan 35 Appoint certai : officers in Bayharn for 1935. 1005 14 Jan 35 Provide for mad expenditures for 1935. 1006 14 Jan 35 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1008 1 Apr 35 Granting cert in privileges to the Dominion Natural Gas Ccup. 1009 1 Apr 35 Appoint an Inspector of Drains in Bayham. 1010 16 Dec 35 levying the Annual rate of the town of Bayham for 1935. 1011 2 Dec 35 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1012 2 Dec 35 Authorize the taking of a vote of the electors of Port Burwell. 1013 13 Jan 36 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1936. 1014 13 Jan 36 Provide for the rctd expenditures for 1936. 1015 3 Feb 36 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1016 6 Jul 36 Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1936. 1017 6 Jul 36 Change Polling day and election day in Bayham. 1018 5 Oct 36 Provide for the road expenditures for 1936. 1019 2 Nov 36 Provide for the holding of the Municipal elections. 1020 2 Nov 36 Granting certain privileges to A. B. Holmes. 1021 4 Jan 37 Appoint tertian officers in Bayham for 1937. 1022 4 Jan 37 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1027 ? ? 37 Establish rules and trgulations with respect to the S traf fordvi l le Ce T e tery . 1028 3 May 37 Amend bylaw No. 1017. 1029 3 Aug 37 Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1937. BAYHAMBYLAW REODRUS BYLAWS j 1000-1041 ] FILE # 22 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1030 1 Sept 37 Provide for the borrowing of $ 8,000.00. 1031 7 Sept 37 Provide for the road expenditures for 1937. 1033 4 Oct 37 Recind bylaw No. 682. 1034 4 Oct 37 Appoint a Medical Health Officer for Bayham. 1035 4 Oct 37 Submission to a vote of a question under the Liquor control Act. 1036 1 Nov 37 Reci.nd bylaw No. 1034. 1038 1 Nov 37 Provide for certain iWrovements in harbor facilities in Port Burwell. 1039 3 Jan 38 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1938. 1040 3 Jan 38 Appoint Auditors for Bayham. 1041 7 Feb 38 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. TOWNSHIP OF BAYSAM BY-LAW NO. l L))/U A BY*LAW 10 APPOINT AUDITORS. Whereas it is deemed advisable to appoint Auditors under the provisions of Section 242 of the Municipal Aot ; n!E MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Or' TEE TUNNSHIP OF BAYHAM THEREFORE enaots as follows ; 1. That Messrs. Peters, Morrison &, Brown, Chartered A000untents, be and they are hereby appointed Auditors for the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bfpiham, to hold office at the ;Measure o!' 6he 000110i-1. 2. The remnnevo,i.on of the said Auditors eball be at the rate of .'-k /b t -�'/V pop. :-Annum. Pa?at+ls half yet--rly on the comr1etion of eaoh hLIf rear's portion of their duties. 3. THIS BY-L&W shall take effect ati of and from the lst day of January, 1938, purouant tc the powers conferred by the Municipal Act. PASSED IN COUNCIL this 3rd day of JANUARY, A. D. 1938. ((.::�..... . Reeve. SEAL ---- ! ..... . .. Ci Form IM33 Ontario ........- .... ........ Tae. n.a h.i p ... o f ... Bayham....... .............................................. BY-LAW No. ilk I1. /........ ZI�C=jabj to authorize the borrowing of $ 35.000 Whereas the Council of the Township of Bagham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 35,000 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Norte—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- othe e.tfm.te. for the cornet pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 37, not including f if ot! to tno < revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of feet year. debentures is $ G1,4,)0. YAHV Vis{ dtai a�PiiieiirE eti int i eih4ir ii 4 dt'f y'�e4r-Ybr-;*M ii4l: 6s ,-4"tionec$-iiiy-i�4Z)k�44&lolriSS&W, Wlie (Delete teie l�l'i7H11;1�81�i`l,'ii11CeVlHidkp�l}{'isr.}iais;�liFOa'ii}LtPddl3i'li�C'lfd aDpliwZe)� not Therefore the Council of the Township of Ba,yham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 35, 0.: 0 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said section 334, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5% per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 334, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this seventh day of February 19 38 ............. ............. _... .�....�. L c:.:.......... lI THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY { SEAL } ................................................. ................... CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law . No. /0 c%/ of the Township of Beyham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This seventh day of February 1938. As Witness the Seal -of the Township of Bayham (Gn .... ...Ice L;C�............. THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY { SEAL 1 .............................0 . ..a3iY. L.i................ CLHRK • Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS [ 1042-1082 ] FILE # 23 1042 7 Feb 38 Provide for the road expenditures for 1938. / 1043 4 Apr 38 Authorize a certain agrement between Bayham and Dereham. 1046 13 Jul 38 Provide for the road expenditures of Bayham for 1938. 1047 7 Aug 38 Levying a rate of the Township of Bayham for 1938. 1050 9 Jan 39 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1051 23 Jan 39 Recind bylaw no. 646. 1052 23 Jan 39 Provide for the retirement of Benjamin Brian on pension. 1053 23 Jan 39 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1939. 1054 6 Feb 39 Provide regulations to apply to all milk produced for sale. 1055 6 Mar 39 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1057 5 Jun 39 Provide a certain speed limit for motor cars. 1058 17 Jul 39 Levying a rate of the Township of Bayhem. 1059 5 Sept 39 Appoint a Weed Inspector, School attendance officer, and and Board of Health Secretary for 1939. + 1062 2 Jan 40 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1063 2 Jan 40 Provide for the road expenditures for 1940. 1064 2 Jan 40 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1940. 1065 2 Jan 40 Authorize a certain agrement between Bayham and Malahide. 1066 15 Jan 40 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1940. 1067 5 Feb 40 Assessment and collection of taxes. 1068 5 Feb 40 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1069 4 Mar 40 Amend bylaw No. 1064. 1070 4 Mar 40 Authorize the Corp. to enter an agreement with the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ont. for street lighting. 1071 4 Marr 40 Rescind bylaw No. 973. 1072 4 Mar 40 Appoint a road Superintendent. BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW REODRDS BYLAWS [ 1042-1082 ] FILE # 23 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1073 6 May 40 Amend bylaw No. 1064. 1074 6 May 40 Purchase of land for use as a Coin unity Hall. 1075 3 Jun 40 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1076 3 Jun 40 Regulate the use of bathing suits on the public beach. 1077 4 Nov 40 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1078 4 Nov 40 Designate a certain road in Bayham as a through highway. 1079 6 Jan 41 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1080 6 Jan 41 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1941. 1081 3 Feb 41 Provide for the road expenditures for 1941. 1082 3 Mar 41 Appoint Fence -viewers and Po%Ts-keepers. B-6 BY--Lt,*W NO. 1042 .................. ri LY- Ia,.' l TO PROVIDE F0�' TIEK TOTAL 193. 8. F�?� �'TDI`:'«RL ON RO-�DS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ............ _.$&yhaM ................................«...«......_........«. IN THE COL7NTv OI' .._E.lgin....... WHERE. -.S The Highway Improvement h.ct, Chapter 54, R.S.O. , 1927 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on township roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by-law. TM~:REFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follows (1) The sum ofis hereby appropriated from mo_Zies raised by 1$OOO. levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure u -ion con- struction and maintenance of the roads in the said township during the year 193... as fo1.lolas: RoadC o ,.a s t r u c t i o n_.._..._......_....._ ......... .......... ............ _....................«_............ .... ...... ............... ......... ... ..... ....I........ Bridge Construction .......... _... «...................... _....«... $..................................... _............ ............... .._............«............ _.................... .__........ ...... «.. _ Machinery........... ....................2. Q.Q., 0.«........................__........................._..__..« _ Suversntendenc o ........................... ..9-00.0.Q.Q...................................... ...... ................. ............. ll'a i. n u e na n c e& Repair ............ ' ............................. x..1...0...4.... 00..._.... .................. _..................... ....._.... .«..__.. Total 1 st i:;la ted Expenditure ..... ..................... ........ 18,000..,00 .............. «...... _.............. _.................... _........... (2) The said., monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the latest regulations respecting township roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by-law to the :department of Highways, for approva on or before February 28th of the present year. Passed at St.r.affordvil.Le...-chis ..... .?.th. day of.......Fe.bm.ary...... ..... _..... . i�. ; 193 J3 6 (S E A L) I ; . ..Been i....Brian.. township of 4ay..ham........ 011 `-� C�' GG'GLE ............. . .....0 .. ... ..... ... ............. `. _.� :. _'.........__._.... _........._ ..« ...._ ... _ «.« ._....__..« «..._ _ « ._«..._ Clerk Reeve .. .......... ... ............. _..... ... .. Clerk of the corporation of the ........ ............ _._...... do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true covy of _3y- law No,104.2 passed by the council of the said corporation on the... . ?..th...... day of ........... Fe.b.m_ aryl93 8,: J �� Township Clerk. Y L A 'f NO, 14451 A By LaN-. to authorise a certain agreement between the To,�Ynship of Dereham and the Township of $ayha= respecting the maintenance and repair of ?ounda.r�� Roads. --,7hereas the Tovrnship of Dereham and . Sayhax have entered into an agreement for the ::aintenance and repair of certain, portions of the hiLkr-ray forming the Boundary Road between the said Toimshipsy and it is necessary to ratify and con'Pirm t"&'Ie said a3-reement, and to authorise t1.e Reeve and Clerk to e_:ecute the seine. Therefore tine Municipal Council of t' -,,Le Corporation of th-e Tot:°►nship of enacts as o lloWs : - That the Agreement bet,..reen the jovmships of Dei eham and $aye,,= dated the 4th day of April A, Do 19 38 a true copy oi` which agreement is hereto attached:, and forms a part of this B -,r Lags be and t_z3 same is hereb-v ratified and confirmed, and the Reeve and Clerk De authorised to execute the same on behalf of this Corporation, and to affix the Corporate Seal of the To--ni.s':.ii of Bayh= thereto-, Passed in o -,)-.-n Cour_cil this 4th da:" ofApril A� ,1 I9� Read a, First time April 4th Read a secona time April 4th Reads third time April. 4th Seal I✓o 300 < o I9oo..38. Reeve Clark M■ This agreement made in duplicate this 4th day of pril A, D. I9°�58" Bet%!een the Municipal Corporation of the Tovmship of Dersha.m, of the first part and the 3,:unicipal r'orporation of t11e Township of B- tyhasa of t_e second Marto 'herGas under the provisions of Section 464 Chapter 2060 R, S. 0, I937, the Cor;�),ort tions of adjoining ':unici )&li.ties, may enter into an agreement for the M aintenance and Repair of ani, fii ���ruy forming tip 'ourdarj between such Danicipa.lities, i,-Jhereby each of ti:=m undertake for a term of not e.:ceading Ten years, to maintain and I�:eep in repair any portion of such High, --ay. lend ��'r.ere s the said Tozimships have jointiarisdiction over the boundary Road bettveen the said Toti�r,-,shiyps and it is deemed e..pedie�it to provide for the division of ti --e said Hi0rh-,,ay so thwt each Toy.-rnship may be responsible for the �aintena.nce and re�Da.ir of a portion of the spm. Now therefore this agreement witnesseth thG.t in consideration of the premises and wutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contLained the parties hereto agree each •-►i th t :e o the r as fo lloi-as ; I. The To--mship of Dereha:r� sh- 11 build, maintain and repair, and be responsible for tIzat portion of the Boundary road between t' -le said To,•rnships, being more particularly described as follows, that is to soya Corr -mer_ = ins; t the weet end of the Tenth Gonoession thenoe 'Ze.et to the 4'Addletln Townline. 20 The ''o•.mship of ►��'_yh6IR shall build, maintain and repair, and be responsible for that portion of the Loundary Road betvieen the said Tovmshi2s, being more particularly described as follows:- that is to say. 2 2 Commencing at the �#est end of the 'Tenth Concession Bayham thence i4est to the Townline between the Township of Bayham and the Township of :-41 :lahide. 30 teach To•rmship: shall finance and have full control and supervision over all t'ne vmrk undertaken on its respective portion of 3oundary Road, and any subsidy v4iich may be allot=Jed by the Department of xublic Hir lr.-�ays of the Province of Ontario on such work, shall belong to the :�'unicipality accounting for the EZ:penditore. 4. This ac,reement shall continue in force and shall be binding; upon the said Townships until the Airs t day of A. D, 19.... il.pril 5. This a,cSreement shell become effective and binding; on the said Townships when i confirmed by B;,. Law of the Council of each of the said To reships, and such By Laws --ith a copy of this Agreement attached, shall be registered in the of reg,istr-TT Office each registry division in which such highway or any portion thereof is situate. 6. After the registration of such Laws each Township shall indemnify and save harmless the other from any loss or damage arising from the want of repair Of the portion :ihich it has assumed. ':%fitness the Corporate Seals of the said Corporations and the Hands of their respective Reeves and Clerks. Signed, sealed and delivered Reeve/moo of Dereh.am in the presence of /'' W/ nClerk9' T-)`. of Doreham J Reovo; Tp. of Seal Seal Cl TX, of =,pl owntary FORD B-6 BY-LXi''0 1046 A BY-LA�r TO PROVIDE FOR YM` TO`I:'%L ........ 1!1. 1.1! DITUR j ON RO .75 IIT TIM: TO'1TTSIIIP OFBayh= IN THE COTTPTTY OF Eigi t ....................... «........ «............._.. The Higntva,,, Improveroent Act,, Chapter 56, R.03.0. , 1 37 and amendments requires that tt,e total' on tovinsz_ip roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by-law. T M .FOR] t'_:e council of the corporation of the said township enacts as fol- 1owS (1) The sum o:`: '.{ - ..... is hereby appropriated'-11"roLi monies raised by levy, debentures and g8verm-neA sucsid ,, for total eXpendi Lure upon construction and main- tenance of the roads in t -he said. township during theTear 1 . as follows Road Construction ` _..... ................. . Bridge Construction .......... ...... _.......... _` Machinery Superintendence .......... Maintenance Repair Total :estimated B penditure ..... `. ..._....._.. (2) The said monies shall be e::pended under the direction of the dulyappointed township road superintendent and on i.uork performed in accordance wit: the latest regulations respecting tolvns iip roads issued by the Department of iighwa -s of Ontario. (3) The cleric shall transmit a copy of this by-law to the Municipal roads Branch, Department of Highways,, for approval on or before Februarys 28th of the present year. Passed at-Araftordville this .. tj ... day of O�Fjikv I V . . .. ... ..... /o /--- ..... ........ A. D., lis . Clerk of the corporation of the township of. _ do hereby ceruly that the foregoing is a true copy of Bir -law ij....__...passed by the council of the said corporation on the ......... day of 117-.... . ........«_.........:.«................... ..... ...... ......... .«........_...._...._......... _._....« WNSHIP CLERK t BEND. BRIAN CLERK BAYHAM TOWNSHIP NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. ETC. By-law NO g4/ STRAFFORDVILLE ................ .................. 193.. A by-law for levying a rate of the Township of Bayham for the year A. D.1938. Therefore it is necessary and expedient to provide for the levying and Collecting of the Annual rate to meet the necessary expenditures of the Municipality of Bayham for the year A. D.1938. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Man:ioi mnal 91%U44^43 pality of Bayham in regular session assembled, that there shall be be levied ipon all of the rateable property assessed in the Municipality for the year A. D.1938. For County flurpose s For Township For Schools 9 11967.00 and be it further enacted that the Collector or Collectors of the Municipality be and they are hereby Aurtherized to collect all the farther additional sums of money, for schools purposes in the several School Sections in the Township of Bayham which shall be placed upon the Collectors roll for the year A. D.1938. And be it farther enacted that the Clerk shall be and he is required to make the necessary Collectors Roll for the year A. D.1938 And that a rate of // Millson the Dollar for Amieipal purposes shall be levied upon all the rateable property appearing upon the Assessment Roll for the year A. D.1938. it BENJ. BRIAN CLERK SAYHAM TOWNSHIP NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. ETC. STRAFFORDV I LLE. ONT................................................... 193 ..... And the clerk shall make the necessary divisions of the several rates to apply On the several amounts stated. And that after the 15th day of December 1938 a penalty of ONE Per Cent Per Mouth or Fraction of a Month shall be Charged on all unpaid Taxers, untill the 31st Day of December 1938, After that date the Statuary interest shal be charged, After Fourteen days notice the Collector or his Balif may seise any Goods for unpaid taxes. And the Collector shall have the privelege of Mailing the tax notice to the several tax payers. Passed in open Council this .2 day of August A. D.1938 ReeveClerk BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW EEMRDS BYLAWS [1337-10601 File # 30 Date Subject Bylaw # FILE # 30 1337 1 Nov 37 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1048 7 Nov 39 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1053 23 Jan 39 Appoint a clerk in and for the Township of"Bayham. 1060 6 Nov 39 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 11 By-law ,'qumber f .',ppo int ing Deputy -"e turnin.7 Officers and - oll Glerks, for 19,E-� I 1 By-law Number' r ` Being a By-law to provide for the holding of the 41nicipal Elections in the Amicipa,lity of Bayham for the year A. D.1939. And for the appointing of Deputy returning Officers as well as Poll Clerks and Polling places in the several Polling pliing Sub Divisions in the Lunieipality of Bayham. Be it therefore enacted by the-juniciral Council in regular session assembled. (1) That the election for Sub Division No 1 of the A,iniaipality shall be held at the Police Hall it the Village of Port Burwell, f And _ shall, be Deputy Returning Officer tsnd ,t �- �/ shall be Poll Clerk for said Division. (2) That the election for Sub Division No 2 shall be held at or near Wallace Crass home in said Division. And shall be Deputy returning Officer And 'shall be Poll Clerk for said Division. (3) That the election for pub Division No 3 shall. be held at or near the Smucks 6chool house in said ?division. And shall be Deputy "e turning Uf fice r And rw" shall be Eoll Clerk forD said iv sign. (4) That the election for :Sub Division No 4 shall be held at the Town Mall in said Division. And .Jl. _ 4 shall be Deputy returning Officer. And *,q&, Shall be doll Clerk for said Division. (5) That the election for No 5 the Community Hall in the And And " y. I r .pub Division shall be held at Village of Corinth, shall be Deputy Returning Officer, shall be Poll Clerk for said Division, (6) That the election for Sub Division No 6 shall be held at or near the Hall in the Village of Eden. And )Y"I R shall be Deputy returning Ufficer. And "-+ shall by Toll Clerk for said Division. (7) That the election for Sub Division No 7 shall be held in the V410a village of Richmond. p And J shall be Deputy Returning Officer.' And shall shall be Doll Clerk for said Division. (8) That the election for Sub Division No 8 shall be held at or near Dwight Pressy home in said Division. And 1 shall be Deputy returning Ufficer. .And -y'" shall be Poll Clerk for said Division. And that the Deputy Returning Officers and Holl Clerks are required to hold the said Elections in accordance with the hat made and provided s for Voting by Ballot at Amicbpal Elections, eassed in open Council this 7th day of November �.D.1938, --e.. Ree ve y Clerk %-- A