HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell By-Laws 1950 By-Law No. 1
THE �� OF IN THE °F ----4163414-
WHEREAS under Part IV C of The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure
on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval.
IH LREFO R E the council of the corporation of the said 3°4enacts a, follows:
(1) The sum of $.t34i ____is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures a,-...d
government subsidy for expenditure on construction and maintenance of the roads of streets in
said Van during the year 19 as follows:
CONSTRUCTION . $_*Ale-W. $ __WO. $ Witt 09
MAINTENANCE $1141400 $ ' 1 s i $ 11000•uu
TOTALS $1 , $ 4 i 4 0.f.iil $ ia .i )at*
(2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with the Highway Improvement
(3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal
Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than the 28th day of February of this year.
Passed at ._ _ 01.1 this 1talk_ day of ' ►brtifirg A.D. 1940
( SEAL )
0....n �lL.
-la, 2tfdakR AtIOYSI
I, ri. i -Z3.M-- Clerk of the corporation of the
of SP u't_::urvtr .t do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law
No. ,5 passed by the council of the said corporation on the ___ '', ___day
of _-- bzi € 1916
bY*3:40ik 18
Bein6 a .6y-aaw 1eVey the rates aad taxes lox the year 1950 aad
,o provide rox the OuliJU'6i011 thereor.
thereas the uouncil u2 tiai Lae provided :Oor tae maLiag oi
the aseeesment of the hAuhluipaiity prior to the 30th day kir dept
1949 as the audessweht 61A 'which the rate o taxation J:coz. the year
1950 should he levied.
'1hereas the aseesehient value oithe rateable property as
revised ii. he uorporation or: the viiia6e i bort Jurwell ataohnts
to 4262 , i49.U0
AADlahereas the aesessiraeht roll cohtairlia6 the aeeessweat wade as
aioresaid wee revised, correoted aad paseed by the uourt or avision
oi 6he i1laie o. zort BurteIl oo. laonday the 31 , day oI Ocgober 1949*
Amn Uhereas there were he appeals iruL the uuhrt or nevision or zilat
all appeaIe iroih the ujUr."; or Ilevision have beea heard aad decided.
Uhereas it ie expedieat toahe..,,,it the said aesesahieht fib the
aasessiht 0,1 which the zclAie of taxatioa Loi the year 195u shall be,
AlOct:hereati it is hecessary track expedirant to levy oh the whole
ratea6le property aouordia6 to the last revieed aesessiaehtroll
the said villae, the ahh.4 o q14, /E38.62 rox the general purpowe or
the. said viIlk;e, rox the curreat year , ..or the pay-ale:at oI the uohnty
xate jur - e eurreat year aad ..ox the purpose or deinb part oI
the expenues of Zubliu and uontihuation 4ohool edueatiea, aad other
rAjEATORB the vouacii oi the Oorporauioa or the 4ilia6e oi rort
burweil enacts ae
1. Thau the aeseeeilleht coatained in the assewaiheht rell or the iillabe
of &art burweil prior to dept 6Uth 1949 and & revised, corrected and
passed O:1- the uourt 'hevisioa and Uounty Judge, be, ad the atlii.e is
hereby adopted and eourirwed aa the la et revised awsesuaient roll for
the iillage en which the rate oi taxatilm Iorthe ;year 1950 shall oe
2. -J:1261 . or the purpoee u2 providiai.; the auw oI or the
eseaeral purposes or the uorporation faciadia6 the aLwunt required ior
uouuty. .durposes and other purpoaee Ior the eurrent year , a xae oi
60 Lane c the dellar be ad the aae is here1y. levied .,or the year
1950 upaa the whole oi the uaid aesesehieht or tue said vii ae
accordia6 to the leat revised aesesethent rail whieh is Jaw:Le ipab
3. 00 Per ruoiiu chool pUrpOdeS the d6i1i 01 Q4999.Y9 ie xeciaired,
thereZore the rate or: 20.3 1ijiie aa tue dollar lie levied.
UI) or uoutiauatioa 6oheol purpoees the suri oI iolun.36 ie
required there-role the rate or Y.4 Lithe oh the dollar is
tO) . or Uouaty gxepuses the ahm or (225'/.5.00 id requited thererere
the rate oI lu.41wille oh the dollar ia levied.
03) or general village purposes the tubi o‘r: i05696.00 is required
thereore the rate or' 21.9 Laills on the dollar is levied.
4. The tiler shall_ prepare and ueliver the uollector' s .toil 60 he
uollector oa or before the 1st day 01 vune 1960.
5. All taes of ouei peoiaI tauee sauli be paid into tae
tae uulleouot or .Lreatiurez oi .uilw village u.L rvri, JaxweIl or
o tae Branca tit' ";ae Qaaadiaa Baak of uoullexoe au rorc Burwell.
taxes saail oeoolae vaaable on -iial. thi ox betute uuly Z(J'ca 1t)50
aad oze-halt oa or oeiote lieoelabet 404611 195O.
2elialties :Lot aoa-vaaLleaC waea due oi;a1AL kii6u0111166 tor vii...paiulet.6 of
taxes saail be as tollows:-
TAX lowmiss. TAX DISUidaTS.
Vixsu iasualaeat viasa paid oil vi seound insesallueat vISLY
ox atex. whea jai 4 oa or betoxe.
uula 21s-c -00 gaily 41st 27270
iL Ui,ii 2 0
segc 20t4 sept LJtb1-02
var. 40th %,oJt a 1 0
4'Oth 2700
lox 20th
Dec 21st Op
Secondi ia1ei waea paid oa or atte! Deo LIst
&enalty .2-
la addi-cloa, beyiaainy uaatiaty ls-c ilt4 1961, of 10 vex month
(Malys(' oa all uavaid -1;axeS.
V. the uolleuuox shall hait, ube priviIebe i. i1i , 'clue tax aotioes
co tae sevexal tai-payets il he 410 desixes.
Us Atcet -to-dxteea dais notius, -Gas uolieoCor ox ais Bailiii maa
seize aay oode or unpaid taxes.
tditAD a tirst, usuond aad tuixd iie aud timally passed in
open 2t.).t day oi APRIL 1950,
• • • • k" • •
ehr ef.
1410 4"
By-Law No. 19
Being a By-Law to Regulate the Erection of Buildings Within the
Municipality of the Village of Port Burwell.
WHEREAS by Section 425 of the Municipal. Act, By-laws may be passed by Councils of Munic-
ipalities to regulate the erection, alteration and wrecking of buildings within the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that such power be exercised;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the• Corporation of the Village of
Port Burwell in regular session as follows
DEFINITION—The word "building" under this By-law shall mean and include dwellings, places
of business and public meeting places.
BUILDING REGULATIONS-It shall be the duty of the Applicant to satisfy the Building In-
spector that the following regulations have been strictly adhered to in every instance.
CONSTRUCTION—The material strength, permissible stresses, dimensions, quality of materials
and safety factors in any building of wood, iron, steel, reinforced concrete, brick or concrete block or.
any combination thereof shall be according to the practice of Canadian builders and architects for the
erection of first-class buildings.
FOUNDATIONS AND FOOTINGS—Foundations of 1 storey buildings shall be not less than 2'6"
in the ground and of 1/ and 2 storey buildings to be not less than 3'6"in the ground, foundations to be
deeper if ground considered by inspector to be unsuitable at above depths, such as filled in material or
ground containing organic matter. Foundations shall be not less than 8" walls of brick or cement
block or concrete or brick veneer. Footings to be of concrete mixed not less than one part of cement
to six parts of stone or gravel and to project not less than 4" on each side of wall above and of suit-
able thickness to carry load. No footing to be less than 6" thick.
All brickveneer dwellings shall have arches or lintels over openings of sufficient strength ac-
cording to the Building Code of Canada, Tables and Regulations.
CHIMNEYS—All chimneys to be erected from the foundation and to be of either masonry con-
struction with struck joints either inside or outside unless vitrified flue lining is used. No chimney
to have joints or beams less than 2" from outside of same. All chimneys to be carried above the roof
not less than 12" above the ridge.
FLOOR JOISTS--All floor joists to be of sound material and placed not more than 16" centre
to centre. Any joists not exceeding 10 feet in length shall not be less than 2"x6". Any joists not ex-
ceeding 12 feet in length shall not be less than 2"x8" and any joists not exceeding 16 feet in length
shall not be less than 2"x10". All joists to be properly bridged. •
ROOFS—Any flat roof shall be proportioned and constructed to carry a weight of not less than
30 pounds to the square foot in addition to the weight of the material of which the roof is constructed.
Roofs having a pitch of less than 20 degrees shall be constructed to carry a load of 40 pounds to the
square foot. All roofs of more than 20 degrees to be constructed to carry a load of 20 pounds to the
square foot and to withstand a wind pressure of 30 pounds per square foot of exposed surface.
SEWERS--All sewers wherever possible shall empty into one or more properly constructed
septic tanks, each tank to be not less than 42" below outlet pipe with 12" space above same. Each
tank shall have proper drainage through gravel, crushed stone or cinders and such drainage shall be
of a length sufficient for the purpose considering the size of the house and probable number of occu-
NO PERMIT will be issued to move a building into the Village of Port Burwell until said build-
ing has been examined by the building inspector and permission granted by him.
EVERY APPLICANT shall submit his application, drawings and specifications of the proposed
work in sufficient detail to enable the building inspector to obtain full and complete information of the
extent and character of the work and shall furnish all information required by the building inspector
in connection with such application and it shall be the duty of the applicant to satisfy the building in-
spector that the regulations provided by this By-law are not being contravened.
PERMIT—Before any building within the Village of Port Burwell is to be constructed, altered
or repaired at an estimated cost of more than $100.00 or any building of a value of more than$100.00 is
to be torn down, wrecked or removed either in whole or in part, the owner of the building or proposed
building shall obtain a permit from the Village Clerk and his application for same shall give such full
and complete information as to the work as may be required by the Clerk or the Building Inspector.
(1) At the time of such application, the applicant shall pay to the Village Clerk the following
sums: For work costing One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) or part thereof, the sum of $3.00 and an addi-
tional$1.00 for each additional One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) or part thereof.
(2) Where the application is for the wrecking or removal of a building, the cost of the permit
for this purpose shall be figured on the estimated value of the building to be wrecked or removed. In
the event of any dispute of the above estimated value, the estimated value of such building shall be de-
termined by an appraisor to be appointed by the Village and his decision shall be final.
The Building Inspector and the Fire Chief shall have the right to enter upon and examine at any
reasonable time any building upon which construction, alteration, repair, wrecking or removal is being
carried out and if, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, any building is, during the course of such
operation or thereafter, in a dangerous condition or unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used,
the Building Inspector shall notify the owner of such conditions and require him to remedy same
If the owner neglects or refuses to remedy such condition within a reasonable time thereafter
or if in the opinion of the Building Inspector the immediate application of the precautionary measures
is necessary to avoid such danger, the Building Inspector shall have power to forthwith take such
steps as are in his opinion necessary to avert such danger and all costs incurred thereby shall be borne
by the owner.
Every permit issued under this By-law shall remain in force for six months and no longer from
the date of issue unless the work thereby authorized is commenced within that time. Such work must
be completed within 12 months from the issuance of the permit.
No permit shall be granted for the construction, alteration, repair or moving of any building on
/ any property within the corporation limits in violation of the building restrictions governing or affect-
ing such property at the time of issuance of the permit or of any By-law respecting the erection or con-
struction of buildings or of.any restrictions or regulations imposed upon such property by any deed,
agreement or covenant registered against the same and which has been in any way affected since such
registration by any proceedings taken by the corporation under the Ontario Municipal Board Act
1937 and amendments, or the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, 1937 and amendments, or in any
other manner whatsoever.
It shall be the duty of the applicant to satisfy the Building Inspector that no such restrictions
are being contravened or violated.
Where in the opinion of the Building Inspector it is necessary for the public safety, the owners
shall cause to be erected on the street line adjacent to any building being constructed, altered or re-
paired or wrecked, a suitable type board fence at least six feet in height and with sufficient overhead
boarding to protect passersby, and no such fence shall be removed until the work has been completed
and permission for that purpose has been obtained from the Building Inspector.
No unused building material, debris, materials from buildings being wrecked, or materials from
excavations shall be placedon or allowed to accumulate on any public street, alley or lane until per-
mission therefor has been obtained from the Building Inspector. A sufficient number of red lights
shall be maintained by the owner at his own expense from sunset to sunrise on all building materials or
debris placed on any public street, lane or alley.
Any person guilty of an infraction of any of the provisions of this by-law shall, upon conviction
before a Magistrate or Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction within the County of Elgin, on the
oath or affirmation of any creditable witness, forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the Magistrate or
Justice of the Peace convicting, a penalty not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each
offence, together with the costs of the prosecution, and in default of payment thereof, it shall and
may be lawful for the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace as aforesaid, to issue a warrant under his
hand and seal, to levy the said penalty and costs, or costs only by the distress and sale of the offender's
goods and chattels. In case of not sufficient distress to satisfy the said penalty and costs, it shall be
lawful for the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace as aforesaid to commit the offenders to the common
gaol of the County of Elgin with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding twenty-one days
unless the said penalty and costs be sooner paid.
This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the final passing thereof.
READ a first time this 20th day of April, 1950.
READ a second time this 20th day of April, 1950.
READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 1950.
Reeve. Clerk.
A by-la V".., iikvense, refiln,to -nd glover43, nalus.crs aul 04x11!Ars•
'ihc: Qouneil of the .. orpoeation of tho 4111t Port
41urwll here4 4,.1.45 M
11, Thlt nvery ,dersoa tio tlooti froa; pl'xe to 4.11c or to
rt1ou1ur Alca nitl. vodz, ;Pwer ,ar if.t.trndis3 for t45.1e
itr tho Viii * o Port Lurell$ or who t.,:grriea nnu ,9,70obes
'...i&g,p1 -, ,u1-6terab k.7.c. 4,eoiffleo of goons, 14,,,raa or lere, ,bc.14,e
t.j oz - liverd 114 tkw nguni;A;Jaiitjf .,.1terrt,rdiz4 ; n11
oi-Aa114 ?A iiC0A4:0 :J4. '4%',i doin„; Crom the '..aszuror of tho
'4.1. '4::t Ze...4 for iic, ander th.,:t 4-14/ar shal -, 6t
4/0044141 0! 6 -t.;.0o ;or a pezvr ith itA motor Viii.;
(to 4 ,,iJ.uu :41° ,'. ?era= it4_ horse-dr.tur„ vetitcle
dd.°. (c 41J.uo :or a person TAth r, pushert or any otPer
7fin M• vehicle oa 71hotAs or mlner,. drnem or
eittreed . propelled tv litun,lu 1,,usulr ,,loworfr
.75*,) k 0 o.tio ,i'or a pervo4 ol foot TitY, or witodt %,
0.. Xet, ph.lo a: willse6
./f2. t • . i. Iisv Issued widc tlis by-iv -t.:ii NnIld onlj -
/r/ A
, fro Lilo .c.atc af Its Isms unUI Deceaber Zlst W; -.,, ,. ,,t',:r of 1U
, - ,, u 4.
4. .4A1c-xtion :or a 1i-(Ana under ti'l 0;7-1z,w s,q.11 be
LI,r,t_tr 7ritin l',0 th4i Villo Iret.xurer ,„., thcl forw o;i: ap:licatio
eAdprovw; 1,* ‘Aranc.A. Ina the ;:ec: fol.. the Li,4.-W15tz za.T111. ,0:1_ Lc
t /i1J.ng4 irehJurers
licanee ..4v1.-.1).. he required lol. .z.,Alootinz,, eddling or
sali1i4 jpodbo :„Iirca or alerre;LItel,
(a) wc. ,,,holuzLle or ril etad :6
ealeri 4 4.:1 ,:i4lr or,v..4.4
' 'Y ' ' '
, r zeretazvdtse$ or
(u) Li; the ,.;uafisit ' 1z . r avcra.c.Lndtse 4i*,f , 'on, )rodu
or s.andt:,,ctured in („latrio 4nd kllas: ).. .riv:ds.. pedalvd 0r
cold 14 the rowers producer or A.%zioV,4tdrer or
,,,g4nt or loyeJ laotin T-ritten util'ozity so to do, Li
the adnieipality inhiclr. the 1:xower, i.rodacer o
, raturer res.,,,di,..›, or
(c4; if the 600ds, t%ren or zerchnulau ; co ,rovn qr '1-.1.; ed
ZI. 6 fart4ta •resident n Ontario 7to o::fers
sells onl:f the produce of his wrn temio or
(a) if the gooll, -:ares or :14arcandis,: ere havittea, ;Advice
or zold 4 m rson uhu 3ays nuslae310 tax in tLe
lunicii: dity, 3r t; hir etilAoyees, or b Us aont, or
(e) 1/7 the v,:oia, 'A • res or merwimndis ; u' t.tawke,d, d,,Ase
.„)1* sold Et un agent u tho .ronn', 2ra1ger c,r
utaeturert aeting ou Lel'4,1li ,.;.4-f ,:. ,41;11or uto oryb
ilusines tax 34,.., tLe auniel?alit>' In e614?oct or yv,,,:ziae
used ,7)r th', sale at sua coode, ,, r-as. or ,,erchA.A.et,
. 12. .
6. Ao peeson1-4all o “.0'oui ?lace to oliltte or to n-
. .rticul4r plfteo 0.th zoodal '7ies 41*- rcidise for =tie
within the Villsze ol' Port 44rvell or tho cerie,s and: ex4o8lt
sampLA, pntt4rn4 or apecivens of goothi# ri r were,nt.n.61.$e
Aich is to bQ '':ellveredin t taunicipality Gfterw -rds, %la:out
first obttinin4 r license unOor the provisloils of this b
7, In a 4*s-caution ror c breach o UL 11 bi-lsv th onus
ol. prov1k4 tY:lat he does not :i,Jr 4ny of th iteozons ilvilloacd In
parudrspn f,, atolits, . .equire ti '0.jc/ linsed,, ailll be u‘koa the
peraJn charged.
&,. The lic'ensee s4.1411 wt. 411 titatis thlle eln,e-yin ,yn hie
busiess have il1e3 licenau vitf., him ,,,cnaeill apoxi 4emand cxUbit
it tQ any tx.unil or pe%ce aTfIcer, rad ii.: t-3) falls
*-.1,1i1:140 uniti,sg tho .t:iame is ac=ilitoa .i:or szttlutorily; incur c
iwI4n1,14 ,-.): not lea4 awl '41.0j (a. more ti 4000
'4,. . If a i2ee. officer 0,6r41411:13 the przduetia of tl. Iict.
4 ..any ,,,Jor4on to. rtom Uls b:pr-1:11a alp4ies aad themno 1.6 ilOt
oOloplieibi .1?Tith, 1t•- 6/1011. h4 U . iauy ol.' -41u? ool.. Q Ticc,..-Itr !. ]ak:i
he shall havo for zo !Arrest Tleh vron .witivJkit v ,vtrraat aiad
tO ta.ite him 'ooro're the nA7!4(r4t tice of th pent*, th(i1-43 to
tiv ditlt with ntwordin6 t
10. Any ourcoa wLo c-Juvanos aily -,?rsvisim of till, 4y.
1hr except. a4 provldo4 in pe 1-. 61 Jhnllupon conviat-Aon
oo liable to g4 il. wIlty not enve0iug 4,za.01J rceoverOle ,ILer
ihe :44.mtry 0o4vletions tet*
arat tizo this ' - day of e2a7
, law.
ak.AD ?;. 46COU4 tirie this// rday of 7 0 1950.
XSAD A LilIrdtim,,e -zend :Iwaly ptssed
i 13LO.
ffl. C4A44L1,------
11. 10 .4,41 . , ' 4A: 0460, 1 .0.* .00w
C **
To Submit a Question re Sunday Sports
By-law to the Electors.
(1) That the following question be submitted to a
vote of the electors, namely:
RAre you in favor of public games and sports on
the Lord' s Day to be regulated by municipal
by-law under the authority of The Lord' s Day
(Ontario) Act, 1950?n
(2) A statement of the question shall be published
once a week for three successive weeks, namely on the 8th,
15th and, 22nd days of June 1950, in the St.Thomas Times-
Journal, together with a notice signed by the Clerk that the
copy is a correct statement of the question submitted and
stating the day and places appointed for taking the vote,
and the time and place for the appointment of persons to
attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of
the votes by the Clerk.
READ A First, Second and Third time and finally
passed this 5th day of June A.D. 1950.
2. 1.erk Reeve
BY-LA1. NO. 2'
To Appoint a day for Taking a Vote of the
Electors on the Question of Sunday Sports,
the Places where the Votes are to be taken
and Deputy Returning Officer for each such
place, and Poll Clerk for each such place.
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Vil-
lage of Tort Burwell by its By-law dumber 2/ decided to
submit a question re Sunday Sports By-law to a vote of the
AND WHEREAS the Council is in such case, by separ-
ate by-law, required to appoint the day for taking the votes
of the said electors, the places where the votes are to be
taken, the deputy returning officers for each such place, and
the time and place where the Clerk will sum up the number of
votes in the affirmative and in the negative on the question,
and a time and place for the appointment of persons to attend
at the polling places and at the final summing up of votes by
the Clerk on behalf of persons voting in the affirmative or
negative on the question.
(1) The day for taking the votes on the question to be
submitted to the electors pursuant to By- ;aw Number Z4(
of the Village of Port Burwell shall be Tuesday the 4th day
of July, 1950.
(2) The voting on the said question on the said day
shall be between the hours of 7 o' clock in the morning
and cS" o' clock in the afternoon.
(3) The votes on the said question shall be taken for
electors qualified to vote at
7',y.= C0/101Ufri7 /1/71-1-. , angior tho electe.s- died to vote
in Cubdivicion No 2 at
and for the said polling i n -N4,--1 //-5 /*/`E/' / -17"!--C-71
is hereby appointed Deputy Returning Officer, and /'PGerm /r/ y5i{
is hereby appointed Poll Clerk; - Sub-
ie hereby appointed Deputy
fe ing Officer, and 1s—hereby
- - - - _ _ .es„,
(4) The Village Clerk shall at his office
Port Burwell, on lvednesday the 5th day of July, 1950, commen-
cing at the hour of )22 o' clock in the noon, sum
up the number of votes given in the affirmative and the number
of votes given in the negative on the question submitted.
(5) The appointment of persons to attend on behalf of
persons voting in the affirmative and also on behalf of per-
sons voting in the negative on the question, at the polling
places and at the final summing up of the votes, shall be made
by the Reeve at the office of the Village Clerk in
r 27
Port Burwell, on . day the -7'
c�/ day of d 1950
at the hour of t' o' clock in the /-ori noon.
READ a First, Second and Third time and finally
passed this 5th day of June A.D. 1950.
Clerk / Reeve
WHEREAS THE Council of the Corporation of the
Village of Port Burwell did on the fourth day of July, 1950
submit to a vote of the electors the following question:
"Are you in favour of public games and sports
on the Lord' s Day to be regulated by Municipal By-law under
the authority of the Lord' s Day (Ontario) Act 1950 ?"
AND WHEREAS a majority of the electors who
voted on the question, voted in the affirmative,
Now THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation
of the Village of Port Burwell enacts as follows:
1. On any Lord' s Day after the passing of this By-law
it shall be lawful within such parts of the municipality
as are hereinafter described, for any person between the
hours of half-past one and six o'clock in the afternoon to
provide, engage in, or be present at any of the public
games or sports hereinafter enumerated, or to do or engage
any other person to do any work, business or labour in
connection with any such public game or sport, which but
for the Lord' s Day (Ontario) A ct would be unlawful under
Section 4 of the Lord' s Day Act (Canada) .
2. The only parts of this'municipality within which this
by-law shall be in force, shall be those parts which are
more particularly known as:
Memorial Park,
Iroquois Park and
the adjacent Ball Park
and both beaches on
the shore of Lake Erie.
3. Except as varied by any subsequent amending by-law, the
only public games or sports to which this by-law shall be
deemed to apply, are the following:
Chair plane
Soft Ball
Cigarette Target Game
Ring toss, and
all other games of skill
4. Horse-racing shall not be deemed a public game or sport.
5. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to authorize
any person to provide, engage in or be present at any unlawful
public game or sport, or to door engage any other person to
do any unlawful act, business or labour in connection with
any such public game or sport, nor to authorize any public
game or sport specified herein , or anything in connection
therewith which council at any time hereafter deems objectionable
as offending or deemed likely to offend against a reasonable
observance of the Lord' s Day, or against the peace and welfare
of the inhabitants or others in the neighbourhood of such
public games or sports, and by by-law or resolution so declares.
Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this nth
day of Aub;=ua': A.D. 1950
ceelocez„,&./ 12. `
BY-LAU Nu 24
Ville oi eurt Burwell it.
:4eino a By-law tu pruviue JfV1 e ilulud6 ‘iJ: the lauhieipal
slectiuha la the launioipaiii3O oi the VilAabe tai zurt
Burwellr the Year lbk.) A.D. alio 1;or the appuihtin6
j.J: Deputy lieturhLie Oioore at well aa Pull OIerka
a..i.u. .0.1111z40 lale,Ow A.A.1 1,ue Villau.L,
2oxl, Burwell.
B3 IT T1 . RB DNAOTED 10;,- the Council o'l: the rcuhioipa) itw
u4.. iliambe o;i: rort Burwell ih Iibi4.1m4: iiiebd114
Zia, proviclin6 Liore pe,;:kikata cluiliti. .J.Or eleetida to
uiiiee taah ale Ietiiiii•et, l',.J ;Ail Vile vb.likAai- uaf-JA.ueB ,
ah eleetioh 'he held on Deoeillher 4th L60, ae
aeoorciiaL, to VilAabe By-1w No lb aact Li a000rhahue
with the provieloha oi the haalioipal Jaeotioha Act.
MAT the eleetioh :Lox the Ville ahall be Field at the
UOMUYITY HALL Li the Villabe o Port Burwell uh
the aaiu 2JleeEtauur 4th, beihi, the .2irat ih.ohay ill
Dea.ember ,and uric voLa eaall be oveh L. :u1.1 IUAL
to Y PM, auu .,
WS. Lnyco&At ahall 'be 1.:evarhihg Oilieex
Deputy heturaiht, uliiue,
ahci that Pon Oler:za ahall ue ,
frilq ETH E L 1-9 re 1.9
000000000 • • • • • • • • • • 0
..tiBLD a third titi4e and Livally pabet thia, uth tty oi
roveraber 195u.
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