HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1890BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Number 461 & One Not Numbered 1890 Bylaw # Description 151 Re Road between lots no. 20 and 21 in the Gore of Talbot R. North on Talbot Rd. East. 168 To establish a Road in the 7th concession. 174 Cutting timber on the Road sides of the Township. 182 To establish a road in the south: limit of the Creek Road, East of lots No. 6 and 7, Con. 3. 185 To establish a road at lot No. 2 in the 3rd concession. 194 To oorrect and confirm the boundaries of S.S. No. 17. 195 To alter the boundaries of School Sections Mo. 11 and 16. 199 To establish a road on Lot No. 6 in the 4th con. 204 To open up a road allownace between lots. No. 5 and 6, Con. 10. 205 To detach part of S.S. No. 12 and unite the same with S.S. no. 6 in union with S.S. no. 7 Malahide. 210 To establish a road along the east side of lot no. 6 son. 4. 211 To close up a road in Con. 3, and for other purposes. 215 To establish a new road across a part of lot no. 109 north on Talbot Rd. east and for other purposes. 221 For selling and conveying certain old roads in the south half of lot no. 6, con. 4. 222 To confirm bylaw no. 211 and for closing up a road established by the late London District Council under bylaw no. 108 and for other purposes. 223 For closing up, selling and conveying the old road along the east side of lot no. 5, con. 10. 229 To confirm the proceedings at a meeting of the Reeves of Bayham and-Malahi.de Townships held on the 23rd. Day of December A.D. 1865. 232 To unite School Sections Nos. 10 and 13. 233 To establish a road between lots nos. 23 and 24, con. 5. 235 To establish a road on part of lot no. 14, con. 3. 236 To establish a road in a part of lot no. 16, con. 4. l s n ' 4 • i BYLAW INS FOR BAYHAM BYLAW BOOK Bylaw # Description 244 For prevention of the obsruetion of streams and creeks. 249 To dipose of stock in the Port Burwell Harbor. 251 To establish a road across the south part of lots nos. 16 and 17, con. 10. 252 To establish a road across part of lots nos. 11, 12 and 13, eon.8. 253 To establish a road on lots nos. 109 and 110, north on Talbot east. 256 To dispose of a mrtgage held by the corporation for monies advanced to the Talbot Street Plank Road Com. 258 To establish a road on lot no. 25 in the south Gore. 259 To establish a road division in the Village of Straffordville. 260 To establish a road division on the Townline between Bayham and Middleton. 4) 261 To establish a road division, to numbered 69. 265 To establish a road between lots nos. 16 and 17, con.l. 270 To idvide the Tcxmship into Polling Sub -Divisions. 278 To detach part of S.S. No. 10, and unite the same with S.S. NO. 15 in union with S.S. No. 8 in Houghton. 286 To convey the road allowance between lots nos. 113 and 114, south of the Talbot Road, to one Andrew Beattie. 287 To convey tad ,I. H. Saxton a portion of the road allowance across the north end of lot no. 5, con. 3, and between cons. 2 and 3. 29i To establish a hew road division in the Village of Straffordville, and for other purposes. 293 Governing inspectors of Licenses, their duties and renumeration. 294 To establish certain road divisions. 303 To aid and assist the Norfolk Railway Company. 304 To enable the Trustees of S.S. no. 18 to issue debentures. 306 To convey to one Arras Weeks the road eAross the S. W. angle of the N. half of lot no. 114, south on Talbot Road East. Bylaw # Description ------------------------ 307 To convey to one Alexander Morrison the road allowance between lots nos. 15 and 16, con. 1. 308 To divide the Township into Polling Sub -Divisions. 309 To appoint Jamb S. Jones as Municipal Clerk. 311 To fix the renumeration of the members of the Council. 316 To convey to one James Prichard the road between lots nos. 3 and 4, sonc. 3 and 4. 318 To amend and prepare for Registration bylaw no. 307. 320 To amend and alter bylaw no. 168. 325 To close up and sell sideroad between lots nos. 20 and 21, con.8. 327 To regulate the number of days of Statute Labor. 328 To establish a new road in lot no. 10 con. 3. 330 To borrow monies from the Municipal Loan Fund. 332 To authorize the Trustees of S.S. no. 12 to issue debentures. 333 To, divide the -bwnship into Polling Sub-Divf.%on*. 340 To enable the Trustees of S.S.no 17 to issue debentures. 343 To enable the trustees of S.S. no 3 to isste debentures. 345 To draw money from the Mini.cipal Loan Fund. 346 To open the Otter Creek Road. 349 To establish the renumeration of certain officers. 356 To divide the Township into several Polling Sub -Divisions. 358 For the preservation of the Public morals. 362 To detach part of S.S. no. 8 and unite the same to S.S.no. 4, and to detach a part of S.S. no. 4, and unite the same with S.S. no. 8. 365 To convey to W. N. Tyrrell and James Prichard, the road allowance between lots nos. 5 and 6, con. 4. 366 To convey to Gilbert Wilson the road allowance between lots nos. 5 and 6, cons. 3 and 4. BYLAW INDEX FOR BAYHAM BYLAW BOOK Bylaw # Description 371 To detach parts of lots from S.S. no. 23 and unite the same with S.S. no. 18, also to detach parts of lot no. 28, oon.8, from S.S. no. 18, and unite the same with S.S. no. 15. 374 To establish a road division in the Village of Corinth. 375 To establish the southern Circuit of road div. no. 70. 376 To alter road divisions nos. 67 and 87. 389 To detach a part of a lot from S.S. no . 15, and unite the same with S.S. no. 14, and to detach a lot frc, S.S.no. 23, and to unite the same with S.S. no. 18. 396 To establish a road through lot no. 119 south of the Talbot Road. 409 To establish a road on lot no. 21, con. 11. 416= To detach a lot from S.S. no. 10, and to unite the sane with S.S. no. 12 440 Zb divide the Township of Bayhan into Polling EubDivisions. 16 444 To detach a part of S.S. no. 8 and unite the same with S.S. no. 9. 445 To confirm a report for the formation of S.S-no. 16. 446 To appoint H. T. Godwin and L.Johnson arbitrators in case of Best vs. Township of Bayhan. 451 To enable the Trustees of S.S. no. 10 to issue debentures. 452 Licensing and governing Pool, Billiard and Bagalette Tables. 4-75 To authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreEment with the County of Elgin. 482 To transfer the Port Burwell Harbor Lands to the Tilsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway Canpany. 484 To unite Road allowance between lots nos. 16 and 17, con.l to school section no. 2. 491 To aid the construction of tile and •plant drains. 503 To close and stop up certain streets in the Police Village of Port Burwell. 504 To enable the Trustees of S.S. no. 14 to issue debenturas. • : / 2► • • : • I• : :*• Bylaw # Description 516 To close up the sideroad between lots nos. 20 and 21, eon.8. 518 To enable the Trustees of S.S. no. 2 to issue debentures. 589 To close up a certain road in the Township of Bayham. 592 To repeal Bylaw no. 450 and the amendments therto, and to regulate the running at large and trespassing of any animals, and to provide for the impounding of stock. Also amendments to this bylaw numbered 605 and 647. ? To aid the Tillsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway Cczrpany. ? To divert Chatham Street and to close Drury Lane in the Police Village of Port Burwell. 608 To authorize the Reeve to execute a deed of that portion of the Talbot Street Toll Road lying in the Township of Houghton, to the said Township of Houghton. 612 Re the disposal of the timber on road allowance between lots nos. 5 and 6, con. 5. 617 To enable the Trustees of S.S. no. 9 to issue debentures. 630 To regulate ;he mode of assessing dogs and bitches, and the amount to be paid therefor. 631 Re the diverting of the highway at the T.L.E.and P. Railway bridge, crossing the Little Otter Creek. 632 To detach parts of certain lots in S.S.. no. 1 and unite the same with S.S. no. 4. ? To stop up and to convey to the T.L.E.and P. Raulway Ccu parry, certain streets in Port Burwell. 634 To grant the right of way to the Malahide and Bayham Private Telephone Ccnpany. . 635 To grant the right of way to the Malahide and Bayham Private Telephone C niaany. 639 To grant a right of way to the Malahide'and Bayham Private Telephone Ccupany. 646 To appoint Benjamin Brian Township Clerk. 657 To regulate the nunber of days of Statue Labor to be performed.. in accordance with the assessment thereoff. Bylaw # Description 659 To define the Boundries of certain road divisions in the Township of Bayham. 662 To appoint an Engineer for the Township of Bayharn. 667 Relating to the Malahide and Bayham Co-operative Telephone A. A.;&aLa.ui i L11 t u Lea . 7 /- go.;.a � 3. .. &LIO 205 00-1 la, all fb 40 90 .. .. icy 3 - ��s-� k _. /�9�-�zzG got -. .. /F9f-- /x 66 w H /9� - /643 w , /yo 3 - J y/s- 49 L 44 CC 44 — e�7 67 �11*7 4 /90 �- zzox (4L , /9 0� - z 3 I/ LA_ Y � iqy�y-�s�� j 4 Y 4 �/�o - �6S".3 Ct 208' 10, wom- 209 f 10 .10 �'IGGwt,✓cG�2p�� ANG ,6�Lv- 7?2. 2 4��.i i� /'�'cv��, ��-> cell Y� f ate' � 7� f��l r� f 4 lvze& �vrn�+-� �� -ri„� .moi 7I� 6, 2f-%�u Caz�:-� ��ir S/�sPIZ-. �Y/AV 1, YY� � �.�.oi may. ,ems- `Z(al 216' ,t /X90, 00, BAYHAM ZL'MSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 395-839 ] FILE # 19 Bylaw # Date Subject ? 19 Feb 59 Maintaining of roads. ? 1 Mar 09 Prevent dogs running at large. 395 7 Nov 81 Close up certian roads running through lots 5, 4, 3, and 5 Jun 14 Amend Bylaw No 592 part of 2 in Bayham. 415 30 May 83 Dividing the township into Polling Sub -Divisions. 461 10 Sept 90 $ 35,000.00 in aid to the Tilsonburg, Lake Erie & Pacific 746 8 Sept 14 Railway Comp. 503 3 Aug 96 Enable School Trustees to borrow $ 400.00 to erect a school. 507 5 Oct 96 Amend Bylaw No. 503. 608 16 Jul 00 Establish a Polite Village at Port Burwell. 657 4 Mar 07 Regulating the number of days of Statue Labour in Bayham. 670 4 May 08 Amend Bylaw No. 592. 678 5 Apr 09 Appointment of Engineer under the Ditches & Watercourses Act. 680 2 Aug 09 Regulations for the preservation of public corals. 685 7 Mar 10 Grant the Dominion Natural Gas Comp. the right to lay and maintain pipes in Bayham. 693 3 Oct 10 Grant Peninsular Oil and Gas Ccup. the right to lay and maintain pipes in Bayham. 726 1 Sept 13 Amend Bylaw No. 592. 731 6 Jan 14 Provide for the taking of votes of the electors of Bayham. 736 12 Jan 14 Prohibit the sale of liqurors in Bayham. 742 5 Jun 14 Amend Bylaw No 592 745 3 Aug 14 Licensing, Regulati..ng of Pool Tables in Pub. Entertainment buildings. 746 8 Sept 14 Allowing only people on sidwalks. No bikes, horses, etc... 747 5 Oct 14 Close part of Ridge Road. 753 1 Mar 15 Amend Byl" No. 681. 756 1 Mar 15 Provide for the taking of votes of electors in Bayham. BAYi AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 395-839 ] FILE # 19 c cont Bylaw # Date Subject 757 7 Jun 15 Amend bylaw No. 440 759 1 Nov 15 Temporarily close Centre Street in the Village of Richmond. 779 7 Dec 16 Impose a special drainage rate upon lot number 125. 782 12 May 17 Appoint a police officer to carry out the Ont. Temperance Act. 783 6 Aug 17 Appoint an Engineer for the Toni of Bayham. 792 5 Aug 18 Raise $ 10,000.00 to construct a stone or timber drain. 801 5 Mar 19 Appoint a police officer for Bayham. 805 3 Nov 19 Amend bylaw No. 592. 823 7 Feb 21 Regulate the running at large of dogs in Bayham. 824 7 Feb 21 Abolish the Statue Labor System in Bayham. 839 1 May 22 Arend bylaw No. 440. 16 BY-LAW NO`=/" OF THE MUNIC;PAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAVHAM, TEI11d — T[leonb•1rty. L"k Erle B Ps- atflcBeltwayCos —r b, vrwn[lnk [boys to I- eltm of $W,J by -y of Ionto. w,.,,e debentures meremr, area nrortde rot payment of .—hnelavturen by sn annul apeLcfat -0 m be I."- upon tte e -Id Toen%"p. Fe.ar.a by an Alt of the Part.m.n[ of Ce- mid pMeea In tb .w Tr Der Mde [ _, end i [¢fed Aa Aet to Inrnrporote. �e 1 met, fth. w - du. ew¢ mob 'thee frm,- nne»r u ¢- sae M1eronf eAeli alyd e.aoi ever ur h 1 r Port Be cH: An i wh.r the ani f Con 0 aathnrimd n nna ownw.1 ,et on. [rein ov -9. - fol day nah way oyer the ape "I'll .rd il- lee.e re• five from r mu ,.1 b„Ay +h. bays prove, In mak. sash erant.laiI tower -le he con- ap an G, be.e peva: md. a¢nn tni.to Por[ B.—titn rmmed.tn (or Rael he t.n.Liw. aatpm.n[ a mainw"ane. nr .ala Ra! a. byof Wnb.. all nr loan. in m v or MMar cduh t.e w wd ally o !Ae bui Minre n fr1es r rhmnd.t of [be T.aae.- All wDurre ry by the Mvni incl fl wwnahipn unielwii[ir.ereemw� 4t.,putbr owe :ur d rrc ht tnlhem •t ver ve half mil. from the "Ina you red Pon Durwel:' rood n tin. Inn•+u. t Imilw+r C rev Iv rid of eu6 ftai �,.� fur' . denentern h"it Twee thrn�uh the villue. of Fd<n n d titre Qordvilie and nI the villml of Art Norwell, fa, aeb ban Avd wharcne the�CprTorati.v n1 [heuTownahip u.b fnnhrr d <tenve a y De arced ¢,- ob be[w.en III Comaa.y w,d the acid mnwmwi If liesbem bee de `ermined to aid the id Cum- way In the cone n' I*f said R iwy by vow Ion at an of the raid rillx.n I" 'that until the debevturo. leaved led. ... a wL iv. the bonne of Tht t, Ftn Thna,- d Dollar. by a rthi. by -lar shall Wve been delivered bs the niA Rrmetin.er or hie . olEee - AnA wherce. It will W n•neee.ry (vr the 'J enrpnntim <n Lu a debentures h� Lbs of - ti� said R»il+ay Co. i aro r U- et.rr no one ah It be mpanyentitled to sur enfnvrea G'aanyy v6 I io- aDieat EJ+rs, u h.roinnfwr mnitmne r, pre e et twrnty s at fih h .1 from the 4.1 of the came or of nn part [hereofo at the --e of stir V.rt lbenaf. and vo one when LAie hs -1»w ,hail Oka eXett And who it ill ¢¢ala ha ea f T+. Th- Cieh H 1envu[ the nideErmati.rer hie a tr i 0!6 D II rro dremN t� Ira [he lawful holder of lebenturen h....... ­d. Jroa red A'ine Un Ian to W Tia sou Ily bs eved.I nu fur lbe w- ( Id I` n y p b t after Lhe aeiivrn' n,( lheueei•1 �anentorce by he me L..f henu�d debt en•l �nwreat : edwbereae of the whole ,.tmDH earl Rrm.umter or hte nuceasaur In omea to the aaid =ItI the a.id T .ahio of Aerham. Flo- the finer, I a �u hxeer of nn` of aaid aeMntune .hsii Iw tivund he 6.'1 bis revi.ed asae.eme¢[ rv.I of the eaA fown.hio, it the nam ul EI.1 mw ' w anoli .f Tanhaee movay nr be linbrle for the miael Vlinu- I And h me lbero I. n .[hilar debenture by oT be -id marlbinaN> tion roan I• tieation rhenof; nut e p nn,lrnr ehllil neon nem n are cl`n �d 11 r adlun5vilul ,Nation Le 7own.AlU Barham yf see of e.{d deMnturea. end p^rind the n i 1 tie tie held be,the 1 e, of : 1, ib 6 it •ball be lawful far the nod Towmhlyy f A npon Lbercfor. and w a d nos de wn red beide, tbennf. A be ah. I -ui... >h o aid the fllannbun. Lek Rne A t Neilw , Cum�nr by rivin. lherow by b Weod not W Qmted by the pr evd III - ditiauih. thl.by law a mined. 1 That Qee[ Eve the d e„n a w'be...” of thirty- . [ in by - Nee hall trek d eo I 1e.ownnon of te:tt.t day of liemmbar. n.U. Z I e 11 W pnwfvl fur the Rme f theTe.m- ar rpeind tv ;.bey tun j 12 Th t lbs veto f the uniifisd lectors or is me of the ea{d prntiop the er[enl of thirty ave lhnaud d_�l'ara iv am. f f the IJ [nwnnbip shall takev by ballot on thu btu law 1—...I to the-hr..ivinnl .t on bt le h," tie nnnd.eJ dailersenrh enA eiva.d > aid },save and the 7'reuurcr of [he aid eor- the third day of se her. law, frvm the hour of viva o'clwk inprhe f..rcvonn until the hoer n Lion anA eealM w•.th the real of the aaid u j f All .'cloak in the nftem f the en day It the place. end by the dewty rc me Tye {tie ea4A Jebenr.reuhall be made pas- able et [ha e.evey It the W-ivon'. (tank iv the -Inver I oPon h<nn.d., aTenm.a. the, I. to uvuramE I Nor ilia, evb airiew, No 1, t the Oddfel- �WI E iiar. of A> I. the county of EUPv on the ee aaye and ttm and in be emoae followiv u low's Port A.rwell. W illiem R�rrer Jep +na pB r: uty n ur;i division that w say O. the 31st d > of 1heeember. Z, $U" aeub No 2. It Min f(aney'r j Du■v.elnoar [be old wll .ate in the Id eune.aeion do. do. do. IO2, 1111, do. 3h, dn. he". II% of said [awvehiy. lT. a. Waver de,nty reture- l uPoear. I"Fmnine the the Jo, l"I. 1224 de. de. da 1985, 1*1 enb-dml.ion No. 9, at Q,.,k'a e'h.ol haau. J.mee Nevill deputy rot ... ivr oPo- do. do. da. Inyn, 3Y61 doda iwB:, I<ae ;Ea V. !line abdieIV, No. 1. a the TTwv Jo, de. An. INI da. n Rai,. MS.0atile. W- U. tlet:.l rum d.,o rcF' niEmll{ 1pasb du. di; l i die' n N 5, ret tbe'rowv NI do, do, dn. ta+l, 1-D do. do. do. Iwr2, i51Y Iiw I, toriu,h. I-ee Cwnor ee—W r weer; d,,, o- do. 19E9. 1!111 Aa, do_do. l.rv1. INIT Fur TT.alli"J tib Air isle Yo. a„ ret the Tow. I ILII, Den. danuty a.,. do. do. IBA IW! Y.aev.JameI ntarnin5 Porter. Y. Tba<the Clerk of tbe'1'own.hiTpf R.yhu do. dn, do INN. "I I',do. do. 141. aha'I be the retu veer for the urpon f Yinr[M1e Ball -du da. - dn. Ir 9 KK v..u..na he.hall . um un the vnmber I f vole• an.n for and 7aimt we .aid jyv law on do. d.. dn. 19r1p, Y4E du. dn. do loin, bl'J Thur.day. tb-Ath day ! 9eytember. A- U IE'el, a[ the I.•wv liar, RlnQuravllle at hehour of Avd shall here I—bed w them .our ou fur the wl pment If' two look r be afmro on II. ihet h It f tee 'd Tnwnabip be . -1 i fhet [bH aaiJ dohepturoa eh.11j into t, t the ata of flue r sen[ r mrI— the d trod at the To !cell - sQnrd 11 Mo - I der. th Iat I, of 4pte be n. Ij ItlYp. a[ the tevh...f which�lvrorcat aha•InW oesabl the h .et day of Deeelaber' nab year ret the t, Muuon'e lb..Y b.c u( fro o'c k I he afwmwn. to apwrint r rn. I.It %.d., ret the nron rp+llin. Vleen Tad tie of 1. Teat far the ley t of t a V it iwl of �tne _d Itthe hn �lmmm in. Tnrf tb<vote. Uythe ! Cle,k a ,elively o neb.lf of the I—. !be n,d deWnmrca'n.d'eee imen<t a ret. fu ata r ew d tber v th .um of taroied in as �arwa:d,rlr nr.Tpn.ma�n. em of thio b, -law. reepeetirem. ier obeli beraliuerd end levied ie euh yue by -nPowent to I—. the -id sum an- aeaib NOTICE. nn au Ise nt»sir Ibrtr m the . to I. nddi T k un that �ne.w.e i.. vn. r..pw of n mtee dip of Rayhnm. rn iu le ell . ee.dnrinatheeontivuaneaof the said da We- tutu or ant them. � posed by -1 whi.h hoe bre Y o - n- vde inn, n d erbich will he fiv nyYY eudhy 'I'owneAiV of It2ba[ h< said debenture shell forthwith rhe t1 ail of tb Coran[ion r rhe � of Rex6 . in be a of [he . e rl the mwn Lhe eau on G to Comwny .f the yver • ed in h hh 11.— of Lbia by-4te W efeeT be' . obnipW [hercw, tie lhauiv[h day 'aV[ember, A D. IW.III.thou o . Bp• mn! the vouvty[of Bl.in�rorIbr mo tb fter the Ent pnhiiutiev of the iilaouburt OWarver eau ". Th it �eeaid R tine, .r Gia m.curor fo ve awper. the f w6 ieh E nubll D., u tEe h. d. of A . A. n�le+, d [het a[ be des evd hour - oPon shall tee. .'e the id d.bentun< with lbs w pr . tYer w tu.beJ, to r o dep+it tW a d latera t iv Eaad f lakivr the vote of th lawn the w.tD wilt W held. I. cdor9 reds Wvk hev Me.1>.tod Ivmtbd w®en L lro and to deliver t the day of Almut� A D i%Vv. J. 0. PAULINu, eue w aid CnmpaaF, W meu.un or u- i Clert ,7c-ti-4iCC{ l � l n . oll"I 1,4, Iq I)" it-IMIMep, rip I I ovolvifow 1, 1 0 m#I", the. W44 si It 1890