HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1934BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 992-1001 1934 Bylaw # Date Subject 961 2 Mar 31 Appoint Fence --viewers and Pound -keepers. 963 1.2 May 31 Provide for -road -expenditures for 1931. 964 31 Aug 31 Levying the annual rate fo Bayham for 1931. 965 30 Nov 31 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 966 15 Dec 31 Authorize the borrowing of money to meet township expenses. 967 11 Jan 32 Appoint an assessor for the town of Bayham for 1932. 968 11 Jan 32 Appoint a Trustee for the Vienna H.S. for 1932-33. 969 11 Jan 32 Appoint a rnarber of the board of Health for 1932. 970 11 Jan 32 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1932. 971 11 Jan 32 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 972 11 Jan 32 Authorize the township to borrow money to meet township bills. 972 ]/2 1 Feb 32 Levying and collecting an annual tax known as Poll Tax. 973 19 Feb 32 Appoint a road Superintendent for Bayham. 974 19 Feb 32 Provide for road expenditures for 1932. 975 7 Mar 32 Appointing Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 976 6 Sept 32 Levying the Annual Rate of Bayharn for 1932. 977 5 Dec 32 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 978 9 Jan 33 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1933. 979 9 Jan 33 Appoint a Trustee for the Vienna H.S. for 1933-34. 980 9 Jan 33 Appoint a weed inspector for Bayjam for 1933. 981 9 Jan 33 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 982 9 Jan 33 Appoint a school attendance officer for Bayham for 1933. 9 BAYHAM BYLAW RBCORDS BYLAWS [ 961-999 ] File # 21 cont. Bylaw # Date 989 990 991 992 992 993 994 995 9 Jan 33 9Jan 33 6 Feb 33 6 Mar 33 7 Sept 33 4 Dec 33 15 Dec 33 5Feb 34 9 Jan 34 8 Jan 34 5 Mar 34 7 May 34 996 14 Jul 34 997 14 Jul 34 998 4 Sept 34 999 3 Dec 34 Subject Appoint a number of the Board of Health for 1933. Appoint. -an assessor for the town of Bayham for 1933. Provide for road expenditures for 1933. Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1933. Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. Provide for road expenditures for 1933. Provide for road expenditures for 1934. Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1934. Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1934. Providing for a reduction of the tern of subsisting contracts for the supply of electric service. Recind bylaw No. 692. Appoint Awditors to Audit the Books of the late William Grant. Levying the annual rate of Township of Bayham for 1934. Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. nditu-- .-HLI"i th c. of z C.41 r of -xrm- ndil Vu[.moion m,.As u-nd-r IT !.:t:, rov ..r :r 4. 1 S roy I fcr %mr.1w,11 ry to."m-h.J. - ,[1' The ou;,-. c- 1'/) O.OQ . QO. T, o fc li�-. C _U 0 Ji. Ilk c 0 1.3 L -.L 6 0 0 S u c C11 C', 9000.0c T; t _T's t i rtu - 12,000.,00 h e 0, 1111 y ap, c �1 r. t c� d c r - f 40 r: -1. c- s I rz Allc-n C! "~Ac r. i S 1, Cl 11 C C t c S -su d b y 1 -al s:t C 1-, T*.,--.-- C) L f S tc I: 'I c -r Aty Th:- I' t r. s! - t n r. y C7 c traffordvilie 5t ly tr- -- -r % I �-) Z. Y.. 1. , .1 Cv F • ':end. r i.:jn 11 C) f t,!". rr cf Days f c -70 L n 99 t t 1, h c, r 1 -,ti ry Ch • � , a n � � • � • • ' � w , � ' � � ' ,. •- � 1 t e .� . . + 6 _. �, • � � , t , � 1 � • � < i • , . • � • r � • - 1 ' � i 1 By-law No A By-law to appoint certain Officers in and for the municipal ity of Bayham for the year A .D. 1934. Be it therefore enacted by the "tinicipal Council in regular session assembled that u`� shall be assessor for 1934. And that- . 4-- 4t shall be Auditors for 1934. And that : 41, shall be a trustee for the Vienna nigh School fob• the.,, ear D. 1934 & 1935. And that ,. shall be a i"iembe r of the Board of nealth for the year A.D.1934. And that ' shall a 1 be sheep valuators for the year A.D.1934. And that .4:.��' dance Officer for 1934. end that for the year .I. D• 1934 i shall be School atten shall be iie e d inspector Inaccordance with a resolution passed by the Bayham Council on the 8th day of January D.1934. Passed in open Council thi: 8th day of January A. ?,. 194 " ke eve 0 Clerk f! By-law No IIippointing Certain Officers for .D. 1934 assed January 8th U k Form 100-33 Ontario .Y.h?........I........................ . BY-LAW No....9 9: .......... of�V=jtj)X to authorize the borrowing of S36.000. Whereas the Council of the "ownsh' n of I-Ia7hari (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrowthe sum of $ 35,000, to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1(a34 , not including year if adopted; if not, to those revenues derivable or derived from arrears of tales, borrowings and issues of of Iast year. debentures is S 62 9000 . (Delete this y� a y,,�� �,w^,� i� paragraph if not , c*�.C11a3Fi�aiQ�{ kxs{ a�#-.l]mxigvc d applicable). Therefore the Council of the 'lotrn3hi p of Juayhutz hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO-M.MERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 315 ,000 . to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said section 334, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5-' per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 334, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of aH sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account qr realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 1tU1': th day of J alluary 1934 THE iEAD Olt THE MUNICIPALITY v $SAL = CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 993 of the orrn ;phi -:) of :3uyllals in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This ?i nh th day of J anwiry 1934 As Witness the Seal of the Tovfnshi n of Ba-77han THE HEAD OF TH .1UNICIPALITY SEAL .......................... ...... .. ................ ....CLERK.... . By-lavr Ido !� ;5� $ Li A By-law for to appoint certain Officers in and for the lunicipality of Bayham for $.D.1934. Nher.eas it is necessary and expedient to appoint certain Officer Be it therefore enacted by the "``unicipal Council in regular session ha��tishall assemled that be and he is hereby appointed to collect the POLL TAX fromn all persons entitled to pay the same, in the 11unicipality of Bayham.a,x i Passed in open Council this 5th day of 'larch At. TD. 1934. / / T/, i/ //� • Clerk • � ne eve . % � ��/�- i'U y le rk A Z BY-LAW NC1.$ijr OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYH UI • A BY-LAW PROVIDING FOR A REDUCTION OF THE TERM OF SUBSISTING CONTRACTS FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE RURAL POWER DISTRICT OR DISTRICTS OF WHICH THE TOWNSHIP OR ANY Pt !RT I r`�T THEREOF FORMS A PART, FROM TWENTY YEARS TO FIVE YEARS IN CERTAIN CASES WHEREAS in pursuance of THE POWER COMMISSION ACT, and of BY-LAW NO. 889 , tho'Municipal Corporation agreed with the Hydro -Electric Pourer Commission of Ontario hereinafter referred to as the Commission, under date of the 2nd day of November , 1T5 , for the supply of electric power or energy to the Corporation, and to customers within the Township as therein provided; AND WHEREAS, in pursuance of such agreement, the Municipal Corporation has procured contracts in the standard form for electrical service in rural pourer districts which are effective for, a period of twenty years from the date on which the Corporation was read;to serve such customers; AND WHEI:FAS it seems desirable to reduce the said period of twenty years in certain cases to a period of five years; AND WHEREAS the Commission has given its approval to such reduction in such cases under date of April 13, 1934; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAI , ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. Except as hereinafter provided, and notwithstanding anything contained in any such contract, any customer under contract with the Corporation for the supply of electric power or energy in any Rural Poorer District of which r I -2- "_V the Corporation or any portion thereof forms a part, may, after the expiration of five years from the date on which the customer commenced to take and use electric energy thereunder, give notice in writing of his desire to be relieved of the said contract, and thereupon such contract shall terminate after the expiration of one year from the date of such notice. 2. Except where notice is given as provided by Clause 1 hereof, all such contracts shall remain in force in accordance with their original terms. 3. This By --law shall not apply - (a) until after the repayment in full of any loan obtained by the customer, under The Rural Power District Loans Act, being 20 George V, cap. 14; (b) to 'guarantee' contracts, which where entered into by the customer for the purpose of making guarantees to make possibly the building or extension of any transmission line in any Rural Power District; (c) where the customer has taken electric power or energy thereunder for less than five years; (d) where the customer desiring to be relieved is in default for any sum or sums payable under his contract, whether the same became due prior to or subsequent to the giving of the notice provided for in Clause 1. 4. The Commission as trustee for the Municipal Corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to do all such acts, matters and things on behalf of the Corporation which may be necessary to givL, effect to the provisions and intent of this By-law, and the doing of any such acts, matters and things shall not be deemed in any way a breach by the Com_mi s s i on of the prow s i cr s of the hereinbefore recited agreement between the Corporation and the Commission, dated the 2nd• day of November 19 25 #3. 5. This By-law shall come into force in any Rural Power District of which the Corporation or any portion thereof forms a part, only upon the passing of similar By-laws by all of the Municipal Corporations which in whole or in part comprise the particular Rural Power District. DATRD at and finally passed this day of sem, A. D. 193 ...�.:.�2 ............... Reeve ........�..........••..P........... .............................. a........... Clerk d S ft lw 4 By-law No 996 By-law No 996 Being a By-law to recind By-law leo 692, passed October 3rd 1910, -'shereas it is necessary and expedient to appoint a Treasure to fill the vacancey caused by the Death of the Late dilliam rant and to recind the By-law appointing him. 'assed in open Council this h day of July y. B. 193 - a Reeve �� G, Wy`-' Clerk i By-law No 997. A By-law to appoint Auditors to Audit the Books of the late Treasure Vt illiamrant. And to appoint a Treasure to fill the vacancy cauesd by the Death cf YVillia rant. 4hereas it is necessary and expedient to appoint a Treasure to fill the vacancey caused by the death of the late '.V illiam 4rant Be it therefore enacted by the 'Tunicipal Council of the y� Township of Bayham in regular session assembled that shall be `treasure of the Township of Bayham. during the pleasure of this Council and thdkr successors in office at a salary of t )aJmr for the performance of the duties of the said office. ; fit • "�"�� ' Passed in open Council this4th day of July n.D.1934 Reeve. ��i t Clem 0 Q� a n C: By7 -1 a;r► Tic f By-law for levying the annual rate of the TGyrvn::hip of Bayham for the year . .19; end for arpointing a coll-ector or collectors to collect the surae. Therefor-_ it is necessary and expedient to provode for the levying and colla ctin�; the annual rate to meet the necesc:.�ry expenditure: of the Municipality of Bayha;Lm for the year A.Z. 1934 Be it therefore enuc� by the T�unici3al �c�.n:,�il of the 1�Iunic ipality of 3ayTham in regular se Tion as !embled , tha.tthere shall be levied upon all the rateable property acse5zf-ed irt the Munici pality of Bayham -or the year '.,7'_• 19;;4. For County purposes: yi�u�9.G0 For 1 ovin hip For :)chool and be it Furth, =,r en cted that the collector or collector: of the Tfu.nieipa,lity be and they are hereby aurtherized to collect the further additional su:�ns of money for schools purpose s , that shall be letied upon the rate_-,bIe prof erty a:: se sled the c:ev oral ::-chool sectio.:, for t'hich said sua,y b; 1.?:iced upon the collectors roll, ani ill other rates for the year A.D.1944. ;end be it further enacted that 'for the puri ose of colt e ct ing the said sums that �� Ehall be and he hereby arpointed to collect the taxes of the Municipality of B�gham for the year :-t a, sal=ary of4V JO.- � for the .�u� � .� er form:�nce of hihistie,.ten b:;hal�. of th.,�, 1,'Iunicipa.lity of ' Bu ham . Is .-nc. be it enacted that the Clerk is and he i:: hereby required to -lake the necassart Collectors roll ��cr end thata rite of '+:;'T 1 '`I ;;; on the T.ollar be lev . ;c upon 311 the rateable property arpearing upon the assessment rolls for lXf _,nd that the Cler': .­h4ll .make the necessary divisions of the aid rite to.,ply on t e several --nount so atate-d. '^ enc that ,ft 11d d=:,-, of Decembcy 194 a penalty of 0 � PTS+ Com: er ''onth or fraction of month shall be charged on x.11 unid to e : . .�n3 thdt after"OU.-:1'I; d�.ys notice the Collector may seize the goods or chortles for unpaid tuxe s . _Md the Collector shall hove the privelege of mailing the tLi-x notieeS to the s=everal ratepayers. Pa -sed in open Council this 4th day of "eptemb i i peeve . 417 - Clerk r7 10 B.y'p for ?.oma;; inJ a rate and 1 ---?,pointing a collector for BY -law No i7 Y• Being a By-law to provide for the holding of theMunicipal Elections in the Municipality of Beyham for the year A.D.1935* and for appointing Deputy Returning vffioers, -doll Claris as well as polling places in the seoeral Sub -divisions in the said Municipality of Bayham e Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Munici pality of Bayham in regular session assembled. (1) That the election for sub -division 8o 1 of the Municipality shall be held at the Yolioe Hall in the Village of dt Burwell and shall. be Deputy "eturning Officer and shall be Poll Clerk for said Division (2) That the election for Sub -division No 2 shall be held at or near theOld Toll gate in the said division and shall be Deputy Aeturnin officer p y g and >,eW shall be poll clerk for said division. (3) That the election for Sub -division No 3 shall be held at or near the Smoke school House in said division* andIIIApf��Ir shall be Deputy '�etuarnibg. Officer and ahall be poll clerk for said division. (4) That the election for sub- 1vis ion No 4 shall be held at thw Town Mall in said division and ehall be Deputy Imeturning officer and shall be poll clerk for said division (5) That the election for Sub -division No 5 shall be held at or near the Community Aall in the and p�. zzt.4.1� W Z44..�v ani Village of Corinth shall be Deputy Returning officer shall be poll clerk of said division (6) That the election foe Saud -division No 6 shall be held at or near the Eden Hall in the village of Eden (7) the and and shall be 4eputy "eturning Officer shall be poll clerk of said Division. That the election for ,Sub -division No 7 shall be held in village of Atichmond shall be Deputy "eturning 9ff icer shall be poll clerk of said Division. (8) That the election for Sub -division No 8 shall be held at or near the home of Mrs Geo gressey in said division, and shall be Deputy heturning Officer and shall be poll clerk of said yivision. And that the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks are requested to hold the said elections in accordance e with the Act made and provided for Voting by ballot ..at the Municipal Elections with the l lair made and provided* Passed in open Council this 3rd d Straffordville December 3rdl934 of December A. D• 1934. he eve Oadrk I BYLAWS j 1000-1041 ] FILE # 22 Bylaw # Date Subject 1000 15 Dec 34 Amend bylaw No. 992. 1001 15 Dec 34 Appointing Auditors for 1934. 1002 14 Jan 35 Recind bylaw No. 997. 1003 14 Jan 35 Appoint a treasure of the Township of Bayham. 1004 14 Jan 35 Appoint certai : officers in Bayharn for 1935. 1005 14 Jan 35 Provide for mad expenditures for 1935. 1006 14 Jan 35 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1008 1 Apr 35 Granting cert in privileges to the Dominion Natural Gas Ccup. 1009 1 Apr 35 Appoint an Inspector of Drains in Bayham. 1010 16 Dec 35 levying the Annual rate of the town of Bayham for 1935. 1011 2 Dec 35 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1012 2 Dec 35 Authorize the taking of a vote of the electors of Port Burwell. 1013 13 Jan 36 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1936. 1014 13 Jan 36 Provide for the rctd expenditures for 1936. 1015 3 Feb 36 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1016 6 Jul 36 Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1936. 1017 6 Jul 36 Change Polling day and election day in Bayham. 1018 5 Oct 36 Provide for the road expenditures for 1936. 1019 2 Nov 36 Provide for the holding of the Municipal elections. 1020 2 Nov 36 Granting certain privileges to A. B. Holmes. 1021 4 Jan 37 Appoint tertian officers in Bayham for 1937. 1022 4 Jan 37 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1027 ? ? 37 Establish rules and trgulations with respect to the S traf fordvi l le Ce T e tery . 1028 3 May 37 Amend bylaw No. 1017. 1029 3 Aug 37 Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1937. BAYHAMBYLAW REODRUS BYLAWS j 1000-1041 ] FILE # 22 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1030 1 Sept 37 Provide for the borrowing of $ 8,000.00. 1031 7 Sept 37 Provide for the road expenditures for 1937. 1033 4 Oct 37 Recind bylaw No. 682. 1034 4 Oct 37 Appoint a Medical Health Officer for Bayham. 1035 4 Oct 37 Submission to a vote of a question under the Liquor control Act. 1036 1 Nov 37 Reci.nd bylaw No. 1034. 1038 1 Nov 37 Provide for certain iWrovements in harbor facilities in Port Burwell. 1039 3 Jan 38 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1938. 1040 3 Jan 38 Appoint Auditors for Bayham. 1041 7 Feb 38 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. By-law Number Being a By-law to re o ind By-law No 992 Appointing C . L. Laing and Geo W Marshall Auditors for 1934. M Passed in open Council this 15th day of December A.L.194'I Reeve 0� r Clerk t M s � �Q A ! a w a � v� o +—' bd w ! � N 0 OF By-law No I d of, .0eing a By-law appointing Auditors for 1934. Wherefore it is necessary"and expedient to appoint Auditors to audit the Books of thee Township of Bayham* be it therefore enacted that Peters. Morrison & Brown C.A. be and they are appointed auditors to audit the Books of the Township of Bayham for the year A. D.1934 & 1935 Passed in open Council this 15th day of December A.D.1934 Reeve Clerk 'I i W b Q !uu T"� p� Cs p e+ a � o O c� K OD • Q K , �g By-law No Being a By-law to recind By-law No 997 appointing a treasure to fill the vaeancey caused by the Death of the late Wm +rant Whereas it is necessary and f._�expedient to recind By-law No 997 Be it therefore enacted that said,By-law No 997 is hereby rec Inde d . -'assed in open Council this 14th day of January A. D.1935. i Reeve ti • Clerk r