HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell By-Laws 1951 T.V.6
By-Law No.
IN THE 0i2 .�1fl___ IN THE COUNTY OF
WHEREAS under Part IV C of Thr,.. Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide fo: ex r�,zd�.ture
on roads or streets may be suhnit},eci annually to the Minister of Highways for approval.
THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said °�'" enacts as follows'.
(1) The sum of I_ - 'ACX3 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and
government subsidy for expenditure on construction and maintenance of the roads of streets in
said MVP during the year 19 _5i as follows:
om�,,� 11010X/
CONSTRUCTION $44066 $ _lbO.
MAINTENANCE $11$0,1)0. $ it 02 ligq $ *000,00
TOTALS $ 11100.6Q $ 400.00 _ $ 1100.00
_ •
(2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with the Highway Improvement
(3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal
Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than the 28th day of February of this year.
Passed at this____ , ' - day af_Areapialr lL D. 19___
( SEAL )
I, .1.41,1110104-244.4-,40401Wili Clerk of the corporation of the tom°
of P-Ort--3011,1101 do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law
No. ___55 passed by the council of the said corporation on the ______day
of Allatilinf 19
BY- W 7o2
Being a Be--law to levy the rates and taxes for the year 951
and to provide for ehe collection thereof.
:nereas the Council of the said Village provided for the making of
the assessment of the ieunicipality prior to the 3Uth day of Sept
1950 as the assessment in which the rate of taxation for the year
1951 should be levied.
AIM i hereas the assessment value of the rateable property as finally
revised in the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell amouute to
AI!I Whereas the assessment roll cohtaining the assessment made as
aforesaid was revised,corrected and passed by the Court of Revision
of the Village of tort Burwell on i!ondaa the 16th day ui October 1950.
AND V:hereas tnere were no appeals from the court of Revision or tat
all appeals from. the ()pure of revision have been heard and decided.
AND Whereas it is expedient to adopt the said o. sessiuent as the
assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1951 shall be
aND whereas
hereas it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole
rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of
the said village, the sum of • 16285.62 for the general purpose of
the said village , for the current year , for the payment of the
Uounr;y rate for the current year and for the ,?urpose of defraying
part of the expenses of .ublic• and Continuation School education,
and other purposes.
THEREFOR2 Uhe Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port
Burwell enacts as follows:-
1. That the assessment oontained in the' assessment roll of the
Village of Port Burwell prior to sept 30th 1960 and as revised,
corrected and passed by the uourt of Jxevision and County judge , be,
and the same is hereby adopted and continued as the last revised
aseesa.ment roll for the Vi i l age on which the rate o; taxation for
the year 1951 shall be levied.
2. That for the purpose of providthd the sum of 016,285.62 for the
general purposes of the Corporation including the amount required
for County purposes and other purposes for the current year , a rate of
60 Lille on the dollar be and the sane is hereby levied for the year
/951 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said village
accordihg to the lase revised assessment roll which is made up as
3a (A) For Public School purposes the sum of 44306.25 is required,
thereeure the rate of 1.86 nilie on the dollar be levied.
(B) For Continuation aohool purposes the sui of x,805. 90 is
required therefore the rate of 6.65 mills on the dollar is
(C) For uuur.ty purpose the sum of 5090.00 is required thererore
the rate of 11.39 mi.' l s on i1 he dollar is levies.
(D) 1'er genera' village purposes the sum of 517063.47 is required
therefore the rate of 2v. 1U ill is on the dollar is levied.
4. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector' s sol' to the
Collector on or before the lst day of June 1.951
5. All 'taxes or other special rates sha' l be poria into the utyice
of the Collector or Treasurer of the Village of Port Burwellor
into the branch of tne uanadian Bank of Commerce at sort Burwell_
b. Taxes shell oecume payable one-o&11 on or before July 20th 1951
and one-half on or before lecember 20th 1951.
Penalties for non-payment when. due and cliseounta for prepayment of
taxes sial - be as fol 1oWs :-
First instalment when paid on On second instalment JT11Y when
or atter. paid on or before.
July 21st z a July 21st 22 ,
£4.g 20th 1 2 Aug 2oth 2A
Sept 20th -pc:. bept 20th 7)&
Oct 20th 2', Oct 20th 1;;
Nov 20th 2- 1 fov 20th ;
'Dec 21st 3%
Second instalment when paid on ar after Dec 21.st
penalty i6;
In addition, beginning January 1st 1952 , ,- of l per month
charged on ail unpaid taxes.
7. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax
notices to the several tax payers ii he so desires.
b. After fourteen {Nays notice, the Co' Iector or anis Bailiff nay
seize any goods for uinpair;. taxes.
R.fan a first , second and third time and find'' iy passed in open
Council , 'Gals 2nd day of April. 19 i.
all W AC.. zeeve r U I erz
SI- 03
k3Y-11.1U z7
BEING G a By-tai' vo designate the County t uau Yu 4k. on the West bice
in the i::a. icipaiity of the Village of Purt Burwell as a through
70:14iliAiS the Village Council in regular session resolved to tame
neoessaxy ac'4ion 60 have suer]. road designated as a through highway.
AND VADIREas Seu cion 39,S-u.bsection (3) of the Lit5hway Traffic Act
provides that a municipality uiay by By-law , approved by the
Department, designate such roads as through hi, h ayb;
AND UREAS it is deemed necessarL, and expedient for public safety
that this section of the County Road be a through highvray;
rte: THEREFORE ;;he ,&:unicipality of the Village of tort Burwell ,
by resolution in Council, anacts as foi'ows:--
1. :HAT the County Road No 44 Irom its intersection Witn
Robinson Street; and proceeding on the ti est aide of the Utter
Creek and running Nest along the first concession of the
` Village limits and idle Township of Bayham, (whilst within the
Village Ii.uits where it passes the intersections of the original
Bridge Street and Lae intersection of Chatham street, caused by
the strai;°htening out of t;he said County Road and resulting in
a new cut-of: being taken over as c;he County -Road) , shall be
and the sane is hereby designated as a through highway.
2. THE 2liOVI1IUN3 of wrais By-lave snail no-,; become effective until
"STOP" eigns have been erected in compliance with the
regulations of the Department of Highways, at the i tersee Lions
of the aforementioned remaining part of Bride street and the
County Road Igo 4e , and the intersection of Uhatham Str=eet and
the County t oaa Nu 42, , oing west along the first concession.
3. SUBJECT to one provisions of the preceeding paragraph, tnis
By-law shall take effect upon, from and after , receiving the
approval of Lhe Department of highways.
READ a first, second and third time, and finally passed
ttlie . . h' . . day o± `1'41L1' 1951.
. . . . .7• I• • •. . . 1 4= . . .
. . . . ,(
_ Clerk.
5 I 0,--1
� j Q'i��°".,r;O 'C.L T iul U ` ti.1.5 .!ILL G.a. tai' POaT BUR; hisT
Being a 3y-lav to appoint a special Village
. ►IA6 the Village Council in emergency session resolved
to appoint a special Village Constable, to assist the
regular Provincial Police Officer in mainaining law
and order in the Parke and on the beaches during the
rush holiday season week ends , and on special occasions.
AND VE3REA.S section 18 , Sub sect 1 , Chapter 279 of the Police
Ant 1950, states that a Council of every Tocrn,Vill.age ,
or Township not having a Board, may establish a Police
Porce of one or more Constables or other Police Officer
appointed by the Council.
Atl) wimmia it is deemed necessary that someone in authority
be on close call, until the arrival of the Provincial
Police Officer , to protect patrons of the concessions on
the beach and the properties of the concession owners
Nil; 211AREFORN the i%unicipa7.ity of the Village of Purt Burwell
enacts as follows:-
1. That this Council appoint V .: ar1 ,S4th, to be sworn in by
the Crown Attorney of -Z1gin County, as a ,special Constable
in the Village of Port Burwell only, at a stipulated
salary of not less than c4.00 per night when on duty, or
such a salary as may be fixed from tiiie to time, ana that
any fees co' lected therewith be retained by him in
addition to such salary.
2. That, the Chairman and members of the Port Burwell Lemorial
Park Commission or their successors , shal.l pay the salary
of such Special Constable out of the funds of the Park
Commission or in such other way as they shall prescribe,
such as by levy on the owners of the Park concessions; this
to be passeuand decided upon at an annual meeting of the
Park Coi: _:ission cal led for that purpose, with the owners of
the concessions in attendance.
3. This B --law shall come into force after -the final.. passing
thereof, upon the date it receives the approval of the Crown
attorney for the County of higin.
R4AD a first, second and third time and finally passed this
Pth clay of June 1951 .
.J 6 :6'600 • . : . . . .Acting
.. . cting l eeve
and Chairman of the Part Burrell 1,amorial
Pcrk Commission.
0x is easurer.
Form of By-llarw granting the right to use the highways in a Township,under Sec. 79 of --C3
"The Telephone Act."
Note: If authority is to be granted to use certain designated highways only, use this form as is. If the right to
use any or all highways is to be granted, substitute for the word "certain," where is appears in the third and
sixth lines, the word "the" and eliminate the words "following" and "namely" in the fourteenth and seven-
teenth lines.
By-law No._ _Z _o the Municip: Corporation of the Topp of._ 44441/-41
to authorize The . Telephone Company, Limited, to erect and
maintain poles,
or cables upon CERTAIN highways in the said 7i1_ __ •
4*, ✓
WHEREAS, The._--
T�r • ,I n Compa Lim'4d, has requested the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
.. ., o perm.W 4,10 ect and intain poles, wires or cables upon certain
highways in the said ,?' • 'p of---., _ ._ , and it is deemed expedient to grant
the request of the said Company subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board first being
had thereto.
/1E; Iy THERE,,I RE ENACTED by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of
_ .:.__.; ..__. , d 't is,he by enacted as follows, that is to say:
1. That The..r _
. ........-.._Telephone Company, Limited, be and is hereby
authorized and emp./ered to construct telephone lines and to erect the necessary poles and wires for
:rid to . 'n nd keep the same upon any or all of the following highways
and to use said highways of the said 2 *.p of
�'--r... �. �� forlacin
p gin, upon, over or under the same, the poles, cables,
ducts and wires necessary for the purpose of its business,
2. That the construction of the said telephone lines, and the erection of the said poles and
wires shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications prescribed • '°• ,P tario un i I
Board and under the supervision of the Council of the Corporation of the ="��'*ip of.._. �,.6(c�'
or its Commissioner appointed for that purpose, and a plan showing the location of the said line or
lines shall be filed in the office of the Municipal Clerk of the said township before the said lines
shall be constructed.
3. That the said telephone lines, poles, wires or cables shall be erected so as not to interfere
with the lines, poles and works of any other telephone or telegraph company at present constructed
upon any such highway.
4. That the said telephone lines, poles, wires or cables shall be so constructed, erected and
maintained as shall not interfere with the pubic right of travelling on or using highways, roads,
streets, bridges, waters or wa .- co; ses. /
5. That the said The.. ... ... +lM� �. /i • .i Te� hone Company, Limited shall
indemnify the Corporation of P e .....t + of... . . '' . . against any actions or claims
for damages which may be brought against the said Corporation for or by reason of the construc-
tion, operation and maintenance of the said works.
6. This By-law is subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board first being had and
obtained thereto.
one a d finally passed under t e seal of the Municipal Corporation of theT io 1 of
_7-?4" this......... 4_0 ......._day of ....... _, A.D. 19457----
a., /z
1 1 )
, - •
BY-T Io 60
V1T4.,AG.:; J,if 4Jit BuiT.T, ONT.
&IING a TA-7AW to provie.e for lite he'ein6 of tha LLi.nicipal
.:Llections in the ;.lunicipalitw of -une Villaije of it
l'iurvier for 1.na year 19b1. 4.i..7. ;,na :or the ap1ointin6
of Y.e2utLI iLeturnin„; W.Licers as :iel ' as 2o' l dlexr:s
ane Po ' linu I'lacre iy, tte i'il ' aLe of iort tiurwe' l .
B.L., ix xa.:.:...10:, .24UD o; the jouncil of i,ue :4,t,Lilacipality
of tne Vi' Le of kort .% re., 1 in ret,ular sesion
assemble19, :-
TH.1T , provieine more rersons civalify for eIecGion to
office than are recluirz,d to fill the various offices ,
an election be neI6. on .onday Deceraber aro. 19b1, a0
aocorAin6 to Village Bi-law No 15 an in accoraance
with to 12rovisions of tte ilunicipa ections ekot.
2H4T, vh.3 e1iic-GiD11 fox Lie Ville sial be heTe, at the
LL:ITT: a,i.h.L ill tne Villai-Le of . rt Burwel ' on the
said recember 5rd , beinc, the first Lione;a::" in
December , an the Irons shag be open from 10 Lt.,
Lo 7 ...i.., ane that
. . . :‹.4e.' . shall oc ..c.oturnin,_ Qn.iuer
:•eput;, -eiurnint 0:,,licer
ane tila'b 1'411 OlerTs shall be ,
44 14.004 0 • • • • • •
shirr tILe antl line. Ty passeo this , 2-.3th eay
of October 19o1.
. . a:i2 • -.17. eve . . . .
Al , . . . . . . . . . ,<er: rc