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Bayham By-Laws 1910
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1910 BAYHAM ZL'MSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 395-839 ] FILE # 19 Bylaw # Date Subject ? 19 Feb 59 Maintaining of roads. ? 1 Mar 09 Prevent dogs running at large. 395 7 Nov 81 Close up certian roads running through lots 5, 4, 3, and 5 Jun 14 Amend Bylaw No 592 part of 2 in Bayham. 415 30 May 83 Dividing the township into Polling Sub -Divisions. 461 10 Sept 90 $ 35,000.00 in aid to the Tilsonburg, Lake Erie & Pacific 746 8 Sept 14 Railway Comp. 503 3 Aug 96 Enable School Trustees to borrow $ 400.00 to erect a school. 507 5 Oct 96 Amend Bylaw No. 503. 608 16 Jul 00 Establish a Polite Village at Port Burwell. 657 4 Mar 07 Regulating the number of days of Statue Labour in Bayham. 670 4 May 08 Amend Bylaw No. 592. 678 5 Apr 09 Appointment of Engineer under the Ditches & Watercourses Act. 680 2 Aug 09 Regulations for the preservation of public corals. 685 7 Mar 10 Grant the Dominion Natural Gas Comp. the right to lay and maintain pipes in Bayham. 693 3 Oct 10 Grant Peninsular Oil and Gas Ccup. the right to lay and maintain pipes in Bayham. 726 1 Sept 13 Amend Bylaw No. 592. 731 6 Jan 14 Provide for the taking of votes of the electors of Bayham. 736 12 Jan 14 Prohibit the sale of liqurors in Bayham. 742 5 Jun 14 Amend Bylaw No 592 745 3 Aug 14 Licensing, Regulati..ng of Pool Tables in Pub. Entertainment buildings. 746 8 Sept 14 Allowing only people on sidwalks. No bikes, horses, etc... 747 5 Oct 14 Close part of Ridge Road. 753 1 Mar 15 Amend Byl" No. 681. 756 1 Mar 15 Provide for the taking of votes of electors in Bayham. BAYi AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 395-839 ] FILE # 19 c cont Bylaw # Date Subject 757 7 Jun 15 Amend bylaw No. 440 759 1 Nov 15 Temporarily close Centre Street in the Village of Richmond. 779 7 Dec 16 Impose a special drainage rate upon lot number 125. 782 12 May 17 Appoint a police officer to carry out the Ont. Temperance Act. 783 6 Aug 17 Appoint an Engineer for the Toni of Bayham. 792 5 Aug 18 Raise $ 10,000.00 to construct a stone or timber drain. 801 5 Mar 19 Appoint a police officer for Bayham. 805 3 Nov 19 Amend bylaw No. 592. 823 7 Feb 21 Regulate the running at large of dogs in Bayham. 824 7 Feb 21 Abolish the Statue Labor System in Bayham. 839 1 May 22 Arend bylaw No. 440. 16 Bylaw Number A Bylaw to grant to the Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, the right to lay and raintain Apes t'rrovgb under and along the streets, highways and public places of and Within 7 the Township of 1, 01um 'IHER�AS the Domini on Natural Gas Company, Limited, has applied for the passing of a bylaw € i v ing them the ri gh t to construct, maintain, complete and operate works within tLe Township of Baybam for the production sale and distribution of natural gas without tbo submission of said byla:V for the assent of the electors of the said Township of Bayhom, AND 'Hj :AS it is expedient to pass a bylaw for the said purposes in so far and to the extent authorized by Subsec- tions "B" and "C" of. }@at i an 3. Chapter 75, 9 -; dw.Vl I , Ontario, upon and subject to the conditions set f Orth in the agr6ement hereafter referred to, N T r R the Municipal Council of the TownsI;ip of Bayhom hereby exacts as follows: - 10 ollows:- 1. That to the extent authorized by Subsections "B" and 11011 of Section 3, 9 Aw. VII, Ontario, Chapter 75, permission is hereby granted to the Dominion Natural Cas Company, Limited, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, complete and operate works within the Township of Baybem for the production, sale and distribution of natural gas for the purposes of light heat andowerwitbin ani through the limits of the sand Town.- ship of Baybam, aM to conduct such gag for the purposes of ore - said through unior and along the streets, highways and public'- places ublic.-places of the Township of Bayhem by mean: of mains, pipes and, conduits, for a period of _ years from the passing of v° this bylaw, upon and subject to the terms of the agreement herein. 11 s� OW 2 -- after mentioned. 2. The privileges granted in the next preceding section are upon and -subject to the conditi ons that this bylaw shall not come into effect until the said Company shall have entered into and delivered t cr the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bay�Iam an agreement in writing under seal upon the terms and to the effect and conte: ,ii,ng the conditions set forth in tie form of agreement marked sobeaule "A" and hereto annexed. 3. The Reeve is hereby authorized and empowered to execute and deliver said agreement under seal of the Corporation and countersigned by the Clerk as soon as the same shall have been executed and delivered by the said Company. Read a third time and passed this day of March, A.D. 1910. w 3 i ■ 1 ! F' w 3 i ■ of March, A.D. 1910. BET"; SEN t hi a o evL-u,. - da TRS DOMUNION NA ' GAS C Y LIMITED a body corporate and politic organized under the haves of the Provina* of Ontario, hereinafter called the Company, of the First Part; and - Tit& YMCIPAL CORPORATION Ori TRS T07?NSH1P OF BAYhereinafter called the Corporation, of the Second -art. m RKRR AS by a Bylaw of the T sums hi p of Bayham passed on thea -f :.; day of March, 1910, and numbered 6- k permis- sion ermis-- cion was granted to the OonpaNv, its successors and assigns, to the extent authorized by Subsections "B" and "C" sof Section 3, Chapter 75, 9-Edw. VII, Ontario, to construct, maintain, complete and operate*works within the Township of Bayham for the proc.nction, sale and distribution of natural gas for the pur- poses of light, heat and power and within and through the limits of the Townabip of Bayham to conduct such gas for the purposes aforesaid, through, under and along the streets, highways and public pl.aaes of .the said Township of. Bayham by means of mains pipes and conduits, for a iAriod of years from and after the -passing of this Bylaw, subject to the condition that such Bylaw ehall not come into operation and effect unless the said Company sbal.l have entered into an Agreement in writing ander seal with the said Corporation in the terms and ooAtaining the. conditions and provisions hereinafter set out, AND '11041 S this agreement is made and"entered into pursuant to the said Bylaw and by way of perf ormance of the said condition precedent to the eomini into operation of the. same. A F r am 2- W. Tli�REFORZ the acid Cmnpany for itself its successors and assigns hereby covenants, promises and agrees to and with the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Baybam as follows, that is to say,. 1. The Company may break up, dig snd trench so much and so many of the streets of the said Township of Bayham as may be necessary for laying down mains. pipes and conduits and other works for the purpose of continuing their line, work.5or systam t:hrouEb t?e said Township or conducting the natural gas to tha consumers thereof whose property adjoin the highways or streets alone *Hob the said works are carried or for the purpose of tranevission of the said natural gas to other municipalities, to the full extent avtYorized by Subsections "B'' and "C" of Sec- tion 36 9 &Are V1I, Obtapter 75. or for taking up, altering or repairing the sam3 ,)n the Company small deem expedient doing no unnecessary damage in so doing; and taking care to pre- serve the free and uninterrup4ed passage throw said streets whi' such works are '4n progress, and finishing said works end placing the said streets in as good a conditions as before the commencement of said work, and without any unnecessary delay. <. In the prosecution of the work of opening up any street in the said Township of %yham the said Company will not obstruct, damagre, molest or interfere with any of the gutters drains, sewers, eater pipes, water courses, conduits, poles or other const -ructions of any kind belonging to the Corporation' now existing or hereafter constructed, or those of any Company or - individual which have boon authorised by the said 'Township, but will use all praiser measures to protect the sane and leave them in as good condition as they were inunediately prior to the con- struction onstructi.on of such work using due and proper diligence in so doing* 3e The Company shall erect suitable and sufficient .M barriers and place proper and sufficient lights around all exoava- c tions made by it in the prosecution of such work to prevent a0ai-- i -- 3 - dents to all persons, animals and vehicles using said streets. 4. There excavations are mads or paving, plankin€, mads dari or granol i thio -removers in the }prosecution of the work of opening up any street in the Township of Bayham the Company sk.al.l wl)en bac:kfillint, ram the _earth up to the surface of the street whenever neaessau to do so, so as to obtain the greatest ounpaot- ne ss and when paving, planking, macadam or granol i thi c is removed as aforesaid the same ahall be re -Laid and replaced by it with th© 0 -&me kind of mato rial and in the same manner as before the remrival thereof an' when such excavations are filled in and the work; compIcted it will remove all surplus m=aterial and mill res- tore any ant all strects in which it may lay pipes to as good condition as they wn�,ra bat are the laying of such pipes, provided always that if after they have filled up such excavation and re- laid and replaced such macadam or granolithic3 there should be a settling thereof along; the surface of the street the Com any shall fill_ up such excavation to the level of such street and Cake up and relay such paving, planking, macadam or granoli thio t o the proper level tho reef. 5. The Company shall wi thout delay clear the said streets of all dirt or rubbish caused by or resulting from the laying of pipes or the Making of any trenches or the performance of any Other work=s done by it inc=idental to the powers hereby r conferred. a. Whenever the Munieii al Council of the Corporation of the 'township of :r3ayhem shall de temine to cons truot any watercourse system, sewer, drain or ditch or any branch thereof across or along «ny street or lay granoli thio, macadam, pave, boulevard or inTrove any street or do any public Rork whatsoever on any street where any of the Company's pipes are laid the- Company he-Company shall forthwith at its own expanse elevate, lower, chs or remove such pipes or n%v of them as requested by the said t 0 Council so that such sewer, dra; n, ditch or branch thereof may be constructed or that such street may be macadamized, paved, laid with grAnolithic or otherwise improved or such public work or works may b done at the point or place determined upon by the said Corporati o" 7. In the event of any leakage of gas oocuring in any street throtigh any riefect in said pipes or the laying thereof the CompOy shall forthwith after notice, reivir such defect, but said requirement of notice shall not in any wise impair or lessen the liability of said. Company for any dmage suffered by reason of such leakage of "s before the giving of suoh notice. 8. All mains, pip©; and conduits shall be laid not less than six inches below the surface of said streets uiApss otberwioe directed cr permitted by the Municipal. Council of the said Township. 9* All appliances provided by the said O ompa�, for the collection, carrying or distribution of gas through- JOUOh mains, pipes and conduits wi thin the limits of said Town*4p, spall be suitable, proper and sufficient and shall alsoopy with all and any regulations restrictions and conditions Aiah may from time to time be made or imposed by the Piro UnderWri ters Associa tion of Canada or An<v s3inil.ar Association, or body frim time to time regulating the rates of fire insuranoe or regulati,4, the di stribu ti on of natural gas within the limits of said Tyr-' ship. 10. Before layingany mains pipes or conduits n the T cr mship o f �vbnrr. t ha Com any shall from time to t1no�� furnish the w:id Corporation with a plan showing the stt8etls to be opened and the proposed location of the mains, pipes and conduits (other .than service pipes) thereon giving fall particulars as to the. size of such mains, pipes and conduits to be used, and shall not pro~- oe8d with the laying of tli® same until the consent of the said iI _5 - Corporation has first been obtained thereto, and in IDeating laying, ro-laying, renewing or repairing the same shall conform' t o all re a s ana bl e re gula t i ons that the Council o f the said Cor- poration or- poration abal.l make with respect thereto. It being the understan- ding of this agreeFPt that the said municipal Corporation shall have they full contrel of the location of all the mains, pipes and conduits (otbor than service pipes) of the said Company and frMi tim^s to time as the same shall be laid and witbin sixty days of to such '_laying shall file in the office of the Clerk of the saic: Corporation PAI ond, complete map© showing; the sues, loca. tions and position Gf the said mains, pipes and conduits and th� Company shall moi; at any time break up, dig or trench any street t o a greater extent than 240 feet ahead of pipe laying. 11. In case the Company shall refuge or neglect t,.o sib-. serve any conditions, restri otions or provisions herein contained or neglect or refuse to perform the obligations herein imposed or to do or complete any of t'r> works required to be done by`It.in. accordance with the terms of this Bylaw within a reasonable time after notice req-,Aring it so to do, the Corporation may if tt deers expedient cause and have the said work or any of the said. t:�i.ngs to be d.one, parformed or canpleted and tho expense thereof shall be f orthwith charged against and be paid by the Compal - to the Corporation, 12. The Company shall from time to time and at all times during the period in which the rights and privileges in and by the said ,A1law granted are continued save harmless and keep. indemnified the said Corporation from all lose, costs, charges, damages and expenses wipe tsoaver which my be occasioned to the property of the Corporation or to any person or private Corpora- tion within the limits of the said Township of Beyham or to any person using the said street by reason of the defective condition or oonstrustion of any of the mains, pipes and conduits or other am 6 — corks of the Campanj within the limits of the said Corporation or frau any negligence of the Company its servants or agents in opening the said streets or in laying, operating, repairing or maintaining its said mains, pipes and conduits within the limits of the said Township or in doing any other work incidental _P to the laying, operating, repairing or maintaining of sooh mains, pipes and conduits or oth©r works or in consequence of the failore of the Company its servants or agents to restos the said screets to as goad condition as they were before being opened y the Cripany or for any Other act, neglect or default of the f'ompany its servants or agents whatsoever for which tha 17unicipal Corporation would be liable to any person or private Corporation. 13, It is expressly declared that the franchise hereby Granted is not to be deemed an exclusive franchise but on the contrary the ecoid Cornorption may grant to any other Company or Companies franchises for purposes siiiilar or partly similar to th,s purpossa for which this. franchise is granted. The rights hereby gri;ntad shall. be 'subject to the rights of persons, fines nr Corpnrations now holding, franchises or privilogos from the said Corporation. and an`v franabises or privileges bereafter ra lte4 shall be sub;eot hereto. 3.4. The Company at its own expense will make donne a— tions between its pil* Lines and the service pipes of persons whose i-rgf-,riv Adjoins the highway along which the works are earrii in so far r,;s thav may be authorized to do ,so under the provisions *1 9 Adw. V11, Obapter 75, who agree to take subject to the Company's rognlations natural gas to the amount of not lose than fifty events net per mouth, such persona to bear the expense of • q 1ayi.ng and maintaining their o* -n service pipes from the Company's pipe lines to erd upon the premises of such persons, 19. The maximum price for natural gas furnished by the Company to sonsumers other than to manufseturers hereinafter set forth, within the Township of Bayham during, the continuance of 7 - franchise hereby granted shall be the sum of = l per thousand oubio feet subject to a discount of U 7 C cents Pur thousand cubic feet if paid within fourteen days after noti eft fication of the amount, and for manufacturers consuming at toast tboueeM feet per ffionth the cum of lza4a; eC--,i,,—Per thousand cubic fie t sub jest to a discount of cents per thousand cubic feet if paid within fourteen days after notification of the amount; metres supplied by the Company to its austomers shall be furnished at rental not exceeding per month (a) Provided that the nett pride of gas to users in the said Township shall at nn ties exceed the net price charged to u so rs of natural Cos for domestic purposes in the T oven of Till senburg. 16. Upon the expiration or other detemins tion of the franchise hereby grentei the Company shall if requested by the Corporation so to do rdtrove its property* from the streets Of the Midi Municipality and shah, restore such streets to as good. condition as the same were in before such removal without cost to the Corporation and in elefault thereof the Corporation r ay remove the Fwme or any part thereof and may cherge the cost of such removal and tjw restore tion of the strAets to the said C omPany And ti -o soma shell be payable by the Company to the Corporation forthwith thereafter. M The condi ti ons ani obligi, ti ons of this agreem. nt sbf.11 extend to :-M bind the Company its successors and assigns. 18. The torsi "street" ,and "stre®ts" where used in this greament shall be deemed to include the squares, highways, banes ;.n(I public p3.acaa of and within the Township of Baybam. 19. And the CompE;ny observing and parforwminn; the cov— enants and 'csonditions hareby covenrnted to be observed vind per_ formed on its part t Le Corporation covenants with the C omp ri ny not to repeal, falter or zimend the said in part recited 'bylaw or 161 ..a ,s or revoke any of the privileges hereby czar a d %i thout the consent in writing of the Company. 20. The said Company shall r :P,3y to 'he C orp r ra ti on all going pari by it to Vic ayClneer, rc.t d ao��i.:� i or.�r � or other officer of the CorporF:tion frr sevricos Y-,rform-e , by him or them in conneatf on ii(t1: thc, Cmpanyle vork or, thO neaesaery -.��;ork of inspection And supervision tinder thio r grpment and shall. 91 so repay the costs, c -;-uses and r ) f the o1ici— t or of the Cor'"ra ti on of anti i.rxci der►tai t: t'ia erail:-inj and pess— ing of this Bylaw and of tine Agreew,.ent Vcpren ref,}rred to. 21. If the Company aba l comrit a breach of any of the pro7isions of the said .:3 la-- or f tlj. s I,greeman t the Cor��ara— tion maygive notice in wri ti -r specifyi� t -:e breach complained of &nd of the intent of th© Corporation to forfei' t and determine the faanchise and privile ga s haroby granted unl a s:- t ija Company sball within vile rlonth of i;er v, )nrire un ori it. of t lea sbid notice remedy the saii4 breach, aid in case tfie Company shAll within the said pdri.od pf one mr,:ctn fail to remedy the sari breach, the said franchise ani the p�rivi_.egus horciloy 6 ranted s; -,a11 at the option of the Corporation afte_r. *he ©xpiratiLsn of the period mentioned in sonh notice wholly cease anti. `ts e -t -nine without the Corporation being liable -to Ithu Company i o r• arq ctzipensa tion or damage for such forfoitura and the ^nrporation nay thereupon formally repeal the said Bylaw find oaneel this Area"nt. 22. , It is fortho r agreed that in t1v event of t1?c said Compax y not a onstruating any of its works or laying any pipes within a period of year.. -from the date of passing of this By— late, that the said Corporation may at its option terminate this &ereAment and the franchise anG privileges herby granted and repeal the said Tylaw wi tbout the said Corporation being liable 10 to the Company for any awipeneation or darnage for such forfeiture. IN ,�Irix=.x� 'f�i:RC�F the Company has riereunto affixed 9 s 9 - its seal under the hands of the Vice_�Iresiaeiit and Seoretary of the Company Rnd the Municipal Corporat en, LvEs lwxeunto nffiaed its Corporat6 seal War the hand8 jf il,o Ecjove f -A("t Glork,, SI ORD Sigi`J. &D AIS. D4;LIFi' '"D in the pre se nese } r� -- } YfC6 i'f�c.51Ut .T & GEt! � �1,.1►z3.' 1 i i C> -i Z !Z4 Cij it PA C) btf tj �SN CIV u PA C) CA By-!aw Number of the To mhlp of la.yhm. �3 of the lUnicipal. Corporation A By --Saw to grant to the Peninsular oil and tI-as rompany*. .mow Limited, the right -to lap and maintain pipeq through under and al=g the streets. highways and public places of -:n6 within the To- vush ip of P�xvhaM. i II�7,1FA` the eninsular oil And Cyan Company. -Limited has applied for the passing of a By-law giving them Vc# a right to c on- otruct, maintain, complete and operate works within the Township o f PP.vhm for the 3�roduc tion, . sale. and d is tribut ion o f natural ga) without tho omission o f -.aid Bp -law for tho at sant of the t the said Township of Bnyham. By-!aw Number of the To mhlp of la.yhm. �3 of the lUnicipal. Corporation A By --Saw to grant to the Peninsular oil and tI-as rompany*. .mow Limited, the right -to lap and maintain pipeq through under and al=g the streets. highways and public places of -:n6 within the To- vush ip of P�xvhaM. i II�7,1FA` the eninsular oil And Cyan Company. -Limited has applied for the passing of a By-law giving them Vc# a right to c on- otruct, maintain, complete and operate works within the Township o f PP.vhm for the 3�roduc tion, . sale. and d is tribut ion o f natural ga) without tho omission o f -.aid Bp -law for tho at sant of the electors of the said Township of Bnyham. ,` -` t ' expedient nt pa, . a By-law for the o. RRA i x �= e H to t v_ F7ai d rnrpo sos,, �n so far and to the ®N.teut _"utUriged by ub so - tions '.��� ,. of tio �3, Chapter 75 9�ciw `.1, Ctarfa -Lo upon and .qubj act to ...ie co tion. at foAth �.n the agreern�n .� hereinaftor referred to. NO" .Ti 3- F'G'A the .nicipal. Council, of the 'joivni.hitp of Bpwham hereby einw.. is as fo 1 lows ; - 1. Teat_ jp, thp extont authorized by xib actions ',11,.ILL tip -...`.� u VYti 1 of ection 3, . dw. Vl1(11��taro, �kaptex 75, .Sion is hereby gated to the Peninsular Cil � -Mrl as Company, J'AMi to 0, its successors and arssigns , to cons tract, mainte in. oqMplato , ::end, operate W -0 -r -b within tine Township of BUh ua for the pruduatfon, sale and distribution of natural gas f4the roWsa of light, heat and power within and through the limits of tho Tbimse hip of Auhs,iq. and toa nduot suaL gay dor t}.e purpogas Afor+�said� throw under and alvn4 the streets, highways and public places of the Towaidtip, .of .,L�Ftjham by moans of mains, pipes And conddtits. for a period of years from the pas!ing of this ky-law, upon t and sub jaat to tho terms of tho agreownt hereinafter mentioned'. 2. The privileges granted In the next preceding soation ars upon and -qcub ject to the conditions that this By -lair shall not cons into effect until tho said Comp' shy=11 have entered into and delivered to the INWoipal Gprp+aration of the Township if BghM an ausawnt, in writing under seal upon. the to and to the affect i -nd oontai the condi time cat forth in tbo forty of agreownt mrked ` ahodale "A" and hereto at ted: . The is hereby authorized and a aa�r�d toe accts and deliver said agreownt under rsal of the Corporation and countersigned by the Clark as soon FLs the same shall have been exacuted and delivered by the said Company,, Read a third time and passed this October. A.r. 19 . 11 my of m 2 and sub jaat to tho terms of tho agreownt hereinafter mentioned'. 2. The privileges granted In the next preceding soation ars upon and -qcub ject to the conditions that this By -lair shall not cons into effect until tho said Comp' shy=11 have entered into and delivered to the INWoipal Gprp+aration of the Township if BghM an ausawnt, in writing under seal upon. the to and to the affect i -nd oontai the condi time cat forth in tbo forty of agreownt mrked ` ahodale "A" and hereto at ted: . The is hereby authorized and a aa�r�d toe accts and deliver said agreownt under rsal of the Corporation and countersigned by the Clark as soon FLs the same shall have been exacuted and delivered by the said Company,, Read a third time and passed this October. A.r. 19 . 11 my of m I s IMURANDUM OF made this ,7� day of k .o D . 1910, C_cuber The Peninsular Oil and Gaq Company, Lias to d. a body corporate and l i t ic org►ni se d under the Laws of the Province tit' t*ntario, I:erei.naftar called the GompaW. of tha First part -- and - Me Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereinafter oalle d the Corporation, of the scone _.: " I a By-law of the Townab i p a f �: v psa se r� on the day of October A.D. 1914 aid numbarsd parmicsion was grantsd to the Company, its) succ:erAors and assigm to the extent apthoris;ed by "ub Beat' a " " "e `` of -action 3, Chapter 75, 9 def.: I .; Clinta iQ. At a strR.c:t, mnin*ain, complete and operate works, within the Towns -hip of Beyheu for t1:e production, sale and distribution of natural gas for the pvirposes of light, haat and power and within and through the limits of the Town -1 --hip of 11�ayham to conduct such .:; for the pari}o : e s aforesaid through, under and along the s -treats, highways and public plt1ces y of the sai ci Township of '121�yhi= by -mans of mains, pipas and con. dui is , fora period of � vC � - years from and after the passing of thi�� By-law, subject to the condition tLat such By --law :.-Iall not oome into operation and affect unless the said CompazW shall have entered into an agraeavint in writing under Neal with the said Corporation in the terms and containing the pro'vi s irons end conditions hereinafter sat out. ANIS # 1-r7� V` this agreement i s rade and 9%terod into pursuant to lbs said By --law <<=hd by way of performa=* of the said canditlou precedent to the ooming into operation of the saga . 11C� ; TIL IU � the r=aid Company for itself its successors and Assign hereby covets, promises rind agree;- to and with the► Municipal Corporation of the 'Township of Bayham as follows, that is to s • - l. 'i'he Company ray braak urs, dig qnd tronch so mch and so man ky of tho streets ~n " tl to said i own :I ip of r)ayhqm as rw be neo. essm7 for the l y,ine down of mim, pipes, and condutis aiA other r works for the purpose of continuing their line work or s" tete through the said mo vvmsh ip or conducting the natural gas to the con�7ners thereof % hose property adjoin the highwaysc__9r Y�re_etat along Which the sf:id works are carried or for the purpa:~e of trate tni. � �; ion of the said natural gas to o tear �Iuni,cipalit ie s, to the full extent authorised by ub .- Iq ti ns "B ' and "C" of "actio 3, V ti -,, dw. :?��pter 75, i'qr. t i Ftp, altering or. repairing the s,ama when tlie Company shall deem expedient doing no unnecessary dame.ge in so doing ancl. taking caro to preFerve► the froe and unin- torrupted l'assa a througL said street:, whi. L such works are in progresF-, -nc ;mini:=hi °aid works c-tmi placing the said streets in as ;pod a condition as before the comaencomont of &-aid work, anti ".without any unnecessary delay. In the prosecution of the work of oponing up wq street In tho said },o�mship of B. tsti:ghawill no�obstruct, dawge, molest or interfere with any of the guttare, drains, sawers, gas or water pipes, water courses, condiits, polos or other constructions of any kind belonging to t1;o Corporation now exi::ting or heroafter constructed, or those of any dompmy or individual which have been authorised by the said Township, but will use all proper minis- ures to z)totect the sauw find leave them in as gond condition as they =sere iaiadi.ately prior to tho oon. trtxcti.on of such :ark using due nd roper diligence in so doh; 1. 30 The Commny sh11.l1 erect suitable and suf fic ient V..,rriers and plac=e proper and sufficient lights arouad <=11 exce -- tions a'de by it in the pro scout ion of such work to provent ztcoi- I v dents to n1l per, sons„ anim,,Ls ;unci velideles using :3aid s tree ts: 40 There e=a,' atio are raw -de (Ar p�iving. plt�hking, m.Xa iia or �7wiol,ithic removed in the proaean tion of the work of opening up ;-nil street in the "c wns hi-, of Ilay'luat the Coxyanv &i.,11 :7bon bpzkftl In nn thft earth uta to the itrfaae of the atrest ,:, t en9var none ss ary to lo . se to aW in tho f roatost ODE--rp-:ot- noss aaid WIwn pe ving. p:? a:nking, mce.chm or granol.i.thic i :3 remVed .s afomsaici ~lv:e :-:..-ao sl;all be re. -I iii and re.rL;,oed by it 04 th the sanv kind of mrltorin 1 A..O in the smvr :.miner tts before the remov J thereof -anel v&en ouch sxr.,avations are f irod in �-4a the ,ltork co=le tori it; ;i11 ramave all suus :m rplteriftl ,. a will res. A.tore adv rind € ll streets in h i c.h it May lay pipes to "-s good condition -Iliv, they wwrs before the laying of such pipess, provided ,i1 rnit Ts that if Z- f ter they hr.vo filled up such exc vL-A ion and re - 'd --md replaced --uoh macadam or wrmol.ithio there alwuld be a a t tlinf- t1fiern of aloe I,he :.ur face of the VA stre. et tie(Iormpony shall fill up :tiuCI-;' excz:vation to the l,.£;v91 of isiarch :etreof jzd talm up ,.,nd ralay :such paving, pL4-nking, macadam or granolithis to the po p er lovel thereof 5. The CompiAny du ll -x i thout doL--.y clear the said streets r� f tell a! rt or mbbi ih ec-Ois►ed by or re.$)ulting from 'the layir of pilon or the :Taking of any trenchers o tho perfornwate of any cit ; .o r o rks cions by it i nc i d en t e A to t ha 1*,ere hereby C42�.i~erY'C t'�. G. Aiana�ver ti.e 'lunicip .l "oto:cil of the "Corpar€',txnn of thle Town&U-4) of ; Lam determine to o-onstrkc. t any watercourse sy-=teem; sewer, ('rein or ditch or, �"ny bramh thereof icross or long any :street or lay err nol�.t��i:c, r;,aCadam. p�.�ve; boulevi:rd or improve 0-tny street yr do f�,ny public V-$ork �Irataoever on any „., tre e. t :here � of U �or�% ny' a pipes fire Lid the r Comet, y shall forthwith at its own expense elevate. lower, charV q.r__rej;pve such pipes or W of totem as regiw stud by the said P _4.. 00unall so thi:t mch Nawar, drain, ditch or bmnah theroo f ;may be vonstrtw ted or tll�at Xch street m- y be macaUmigeld, p vsd; laid with grr nali.thtc or otiserv.-i,sa improved or sich public wear or V"Orks qi�iy be done fit tiffs point or plc=ce determined upon by the ui d Corpo iution: 7. In tL a ovant of any le yak 2f ._as o ootiri ng in any street throu& any dafact in s, id pipes nr the laying thsroof the CompmV shall forthwith , ft er notice, rep- i.r taah defoct. but, said requiremeTA of notice :ihs,13. not in F,.nv wi see impair or lesson the liability of said Gorgxmy for r n;� (V gre miffored by r%scn of such lea)ap of grn s b(: ford the t7,ivizig of such notice; 80 1,11 nim. pipes ,-.nd oon(lui.ts sh� 11 be 1- id =t less them �a ix "inches below thri surfecs of said streets rope 0 th err'.-i!:;a direote: "14 r;r 1-'P?11" pit tad by the `.-Unic ipal Council of the said. To yens hi p, ppliances provided by the aai.d C:omiyany for the collection, carrying ,or dig, trihution of gf* . through 9ach- minx, pipes and conduits ithin the lif.: s Corporation hv:s first be��n obtrtiva4 thereto. F.nd in locating 1nyi . re--laying.rwnewirg or repairing the saw shall aonfoi* to all reFviotkble regulations thiat the Council of the 6-tt910 {:or- poration abrIllneks With respect thereto;.V It bsinEr the u~.derstan- din off' t��i ag"ev4-.thZA the said Municipal Co tion shall � �r� spa a 1 lc vc tL e full control of the location of -11 the Trains. pipes and conduits (other flitzn sorvice pipe) of tete �ai.d OOWW any and from to tins as t hn sLA11 be laid ;:nd '. % thi.n �) i xty days Ifter. -anal lying nth;--11�file in the office of the "lark of the said Corporation ful ,�nh 004ket• =ps Showing the Sizos, loan- , tinns and po Juana of tho Said M;LjnS, pipea .nd Candjji.t and the t;'a nyshal�. not , : t any time break tR. klig or trench any . treat to € greater ex tent tl�P.n 20n fast ahea& of pipe layl%W: 11. In rase the Gampwy sball refuse or neglect to observe an conditions. restriotions or prov i cions herein containod or neglect or refuse to perform the obli, ations hereim impoosd or to rho o r compl,e to 1-:ny , p f the works r equire d to be clone by it in nccordf-nce -4th t�'�e terms of t ►i i3v1Y:� ithin a raw owble time f ter not i oa requiring it so to do, t,Ge 'Corporation may if it dooms expedient c.iu. ie c nd have the said ,:ork or wiy of the said th i%s to be done.. Perfor4wd or cvmplo ted and the experlse atamof; shZ:.11 be tiorth-:4 th ch,.rzred nainst mui be paid by the Go p to the Corporation 12. The Coig)rt�v zihal.l from t im to t i -nd t all ti.r�an, during Vne period in lAhicli. the ra t.* i:nd privileges in and by the s a Irl ylr4vi gmmtod are coiat intrad s4, a harmloas i�d keap idemif1*d th+e said Corporation from all loss, aosta, d1w, ro a, dam moa rind wqmlses ; I . 6 - :i1.I0 Ora On or from nv nek�-Iigrenca of the Compony its sere is or CVnta in, opcninC the strer.ts or in Dy : operating, rep�iririg; or )jv i.ntaininC its sf-Li(i wains, pipes and conduits within the 1imi.ts af. t In tia.i d T ;�hii) or in. doing any other -ork Incidental of to ti.o laying, oparx.Aing; rapp.iring or m ainta ini.nC&snob wins, pih.es r.nd coxulutis or ot1w works or in coarwggws of 00 f:. iiure of Vile pomp ,-iq' its sory nts or a:;ents to restore the said :streets to oa oo-Mition m ti -,.ay were before bei n& opened by t'he Oompr.ny or for ii -ay other act', neeplect or d6fflult of the Co:w ny its servants or Fz ;ants ���tso�:var for itiGh ale nicfpal `nv Aat i opCorporaticn woald be liable to i : It is )reanly declared x'v: + t the franchise horeby Srante d iq not to be do=Qd PM exc US iv$ frauati Se heat On the contri.ry the gfj.i d Corpoyation ;,iv grant to any other Gwvany or ,,0j;r3�,ni es frrwbxses for ntirpo ses a i.niLar car partly si;�jilar to the purix�sa:� for Vninh this frvio ise i. s ,ntsd. the rights hareby ;, anta4 sh- 11 _,�zb ject to tine ri- its of parsons;,' :£ice or Corporations noir holding franchises or privileges from the said Corporation. : nc1 any franc Asas or ,r3.vilages hereafter granted ,1-1 ti be :tiuhject hovsto: 14. "j h e Comp: ny e. t z t.i win eaq3owe -VII-ill. botvtoen its pipe lines •-nd the ;5ervi.(.,,e pipes of ,per" OUR ,ihc;sp ar,�u �c� •t c�. ofns Le highway Tong , hick the .corks are esrried in :io far t Lay : ay �'op :hut tori zed to Jo so under tips p viesion; of 9"d4„",h1� 2,i. pte li, s to tZ.:xa .;ub,}ect to tl;.e CQMi.c.ny's roglula titow w tural &.:= to the awouat of not lasF; that nRt icor ninth, su:;h porsazo to bmar tho ,oxpansn of laviwr and ilaintaining tlaoir own servic+s pipes frog the Coir yte pipa lines; to andi upon tine ire l ses of f,� uch per;iom9 . _ 115. 77_�-�e rwxixatuoa price f ,jral eas furn Lihed by the Compauy to con �.ivaars other thi. , o m..wkfhaturers here ina.f tar set forth; within the Tovmship of,”. f,; yh diur ing t e cont itnufaw a of. .. 7 .. fr&uvhiae hsrob acted shall be t4a of I Per ti,),, ii .nd cubic f est subject tv" a disaonn.t of per thoiiaand cubic fest if paid itLin ii�urtaen 4ays aftar nota— , fication of tl:e amount, mot fot meaufactursrs oon j t in St 1?3r thousazid cubic fe.=t a�mbj ct to a discount cents Per thoaaratd out fejt if pard within -t �-ur n lays PS t or no ti f%+ tion tre a�:�eu t: stro:� ; up,�1iod .bv t;r s Co z ,v to S cons mmrs eiall b4' fur..' � .. r—' ""::II :s ii:� i�G claZ ,UYk (a� rUtJ"�.an %ixt,3 not , 7Tj.ie c .f, �, a V i"-, nrs a.n th0 `°^.�,, :'s ► a »r•�• ��:�1it .is �:.A. .: 4 C) 1, •. iie„�: � � j!: _•. t...... :�.stR ItY 4G �i f 11 .x,• �. .i for '. ::;i :Xt� ?le'" s,. :;s:i �n ;a.:: +. ?i + A Upon the fj;(nire. t -o -a or o -lier determimtion of t.e franch1 see hereby ;ranted o n4 any AU if reiuo t . by t1le Corportition so to dq re, uove its iraPOrty fray." t1le. ::te(:t:', of tree said Rwlicipulity allz►i Shall rostore ,1?ur,)i stroetr-, to �:ti good condition ail. ti.s dvr-w were in befi)r. e 3aoh ra--wval vdfl=t costs to the Oor oo rat ion -ml ill ds fault the rsof too Cor or'.,1 i.on riv.v remove the actine or -nv m rt therwaf unci r;:ay Lan -LJ re u o ca;.;t of suci; removal the Astor -titin of �ztrrwt.- to `.ire s yid Company and t1flq :.all be ry-i rade by iso C ompa nj to tiio Ct�»pr� r. �t ian �'�1r'ti-ri, t t�c� ro:• f t �r Ili . 17. Taxa cone itioi F,zrd oblzg`. t ions oft :}, _. :icreavl nt shall extend *o find b2h-W th�c Comp-,nv its G l: os cars tend noel&►: this r - lent ship-1-1be emod to inc3.uao foie ries::, lanes tncl public places of nwl tho Township of Brivka:m. and it is further, Wood tlot t tho � ai �, Company :shall nate lay �:.Y% maims, brarwhsa, pipes or conduits under sidowalk•s in the Baits Township oxcept to carols the same, or so near to any of tho ShWW S trees as to injure the snag without the direction of tho said conn il, and that in ti:e event of its being "off amary found Use - g s sary to lay any pipes acro r s any � , i dewalk in o ai d Towndiip and the suid "omixiny shall oxc:avate, remove it destroy any portion of any sidewalk for that purpG;;e tLe aidewalk so raised, o=avated, remove,' for or dostr?W shall be restoved by the s all Company at its own expense to tho same condition ax it wax before the nems shall have bean so raised excavated removed or destroyed, / 19, t t4 -e L omi)aiW ob5arving �.,ad performing the covenants . con i.tioms horoby covenanted Aa be pbserved and perfoxued on it:� part ti:$ " orporatnon covenants with the Company not bo repeal alter or rmend the : ald in part recited adv -lair or revoke any of the priviloges hareby croated without the consent ir. Writing of the Compau. "Os The s :: x.r Company shaU repay to the Corporation all sums priid by it to the ''ngineer, road coir sli=er, or other officer of the Corporation :dor services performed by 'rim or them in eonn- ectic�n wi is the Com, vis work or tie necessary Work of in-Spactiou w E n�3 -supervision under this afire e r nt �,P.J :hall aL- o rapsiv the coat* _. clsar ense:. o f die `.oli c it car of tho Gor prat ion of and .�� and fl,�=p p AJ incidental to the dreWaing and paF-1ng of thisDy-1w and p�' ..thw..... ar;-reenebt therein r©ferred to.. _.�-. .. L If the Company nhalI oo=it a breach of ny of the pro- vV-ions of the said By-law or of this agreement the Ccrpnration may give notice i. -,i wri t in ; specifying ti;e breach complaineA of ani. of t :e intent of the ``orporation to forfeit and determine tbo f # .-and privileges horeby grabted unless the ComfiW skim Within one month after the s e ry i c: e upon it of the :�a i d no os rowdy the said breach, ana in case the C%oi4panv shall within the said period of one =n►th fail to tetnmciy the said breach, the ?aid franshi:>e ax t tie privileges hcrebv grrmtad .. hall 'pct tjto option of thr; Corporation after the expiration of a.a period manti.onod in surd; nati.c a Wriolly cease zona datermino Without the Corporation being liable to the C ompany for any compensation or dam& for ~ h .. 9 forfsitaro W the Corporation my theranpon formally repool tbo said By—Iaw and camel this agreewnt; .,`' it is f urtber agreed that in the event of the said Con. Po, pany not c onatrua t fang any of its works or laying any pipes i this a period of one year from the data of paa ling of this Bywlaw, that the said Corporation t y ,,, Ltr-i t option termimte this agrequent and the fruwhise and privileges hereby granted and repeal the said By -lqw without the said Corporation bo i liable to the Company for any aozWowa tion or damage for such forf o i Lure . 1 2 0F the Company 1w hereunto of f Wd Its seal under the bands of th a Pre s i dent and ` sore t ary of the Company ane. the ghznicipal Corporation has hereunto affixed its. Corporate seal unaer the hands of the Peove and dark. Igned "Gale: F.nd j"Olivered) in the presonce of THE PENINSULAR 0!L GAS CO3 Limitel, ........ fT�-.e 0, 1 E P131i SUILAR Oil. I GAS GO., 'Limped, VVVI C -Y i dw