HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell By-Laws 1952 sT rr T.V. 6 BY-LAW NO. 41 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19y2 EXPENDITURE ON ROADS OR STREETS IN THE VILLAGE OF :;;:r '. .�*' IN THE COY DISTRICT OF ' , WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said village enacts as follows : (1) The sum of 4 Hr•Otit is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures aLrfl government subsidy for total expenditure on construction and maintenance of the roads or streets under its jurisdiction during the year 19 as follows: ROADS & BRIDGES & TOTAL STREETS CULVERTS CONSTRUCTION . .q 4004%, i rCY4'<fa! $ Iw+wt.vu MAINTENANCE 4 kuuk4u0 $ 1;,v.% rJ 1,t?� TOTALS P w ; ,,v. t, s: ?i._ �.�.,.� idikhk.vu (2 ) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act . (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than the 28th day of February of the said year. Passed at ....at lhawo1I this 4th DAY of Voy=a17 A.D.19 , ( SEAL ) „or C ¶!j - MA ; . ..EVE -.... I, . #'is%. J. r traJ4jc , Clerk of the Corporation of the 4112tage of t±+aly marseI1 do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By--law No. 41 ,gassed by the Council of the said Corporation on the *Iru day of , ;, ,, 121-40p- 50-0a- BY-LAN; NO uORPORATION OF 1J2H7.] VILAGE uP riORT BOMBIL. Beiho a tu1ev ue rates aud tai.es ruxthe syar 1vo2 aria to proviue lox p'he eolleutiou thereuf. nhereas the Uuuhoil of the saia tilia6e pruvieeh the ,,ia4ine, or the assessiteht of -the laanioipality ptior to Due 6uth aay of 6ept iol ati the assecstieut L. idhiuh the rate ui ior the . ear 1962 shoulu he levied. AND 6hereas the 0.806SuLiell alue of 'the rateahle propex14 us finalli revised L t of tue viliabe or .eort Durwell awounte to *216,YOL.Uu. AND whereas the 6.6debdLuelit 1011 uuhtaiing the aeseesthent sd waits aforesaia was revised, oorrooted &ha paesed oy tue Uourt if gevision oi the viiiaoe al" rert _ourwell weahesday e i'rth day- J:•: 001i 19l. AND whereao there were uo a,Aleals froth tue Uourt oi evibiL or that all appeals L ZuS 0014rI evision have heen heard and ueoiuec.. AND whereas It lo eApehient to auopt the said assesst-eht ae the asuessiLeut oh whiou the rate of taAation :Lox the jear 19he si.iall be levied. An whereas it id necessary slid expedient to ievy on the whole rateahle propext:g auoutLiuti to the it ievised asaess,Aieut xal) ur the 'said viiiace , the sui„ of 4401:61.40 for the eheial parpuse uf the saia vilia6e iot the eorreuki 4ear , for pay,hent ui the Uot.yrate for the uurrent iear Ghia for the purpoee oi heirayin6 pail of the eApeusee of puelio aua iuio siAuol eauoatioh, and other patpuses. iHEREPORE tue uuuhoiI of the Uoxperation ui the viiiaue u .tott lumen ahaote as fulkowe:- 1. lehat tue aeseset.ent uoutained ih the assees,heut roll Qi the Viiiao o.a . ort borwell prier to 6ept OUth istA and as revised, oorreeted ancl passed hy the Uoart uf Jas-VidiOraa. huhuty tuabe, he, and the 4Ciaiis is ilexe'hy aaopteu and uunfried Lb last revised asaessLtent :cull for the . 1Lia6e on. whieh the is,6 01 hast Xo. As 4-eat 19be shail ue levied. 4. rhat for the purpoee of proviciine; tne suLd of 020681,04U fur the 6eheral purposes &I the uorporatien theludiht; the athouut xequixed for vounty porpeses ana uther purposes icr the uurreht iehx , a rate of 16 =ills ou the oLL e and tue eawe is hereby _levied for the year 19o2 upoh the who 're of the said asseeem,eut U.L. the 66.ici viLe amoordihz; thethe Last revised assessuLeut toll whioh is I.Laae .4 as i0110W8:-. ór, (A) or b1iu ouool purposes the SULLi Ui tiil.20 ie required, therefore the tate of 266004 thine on the dollar oe levied. (B) . or ntinitio ieiool parpesee the suth of L(360.40,16 required therefore the rate of I00402 oh the 4 is levied. (U) . or Uouuty purposes Due suit oi oir64.0u is rettuixed therefore the rate Ji 16.o4I thiIis on the doLial ia levied. (11) For oeheral viiIa6e purposes tue sat of u907./2 id required therefore the rate oi 26.061 mills on the doder is levied. 4. ihe Ulark ahaIi prepare ahh deliver the uulieutorie roll to Lie Uotlector uh 01 here 44c 1st (t&441 0.‘ dune 191)4. 6. All 6axee ox otnti speuial mates shaii be paiu into tue ofiice of the UoLleutox 0. xIetah,rertue vii o rurL nureell ur into t .ie Blancn of tne 0anadian :6ank ox uoiawerue at kort Burwell. o. teaxed anal oeuowe paya,wie one-haii on or oeiore duly lith 19b2 and one-hali on or Ueiore Deuembeiti .enaltius lux non paywent when wne and disuounts lox p.epayment 0J taxes shall Oe a3 follows:- tAX kENALTISS. X D1600UliTS. First instalment when paid on un second instalwent %ALIA iinen paid ur alter. on ur OeJ:ore. d'aly 21et LiP July 21st Aug 20th Aug 20th 2p Sept 20th 1VP Sept 20th LtA Oct 20th uct 2Uth 1% Nov 2jth LtuftI1ov Uth VP Deo 20th Seuund instaLuent .;hen paiei on or alter Deuewber 20th penalty In aduition, .6e5inui-46 January 1st ivo6, pi 110 per doutu charted on all unpaid taAes. Y. The Uollectox shall have the privilebe or wailing the teas notices to .the sevelaI iAtA per I.L he desires. 6. Atter iburteen days notice, the Uolleotor or nie way seize so..4 6oude for anpaid taacee. JIBAD a iixet, 6euo1a sod third tiwe and linally passe( in open uounoil, tic lUtu day of April 19o2. ule.L. 1410P S�-Q3 CORPORATION OF THE VILLage OF PORT BURWELL BY-LAW NO. 34 A BY-LAW to authorize the borrowing of money for sohool;purposes. Whereas the Village Council in emergency session finds it ' neeessary to borrow the sum of 41,000.00 for current expenditures for school purposes. F AND WHEREAS the rates or taxes levied or to be levied for 014!.rant expenditures of the board or to be made during the current year 'for. school purposes have not yet been collected or fully collected, and such rates or taxes hereafter to be colleotedwill, together with other monies to be received by the board, provide the moneys required to repay the sums borrowed hereunder and interest thereon; THERE-FORE the Board enacts as follows; 1. The Reeve and Treasurer of the Council are hereby authorized. on behalf of the Council to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from The Canadian bank of Commerce a sum or sums not exeeding in the aggregate One Thousand Dollars; to meet the current expenditures of the board for school purposes and are hereby authorized to give, on behalf of the council, to the said. Bank a promissory note or notes under the corporate seal of the village and signed by such Reeve and Treasurer for the mondys borrowed hereunder with interest at a rate not exeeding _ per centum per annum; 2. The Treasurer of the Council is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid , together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received by the Council on account or in respect of school rates or taxes heretofore or hereafter levied by or for the Board or from any other source and which may lawfully be applied for such purpose . Passed this 13th day of June 1952. -4S/661"CtSliffik611:16":"6"/ Reeve 9)-(3 s. Clerk-Tree -G4 The Corporation of the TAWS of PORT SUROLI. By-Law Number A By-law to Authorize the Entering Into and the Execution of an Agreement with The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario. WHEREAS it is expedient that an agreement be entered into with The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, pursuant to the authority of section 83 of The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, for the enforcement within the municipality by the members of the police force of the municipality of The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, and the regulations thereunder and The Liquor Control Act and the regulations thereunder; AND WHEREAS the terms of the proposed agreement have been settled and are contained in the draft Memorandum of Agreement attached hereto: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Corpora- tion of the WU, of Part Burwell I. That the entering into of the proposed agreement in the terms of the said draft Memorandum of Agreement is hereby approved and authorized. 2. That the Mayor (or Reeve) and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign a Memorandum of Agreement in duplicate in the terms of the said draft Memorandum of Agree- ment and affix thereto the seal of the Corporation. PASSED by the Council of the Corporation of the of 1OZ'* BAZIN0 , this gilirrenth day of , 19 Mayor (or e) Clerk SEAL