HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1927BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 60.910-911 1927 BYLAWS FOR PORT BURWELL AND T=CNBLM BYLAWS [ 1-1232 ] FILE # 29 Bylaw # Date Subject 1 14 Jul 31 For-bidding all dogs to run at large. 2 28 Aug 31 No erection of structures hazardous to public health. 3 19 Feb 01 Restraining of animals at large. 4 20 Feb 01 Regulations for fire protection. 5 20 Feb 01 Licensing of billiard tables. 6 19 Apr 01 Amend Bylaw no. 3. 19 6 Mar 07 Confirm bylaw. 60 1 Feb 27 Vote on Money bylaws. 67 1 Sept 31 Repeal bylaw No. 2. 1232 ? ? 49 Authorizing the borrowing of $573,000.00. [TILISONBURG.] $BARD OF TRUS'rEE5 A. E. Brown, Chalrm.n Beet H.rbor on North Shore of Lk. Erse. C. S.mpwn, In.. Tru.tee C. P. Ste.mbwt conneoto .�, A.htabul. _M A. J. HutcM'i..on, Se ary Ohio. Meet. l..t Friday re in` in h Month Fter.cPower [ory S@e., Naur.l Cu, W.- eae The Police Village of Port Burwell ONTARIO'S SUMMER RESORT Beautiful Parks end ik..hes. Port Burwell, ......... / 19 7 611, G � z�'tCtuC� Gary//c ` LG r7 "7 � x f0 Whereas it is nooessary and empedlent to j= s a lrj].m7 b7 the Board of ?olice Trustees of the VillaCe of ??ort Burrell in conplianoe with the petit. on of €x mloritj of the rateprWorc of the said Vill&:3e who h=o the ri;;ht and privilege to vote on noncrj byl=s in the said Police Villo.Co* ahon be it enrated by the said Board of ?oboe Trustees of V -,c efid :rolice Village or Port rmrumll. 1. And whereas the said Board of 'olieo lrustooc here%, heti ;ion the muniolpal Counoll of tho Township of Bcvbm to Pass a money bylaw for the purpose of establiahInC; fifty hylro otroct l.iGhto in the mblie otreets and t.ieWays of the said Police Village of ?ort Mraell; which nay hore- after be CMr,,xsod upon by the hydro elcctric com�-zranc7 the said Board of Police "Trunteee. 8. The said novo; bylaw to be re Tiostea to be -Lxwood b$ the oa,i(I tluniollial Council shall ooml;,- with the IM70 laid down , Chal)ter 72, Soot. `Slfi , clause C and anb. i.;eo. 2 aid 3. 3,0 And vhoreas the said Polloo �Iruatees hereby rarther )otltion that the said by1W to be heroirkafter pu»ssecl iri the zniaiPel Council of the Tam ship of iia„jwn to Ia raioo on all of the rateable propos in the said V13.lrjoe ofort Burrell a am m2ff'icient to :say a mm prinoii)al Money of Teo Thou sand zwVzn=: Five liundred Dollars and to I sme detsentmrec for said amount with the interest thereon myabio in guars, said in.'aereet to be o=,Tntod at the rate of �•`Z • per oont per nnnm ,to Is hercinalter be levied and oelleeted in each and every year of the, team providoc.. oontimed. 4. 7herew the said Board of Polioo Moes of tho wid Villa, -6 of Port B-,, e:.l do Autther petition the Bald CoTmall Of the 2017,23hip of Bad to c3awo 8_o a oa?.oa to be 1€s,uu+ed,+ mt tF�o ting and �laae de"ined by the ea�d :,XmdmdrA%I Corporation, for tho, sum of ^;vo ^hsr.* and ^ive E Madred'Della= with ooup,.)m cattmahod -o oa o? yeovl, dobwiturr: !or tho interest.thoroom. at tho rato aforosaidl alto ahowlrC the nunbor o mills on the :)ollox to ompl, with SAb Soot. 3. 6. Passod this //,L/- c'U ofenauxy,7 /%.qr by tho said Board of, =)Oliao ^.rusteeo of tho PillaCe of sort B=,.Io'll. A oopy of this by7.wfa2tor w -7U ;rmnod as aforesaid, hno boon foXk7arG0d to tho I ua3oipal Clol3.r of the To. - hip or Bo7ham as Provided b,-, C'hapt©r 72 :;eo. 534; sub 890• �• r�L^t,,%f/J�Lt Gitic_ Signed b„l i BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 842-960 ] FILE # 20 Bylaw # Date Subject 842 24 Nov 22 Authorize the signing of a petition to detach the Township of Bayharn from the High School District of Vienna.. 848 8 Jan 23 Provide for the taking of votes of the electors of Bayham. 850 2 Jun 24 Borrow the sum of $ 35,000.00 for a new school. 854 3 Apr 23 Appoint a'road Overseer for Bayham. 858 1 Oct 23 Apply the Line Fences Act to the unoccupied lands in Bayham. 859 1 OCt 23 Bylaw to regulate pounds. 872 4 Aug 24 Provide for the borrowing of 3,500.00 dollars for a new school. 881 2 Feb 25 Appoint a Road Superintendent for Bayham. 888 5 Oct 25 Establish a new road paralleling Old Lake Road in Bayham. 889 2 Dec 25 Authorize Bayham to enter into agreement with Hydro -Electric Power Cammission of Ontario for rural power. 897 1 Mar 26 Appoint a road Superintendent for Bayham. 901 1 Nov 26 Authorize the Malahide and Aylmer Telephone Company Ltd., to erect and maintain poles, wires, or cables on the #i.ghways in Bayham. 910 4 Apr 27 Provide for the borrowing of $2500.00 to establish a street light system in Bayha rn. 911 6 Jun 27 Provide for the borrowing of $ 15,000.00 for a new school. 921 4 Jun 28 Authorize the division of the To aline between Bayham and Dereha 924 ? Dec 28 Appoint an officer to enforce the Liquor Control Act. 930 4 Feb 29 Provide for road expenditures for 1929. 938 2 Dec 29. Provide for the holding of Minc. elections. 939 13 Jan 30 Appoint certain officers for Bayham. 940 13 Jan 30 Appoint a member of the Board of Health for 1930. 941 13 Jan 30 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 942 13 Jan 30 f Appoint a Trustee for the Vienna High School for 1930-31. 943 13 Jan 30 Authorize the tawnshi to borroconey to pay its bills. p w BAYHAM BYLAW RECDRDS BYLAWS ( 842-960 J FILE # 20 oont. Bylaw # Date Subject 944 13 Jan 30 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1930. 945 3 Mar 30 Provide for road expenditures for 1930. 946 3 Mar 30 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 950 2 Sept 30 Levying the annual rate of Bayham for 1930. 951 1 Dec 30 Provide for the holding of Minc. elections. 952 1 Dec 30 Amend bylaw No. 745. 953 12 Jan 31 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1931. 955 12 Jan 31 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 957 12 Jan 31 Authorize the borrowing of money to meet township expenses. 958 12 Jan 31 Provide for road expenditures for 1931. 959 12 Jan 31 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1931. 960 2 Mar 31 Cut down trees in order to widen and improve roads in Bayham, 6 .. By-law irumber �119 of the Township of .3ayham. of the Municipal Corporation A By-law to provide for the borrowing of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars upon debentures to provide for the establish - went of Hydro Electric street lights and system in the public streets and hI , ways at the Police Vi llarpe of Port Burwell. 'MHE'REAS the trustees of the Police Village of Port Burwell have applied tothe Council of the Township of Bayham for a By-law for borrowiag money for ligh ting the highways in the said Village, which By-law has received the assent of the electors of the said Village as set out by By-law number 60 of the said Villarve . AICD .`M�&S it is deemed expedient that the said lighting; system should be installed in the Police Village of Port Burwell by entering; into proper arrangements with the Hydro Electric Commission, AND IiMMS it is necessary to borrow the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars on the credit of the Corporation of the Township of 3ayham, and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of five and one half percent per annum which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law. IM T.WTMS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of ten years of such amounts respectively that the a refNte amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal, as nearly as possible, to the amount payable for principal and interest in each of the other years. AND MMEAS it will be necessary to raise annually the sum of $ 331.66 during the period of ten years to pay the said yearly sums of principal and interest as they become due. TMFORK the Municipal Council of the Townahip of Bay ham enacts as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That for the purpose aforesaid, there shall be borrowed on the credit of the Corporation of the Township of 5 Bayham at large the sure of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars, ($2,500.00) and debentures shall be issued therefor in sums of not less than $ 100.04 each, bearing interest at the rate of five and a half percent per annum, and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest. 2. The debentures shall all bear the same date, and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this By-law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years, and shall be payable in ten instalments during the next ten years next after the time when the same are issued, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as follows; - Year Fx iac i Tal Int ia rea t. First 194.16 137.50 331.66 Second 204.84 126.82 331.66 Third 216.12 115.54 331.66 Fourth 228,o OO 103.66 331.66 Fifth 240.54 91.12 331.66 Sixth 253.77 77.89 331.66 Seventh 267.73 63.93 331.66 F, igh th 262.46 49.20 331.66 Ninth 297.99 33.67 331.66 Tenth 314.39 17.27 331.66 3. Tbe* Roeve of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham shall sign and issue the debentures and interest coupons, and the same shall be simed also by the Treasurer of the Corporation, and the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said Corporation. 4. Durinr; the ten years currency of the debentures, ythe sm of $ 331.66 shall be raised annually for the payment of the debt and interest, and shall be levied and raised annually by special rate sufficient therefor, over and above all other rates, on all the rateable property in the police Village of Port Burwell, at the same time and in the same manner as other rates. 5. The money borrowed shall be retained in the hands of the treasurer of the Township, and he shall pay out of it the orders of the 'inspecting trustee or of any two trustees in payment for work actually performed or of an executed contract with respect to the work or service for undertaking which this By-law is passed. This By-law shall take effect on the day of the final passinf thereof. /, d - Passed this '/` day of UY 11 n Reeve A. Del 1927. 10 By—Law Dumber Of the 11unicipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham Be Port Burwell Street Lighting. U 41 4 �A By-.aw Number of the municipality of the Corporation of Bayham. By -Law to provide for the bprrowing the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars upon Debentures, to provide for the erection of a nev! school building in the Township of '�ayham for School Seetion Sixteen Bayham and Twenty Four Malahide. Yihereas a speoisai meeting of the ratepayers of said school section was duly called as required by law on the 1�' day of,Y 1927. And whereas a proposal was submitted to the said erlre special meeting of the ratepayers for borrowing the sum of Fofteen Thousand Dollars for the erection of a new Public School House for said School Section. And whereas the application for a loan of Fifteen Thousand Dollars was duly passed, sanotioned and approved of by the said meeting of the said school Section so called for the purpose. And whereas the said meeting instructed and empowered the trustees of the said School Section to apply to the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham to borrow the sum ofFifteen Thousand Dollars upon debentures to provide for the erection of the said school building., And dhereas the said trustees have made such application Y to the peeve and Council of the said Corporation. And Whereas it is estimated that the life of the said school building will be over twenty years. And Whereas it is necessary to borrow the said sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars on the credit of the said Corporation and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of Five and one half per cent per annum, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By -Law. .And whereas it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of twenty $ years of such amounts respectabivaly that the aggreate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal qs nearly as possible to the amount payable for principal and interest in each of the other years* And whereas it will be necessary to raise annually the sum of V,2444.during the peroid of Twenty years to pay the said ye arljr sums of pr n.c ipal and interest as they become due . And Whereas the amount of the whole ratebbly property of the said Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll is $ 2160480.00. And Whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of Corporation, exclusive iI local improvement debt secured by'a special rates or assessments is t 130r"A; and no part of principal or interest is in arrears. Therefore the Ifunicipal Council of the Corporation of Bayham enacts as follows. 1. That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrowed on the credit of the Corporation at large, the sum of Fifteen . Thousand Dollars ( 15000.00) and debentures.shall be issued thee, fore in sums of not less than $ 100.00 each. bearing interest at tn date ® ?Iva p�►e a .f perse t per annum, and having coup ons attached for the payment of interest. 2. The debentures shall all bear the same date, and shall b issued within two years after the day on which this By-law is passed, andmay bear any date within such two years, and shall be paybble, in Twenty instal:Lments during the next Twenty years next after the time when the same are issued, and the respective amo unts of principal and interest payable in each such years shall b be as follows. II : Ali TUH? 7.I:?1��►�i to .cipality of the Township of Bayham----- By -Law No 911 passed June 6th 1927. $ 15000.00 for 20 years at 5* per oent.Sgual Annual payments $ 1255,19 Payable a the offio of the Treasure on the 20th day of the month of June. Date of issue June 20th 1927. No 'Year Prinoipal Interest Total No Coupons 1 1928 $ 430.10 $ $25.00 $ 1255.19 1 $ 23.66 2 1929 453.85 801.34 1255.19 2 24.96 3 1930 478.81 77.6.38 1255.19 3 26.33 4 1931 505.15 750.04 1255.19 4 27.78 5 1932 532.24 722.26 1255.19 5 29.31 9 1933 562.24 692.95 1255.19 6 30.92 7 1934 593.16 662.03 1255.19 7 32.62 8 8 1935 625.79 629.40 1255.19 8 34.42 9 1936 660.21 594,98 1255.19 9 36.31 10 1937 696.52 558.67 1255.19 10 38.31 11 1938 734.83 520.36 1255.19 11 40.42 12 1939 775.24 479.95 1255.19 12 42.64 13 1940 817.88 437.31 1255.19 13 44.98 14 1941 862.86 392.33 1255.19 14 47.46 15 1942 910.32 344.87 1255.19 15 50.07 U 1943 960.39 294.80 1255.19 16 52.82 17 1944 1013.21 241.98 1255,19 17 55.73 18 1945 1068.94 186.25 1255.19 18 58.79 19 1946 1127.75 127.46 1255.19 19 62.03 20 1947 1189.75 65.44 1255.19 20 65.44 15000.00 10103.80 25103.80 825.00 S' i i ,6 3. The Reeve of the Corporation shall sign and issue the debentures and interest coupons, and the same shall be signed also be the treasure of the Corporation, and the debentures shal be sealed with the seal of the Corporation. 4 During the Twenty years currency of the debentures the sun of $ shall be raised annually for the payment of the debt and interest, and,_,shall be levied and raised annually by a special rate sufficent therefor, over and above all other rates on all rateable property in the Municipality, at the same time and in the same manner as other rates. 5 The debentures may contain any clause providing for the registration thereddraurtherized by any Statue relating to Munici pal debentures in force at the time of the issue thereof. 6 The amount of the loan aurtherized by this By-law may be consolidated with the amount of any loans aurtherized by other local improvement By-law by including the same with such other loans in a oonsolidating By-lawaurtherizing the borrowing of the aggregate thereof as one loan, and the issue of debentures for such loan in one consective issue, pursuant to the provisions of t the Statute in that behalf . This By-law shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof. Passed this day of A. D.1927 e� e .2� it D�.,BLNTU ST_ TVMNT an3.oip3.ity of the Township of B€�yham---- - By -Law; Do 911 passed June 6th 1927. v 15000.00 for 20 years at 5 per oent.Equal Annual payments � 1255.: 9 Payable ajthe offio of the Treasure on the 20th day of the month of June. Date of issue June 20th 1927. No Year Principal Interest Total No Coupons 1 1928 430.10 4 825.00 4r 1255.19 1 ' �,: 23.66 2 1929 453.85 801.34 1255.19 2 24.96 3 1930 478.81 776.38 1255.19 3 26.33 4 1931 505.15 750.04 1255.19 4 27.78 5 1932 532.24 722.26 1255.19 5 29.31 6 1933 5G2.24 692.95 1255.19 6 30.92 7 X934 593.16 662.03 1255.19 7 32.62 8 8 1935 625.79 629.40 1255.19 8 34.42 9 1936 660.21 594.98 1255.19 9 36.31 10 1937 696.52 558.67 1255.19 10 38.31 11 1938 734.83 520.36 1255.19 11 40.42 12 1939 775.24 479.95 1255.19 12 42.64 13 1940 817.88 437.31 1255,19 13 44.98 14 1941 862.86 392.33 1255.19 14 47.46 15 1942 910.32 344.87 1255.19 15 50.07 U 1943 960.39 294.80 3.255.19 16 52,82 17 1944 1013.21 241.98 1255.19 17 55,73 18 1945 1068.94 186.25 1255.19 18 58.79 19 1946 1127.75 127.46 1255.19 19 62.03 24 1947 1189.75 65.44 1255.19 20 65.44 15000.00 - 10103.80 2 5103 * 8 0 82 5 , 00 Bir -Law i -cumber ct It of the :�unicipality of the Bayham A By-law to provide for the borrowing; the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars upon debentures,to provide for the erection of a new School Building in the Township of Bayham for School deetion No Sixteen BayhaTff 1 and ften.ty Four ' Ialah.ide a Whereas. a special meeting of the ratepayers of said School Seation was duly called ae ' required by law on the day of L, 1927 And Whereas a proposal vias subrnittdd to the s .id speci;�l meeting of the rate payers for borrowing; the sum ofd## lhoustmd Dollars for the Fifteen erection of a new School Building for said School 6eetion. jsnd whereas the application for a. loan of• nl'housa, droll%3r 'rti'ss duly passed sanctioned and approved of by the said .: eeting of the said %? tepa,yers of said section so called for the pur j)o se . J4id i4 here :a.s the said meeting ] instructed and empoviered the trustees of the said ►school section to apply to the Iunieip -vl Corporation of the 1'o.nsa .p of z3ayhart to borrow the swum of Fifteen Thousand �ollta.rs upon debentures to ]provide for the erection of s�iid school building. And Whereas the sapid trustees have mcwa.de such applie:.Ltion to the Reeve and Council of the said Corporation. And whem:s it is estimated that the life of the said ,,-,choc'-,'. build. ing will be over "'wenty yea.rb% And dhereas it is necessary to borrow the said sup of Fifteen Thou «` sand. Dollars on , the credit of the Corporation and to issue debentures # therefor bearing at the rate of Five find one half percent per annum which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by tais By-law. { 44,d '.fhereas it is expedient to the prineip_?.l of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during; the peJ:ddd of T %venty yearsof such amounts respectively that the aggrea,te amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as ne,irly as possible to the am amount payable for princkpal anu interest in each of the other years. And 4here.as it will be necessary to raise annually the sum of during the period of Trienty years to pay said yearly sums of principal and interest a ; they become due. , And her -,.,,-, as the a,n, ount of the whole r-Aebble yroperty of the said iunicipa.? ity accordin - to the lest revised assessment roll is w 2,160,4o, t`,nd ►:h�reas the amount of the a.Nisting debenture debt of the Corporation exclusive of local improvements debt. secured by special rates or assessment is and no pfirt of x:rincipal or interest is in arrea-1 I Therefor the '1unieipal Council of the Corporation of Bayham enacts as follows. 1 That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrovied on the credit of the Corgi or:�tion tit large the- su^� of Fifteen Thouand Dollars (W15,000.00) .,.nd debentures be issued. therefor. in su^2s of not less tb._ai " 100.00 each be -grin; Interest at the rate of Zive and one half per cent per iinnnM, :uid having coupons attached for the payment of iritereat: 2 The d.ebenturfi s sh X11- alll . bear the ss..me date and shall be ispued i withintwo years after the d*ly on which this By-ltaw is passed and may . i bear any Mute within such two years, and - sha.11 be payable in Twenty inst + a.11ment s during mwh tl.ro the next Tv*,,enty years next after the time when the same are is sued, and the respective -mounts of principal and interest payable in e...ch such yep:rs sh ll be ��U follows. 3 The Reeve of the Corporation shs1l sign 9.nd issue the debenture: and interest eouponE , -.nd the s5~ie shall be signed by the Treasure of th- anO th-anthe debenture: ih ,ll be sealed with the seal of the Corporation. U -c dobentures tho cun. off.` &'vienty w curronoy of of lul o, ("obt %mC inter *12j for t' -.O, fir: r.nt wf chAl be r .1 -sed i "j - Al v4eablo J. �tc,-, on ect suffioent thOTOPOT. ovor nC bo -c 11 OVIOT property in ViO AM101 AV-, t z", AGE;* i's Othor ,5 '2he debenturoc nl-ty cont 11-1. ..ray ell-­&uoo provIdW, for the roglc tr tlon thcroof ��.urthcrizc] b- rellAing,to lanicipal u debentum- in --orco �,t the .-lo of tho Iccue thcrOOf v,i nounts of the lo. -.n -awthorized by this Bzia-1XV n, be Con't-4110"Acd ­:ltll the r,.Mount of" ­nU lo --ms _,"t c by �j!W other loc l L-qrovoriont B3-1. IV Inclu," in tlllo --ic oto 10.Y�0 in oonsolidAinpI ! c w in,7 0.- L' t 7r 0 to �,urthlicr.-Ainf-, the borro t!,e irscuo of dobont-are- for �-,,,ch lo= --n lil one thorcoi ).a ono l0flnt ­ncv. k - � %A. Qon.cotive iccuot purca,mt to the provi.. Ion of the &,')Vktute in thatAmh bah �lf * ,*,j,)jO .6,V-1 - -tl::o effect on the dq-tc of tho ftntal VuSSWe A �j tlaorcof 'D 10 vticuod thi-) w of r1cove J By -Law Number of the ��f mic ipality of the Bayham A By-law to provide for the borrowing the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars upon debentures,to provide for the erection of a new School Building in the Township of Bayham for School beotion No Sixteen Bayham and Twenty Four Malahide Whereas a special --meeting of the ratepayers of said School geotion was duly palled as required by law on the �day of *,e A. D. 1927• And Whereas a proposal was submittdd to the said special meeting of the rate payers for borrowing the sum of��hThousand Dollars for the erection of a new School Building for said School Section. And Whereas the application for a loanofnThousand Dollars was duly passed sanctioned and approved of by the said meeting of the said Ratepayers of said section so called for the purpose. And Whereas the said meeting instructed and empowered the trustees of the said School Section to apply to the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham to borrow the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars upon debentures to provide for the erection of said school building. ' And Whereas the said trustees have made such application to the Reeve and Council of the said Corporation. And Whereas it is estimated that the life of the said school build ing will be over;�enty years. And Whereas it is necessary to borrow the said sum of Fifteen Thou sand Dollars on the credit of the Corporation and to issue debentures therefor bearing at the rate of Five and one half percent per annum which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law. :, A 0 'I& A mIalp, slit,,, of `4.'he of zil.j yh m ;�O "i4d %;uno 3th 19 7 , 1ZOOOOOO for :10 yeara at 42 Saar oente jr "'U"A 'mewl ',,ovnento U53*29* '­lya 'ble �tnot t ho o JI- ic o", Zvi t'ie raticra" on Who 200tb Ov of. the biath of Juno* J, .10 ol", 1401-lue Juno 40 0 r Ait0X'() 1A Ot - -1 '1.0 oupone. .�10 ASO 0 0 10 S.Cm.00 3-1155 0 D I 4 o U6 2 19, ;') � 3, '3 913 3 0016;A 31;35.19 2 24*96 1930 4178eC1 1776*30 155.19 3 PIG a Ad , I TU 4 19c") 1 DO 15 730*04 L253019 4 3708 5 3.9" ;114.0 53' .90 7f 162.26 V-53019 5 11.109031 6 19,"31 5613.24 3 6941) C.4 0 ;7 cj 12-55o 19 6 30 92 1 ITJ4 594303.6 66&',"# * 00 2.12. 3 15 a 19 7 32 6 ('.)1 a 19:35 624,79 6'9.3© 1235o29 0 34.4`' 1%'�G GG0021 594090 125349 ID %';1G.31 10 1 9t' _�' 7 696 1%5C*G7 - 123541D io 3c 0t 1 12 3.9j0Qja 7�x 0 a.) *5 -2 0.36 3.253010 0.4 3.;0 19 r") ID 775o/24 479o93 1253o19 1.1" L� 1w_1 0 017000 4�7 032. 22 k o Ira, 0 VC, 14 1941 06 .86 .6 42*3z L 55.19 1 ell 7.46 13 19424 93.0059 3VIO87 2130019 13 00007 16 1W13 960.313 C) 4__1V - -.00 17 3.9.1141 1©13.`3. il"X 10 9 8 225303.9 3.7 55.73 18 1945 1OGeO94 16.425 1255.19 28 5809 19 19410 1 23;-,)7*73 22. 7 0 46 1.2350.9 19 611 *cc 0.0 20 29�.7 3.3.139o73 65044 1 225503.9 20 650" 13000000 3.0:to o.00 mom 3103 0 80 8250 00 'I& 4 During the Twenty years ourrenoy of the debentures the sum of R�- a shall be raised annually for the payment of the debt and intern .est suffioent therefor, over and above all other rates on all rateable property in the Municipality, at the same time and in the same manner as other rates. 5 The debentures may contain any clause providing for the regis tration thereof aurtherized by any Statutes relating to Municipal debentures in force at the time of the issue thereof. 6 The amounts of the loan aurtherized by this By-law may be conedlidated with the amount of any loans aurtherized by any other local improvement By-law by including the same with such other loans in a consolidating By-law aurthierzing the borrowing of the aggregate thereof as one loan, and the issue of debentures for such loan in one consentive issue, pursuant to the provision of the Statute in that behalf. This By-law shall take effect on the date of the final passing. thereof. Passed this (� day ofV-114 A. D.'1927 r WE PAI .`� �� e y0� � V r r C+ tr CD bd n �4 OD O44 4 N . � O DD 4+ 4 F" O Fb r e y0� � V r r C+ tr CD bd n �4 OD O44 4 N . � O DD 4+ 4 F" O Fb