HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1924BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers • 1 • 1924 BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 842-960 ] FILE # 20 Bylaw # Date Subject 842 24 Nov 22 Authorize the signing of a petition to detach the Township of Bayharn from the High School District of Vienna.. 848 8 Jan 23 Provide for the taking of votes of the electors of Bayham. 850 2 Jun 24 Borrow the sum of $ 35,000.00 for a new school. 854 3 Apr 23 Appoint a'road Overseer for Bayham. 858 1 Oct 23 Apply the Line Fences Act to the unoccupied lands in Bayham. 859 1 OCt 23 Bylaw to regulate pounds. 872 4 Aug 24 Provide for the borrowing of 3,500.00 dollars for a new school. 881 2 Feb 25 Appoint a Road Superintendent for Bayham. 888 5 Oct 25 Establish a new road paralleling Old Lake Road in Bayham. 889 2 Dec 25 Authorize Bayham to enter into agreement with Hydro -Electric Power Cammission of Ontario for rural power. 897 1 Mar 26 Appoint a road Superintendent for Bayham. 901 1 Nov 26 Authorize the Malahide and Aylmer Telephone Company Ltd., to erect and maintain poles, wires, or cables on the #i.ghways in Bayham. 910 4 Apr 27 Provide for the borrowing of $2500.00 to establish a street light system in Bayha rn. 911 6 Jun 27 Provide for the borrowing of $ 15,000.00 for a new school. 921 4 Jun 28 Authorize the division of the To aline between Bayham and Dereha 924 ? Dec 28 Appoint an officer to enforce the Liquor Control Act. 930 4 Feb 29 Provide for road expenditures for 1929. 938 2 Dec 29. Provide for the holding of Minc. elections. 939 13 Jan 30 Appoint certain officers for Bayham. 940 13 Jan 30 Appoint a member of the Board of Health for 1930. 941 13 Jan 30 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 942 13 Jan 30 f Appoint a Trustee for the Vienna High School for 1930-31. 943 13 Jan 30 Authorize the tawnshi to borroconey to pay its bills. p w BAYHAM BYLAW RECDRDS BYLAWS ( 842-960 J FILE # 20 oont. Bylaw # Date Subject 944 13 Jan 30 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1930. 945 3 Mar 30 Provide for road expenditures for 1930. 946 3 Mar 30 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 950 2 Sept 30 Levying the annual rate of Bayham for 1930. 951 1 Dec 30 Provide for the holding of Minc. elections. 952 1 Dec 30 Amend bylaw No. 745. 953 12 Jan 31 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1931. 955 12 Jan 31 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 957 12 Jan 31 Authorize the borrowing of money to meet township expenses. 958 12 Jan 31 Provide for road expenditures for 1931. 959 12 Jan 31 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1931. 960 2 Mar 31 Cut down trees in order to widen and improve roads in Bayham, 6 .. or) By -Law No850 of the Municipal Corporation of the 9 i F Township of Bayham. A By-law for borrowing the sum of Thirty-five Thousand rollarec upon-neberitures to provide for erection of a m.ibl io School ii1 ,ohool Seo' ion No 2 of the Township of -nayham and to prbvide for ths, is;sae of 1 or 'h,? t;L*.r1e. Vrt e car, at spec ia-AL meet in$ of the rat epayers of School Si:et,ion ,,ro , for the r ownship ci' 3a�rr�rt:.:, .,as duly called as requ I red by la-, on tfie 111-h day of j^a1 v A, P,192'75 , and v r.-rcae a prop osal wau summi ted at ".*he sa is special meet i_ 7 of rat cpayors for t,n,-_ borro llai, u. -L' the i�u:;"of Thirty-five Mhousand. -nollars for the erection of school .'or the said Rchool sect''Ao^ ro 2 of the 1 ownrihip of Bayfiam, and whereas "L,he ap n1 icat i or. for such 1 o .n was xol,y sanot ioned and arproved of by the sa.in special meeting of said serinol section iso caller for the said c, irpose. Aral % hereas the ,,rusts ees of e:i i d School Section No 2 of the Towngh.ip of Bay'rinr. applied to � hrz, ,..ortie ipal Corporation of the ,rcwnehip of ?ayhar� 7"or issue of i,)ebent1iree for the said sura of Thirty-five Thousand Dollars for the ni:rpose of erection of a new school bijilding in s«id School Section No 2,and. rhereas it is exped i ent to borrow the sura of Thirty-five Thousand 1lollars for the said purpose , ,.,hich Is the a ,nount of +he d sbt intended +o be. created and whereas the amount of' the whole rateable property of this Munisipalit, aceordingr to the last revised assessment roll is A 2130421.00, and whereas the amount of the debenture debt of the Corporat-ion is t 2760.00, ,Ro part of the principal or interest of which is in arre are, And rrhereas it is advisable to issue said debentures at one time, and to make the principal of the said debt repayable in equal yealy gums during a period of twenty-five years, being the currenc-i of said debentures, the sa d TTearly sums being of such respective amduAbbrthat the agaregtte amounts payable in each year for principal I and interest shall be as nearly as possible equel to the amount so payable in each of the other twenty-four years of said period. Be Tt Therefore Rnaot ed the Municipal Council of the 0. Corporation of the Township of �ayham as follows. f (1) For the purpose mentioned in the preamble. there shall Y;e borrowed on the creditof this Corporation the sum of Thirty -rive Thousand Dollars, and debentures shall be issued therefore on the instalment plan in sums not less than One Rundred -nol lays , each of Which shall have Coupons attached theret ofor the payment of interest. (2) The dr-bentures shall all bear the same date and shall be isgl,ed within two years after the date on which this By-law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years and shall be pa,?Table In Twenty-five annual instalments, during the twenty --five rears next after the date when they shall be issued, and shall bear int erect at the rafe of -rive and One half percent per annum, payable jTParl.y, lyd +_ a r-espective amounts payable in each of such years shall L)e �:a nct fort n in Schedule "A" hereto attached. (5) They said debentures shall be payable at the office of the Sterling Bank Straffordville. The RPeiTe of the said 't.funio ipal ity shall sign 1 -}ie said debentures ^nl cause the same '-o be signed by the f.: reasure of this ?srunicira.lity and the clerk of this Yunic ipal it y is hereby aurthor ized and Inst ru et ed to affix the Corporate Seal of the said Vunicipality to the said debentures. (4) During the currency of the debentures there shall be raised in each year the sum of $ 2609.23 bein4 the amount of the installment of principal and interest payable in each y"r as set . i forth in Schedule "A" hereto attached, and the same shall be payable out of the taxable property oaf' the Public School support -ere of School section No 2 of the Township of Dayham in each and every in addition to all other taxes levied upon the said ratepayers, (5) The said debentures may be registered with the Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bayham, and thereafter shall only be transfered upon the books of the said Municipal Clerk. Read a Third time and finally passed this 2nd day of June A.D.1924. Reeve Clerk. R t Schedule "A" refered to in By-law No 850 of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Buy +~,am attached Year Fri,isipal Interest Total let vear 384.22 1925.01 2609.23 2nd ,Yen, 7 21. ?e ? 887.37 2609.23 3rd year 7 6:.5 56 1847,67 2609.23 4 V -h year 30 5.41 5 1805,78 2609.23 5t iz year 3,17.54 ►, 7 61.59 2609.23 6th year 394.25 1714.97 2609.23 7th year 1565.79 2609.23 8th year :?5.33 1513,90 2609.23 9th year 1v5010ri 1559,15 2609.23 10th year 1107 . p3 1501.40 2609.23 11th year 1168.76 1440.47 2609.23 12th year12' 3.0�'= 1376.19 2609.23 13th year 1300.36 1.308.37 2609.23 14th year �.3^4 4^ 3235.83 2609.23 13�h year 1447.89 1161234 2609.23 16t.'a year 15 27 , 52 1081.71 2609.23 �1��m 997.69 17th year • 2609.23 13th year 1700.17 909.06 2609.23 19th .year 1793.63 815.55 2609.23 20th year 1 X392, 33 716.90 2609,23 2& st year 1995.41 612.8; 2609 * 23 22nd year 2106.21 503.02 20-09.23 23rd year 2222.06 387.17 2609.23 24`h year 2344.27 264.96 2609.23 25th year 2473.20 136.03 2609.23 �10 33y--i.aw l o. � -)'d of the 'I oWn.sh in of 3�ajhan, i, of theaiicipalor� c;ratio:i A By-ldt for borrowinf 441je sunt of TLirty-►five i1 ousmid Jollars, upon Jebezitt.res► to nrovi.de or the crectior, of a Public School in ��chool Section o * u . of VP Tovinship of Bayham , and to nroJide for V-je is^ue of deb(,"tures for t�.c s ,,me. �ziu :.. at a s -z ci .1 meetizi� of the reit, T' Here of 3cl:ool f:ctior� iai-ober A2, thy= 'i'ovms)►ip of Bayht.i,-A, ,;ar iuly called as rec:zired b -1uv1 oii the .i -.Y, of --714 ). , 13I-, an,1 �,v'�erFas zi nropomil 0ac sk I0Mitel at fisc ::aid sned ial Ice t ing of Nate payers I or the borrow ins* of V} E: sum of Thirty-five Tl.ousa-ad Dollars for the erection {:i• a xie i school fo+ the siia :.school section tic. a of t .e ownship of Bayhtzm, aad .thereas tl,e a plic-tioi: fcr :��cc►: lo, z� txas 3?ily sanctioned, 'Lid a pixoved of by tYe said sl-ecial mee ti,ip- of said school section SO c:.filled for said purpose. tl,o Trustees cf said c;l-1001 ;vection iso. • of tl:r r20vmshil) of 0,"YhmI have a mlied to the �:tanicipal Corporation c f th( Townshi- of 3S.yham for the is..ue of Jebentures f nr t) --e said sum of `z'hirty-f ive �ihour�ind-)oliars f ,r t hC �-arracse of erection ;i i iiew :school buil"lin�-r in :said School :vection i.io. and whereas it is exT,TcliPiA to oorrov ti.c of : irty-five * Thous, -.rd Dol lam for the said xrarpose , w1l ich is, Vx anount of the debt inteiided to e creatrA, a"d t'ie mric:unt of tie whole ratable propert;j of this 1.11.0:iei�ulity act.ord1w-, to the last , l . L#' v revised ar. sessme.it role i,<< w(J, , :ad wl;creas the amcwlt of tl:e deb.::.Lt,.-rc: tleb t of .sic Oorpor ition is 7�, IT �)<:rt of tyle -urine i nal or interest of whit l., is- ili a rears. it is ativie��b1e t.o -tsy:,e said cic,eat.,res ut i :c , Itnd to r.e the pkiz�cipal of t e Baia' debt re --p ole in eau it yearly -s;,iris durin;: a peri(;:A of t.ienty-five years, being the cux•resic .,f s.iid �ehe-,,tures, the s:.:iii yearly sums being of of such re sT)ec - ive amounts that the at * re ;at f. mount puts ab Ze La each year for principal and interest s1.C311 be as nearly as possible equal to t.' -,e amewit so payable in each of the other s t4 euty—f. our nears of said period. ?.funicin lity IM IT i'ed , mld 1.1IsLr-icted EEIIAOTEE) by the z.unicinal Cou��c it of the * orpor�.t i. on of t -e T ovvnsh ip of Ba yam, as f of l orws ;— I . Mi.e. i)urr. ose merA i olied in the *lre.ulble , there shall be borrowed on the credit f this U"orporat i on the sum of & r, irty— f i V r '_'housaitd h}llars, -inrl IdbPnt�zres ,311.11 bF issued therefore V :,.1 �4 L.1:3;> not e �: .;, �. .... wi lre:l Jollai s, each of wh icl- s}.all Y acs e oupozis at t _ eIfe1 thereto for tl: f payment oil ' interest. � . The debol.Am es shall all bear sµi:ie d._Ae, and shall be issued .. i th in two years after t o date on wh.icto this 3y --law is passcd, aA muy bear any IutQ %,iithin such tido years, and shall be payablc in tt enty_ ive a Lival instalments, duriu ; the twenty— five years Next after ti.e date, vihm they snail be is::ued, and si.all bear interest at t,_:e rzte of five wld one—half percent ,,er anutm, payable yc.jrly, aud tl P resE►ec�ive amow.ts patable in each of mich Mears shall be. as set forth in O"c hedule "fit' r-'ereto attic hec.l. 3. The s..id- debentures shall be payable �:t ty:e office ice of tI-e ircas=,firer of t))e 1."unicipality of tl e Township ship of 3ayhm. The :.ieeve. of the said Lunicipality shall si=-m the said Jobentu.res and cause thr flame to be, !E;i;r ed by tize Tre am rer of ti:i s L'unicipality, and tie Clerk of t}.e ?.funicin lity is .reby authior— i'ed , mld 1.1IsLr-icted to affix the Corporcatc- seal of the said '.'unicip:,lity tc. the said Jebeutures. 60 1<ri__ , the curm:cy of the debentures, there shall be s r I P. C i Z�.s 1. y e 31 4 s e +Cy of ", W� . W, LJ C• l n<� - t: i, Cmount o f t?:e iustaln(:Yit of nrinii),al a jd iiiterest pC�yaole in each year as set forth in ).1-ledule "A" 'foretc attabhel, wu.a the sane shall be payable out of Mhe taxwle 1)ropoerty of tl-lc w-t:blie school sunpor— ters of public school section zio. 42 of VI -e Ilowlicship of :3ayh:m, in each and every year, in addition to all other taxes levied upon the said rate payers. --ft.- 59 The said debentures may be re ► stered with O.e !.!. nicipal ., of t1--e"ovaship of �,v lvm, wid there .fter shall only be €rarsferted upon the hooky; of tie said I.�-Icip,.i? Mork. 6. the :^eof. pie ad a his �y-1aw s:._ 1�. taiLe F "i cet m tie day of ,)a sink third time, a d Fina l nosed this '�"d ?Itk t A•:�., 1J`. Aeeve Clerk dciy of A Schedule "A" referred to in By -Law Number of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereto attached. Year .principal Interest Total lst Year 684.22 1925.01 2609.23 2nd Year 721. 86 1887.37 2609.23 3rd Year 761:56 184.7.67 2609.23 4th Year 803.45 1805.78 2009.23 5th Year b47.64 1761.59 2609.23 4th Year 894.26 1714.97 2605.23 7th Year 543.44 1665.79 2609.23 8th Year 995.33 1613.90 2609.23 9th Year 1050.07 1559.16 2609.23 10th Year 1107.83 1501.40 2609;23 11th Year 1168.76 1440.47 2609 ..23 12th Year 1233.04 1376.19 2609.23 13th Year 1300.86 1308.37 2609.23 14th Year 1372.40 1236.83 2609.23 15th Year 1447. X39 1161.34 2609.23 16th Year 1527.52 1881.71 2609.23 17th Year 1611.54 997.69 2609.23 18th Year 1700.17 909.06 2609.23 19th. Year 1793.68 815.55 2609.23 20th Year 1892.33 716.90 2609.23: 21st Year 1996.41 61?.82 2609.23 22nd Year 2106.21 503.02 2609.23 23rd Year 2222* 06 387.17 20-09,23, 24th Year 2344.27 264.96 2609.23 25th Year 2473.20 136.03 2609.23 1 1 cOft. wi , 'r, tnsry enc it duly entcrt;d uud registered in tl,e Registry C,fiice for the Re,( -q •Y Division th , C;Ou"'y of El in in Back ...................... r or 11� ............ _......... ...._....... bf-.____.......... at of the.../— day A, D.�- Num r eJ�i9fr�r t' Lia the rlor r)onit Xou I By -Law Number g %,7- of the lMnicipal Corporation of the Tov ship of Bayham. A By-- Law to provide for the borrowiW of Three Thousand Five hundred Dollars upon Debentures. to provide for the erection of a new school building in the Township of Bayban for School Section flukber Ten. IIIC"" V LiS a special inee tib of the ratepayers of S10I oection number 'den " the Townghi,p of Ba~yhm was duly called as required by law on the eleventh day of July 1924. An+d where" a proposal was submitted to the said special seeti-ng of ratepayers for the borrowing of the sera of Three Tbouselad Five Modred Dollads for the erection of a neer Public School douse for the said dchool Section. And whereas the application for a Loan of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars was duly passed,sanctioned and approved of by the said greeting of the said School Section so called for the said rurpose r And whereas the said meeting instructed and empowered the trustees of the said School Section to apply to the Municipal corporation of the Township of Bayham to borrow the soar of `these Thousand Five Hundred Dollars upon debenturos to provide for the erection of the said school buildin,► AND ►OHMS the said trustees have grade such application to the peeve and Council of the said Corporation. AND 6 ' BAS it is estimated that tie life of the said school house will be over fifteen years. AND RAS it is necessary to borrow the said sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars on the credit of the said Corporation and to issue debentures therefor bearing; interest at the rate of five and a half percent per annum,, which is the amount of the debt intended to be areatcd by this By --law, AND IM S it is expedient to make the principal of the said dent repayable in yearly suss duting the period of fifteen years of such amounts respectively that the agate mount a Payable for principal, and interest in any year shall, be equal, as nearly as possible, to the amount payable for principal and interest in each of the other years. AND WREAS it gill be necessary to raise annually the sura of $ 348.65 during the period of fifteen years to pay the said yearly sums of principal and interest as they become due. AND ITH& EAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipality, according to the last revised assessment, roll is $ 2,I3I,4'rI*00* AND w RIA the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Corporation, exclusive of local i1provesent debtsaecured by special rates or assessments, is $ 2160.00 and no part of the principal or interest is in arrears. THKEFOBS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the ,Township of Bayham, enacts as follows;' - 1. That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrowed on ',the credit of the Corporation at lame, the sum. of Three Thousand Five Hundred .dollars ( $ 3,500.00 ) and dehentures shall be issued therefor in swags of not less than $ 100.00 each, beart%j, interest at the rate of five .and a half percent per annum, and having coupons att .shed thereto for the payment of interest, a, 2. The debentures shall all bear the same date, and{ be issued within two years after the day on which this By -Law is passed. and may bear any date within such two ,years. and shall be payable in fifteen instalments during the next fifteen pears next after the time when the same are issued, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each 4 such years shall be as follovse-' 4 Year Interest Principal Total First 192.5 156.19 348, fig Second 183 * 90 164*" 348.69 Third 174.85 1 t 3*84 348 *69 Y Fourth 165.28 183.41 348.69 Fifth 155.19 193.50 348.69 Sixth 144.55 204.14 348.69 Seventh 133.32 215.37 348.69 Eighth 121.4$ 227*M 348.69 Ninth 109.05 239.64 348.69 Tenth 95080 252*89 348.69 Eleventh 81.89 266.80 348.69 Tree if th 67.22 281.47 348.69 Thirteenth 51.74 236,95 348.69 Fourteenth 35.40 313.29 348.69 Fifteenth 18.18 330.51 348.69 3. The Reeve of the Corporation shall sign and issue the debentures and interest coupons, and the same shall be signed als by the Treasurer of the Corporation, and the debentures shall be sealed with the seal oe the Corporation, 4. During the fifteen years currency of the debentures the sun of $ 348.69 shall be raised annually for the payment of the debt and interest, and shall be levied and raised annually by a special rate sufficient therefor, over and above all other rates, an all the rateable property in the Municipality. at the same time and in the same manner as other rates. 5. The debentures may contain any clause pros id ing for the registration thereof authorized by any Statute relating to Municipal debentures in force at the time of the issue thereof. 6. The mount of the loan authorized by this By --Lam wq be consolidated with the amount of any loans authori,:ed by other local improvement By -Laws by including the same xi'h such other loans in a co aso'l idati 3y—Lai authorizing the prroming of the a&)Telatc thereof azo oue loan, and the issue of debentures for such loan in one co^secutive issue, quesuant to the nrovisio.,s of the tat.:io in that behalf, This By—Law Jis-�1 1 t La ire effect m tfi e da t z. of the MW W Passing thereof . Passed this �-- daT of `.�. . , 1a'3. Z -11 .w -ww Reeve h I , - 0 9 0 Olk% 9 I ell. We. -- 'API Pao 41 to 9 0 Olk% 9 I ell. We. -- Pao I* If Pao 41 I* If