HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1914BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 731-746 1914 BAYHAM ZL'MSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 395-839 ] FILE # 19 Bylaw # Date Subject ? 19 Feb 59 Maintaining of roads. ? 1 Mar 09 Prevent dogs running at large. 395 7 Nov 81 Close up certian roads running through lots 5, 4, 3, and part of 2 in Bayham. 415 30 May 83 Dividing the township into Polling Sub -Divisions. 461 10 Sept 90 $ 35,000.00 in aid to the Tilsonburg, Lake Erie & Pacific Railway Comp. 503 3 Aug 96 Enable School Trustees to borrow $ 400.00 to erect a school. 507 5 Oct 96 Amend Bylaw No. 503. 608 16 Jul 00 Establish a Polite Village at Port Burwell. 657 4 Mar 07 Regulating the number of days of Statue Labour in Bayham. 670 4 May 08 Amend Bylaw No. 592. 678 5 Apr 09 Appointment of Engineer under the Ditches & Watercourses Act. 680 2 Aug 09 Regulations for the preservation of public corals. 685 7 Mar 10 Grant the Dominion Natural Gas Comp. the right to lay and maintain pipes in Bayham. 693 3 Oct 10 Grant Peninsular Oil and Gas Ccup. the right to lay and maintain pipes in Bayham. 726 1 Sept 13 Amend Bylaw No. 592. 731 6 Jan 14 Provide for the taking of votes of the electors of Bayham. 736 12 Jan 14 Prohibit the sale of liqurors in Bayham. 742 5 Jun 14 Amend Bylaw No 592 745 3 Aug 14 Licensing, Regulating of Pool Tables in Pub. Entertainment buildings. 746 8 Sept 14 Allowing only people on sidwalks. No bikes, horses, etc... 747 5 Oct 14 Close part of Ridge Road. 753 1 Mar 15 Amend Byl" No. 681. 756 1 Mar 15 Provide for the taking of votes of electors in Bayham. BAYi AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 395-839 ] FILE # 19 c cont Bylaw # Date Subject 757 7 Jun 15 Amend bylaw No. 440 759 1 Nov 15 Temporarily close Centre Street in the Village of Richmond. 779 7 Dec 16 Impose a special drainage rate upon lot number 125. 782 12 May 17 Appoint a police officer to carry out the Ont. Temperance Act. 783 6 Aug 17 Appoint an Engineer for the Toni of Bayham. 792 5 Aug 18 Raise $ 10,000.00 to construct a stone or timber drain. 801 5 Mar 19 Appoint a police officer for Bayham. 805 3 Nov 19 Amend bylaw No. 592. 823 7 Feb 21 Regulate the running at large of dogs in Bayham. 824 7 Feb 21 Abolish the Statue Labor System in Bayham. 839 1 May 22 Arend bylaw No. 440. 16 6 Q s t TSlj-lttur ik1n. 73/ ,.C'1 VII -law to provide for taking the votes of the electors on a proposed by-law entitled By-law Number j / of the Corporation of the kof 4 to prohibit the sale by =tai7lof pirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquors in the 'Municipality of the of Passed the day of A. D. 19 12 4rrra,i a proposed By-law of the Corporation of the of entitled requires for its validity the assent of the electors and it is expedient and necessary to pass this By-law for the purpose of enabling the electors to vote on the proposed By-law; Ne it 0,14Pufurr E nartrh by the Municipal Counil of the Corporation of the of as follows ; t. The vot of the electors of the Corporation of the of shall be taken upon the said proposed By-law at rhesame time and at'*the same places as the annual election for the Municipal Council, and the deputy returning officers appointed to hold said election shall take the vote. 2. On the day of ,&K A.D. tqr at the hour ofW — o clock in the noon, the head of the Council of the said Corporation or some member of said Council appointed for that purpose by resolution, shall attend at in the said municipality for the purpose of appointing, and, if requested so to do, shall appoint by writing signed by him, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting the proposed By -lav, and a like number .on behalf of the persons interested in and opposing the proposed By-law. On the day of :1. D. Ig , at th hour of o�y�� o'clock in the /ZII_� noon, atP4�jrllN�- in the said municipality, thl- clerk of the said municipality shall attend and sum up the votes given for and against the proposed By-law. e LOCAL OPTION BY-LAW By -lain Number T3% of of the Corporation of the To prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquors in the Municipality of the _;�__of i191J Lop Municipal Council of the Corporation of the of hereby enacts as folloxvs : C714at the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented, or other manufactured liquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, inn or other house or place of public entertainment in the said municipality, and the sale thereof, except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited in every shop or place other than a house of public entertainment in the said municipality. ,Iib this By-law shall come into force and take effect as from the FIRST DAY OF MAY next after the final passing thereof. Council Chamber, the A.D. 191 L NOTICE day of id4)r' 1 Reeve. .ilei icor. Take notice ha t e foregoing is a trueCOPYof proposed By-law of the Corporation of the of /d to be submitted to the votes of t e elec rs at the same time and 2t the same places as the annual election for the :Municipal Council, and the deputy returning officers appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote. And that the 3 d day of -6-2e .G -?-X, IM, A.D. 191..5 , at oy%�D o'clock in thenoon, at .Xa�Allz; ..� in the said municipality, has been fixed forte appointment of persons to attend at the .polling places, and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk ; And that if the assent of the electors is obtained to the said proposed By-law, it will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof, to be treld after the expiration of one month from, the date of the first publication of this notice, and that such first publication was made on the 11 day of A.D. 191 3 . Clerk. a i 1 I By -Law No. / � z'L of the Municipal Corporation of- the f- the Township of Bayham, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 592. WHEREAS it is necessary and expediant to make provision to provide a penalty for breach of any of the provisions of said By -Law Number 5921, BE IT THEM4RE ENACTED be the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham that By -Law Number 592 of the said Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayhsm be amended by adding thereto the following clause, that is to sap; -- 26 a. Any person guilty of a breach of any of the provisions of this By --law shall be liable to a penalty not exceed- ing $10.04 recoverable under the provisions of the Ontario Summary Convictions Act, in addition to any other liabilities imposed upon them by the provisions of this By-law, Read a iairt first, second and third time and finally passed this day of June A. D. 1914. ems ,,r � •� s I d O td C+ �t A co � O � L11 Q W. 11 A K C+ .x _67 ZjeA�/%�. .QLGpq� 999e[Minp �r�w�n�/� to �v 2p. �CUXo�74­11a'1 G�u �wW �9 A. , /�/ ¢CF -F p�N Aall//////a��r-rrl6�iae0���-�m/� J(f��,,,�`��d�/.G!p'Y� fm Q Cp pU-o (,Cl ✓Y C. /n� f�tiN /rn)Orfw "zv ,e�i N� h,`tx 7yC f al;,Aelzl� 10 a. -A � i 34. �G�� 716 %�j �au Sin 7��' /a O a�, r] By -Law No. Township of %- yham. of the Municipal Corporation of the TUEP= it is expedient to pass a By-law for the puri ose of preventing persons from either leading, riding or driving any horse or other animal: on any sidewalks in the `.township of Bayham or permitting any animal, carriage, v-agon, cart, bicyele or other vehicle to be driven or ridden upon any sidewalk in the said Township in pursuance of the provisions of the Municipal Act. BE IT THEIWOBE ENACTED by the Municipal Corr oration of the Township of Bayham, as follows; - 1. That no person or persons shall lead, ride or drive any horse or other animal along or upon any sidewalk in the 11unicipality of Bayham or permit any horse or other animal, carriage, cart, wagon or other vehicle belonging to or under the control of any such person or persons to be or stand upon any footpath or side- walk or Ltreet crossing in the said Municipality. 2. That no person or persons shall ride or drive a bicycle or other similar contrivance or propel, run or draw any express wagon or similar v$hicle along or upon anAUfootpath or sidewalk in the 11unicipality of the Township of Bayhan. 3. Shat anyone found guilty of a breach of any of the provisions of this B 011aW shall upon conviction thereof before a Just ice of the Peace be liable t o ' a a fine of not more than Twenty"five Dollars and not less than One Dibllar and costs to be recovefed under the provisions of the Municipal .pct in that behalf. Read a third time and passed this � day of A. Do 1914. wo 3 0 0 C+ C -t. cv cn bbd o t p W d � 0-4 O K ct a by-law 1fiunber � y of the ffiunioipsl Corporation of the Twrehip of Bayhan being s By-law to aloes part of the hkgbway known as the Ridge Road. 1�A8 a part of the known as the Ridge Road in the Township of Bgyham is not laid out upon any original road allowanoe. AND WHIPW there exists another highway or road gllowanoe which answers all the purposes answered by this portion of said Ridge Rau4. A'MD 11HOUS all parties affected by the closing of said highway have petitioned this Qonnoil to pea• a By»law closing the portion of the Ridge Road hereinafter described. AND 1MIMU8 the parties through Whose farina the said portion of the highway to be closed now runs have expressed their wi llingnoo to pay the costs of such By-law and of the advertising and publishing the same, and axe► costs in connection with this By-law on condition that the Munioipelity convey to thew the respective amounts of said highway so closed which lie within }he. limits of their respective farms, AND WHIT319 it is advisable to grant the request of said petitioners and to close such portion of the said Fuge Road as hereinafter described. T l '0M be It enacted by the Mani ai. pal Court i 1 of the Township of BayhM as follows: -- 1. That #batt portion of the given road knswn of the Ridge Road in the Township of Bayluma which lies between the aide road tanning in a northerly direction through lot Sixteen in the Rig'hth Conaession of the said Township of Asyh= being the side road in lieu of the side road between sots Fifteen and Sixteen in the said • and the Concession road between the Seventh and Righth Coaoessions of the said Township of Bayban , and running through the lands of William Milson ped Charles Kennedy be and the saw is hereby stopped up and closed. 2. That the portions of the road so etopped'Aad closed 4V-- LP R i shall be sold lend oonveyed to the owners of the lands through which the said road passes according to the $mounts situate in the lands of each of said ovwers. S. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the {corporate seal of this Munioipality to the said parties upon payment of the expenses of the passing this By-law and of said aonvoyanoes and all o-tl er "nose in aonnaotion therewith. Read a third time and paseet this A. 1. 1914. %j' day o f al -z J� J/jj � �V 16 T. A TMICEnj tbit a sY-la•,-; ill be considered by the .iuni cipal council of the Township of I3ayham a t their regular mOoti, , to be held on the � 1 day of ''' in the Tov;n Hall, Strafforclville, :dor the purpose of stopping up and closing thatortion of the Ride Load in the To-mshi� Bayham iia Meson I� g which lies between the side road running in .a northerly direction through lot Sixteen in theXi.ghth Concession of the slid Tovnship of 73ayham (be ink the side road in lien, of the side road be tv ae n lots Fifteen and Sixteen in the said Conal*Wcl) arch the Conaese1'pn road between the Seventh and Eighth Concessions of the salla" Township of Isaylam, and running through the lama''! of William Wilson and Charles Kennedy, and authorizing the Council to sell and :*nvey that portion of the road ao cloy ed. up to :"i'.liam V,,*ilqon and Charles Kennedy the ,parties through whop{e lands the ear► runs, upon their paying the costs of. this By --law and the necessary xz;p conveyances. ' ,, r � tit M t .�. �t � . i . � - � AND IAKA MTION that the said Uounc.il will a t � turf. meeting hear si.+ber in pe��vn or by O=n -el, ;lolicito3, or .gent any person -who claims that hi$,, lands will be prejudicially ai'i'acted by the By-law and who appli as to the said Council to be heard and that said By-law will then be enacted and passed by ^aid Oourci 1 if thought sdvi aabls. Dated this 0 dee of �:el;ts ger, ri. Do 1914. 40Iwr_shir Clerk. r