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Bayham By-Laws 1937
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1021 — 1038, 127519 1337 1937 BYLAWS j 1000-1041 ] FILE # 22 Bylaw # Date Subject 1000 15 Dec 34 Amend bylaw No. 992. 1001 15 Dec 34 Appointing Auditors for 1934. 1002 14 Jan 35 Recind bylaw No. 997. 1003 14 Jan 35 Appoint a treasure of the Township of Bayham. 1004 14 Jan 35 Appoint certai : officers in Bayharn for 1935. 1005 14 Jan 35 Provide for mad expenditures for 1935. 1006 14 Jan 35 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1008 1 Apr 35 Granting cert in privileges to the Dominion Natural Gas Ccup. 1009 1 Apr 35 Appoint an Inspector of Drains in Bayham. 1010 16 Dec 35 levying the Annual rate of the town of Bayham for 1935. 1011 2 Dec 35 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1012 2 Dec 35 Authorize the taking of a vote of the electors of Port Burwell. 1013 13 Jan 36 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1936. 1014 13 Jan 36 Provide for the rctd expenditures for 1936. 1015 3 Feb 36 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1016 6 Jul 36 Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1936. 1017 6 Jul 36 Change Polling day and election day in Bayham. 1018 5 Oct 36 Provide for the road expenditures for 1936. 1019 2 Nov 36 Provide for the holding of the Municipal elections. 1020 2 Nov 36 Granting certain privileges to A. B. Holmes. 1021 4 Jan 37 Appoint tertian officers in Bayham for 1937. 1022 4 Jan 37 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1027 ? ? 37 Establish rules and trgulations with respect to the S traf fordvi l le Ce T e tery . 1028 3 May 37 Amend bylaw No. 1017. 1029 3 Aug 37 Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1937. BAYHAMBYLAW REODRUS BYLAWS j 1000-1041 ] FILE # 22 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1030 1 Sept 37 Provide for the borrowing of $ 8,000.00. 1031 7 Sept 37 Provide for the road expenditures for 1937. 1033 4 Oct 37 Recind bylaw No. 682. 1034 4 Oct 37 Appoint a Medical Health Officer for Bayham. 1035 4 Oct 37 Submission to a vote of a question under the Liquor control Act. 1036 1 Nov 37 Reci.nd bylaw No. 1034. 1038 1 Nov 37 Provide for certain iWrovements in harbor facilities in Port Burwell. 1039 3 Jan 38 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1938. 1040 3 Jan 38 Appoint Auditors for Bayham. 1041 7 Feb 38 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. BY-L;�►d i10 .lal5l A By-law to appoint certain OfficerF in and for the Manicipality of Bayham for the ye =.r %.. D. 1967. Be it therefore enacted by the 7-Tunicsipal Coun- cil of the 'iunicip-lity of Bayham in regular ses- sion as 2eMbled . That -��� shall be a: sesor for 1957. That 114 shall be a trustee for the Vienna High school for the years 1937 That shall be a member of the Board of Health :.tor the year 19;7. That •Q ,�.. Q �� shall be sheep valuator:. 1:illed by dorys for 19 7. e That shall be school attendance Officer for 19017. T hat k a shall be 'tle e d In:.pe et or 0 £or 1967. /�, moo✓` d ovum � /�ra� �.�... ,�, In accordance with a resolution pe'st in open Council on the 4th day of January, L. D. 1967. f Reeve Clerk m 0 m Form 100-33 Ontario Township of Bayhu.m ............................................................................................................_...I....... sy-Law rro./Q22........ ZI�P=jcbj to authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000. Whereas the Council of the Towle ship of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of 35.000* to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 30', not including year if adopted; if not, to those revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures is $ 58 , 30 0 . -au*h r4�zed;%to`- be-buTroW section -434 of f'he (Delete this 14�r*icipj44a4s. , �1x�6 l l I-tirni alit3;=bas=already r+orroN�red paragraph �f not applicable). Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from TI3E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a slim or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 35,0 000. to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said section 334, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 334, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such re•7enues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with iAterest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this r o u th day of Ja- j uz. ry 19 37 J (( _ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY 1' } l SEAL ` ..................... CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. /6 2 2 of the Township of B ayhum in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said 1\1unicipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This Fourth day of January 1937 As Witness the Seal of the Township of Bayham THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY 000 SEAL......................... f CLERK 0 `� �� ,---� `_ 0 N By. Law No. I.o.:4/..,,,,, of the municipal corporation of the Township of Bayham. A By -Law to estaLlish rules and regulations with respect to the Straffordville Cemetery. BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows: 1. The care and management of the cemetery shall be in the hands of a commission, hereafter known as the "Cemetery Commission" composed of six members and the Reeve of the Township, two of whom shall be a pointed each year, at the same time and in the same manner as the other Township Officials are appointed, and shall hold office for a term of three years, (the first commission to be composed of a three year term, a two year term, and a one year term) . 2. The municipality shall receive from Lot owners any sum of money for permanent investment, the annual interest of which is to be expended upon such lots. 3. Upon payment to the Municipality by a lot owner of the sum of Fifty Dollars, which sum shall be placed to the credit of the cemetery trust fund, the Municipality will undertake the care of the lot in perpetuity. 4. All other Lot owners shall on or before the first day of April in each and every year, pay to the Cemetery Commission of theis municipality the sum of Two Dollarstowards the general care and upkeep of the cemetery, or in case of default where the Plot Owner is a Land Owner in said Municipality same may be charged to their property as taxes, &rk in the case of default in paymbnt of said tax for a period of ten years, the ownership of such Lot w shall revert to the Corporation, and any bodies interred therein may be removed to any part of the Cemetery that may be assigned for that purpose together with any markers or gravestones thereon. 5. The price of the lots may be fixed from time to time by the Cemetery Commission, but sahll not be less than Twenty Dollars for a full lot, Ten Dollars for a half lot, and Five Dollars for a single grave, unless the Council directs ott:erwise, (a special part of the Cemetery being reserved for single graves) 6 . From and after the passing of the By -Law a special account shall be kept by the Township Treasurer to be called the Cemetery Trust Fund . This fund shall include all money previously paid into this fund and all - securities previously- bought into this fund. No part of the money received into this fund, except the interest derived therefrom,shall be expended for any purposes whatsoever, but the same shall hereafterbe held by the Township in trust, to invest and keep the same invested from time to time, in such securities as may be authorized for the investmentof Sinking Funds and that have been approved by the cemetery commission; and the in*- erest arising from said fund shall be paid annually by Resolution of the Council, after the amount has been certified by the Treasurer to the Cemetery Commission to be expended by them in the care and managementof the cemetery. 7. The cemetery Commission shall keep a register containing a record of all transactions in respect of the sale, transfer, and ownership of lots, and also an account with each individual Lot Owner with respect to the annual fee or tax. 8. The following rules and regulation:: with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: 1. Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker who will assist in making the selection, and when settlement is made an interment will be permitted. 2. Lots free from all encumbances, are conveyed by deed,aecuring the purchaser and his heirs, a title in fee simple, but for the purpose of sepulture only, subject to the rules and tegulations that are now in force, or may be adopted thereafter. 3. No deed will be issued until b lot is fully paid for and if internment is permitted before such time the Cemetery Commission reatins the right to refuse future internment, or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for that purpose. 4. A deed from the Cemetery Commission and its record on the books kept under the direction of the Cemetery Commission is the only evidence of title of the proprietor recognized by the municipality,therefor sale or transfer of the lots by owner shall not be valid without the consent of the Cemetery Commission, and its approval endorsed by the Conveyance. The record of a properly made sale or transfer Will be .made by the Cemetery Commission upon payment of 'Ivo Dollars, - ( which shall be paid to the Cemetery Commission) . 5. The subdivision of a lot or the ownership by a lot owner, is not allowed, the joint purchase of a lot is not recommended, but when it occurs the Cemetery Commission, if deemed expedient, will permit a transfer duly executed by either owner to the other, but to no other person. 6. General care does not provide for the care of monuments, grays markers or any other decorative planting, which may be placed on lots, but does include grass cutting, watering and the reasonable care of shrubbery, lot owners may ahve work consistent with the Rules and Regulations doIIe by arrangements with the Cemetery Commission who will fornish the lowest possible estimate to properly execute the work. 7. No person other than the caretaker and lot owners 9 or members or servants of their families, shall be permitted to perform any work on any lot,and such work shall be confined to the working hours of the day and under the supervision of the caretaker. 8. improvements within the Cemetery ,before as well as after Interment are made ,will be under the control of the Cemetery Commission. Hereafter no plot shall be enclosed with a fence or hedge and shall not be raised above the level of surrounding lote.All foot markers must" be sunk to a level of the surface of the earth. 9. No trees or shrubs shell be planted on lots or graves , nor shall i any trees or shrubs be cut down ,removed or trimmed ,without the permissi�ON of the Cemetery Commission . Such work can only be done under the direction of the Caretaker. 10. Lot owners who plant out flowers and then fail to have them properly watered and trimmed and kept free from weeds are hereby notified that the 10-e". Caretaker has the right t0 remove neglected plants from beds, graves, vases or urns. II. TheCaretaker must not undertake with any lot ovrner, to give any special care to any lot in the Cemetery. I"2. Lot owners shall keep in good repair any structure or object which day be placed on the lot, failing which the same may be removed. I3. Monuments must be placed as near the centre of the lot as possible, unless permission is given by the Cemetery Commission to place it otherwisE. 14. TheCemetery Commission has the right to•prevent or remove any structure or object which they shall deem injurious to the general good appearance of the Cemetery. 15. Funerals while within the grounds will be under the control of the Caretaker. 16. No burial shall be allowed in any lot against which there shall appear charges due and unpaid. 17, All graves must be prepared by the Caretaker. Any lot owner desiring a grave opened shall apply to the Cemetery Commission and pay therefor according to the following schedules Child , up to one year old, Two Dollars. Child, over one year and under ten years, Three Dollars. Adults Five Dollars. The Commission shall give a receipt for the amount, which when shown to the Caretaker, shall be deemed sufficient notice to him to open the grave. 18. Single graves may be secured in sections assigned for that purpose. 0 . I9 . ALL foundations Will be built by the Caretaker at the expense of the lot owner . Reasonable notice must be given; and payment made at the time of giving the order . Foundations will be built six feet deep. and of same size as bottom base or first of masonry above ground: ; (untill one foot from the top of ground" , and then extended four inches each side, and will be made level two inches below. purface of the ground where lowest(. I9(cont'd)The Cemetery Commission reserves the right to require larger and deeper foundations if in their opinion it is required. 1120 .No person will be permitted to enter the Cemetery except through the, gates, which will be closed at dark . 21. Lot ownere, their families and visitors, will be admitted daily and are requested to observe all rules adopted for regulation of of visitors, 22. Children unattended by persons who will be responsible for their conduct will not be admitted. 23. Bicycle riding will not be permitted, except on the road for vehicles in the Cemetery. 24. No rapid driving or riding, nor driving or riding on lavas Will be permitted. 25. Persona driving in the Cemetery are requested not to turn in the avenuesp but to drive around the sections.. 26. All persons are strictly 'prohibited from plucking any plants whether wild or cultivated, breaking any trees or shrubs, marring any stonework, or in any way defacing anything in the Cemetery. ?0i 279 The Caretaker shallfurnish a statement of all extra work, other than the general care of lote, to the Cemetery Commission who shall enter the same on their books for collection. 280 Plot owners are advised that no money should be paid to the sexton for Any purpose whatsoever. That By -Law No......... is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed, Signed o�& .. ...... .Reeve Township o f Bayl Clerk o The Municipality of Bayham do hereby declare that this is a true copy of By --Law NolO.,21.of Municipality of Bayham.... .. .. .....Clerk. I* i4 t �l O • i4 t �l I By-lavr No By-law No being a By-law to ammend By-lavj No 1017. By striking; out the ijord last I-Ionday in jiovember in '-%lause 1 and inserting the jlr rd s Friday before the last Ifonday in I,ovember at the dour of 0ILTE, ?, tT0 gassed in open Council this gra a3y of :Tay 2; .� j.-eeve Clerk 4 r 4 1 1 n� �q N <o to o .� c s BENJ. BRIAN CLERK 4W BAYHAM TOWNSHIP NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. ETC. 3- STRAFFORDVILLE, ONT., 3 y 5th 1937 ........................................... 193 ..... By-law No�� °� By-law for lev$tgg the-Irnual rate of the Township of Bayham for the year A.D.19�57. Therefore it is necessary and expedient to provide for the levying and collecting of the Annual rate to meet the necessary expenditures of the Municipality of .3ayham for the year i�• 19 7. Be it therefore enacted by the Elunicipal Council of the Municipality of Bayham in regular setision assembled, that there shall be levied upon all the rateable property assessed in the Municipality for the year &-D-19 7. Yor County purposes • - . $19795.00 dor Township For � chools and be it further enacted that the Collector or Collectors of the Municipality be and they are hereby aurtherized to collect the further additional sums of money for School purposes in the several :school Sections in the township of bay -ham which shall be placed upon the Collectors Moll for A' -.D -l90'-7, And be it futther enacted that the clark is and he is hereby required to make the necassary Uollectors roll for the year A. x.1937 BENJ. BRIAN CLERK I EIAYHAM TOWNSHIP NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. ETC. STRAFFORDVILLE. ONT................................................... 193 And that a rate of :fills on the Dollar for 'Tunicipal purposes shall be levied upon all the rateable property appearing upon the arse; sment roll for the year A--J1--19o7. ::na that the Ulerk :_hall -safe the neceS,2ary eivision of the s�iid rate to apply on the several unounts so st;ited. ,enc that after the 15th day of December 19C,;)7 a penalty of ONE ier cent per month or fraction of a ,-onth ahall be charged or, all unpaid tuxes, uhtill the ist d. --L of �%ece-nber 19,,;7, after that date the 14tatuary Interst shall be charged. _after Fourteen days notice the Collector or his -'Jallif may seize any goods for unpaid t;-xes, The Collector shall have the privelege of mailing the tax notice to the several is-. pryers, zassed in open Council this Fifth day of J4L4 -f" );7,. 2n�e�� Reeve Clerk t'. CD �• 1 C+ c CD c!" CD O UO 1 11 By -Law Number 16 % '% the T ownthip of Bayhame of the Municipal Corporation of A By -Lair to provide for, the borrowing of Eight 'Thousand Doll.ar.Q upon Y'ebenture e , to provide for the erection of a now school buildin;--- in the TolRrnship of Bayh=. for School 1.'ection ?xuiber Fourteen. WHEREAS a special meeting of, the ratepayers of >> c w o o l Section F3u-iber Fourteen in the Township of Bayham was duly or,lled as required by La%v on the 31st day of July, 19.7. -.rnci whereas a pro - poral was submitted to the L mid special mooting of ratepayere for the borrowing of the sum of right Thousand Dollare for the erection of a neer Public :�o:hool HouFe for the � Aid : ohool bee tion. !.Ind whereas the application for a loan of ight Thouezand 1:ollars i%lao duly pa- :c c6, sanctioned =.nd .pp roved of by the £yid meeting o f the e aid -I-'j ohool ,section ":o c --led for the `, ��.id purpoFe. ..Lnd whereas the f -,.-.id ieeting instructed and empovierec the trustees of the ®aid School :rection to apply to the ffunicipal Corporation of the Township of Bp-yh�^°, to borrow the sun of F,i ht Thous .nd Tolla.re upon debentures to provide for the erection of the said school building. _-1fI' WHET S the said trusteee have rude such application to the Reeve enc douncil of the ;', id lorporf}tion. WHEREAS it iF estimated that the life of the eE;id school house vrill bo over tcr, years. � IIi rVIMHEAS it is necessary to borrovt the said sum of 7' i ght Thouegnd Tollars on the credit of the said Corporation, and to it= eue debentures therefor bearing; interest at the rote of three and r_i half percento per annum, which is the ;;mount of the debt intended to be c3re:Atec? by thie By-Lavie AND it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly €was dur in the period of ten years, of such amount a respectively that the a ivgre i:;at e amount payable for pr in- eipal and interest in any year shall be equal, as nearly as possible, to the timount payable for principal and interest in each of the other ISI►D WIMRE.PtS it will be ne ee : s ary to raise annually the sura of � 961.93 during the period of ten years to pay the ::ttid yearly'- sums of prinoips,Al --nd interest a: they become due. I WHERE:IS the amount of the whole rateable property of A th6 said Municipality, according to the last revised ass esment roll is X2140908.00 and of the said school E*)otion is "196759.00. M ... ................. Q N life-12JAa the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Corporation, exclusive of local imprgvement debts secured by special rates or lr ses ment , i�- and no p, --rt of the principal or interest is in a the Tgunicipal Council of the CorporF-:tion of th:e `township of Pa; -,ham, enacts as follows-.- 1. That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrowedon the credit of the Corporation at lar.fie , the sum of JiRht Thousand Dollars, (48000.00) and debentures shall. be i., sues therefor in su'7F- of 1010, not less than 4100.00 each, bearinM interest at tree rate of three and a half percent. per annum, and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of intere st . 2. 12he debentures ;mall all bear the .ame crate, and sh'a,11 Le issued within tvt o years atter the da.r on wnieh this Sy-La,i,; iw anc m, --.y he r any date i tithin such two ye- "LE -9 and shall be payable ins ten instalments during the next ten years next after the time When the same are is uec , t,nd the respective Pmount s of principal (,--,n6 int ere F t payable in each of such yeSrs sh:: ll be follovls: - ` e .r Pr ine iFl Interest Total 1938 081.93 280.00 961.9 • 1969 705.80 250.13 901.93 1940 730.50 ,231.4, 961.9u 1941 756.07 o 961.x' 1942 782.5: 179.40 9n1.9;� 1943 809.92 152.01 9x1.93 1944 838.27 1w�� . n0 901.93 1945 867.61 9 4.32 961.93 1946 897.97 x .96 961.93 1947 929.40 32.53 961.9; The reeve of the Jorporation shall sign and issue the deben- tures and intere:.t couponi , and the same shall be signed ._;1Lo by the Treasurer of the Corporation, and the c ebentures shall be se!.led with the seal o. t_�ae "orporat ion. 13 r - r M'r 4. During the ten years currency of the debentures the sum of 4961.93 shall be raised annually for the payment of the debt and inter- est, and shall be levied and raised annually by a special rate suffi- cient there -or, over and above all other rates, on --all the rateable property of public school supporters of the said school Lection in the ".1unicipality, at the same time and in the same manner j.s other rates. 5. The debentures may cont i.�in any clause providing for the registration thereof authorized by any Statute rela.t in to ?iunicipa.l Debentures in force at the time o� the i:.: ue thereof. 6. The amount of the loan authorized by this By-lavi may be con- solida.ted with the a^ ount of any loa.np authorized by other local im- provement By -lags by inc lud ink; the c2r�e ��r it h such other er to -enc in a consolid=ating By-law authorizing the borrowing of the aggregate there- of as one loan,"the issue of debentures for such loan in one con- secutive issue, pursuant to the provisions of the statute in that behalf. This By-law shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof. PaLsed this ' 0 day of4 ' ,�,,ne 19'.".47, -'✓- 227, Reeve 10 C+ C+ E..� � O O A � � n ' O bd K 164 O • • N O M 401AW Ilum r /U 3 U of the : un . .pa:l Corporation of the Toimshi p of ;�yham. A ,r-ol4w to prOVide for the borrowing of U--ght Thousmud Dollars upon Jebentures, to provide for thc erection of a new sohool buildix4j in the .1,1ownship of yhom for ;chool ection =I)cr Fourteen. ~` s, cial wwting of the ratepayers of c haol ..rection Mabsr Fourteen in the Township of Dayham was ,,duly called as required by Law on the day of 1;'/ nd whereas a lmposel was ribmitted to the ni special meeting of ratepayers f or the borraAnL—; of the aum of AJ4�ht `housan+d Dol lura for the erection of a new '.ublic �ahool house for the said ohooi.-jecti ou, And whereas the applica t ion i or a loan of Ught Thousand Dollars jas duly passed, sanctioned and a proved of by the mid meets of the said O'chool .erection so called for the said ' pose. .gad whereas 40 said meeting instructed an+d empowered the trustees of tha said %Ahoal Section to apply to the Municipal. Corporation of thy; Tcnmhip of - yhum to borrc the sum of ;Ughht Thousand Dollars a fon debentures to lirovide for the erection of the said school build W. ARD MW the said trustees have made such a r.licntion to the -Reeve; and. Couneil of the snid Corporat", 031, AND MM 34-3 it is estimated that the life of the said school house will be over ten years. AM OW �`AS it is necessary to borrow the said sin of A1 --,ht Thousand .� ollars� on the credit of the said � orporation, and to issue debentures therefor bearing int.reat at the rate of three and a half percent per antoln, which is the an cunt of the dab% intended to be created by this 3y -w a r. AM 4111it is expedient to make the arinoipal of the A. said deb's repaable in yearly sums during; the period of ten years of a uah amounts re s ec t ive ly that the a roma to amount C4 +W 4 am pWable for prinaipal and interest in year shall be equal. as nearly an possible, to the amount payable for principal and interest in each of the other yep}rs. AND ALW" WALS it wiU he nscessari to raise € =ua ly t; sun of X1.93 during the period of ten years to �xiy the said yearly sums of principal and ,interest as they becime duc.► AD A M 3 the amount of the whole rateable property , , , of the said Ixunicipality, accordin,, to the last revised assessew sent roll is Vl `"7aund of the said school seetion is AW JT R the amount of the mci st ing debenture debt lot of the Cwpora tion, exclusive of local 'improvement debts secured by special rates or assessments, is aud no `,art of the princilxal or interest is in arrears. `i'R3 the �uniaipal Council of the vera bion of the Township of Bay u m, exacts as f ollows; - 1. That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrowed on the credit of the Cora t tan at large, the sum of �i jght Thousand j liars, (W4.00) and debentures shall be issued therefor in sums of not less than 'Y 1.41.00 each, bearing interest at the rate of three and a half pereent per annum, and haviug coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest. ?. The debentures shall all bear the acne date, and shall be issued. within two years after the day on which this !y-Olsw is passed, and may bear amy nate within such two years, and all be payable in ten instalments durift:P the next ten gears next after the time when the same are issued, aW the respective amounts of ;principal and interest payable in mch of such years Aall be as f ollms s- 0 LMX 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 ' 1946 1947 f • • Two 681.93 280* 00 961.93 705*80 256.13 961.93 730.50 231.43 961.93 756.07 205086 961093 782.53 179*40 961.93 809.92 154.01 961.93 838.27 123.66 961.93 867.61 94.32 9GL93 897.97 63.96 961.93 929.40 32.53 961093 3. The %eve of the Corporation shall sign and issue the debentures and interest 03U 011, and the same shell be signed also by the `w reasurer of the corporation, and the debentures shall be sealed 7Ath the seal of the Corporntion. 4. ;�ariw the ten ;tears currency of the debentures the stm of r1 961.93 shall be rui sed annually for the yip-«mant of the debt and interest, and shall be levied and raiser annus ly' by a special rate sufficient therefor, over - end above all other xin tes, on all the rateable pro -nares of public school su-)porters of the said school wetion in the ��'u icipality, at the same time and in that some manner as other rates* 5. The debentures may contain azq clause providing for the registration thereof au thor i zed by any Statute relating to I-Aunicipal jebentures in force at the time a the issue thereof. 6. The a.riaunt of the loan authorized by this 3y4aw may be a m solida ted with the an Dunt of am loam authorized by other local. improvement Dy4aws by including the same with such other loans in s aansolidatine ! -lair authorizing the bore of the awro to thereof as one loan, and the issue of debentures for such loan 3.n ow conseeutive issue, pursumt to the provision$ of the Jtatute in that behalf* This By --18w shall take effect on the date of the final rising thereof* assed this da ofaA�7�-'A* Do 19370 w '.ialdl�fd• C •Mt.. • of the • % Athhip • of amu. ' �_c.rttfy that the withIO rent is duly entered and registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin in Gook..__ -for the ......... _...... _............... __..� atlB_o! o'clock ....��. of the ... ..da Y A.D. 19„-3 P7 Number Fee $ -d egistrtr 11 L .11T IiY. B-0 BY - LAVI INTO 1031 A by -la':. -i to provide for the total t,ure on roads in the township of- B �Y`l� ..� dare n the �,Te:�.r 1 9 37 WHEREAS The High -away Improvement Act , Chap ter 54, R. S : 0. , 1927 and amendments requires that tine total expenditure on tolrmship roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by-law. THEIiEFORE the council of the munici :z corporG;tio n of the said township enacts as folio is: (1) The sum ofi s hereby appropriated. from monies raised by levy, debentures and ,overnm -.,u,t ::ubsi d:r for Uo t�.J_ expenditure upon construction aj.I(� maintenance nn the roads in the said township during the year 193 as follows: Road Construction Bridge Construction chine ry �p Superintendence. D-:aintenance & RQpair Total Estimated Expenditure :1 JU 0,00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance -.tiith the last revised regulations respecting t ownshio roads issued by the Department of High`xlays of Ontario. CDP (3) The clerk shall transmit this by-law in duplicate to the Deputy Minister, Department of Highways, for approval on or before January 31st of the present year. Passed at .. of _ i-?etembe . A. D . , 193 .7 (S E A L) e Clerk Reeve I, �,en j Bri:m Clerk of the corporation of the township of.. do hereby certify that t', -.e foregoing is a true copy of. -By-law No. ssed by the council of the said corporation on the 7th da;yr of ovinship Clerk: BY-LAV1 INTO A by -lava t o pr ov ide f r the t otal ex oe rl, l tu5.°e on ro ads in the t ownsh ip of ..., -� _ auri n.7 the year 1 9 3 THEIiEFORE the council of tcLe munici oal corp or -tion of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of / .. is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and --;o d crnmeni ubsid; for to to,.J. expenditure upon construction and maintenance on the roads in the said township during the year 1937 as follows: Road Construction �..U`Z.........._........... Bridge Construction .......... . I;Machinery .. 4 . ,..... .. `� r . .... .... ...... auoerintend.ence. ............ _..... _.... ......... ..... ..._ �. III aintenance & Rip pair......_. °:� t� , _................._.. Total Estimated Expenditure Q ! J .. (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the last revised regulations respecting township roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit this by -lave in duplicate to the Deputy Ii,inister, Departiiient of Highways, for approval on or before January 31st of the present gear. Passed at.... -t a ... ;�, . .��... t h i s A ��1 day of :. ..... A . D . , 193 7 { (S E A L) I,. township, is a true Clerk .0 4oe rk of the • Reeve coi�porat ion of the of .. ...... _.... WHEREAS The Highlivay Improvem en t Act , Chapter 54, ,. S.O. , 1927 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on tolrinship roads and: bridges be provided for annually by to:-inship by -lave. THEIiEFORE the council of tcLe munici oal corp or -tion of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of / .. is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and --;o d crnmeni ubsid; for to to,.J. expenditure upon construction and maintenance on the roads in the said township during the year 1937 as follows: Road Construction �..U`Z.........._........... Bridge Construction .......... . I;Machinery .. 4 . ,..... .. `� r . .... .... ...... auoerintend.ence. ............ _..... _.... ......... ..... ..._ �. III aintenance & Rip pair......_. °:� t� , _................._.. Total Estimated Expenditure Q ! J .. (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the last revised regulations respecting township roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit this by -lave in duplicate to the Deputy Ii,inister, Departiiient of Highways, for approval on or before January 31st of the present gear. Passed at.... -t a ... ;�, . .��... t h i s A ��1 day of :. ..... A . D . , 193 7 { (S E A L) I,. township, is a true Clerk .0 4oe rk of the • Reeve coi�porat ion of the of .. ...... _.... ........ .. do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of [By -lava No,/N'5 passed by the council of the said corporation on the.. f day of 193 vinshlp Clerk. �� r � .. `. �, • _ By-law Iso 1066 3ein - a By-law to recind By-law lio 68P of the Town hip of Bayham i4hereas it is necessary :end expedient to recind By-law Iso 082. Be it therefore enacted by = unicip}al Oou,nci of the 1.4unicipality of Boyham in re,: ular ses..ion assembled, jOhat said By -lain Iso 68? is hereby reeinded. Passed in open Council this 4th d. ---y of October peeve Clerk W m By- law 110 f 3eing a By-law to appoint a Uedical health Officer fo the '�'Unieipe,lity of Bgyham r 4.0 t e it therefore enacted by the Mu.nicipAl Council in regular session assembif"d, that Dr J.H,F.AdQms be and hei. s herein appointed r.Tedical Officer of HeAlth in and for the Municip>;.ity of dgyhnm during the plea sure of the Council and their successors in Office., f v He eve COPY By-law No 1004 Being a By-law to appoint a ;1Pdical Health Ufficer for the I..unicip3-ility of BpyhAm. Be it therefore enacted by the I-iunicipal Council of the Township of BAyhAm in regular session assembled. ThAt Dr J.H. .rIdgms of the Ilunicipality of BcyhAm be and he is hereby appointed IiedicAl HeA.lth Officer in and for the afore s�:id 1�u.nic'ipAlity of BAyh�m, during the ple>j.sure of the Council and their L. s %_jsors in office? ' wed in open Council this 4th d, -.y of October :'�.Ij.19U7 1. :.... U ... ne eve A s 'lerk I :; � By-1aW ju.Tnber Being t:L By-law to appoint a 4dicul Officer of hef:lth for the Almunicipality of B.3yh:.Ln. Be it therefore en.ieted by the '4unieipyil Council of the Municipality of Bayh�-= in regul-ar Council n-eeembled, that ,il,:try of w 400.00 per y e,ir. 19:7 . .2a,ssed in open Council this I:1,5th ,dart' 6f Decp*er.-.=;.Tj.L90'7 Reeve GlerY be qnd he is hereby appointed Ifedical Officer of lie :�lth in and for the said IL of B4iyham* at a ,il,:try of w 400.00 per y e,ir. 19:7 . .2a,ssed in open Council this I:1,5th ,dart' 6f Decp*er.-.=;.Tj.L90'7 Reeve GlerY ki v Fj pURICaUALM OF _r "MIT T 014 1711,) �I by-law i'or the submission to e vote of a :1uesoon under The Liquor Control -let, .. .11I EAS, thr-_; e is, z ov4 in force vi thin the li_ji is of the muxiieipalitJ- a by --lay rul}e. v:f. prohibiting the Ei of 11. i�Qr by retail therein. A .iM. RAJ_ jaetf oxo Zg of `Lhe Liquor Control Act provic es for the subLission by the Council of a municipal' J Jr of °� ©I' the quest ions ret 3 orth in the said "x:otion to a vote of th pears:)n.9 quLlitied Oo be entered can the- Voters' erj to vo, - c: at elections to the LegisltAive .',.ssembly in t1flF i 11n.icipali-1-y. ,did tMMS) it is also provided by *the (Wid :.1eetion '9 of the said Act that if a petition in vxitirc ai6Led by at least Went f -five per centum Of he to Lal number of persons appef-.ring by the last revised list of the r unicipality to be resident there- in and qualified to vote at elections to the Leg?isla tive Issembly requestin,f; the Council to subni'j any one of the :paid questions is I filed vith Vie Clerk of the municipality and with the Liqucv Control 3oard of J nta.r i o it Shall, be the duty of the ;ounc i 1 to . submit such question_ and no other to a vote of the electors. ADD 4M sue�I a petition has been f i.led 4 th the Clerk of the municipality Mquesting the Council to submit to a vote of the -oa rsons qualified to vote thereon the following question, namely, "Are you inf av aw of the sale of beer and wine under the prov is ions of 'Il, ie Liquor Control :pct?" AW -1421-11213 the said ne tition certified by the said (leek as having been sufficiently signed has been filed with the .►aiquor Control Board of Ontario and the said mrd hers fixed day, theA"Ilsk* . a .0 , day of .�. . , 193 , as the day upon which the vote upon the said question shall be taken and has notified the said Clerk to that effect. AID IMMIA3 it is necessary to provide by by-law for the submission of the said question to the said electcr s and for the tailing of their votes thereon. -` FOR3, the Counail of the Corporation of the Township 0 *- , 0 .. 2 .. of Bohm, enacts as follows: 1. ATRXAVk to the provisions of oec tion U9 of Me Liquor Control Act there is hereby submitted to a voce of the Dersons qualified to be entered on the ".voters' list and to voce at elections to the Legislative assembly '.n thc. said municipality the follow -- inti; question, namely, ";tee You i n f evoiw ' of the. sale off' beer and wine under the provisions of j'he-,iquor Ccin xol .-,fW . : 2• The said vote shall be, ta'-en on rlay, the day of as direct' b7 the said 3oard ttnd in accordance with the recft.re- mento and -, visions, of the i'ontrol ii.et. PASSIM this . -�// . . day of . ! ---. ! 193 ,y. -3 0 Clerk, yor or reeve. I C„ rt ify the foreo inp- to be tj true and correct copy of 3y-lqw l�ol�f 3h of the OorporAt ion of the Township of �AyhA.m. I ?� t h i c L, y o f Le�-� 1 y .; 7 T Clerk -W. j m W .0 1100-0-1 MI 4 !r -Ve!01 1. Li ;' ! A by --law foz the submission to a vote of a question under The Liquor Control Act, - RIERUS, there is now in force %i thin the limits of the municipality a by-law number 731 prohibiting the sale of liquor by retail therein. AAIB ` RRW Section 69 of The L3r.uor Control Act provides for the submission by the Council of a municipeli ty of any one of the questions set .forth in the said Section to a vote of the persons quali tied to be entered on the Voters' List and to vote at elections to the Legislative assembly in the municipality. AND *MbW it is also provided by the said _IE a ti on 69 of the said Act that if a petition in writing signed by at least twenty-five per centum of the total number of pees :ns appearink,! by the last revised list of the municipality to be resident there- in and qualified to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly requesting; the Council to submit any one of the; said questions is filed 11th the Clerk of the municipality and with the Liquor Control Board of Jntario it shall be -the duty of the Council to submit such Guestion and no other to a vote of the electors. AM EMEA3 such a petition has been f iled with the Clerk of the municipality requesting the Council to submit to a vote of the persons qualified to vote thereon the following question, namely, "Are you infavxr of the sale of beer and w Jze under the �ravisions of The .Liquor Control Ac`s" AND 'JHM3AJ t'Ze said re tition certified by the said Clerk as having been sufficiently signed has been filed with the Liquor Control Board of Ontario and the said Board has f ixed day, the '' day of . , 193 as the day upon which the vote upon the said question shall be taken and has notified the said Clerk to that effect. AIS} MREAS it is necessary to provide by by -lax for the submission of the said question to the said electors and for the taking of their votes thereon. ME, the Council of the Corporation of the Tower' 2 .. of Bayham, enacts as follows: 1. PURSUANT to the provisions of Section 69 of The Liquor Control Act there is hereby submitted to a vote of the persons qualified to be entered on the Voters' Dist and to vote at elections to the Legislative ,Assembly in the said municipality the follow- ing question, ramely, - i`Are you inf avou,r, of the sole of beer and wine under the provisions of The Liquor Control Act?" 2. The said vote shall be taken on .&X*i�eO. day, the . . t day of 193 Yas directed by the said Board and ir_ accordance with the require - vents and provisions of the Liquor Control Dict. PASSED this • (. day of . ` :. 193/7 . ..x ,e ell- Clerk.. Mayor or Reive, . I CERTIFY the foregDing to be a true and correct copy of �T-lair ��o.��.�;7 ; of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham DATED this . • . day of . . 193 . .... ....... Clerk. . N ipow co V M O " J O W 1 By -Law .too )b �`/' ase in v By- to xeeind By-law number 1G'04 passed the 4th day of Uotober t..?`*19;D79 _is to t le t6ftS1txeeo$fojftobff'icP of the 4d icE-1 Gffioex of Health. .L'assed in open Counoil this lU,,t d=,ty of november .19 ,7. 99 1 r.e eve le rk By-law No MfM ben in,� a By-lawuo recind .ray -lave lumber 10"4 passed the 4th day of October A.D. 19 7 , = s to t -:,e � I�ux�•' o 'offiee of t'' e I edical Officer of liealth. �assed in open Council this 1st day of i ovember ire eve "le rk • By --law Lumber /0 3 of the r-'uuicipal Gorr oratio . of the olhi of 36iyhmm• By-law to Provide for certf: in ii} prover. e#, t s i r; harbor facilities and dock accomodation ir. the `pillage of � ort Aluniell. ,l ►proposals , ve bec3ri ma for improvinc. 'iarbor facilities and dock accomodatiou car: the west side of the harbor �c3ar the mouth of t ter iitailla�. e of � ort Ilurwell, aL�I it is necessary for that j url-ose to e. -.ter into ai, arpreer ,-NA f,�it' the ';arradiau -ecific ;ilf�ra�,r ; c:.;� �riy• . ,11 the s 'reemerit has bee��. submitted to t,.1p, ..,ouircil of the said of and f: copy J, ereon' is = ereto att..c ad • 1r.`..i " I 7 Vie i unlcl ,, < :ounoil of Vie � o'Ship, oI 3ayham hereby ej..acts as follows; - '"bat the `L'os�rlIIhi;,= of : nyhum e:;ter into Vie said a= reer er:t with tl1e 3'aTiadiwi acific ,0L.V, II r cis C-3 t out In tl,.le said agreemerit iv`.ich is att�iched to this 3y -law and .:.arlked as a schedule tl-iereto. 2. that Vie Jerk and the �Ieeve of the, said iovmship are hereby instructed and authorized to properly execute the said agreement on b, -`,u .f of t116`LOWnshir of 1.3,1,�haz a::�� .31so exec ate a iy further coaive,�rariczes, deeds, agreeraer.ts or other ilistrur;,ents . eeessars to ,roperly and coo etely carry out the terror of the a� ,ra even t . -., i le eve 3 a third tine and ro,knsscd tp.is / clay of Clerk. 0I By-1aw 3",umber f U 3 S'' of t o ilniaipul :corporation of the By-law to provide for cert in i rovements in harbor faci li cies ' and dock accomodation 1. tile Village le lillae ofort 'pure 11. s ..r1b3oI1 jrOOM, 4 Fy - 3y-1,rj 1401Q.0 -•.'3,y-1;4,,;i to f� 1l�oir�t certain Ufiicer, ire enc i'or t��e 'Tunicipality of the Township of Bayh.--im for the year 8. Be it therefore enacted by the :.�uni.cipal Council of the 11unicipality of .3ayh:am in re;;ul:ir Less ion 3 •embled . Th at if jo4%""' " chat gr� &44 health for 19"8. shall be assessor for 19,;8,, shall be a -.1ember of the Boure of That valut;tor.: of sheep killed by GoU. Th -tit4�110� Of s:icer for 190'8. Fh al l b Shall be .-school attend txnce .phut ..,hall be .Ieec Increetor for 19689 �>lso-•elief j,ecret�.ry for 19 8. That Peters, TTorri on & Brown of Fort Brie be _nuc itor. for 1938. Passed in accorc .,ince with -a re solution this ori La;T of January 6rd 19':8. 0 ie eve Clerk . BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW EEMRDS BYLAWS [1337-10601 File # 30 Date Subject Bylaw # FILE # 30 1337 1 Nov 37 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1048 7 Nov 39 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1053 23 Jan 39 Appoint a clerk in and for the Township of"Bayham. 1060 6 Nov 39 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 11 By-law Ic um. be r Be in a 3y-lu,001, to provide fort he Jholeinpr of the biunicipal 1 "lecti , on in the Nunici�,ulity of bayhm for the year 6 .Ind for the ajpointin:� of ""'e-puty iIeturriing QfficerE-, `.'cellI veli pl-,t-ein the zeverul polling -.ub 1jivi1QionC.-- in the L.-unicip�-zli I y of yh, X, it tilerefore en,-Lcted by i -"Ah e u. I C 1 1 t -'o C, ^111 C:11 JJL n re. r se s IQ i o n c, e -a b I e d . Th.A the election for sub djLvision viol a -he *'"nicip,Ality &.h,.,11 be held at the rol-ce -"-ll in -,he of Vill--.ip -ort _,e �ancr Sh,.ill be 6eputy returning office r a n h .. t11 be i o11 clerk f o -i - _yid uivl on. Th -,-A Vrie eleCl-licn for c-ub dJ4.vi-,-ion Lio z -hall be held or near 1,tce ri. s p 1 3, c e in yid c, i ,, i :ion4 Uhull boo,fic=r -�,epaty retarnJ n C, "h:il -1 be poll CO le, rk for L-iiCJC C� ivJ, I. i 0 r, v 4 c- ion No .hall be hele -it A. :h,,Lt the elect: on for <,�"' or near the .)choDl hou.'e in I-- Lib c i v i ion, an -111 be wee putt' --eL.rnin.:r Officer ,enc ,--�h.,11 be ,oll cler,r for ,i6 A the election fog.. for ub divic,-ion ]oo 4 1,hall be he1c, -it he -eoln --ill in the E� i 0. 'vivion r,am c shall be Ioer-l. lleturnimz 'Ifficer ,ind h f-4 11 be ioll clergy for Q,iii �ivion. iz Th,it the elect ionf-'or ,,ub 6ivi.,:.ion No 5 sh),--11 10c, Ll t Ihe f1i ',,ill in I -rillae th-� u of Corinth,. ch-,.tll be ]1-eruty returning officer sh--M be poll cler! 4'or *.vi on. -1. �) "'h .it the election for division +o ' {.6Mh ul l be held �t oy ne �r the null in the 'Jill :age of and- ..h�11 be deputy returrlin: officer rrdiv shall be' poll clerk for .:aid civi:icn. ( 7) shat the election for �:zrib c ivi:-ion i+o 7 skill be held -in the Vill,.3LgA of :.ich-iond . rind r � and shall be :►-eputy ••eturnin� officer Shull be -ic•oll clerk for Qaic divi::.ion. { 8) i'h jt 1h elect ion for :pub d i�ri .ion Igo 8 shall be re lL at or ne.ur -pai ht ?rec sey -",tee in -_Lid d.iviZ.ion. and �� shell be deputy returnin-- office and (�% t sh ill be -1 of l clerk for y iia c ii C a.on. _'enc t h- t the ?.werputy -Leturriing, Officers and x' oll Clerks are required to hold the :1fa4LC Ejlection,,in accorc,ance with the :et ude sand ro��idea �`or `Jotin, 0 of at the "`uniei� 1 "le etiors ra sed in open Council this 1st day of November :;ee ve Clerk- BAYHAA TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----- __ M- ------ -------------------------------- ------._,.. Bylaw # Date Subject 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Comrm1nity Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be'made;' 1243 4 Sept 51 Change the time for holding the Court Revision., 1245 1�Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vienna H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton . Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Piivilege of collecting taxes. K 1366 13 Jun 41 Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAY11AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 TO license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 Amend •bylaw ,No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 Amend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Amend bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. M s 1M 16 i i ' .1 . t1 If � • ...L i.. I V To r i thdraw the Tcwnshir of 13:,,char: _ t Y Vienna Hi.zh School District `S the I unicipal Council of the Coruorati.on of the Towr_shis- of Ba rh«.rr: has passed a rescluticn requesting thi S council to pass a By-1-aw w7 trdrawir-� the ".'o�� -shit' of 3ayhan from the Vienna Hi,,7h School District: The County Council therefore enact.-: 1. That the Townshir, of ba-,harbe and i_- withdrawn s withdrawn from the Vienna. Hi h School District. 2. That By-lavv T,o. 240 passed in 1873 be and is hereb-,, amended accordir._-z - . Read a third tine and passed at County i;ouncil Chambers St. Thon��_s, this 26th da,,- of w rtTemt�er, 1�3?. Clerk f cl A. the 'ovinshijI , of ,Oarham from the Vienna T-Tirrh S-chool i)istrict --ed 26th licvem,'Le.r. 1937 Certified Correct