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Bayham By-Laws 1925
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 881Y 888 - 889 1925 BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 842-960 ] FILE # 20 Bylaw # Date Subject 842 24 Nov 22 Authorize the signing of a petition to detach the Township of Bayharn from the High School District of Vienna.. 848 8 Jan 23 Provide for the taking of votes of the electors of Bayham. 850 2 Jun 24 Borrow the sum of $ 35,000.00 for a new school. 854 3 Apr 23 Appoint a'road Overseer for Bayham. 858 1 Oct 23 Apply the Line Fences Act to the unoccupied lands in Bayham. 859 1 OCt 23 Bylaw to regulate pounds. 872 4 Aug 24 Provide for the borrowing of 3,500.00 dollars for a new school. 881 2 Feb 25 Appoint a Road Superintendent for Bayham. 888 5 Oct 25 Establish a new road paralleling Old Lake Road in Bayham. 889 2 Dec 25 Authorize Bayham to enter into agreement with Hydro -Electric Power Cammission of Ontario for rural power. 897 1 Mar 26 Appoint a road Superintendent for Bayham. 901 1 Nov 26 Authorize the Malahide and Aylmer Telephone Company Ltd., to erect and maintain poles, wires, or cables on the #i.ghways in Bayham. 910 4 Apr 27 Provide for the borrowing of $2500.00 to establish a street light system in Bayha rn. 911 6 Jun 27 Provide for the borrowing of $ 15,000.00 for a new school. 921 4 Jun 28 Authorize the division of the To aline between Bayham and Dereha 924 ? Dec 28 Appoint an officer to enforce the Liquor Control Act. 930 4 Feb 29 Provide for road expenditures for 1929. 938 2 Dec 29. Provide for the holding of Minc. elections. 939 13 Jan 30 Appoint certain officers for Bayham. 940 13 Jan 30 Appoint a member of the Board of Health for 1930. 941 13 Jan 30 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 942 13 Jan 30 f Appoint a Trustee for the Vienna High School for 1930-31. 943 13 Jan 30 Authorize the tawnshi to borroconey to pay its bills. p w BAYHAM BYLAW RECDRDS BYLAWS ( 842-960 J FILE # 20 oont. Bylaw # Date Subject 944 13 Jan 30 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1930. 945 3 Mar 30 Provide for road expenditures for 1930. 946 3 Mar 30 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 950 2 Sept 30 Levying the annual rate of Bayham for 1930. 951 1 Dec 30 Provide for the holding of Minc. elections. 952 1 Dec 30 Amend bylaw No. 745. 953 12 Jan 31 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1931. 955 12 Jan 31 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 957 12 Jan 31 Authorize the borrowing of money to meet township expenses. 958 12 Jan 31 Provide for road expenditures for 1931. 959 12 Jan 31 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1931. 960 2 Mar 31 Cut down trees in order to widen and improve roads in Bayham, 6 .. Form No. B18 BY-.Lhi' 110..8000.. •'.. e al A Bylaw a000i�ltin- a R o Superintendent for the Township of :$;L�:h9 .. , , in the County of . am �;1�; in 6 $ayh�►m dig ilp Vhi::F l i o it is do irable that the layin ; out sup ervis ion of ail a:ork and oxponditure upon ir4-irov,,3ja,. nt an,i rwinte:nance of roads within ,,%xc1USiv" jurisdiction of this township, should be under the sup, r— viyion of a road sup;:rir+tenuont, actin, under tht�- direction of this i 1•l��L n�kr✓�.S it is the dcsiX44o of this council to take rwvantaae of Tho Ontario Hi,-,hxj-a.ys Act, arn:, to rec::iv:.., tho G0vc3rnmwnt -runt as nrovid::d - in S ction 11, Subs ,ction (1) of th..:- saic Act. BE IT by tho 44unicipt.l Council of th:; corporation of th,.� s, -,id To--rt:h ip of a;ad it is heroby enactjd; B a�i�'lan'1 1- That Geo.A, Kulp i;; appoint d rogd,# %rff t{1` i��; nt in the saki tot,: .;iip to :act as aforesaid in ��.ccoraan cirs1h ter * provzsi.ons of the sai-f S4clkion 11 of t;i(. said Act from the 4444..,..,4444..,....day of Aggvvvey........... ,., 1 25•••� �%eiiA, GJurin- 4 cfo -.10asuru of tnc said CoulrAhuary 5 2_ That the: Said • ...QCQ vA. X'ulP ... , ., shall bG- pa id xt the rate ofV A Rulr},.)ur • • ..daW; • • . • . • .. • for such time ,�.s he may b•.. so o-.ip1n00 per day ' That it s►iali b.:: tho deity of thy: superintundent to lay out and sup-rvise all ,pork and on roadO within the exclu�ivz, jurisdiction of thel toi;nship councils an., to conform to Ouch Gc n •ral r0gulations -�s the Dup.artmont of Public Hi�,htivays May pro scr ibo i -- That all by..laLs or p :rts` thar;,!os. ano all or any r,;solutions of said council contrary hurcto or inconsistent h,..r._,n.ith, bo ani the: samo ^.r:: her.;by rcpgLr:l,:d, 5-^ That a cortin.:.-, copy ol" this Byla b fors; zr u, r by the cl.:rk, without e'olay, to tho Doputy alinist.:r, Dopart:l�nt of Public Hithl.ays, HighwteyS Administration Building, Toronto. iirll� > TI"IRE T'I,:L; :,l�} 3'..�SL: THIJ *MC. ... v. 4 1 0), .06fts 0 0, •..... day of ... FM TIIa r-; 4 4 4 4 .. , 192.50.* 2nd February 5 Clerk �jl,LO,��jyyt. it •:' I.: V C' I, ... A VIIJ. ............ , C lork of tho Corporation of tho Township of1'aA . • ... , 4 4 4 4 . , do hor•1-by corti.fy that tho fomCoing s' i:: a true copy anti `No.. A81...., pa.sseri by the Council of tho said cor por^tion. ' 881 Februa On the 4000 2z1d.000.40.cay of ........."'�'i92.� 2nd February 5 .....0.......... oivnship Ci-rk. f I Y Nb MMAW NtJMBFR 888 A BY-LAW TO 'TSTABLISIT ANP LAY OiIT A *�"I ROAD PARALL�'Ltt��= TTT, OLID LAK^ gOAP ITS T'S",' T 0"'j'T SH IP OF BAYHAM. t'FTPR,7AS It is deemed vxped l ent to establish and lay out a public TTimhvia.,y paralleling the Lake Shore Load ast erly t'rorrt Wellington Street in the Village of port Burwell. And VM7R''AS the Counci4 of the said Township has procured an exanimat ion or th --route, of the land required for the purpose of establishing and layir:r out said highway. a qurve,r and a map or plan thereof has been lade by Jas .A..T� ell& -Son o" the City of St Thomas Lana Surveyors which said map or rla n is hereto annexed. KIM 7,77,RT,' S the owners and other persons interested in the land required hive consented in writing to the passing of a BY -Law for the establishing and laying out said F.Ighway. THFR'TPORP theYunic ipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts; - 1 That a Fit-hway be established and laid out paralleling t; a Lake Shore Road raet erly from *Hell ingt on Street in. the Village a of. „ort -qurviell. 2 Taht the land required for the said woad be as shown on plan made by the said Jas.A. Reli & Son, which Is annexed hereto arked "A"7 which is hereby Incorporated with and made part of this By -Law which said land may be better known and described as follows;- All ollows;- All Ani einvula.r those certain parcels and tracts of lands and premises situate lvinv and beim, fry the Township of 'Ra7ham in the County of slain and Province of Ontario, being � composed of parts of the followir!(Q Tots, 13,14,15,16,17 ,18.22] and 24 in the First Concess lon and Lots T;2Jt2*2W2x2z 192,314959 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ,and 10 as shown on Reg i st Bred Ptan -Nnxmb er 217 .The a eesit re • T line of which ray be more particularly described as follows o COMMENCING.at a point in the F,asterly lirr.it of Victoria Street as shorn on Plan U( rumber (30) at its i nt erseot i on with the centre line of 'del l i nat on Street, as shown on said plan Yum:ber (30); Thence South 'Pls7hty (30) degrees and rorty -three (43) minutes Fast (Ast ronomleal) along the cent r4 11 ne of "dell inrtt on St reet (2) Three Hundred and 'Mighty -six and Four t eilths feet (336.41) . TTrenoe following a Six(6) degree curve to t — RI(rY:t for a diet s,noe of Four Tyundred and Twenty feet ( 420 3. C") ;T1lence Soat h Sixty -f', ree (63) degrees and Thirty-one (31) minutes Wast (Ast ronomioal) for a distance of Six Hundred and -+ort; -six and Nine tenths feet (846.91); Thence fol l o ri ,ic, a Six (5) degree curve to the left for a distance of one N'ndrPd and geverlty-eight a.nd One--trlird feet (178. Thence South SPvQnt,,-»four (74) ddgrees and Thirteen (13) minute s Fast (Ast ronomicV) 'For a di st -?ncp of Three Thousand R igh' Hundred ,Ind s#xt�r and ane: -half feet (3'7A6 0.5') ;j.' hence South Sixty-nirie (69* rip7rgas , nd mwenty-onn (21) minutmA and Thirtty(30) seconds Fast, (Ast ronomizal) , Nine Ti ousand Nine Trundred and 'Dift y -seven feet (9957.0') ,Thence South Forty-nine (49) degrees and rorty -six (460 minutes and Thirty (30) seconds Fast, Seven T-undred and Six feet (706' .0") to a point in the Test erly limit of the hake Road distant One Hundred and Two feet and vour inches (1021.4") measured "'� �� westerly along the same from the Wast erly limit of T.ot number ,Twenty-four (24) in the First Concession of the Township of Hayham. ,"avin a width on each side of the above described centre line and measured at right angles thereto of Thirty-three feet (33,0") for the first Sixteen Thousand (16001 .00) And Fort --y nine feet and Six riches (49' .6") : For the next #x55x*5X xjN5 ^fight Hundred feet ( 800' .0") . And Thirty-three feet (331.00) for the last (14,61710") feet. 3 That t -'As 3y -law shall come inti force and have e °.fent f roar: acid after the passdaf thereof* Read a :F1 -49," , Second and ^hind t ime and passed in open Council thin 5th da,'.,r of Oci ober A.D.19'5. 'Reeve. Clerk By-law No 888 TO ESTABLISH AND LAY OUT A NNW ROAD PARALL Z'_70 THE OLT) LAR' SHORE ROAD TIT THE T OWTSHIP OF BAYH"o Read , First . ge►aond and Third time and finally passed the 5th day of Oatober A.D. J925. Certified Benj .B r ieu� Township Clerk �, ": A BY-LAW TO RST ABL I SH AND LAY OUT ANEW ROAD PARALLYL I NG T HR OLD LAKs ROAD IN THE T OWITSHIP OP BAYH"o WEE AS it is deemed expedient to establish and lay out a public Highway paralleling the Lake Shore Road vast erly from wellington street in the Village of port Burwell. And WAMJgAS the COUAC i; of the said Township has procured an exanimat ion of the route, of the land required for the purpose of establishing and laying out said 1r1ghway. A3M SAS a surrey and a map or plan thereof has been made by Tas*A,Bell&Son of the City of St Thomas Land Surveyors which said map or plata is hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the owners and other persons interested in the land required have consented in writing to the passing of a BY -Law for the establishing and laying out said Highway. THLRV., theMunieipal. Council of the eorporat ion of the Township of Bayham enact s; - 1 That a Highway be established and laid out paralleling the Lake Shore Road Bast erly from Wellington Street in the Village of sort .9urwell. 2 Taht the land reWaired for the said Road be as shown on plan made by the said Jas. A.:Bell & Son, which is annexed hereto marked "A01 which is hereby incorporated with and made part of this By -Law which said land may be better known and described as fol l own; - All and Singular those certain parcels and tracts of lands and. premises situate lying and being, in the Township of Bayhast in the County or algin and Province of Ontario, being composed of parts of the following Lots, 13,14915918917,18.22,j and 24 in the pirst Concession and Lots a!lt�llis 1,2#3#405s 6,798,9,and 10 as shorn on Registered P#an Number 217.Ths Centre s line of which may be more particularly described as follows. COM MCING at a point in the aast erly limit of Victoria Street as shown on Plan f!( Number (30) at its Intersection with the centre 1 ins of dell ingt on Street , as shown on said plan Number (30) ; Thino• South Righty (80) degrees & d Forty-three (43) minutes Bast , (Ast roaomioal) along the vent r4 1 ins of Well ingt on St rest , (2) Three Hundred and flighty -six and your tenths feet ( 386.41) . Treace following a Six(6) degree curve to the Right for a distance of Four rundred and Twenty feet ( 4208.0") ;Thenoe South S ixt y -three (83) degrees and Thirty-one (31) minutes last (Ast ronomioal) for a distance of Six Hundred and Forty-six ,and 'Nine tenths feet (846,91); Thence following a Six (5) degree curve to the left for a distance of one Rundred and Seventy-eight and One-third feet (178. 331) ; Thence South Seventy-four (74) degrees sad Thirteen (13) minute s Bast (Astronomical) for a distance of Three Thousand Sight Hundred and Sixty and One-half feet (3860.51) ;Thenoe South Sixty-nine(89* degrees and mwent y -one (21) minutes and Thirty(30) seconds 1tast , (Ast ronomizal) , Aine Thousand tine rtundred and Fifty-seven feet (9957.01) ,Thenoe South Forty -alae (49) degrees and vorty-six (484 minutes and Thirty (30) seconds Vast, Seven hundred and Six feet ( 706' .00) to a point in the westerly limit of the Lake Road distant One Rundred and Two feet and frour inches (1021.4") maasured V I westerly along the same from the Wasterly limit of jot Number Twenty-four (24) in the First Concession of the Township of Bayhamo saving a width on each side of the above described centre line and measured at right angles thereto of Thirty-three feet ( 33.0") for the first Sixteen Thousand (16001.40) And Forty nine feet and Six inches (49' .6"):For the next 8I Sight Hundred feet (8001 .0"). And Thirty-three feet (33' .00) for the last (14, 61710") feet . 3 That this By-law shall come inti force and have effect from and after the pasetnf thereof. Read a Airst, Second and Third time and passed in open Council this 5th day of October A. L.1925. Reeve. Clerk a By-law `to 388 TO "ST ABLZ SH A;: D LAY OUT A NEW ROAD PARALL TMG TIM.OLT) L SHORR ROAD IN TH"? TOWNSHTP OF BAYF". 'Read a First- , jeconO. and Third t iyrre °'' nd finally paused the 5th d av of Clot ober A.1'. 1,925. Cert if ied '3enj ,Brian 6 Township Clerk n j(ff t t 0 -ofm A BY*PLW to auViorize the �;urporation to outer into as r©ement with the IV. dro m.1-JUetrio Pinar Commlec on o n%tirio for ruwa.l power. and to authorize the Clerk of the Corpor a 1=:)ts, to exeeute c okitracte on belvalf of tUe Corporation with usC i,s of electrical po�: er or energy in the said To hip. Kl: