HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell By-Laws 1949 11'-o1 THE VILLAGE OF PORT BUR LL INCORPORATED. BY-LAW Ne 1. Snug a By-law to appoint aortal' Officers in and for the Municipality of the Village of Port Burrell Ontario, for the year 1949 AD. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municip€.l Council in regular session assembled:- 1. That, WILLIAM.S.LAYCOCK, shall be Clark Treasurer of the said Village of Port Burwell, in the County of Elgin, Province of Ontario, during the pleasure cif the Ceunsil of the said Village of Pert Burwell, at a Salary of $150.00 per annum. 2. This By-law shall cone into farce and effect as from January let 1949. Nonmed uy t;eaolution 110 10, : 'rio.a r=ebruaxy 2. 0U tehat the waiary or the 01erk be .core ,sea to ij *0.00 effective January let 1950, Awended o ttesolution NO 2b of reby 4t4 , tiiat z .e dalai:y of tue 61erk :create-are' oc Tax Uoilector be auuree,esOd to f500.UJ ei aoti4 a oa u.ari 1st 1962. READ a first and second time this 16th day of February 1949. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day pf February 1949 AD. .... .. .. neve. Cl e* er. #4"- qq- 01 THE VILLAGP; OF PORT BURW LL INCORPORATED. BY-LAW No 2. Being a By-Law to provide for the payment to the Me/gibers of the Council for their attendance at Council Meetings. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that Councillors should reeeive suitable remuneratien for their attendance at meetings of the Council. AND WHEREAS this Authority is provided it Section 444, Sub-seotiox(b) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1937. Be it therefore exacted by the Municipal Council of the Village in special session assembled as follows:- 1. That Members of the Village Council shall be paid at the rate of $2.00 for each and every attondaace at meetings of the Council Cup to a maximum of $24.00 for 12 meetings.) The said remuneration, to be paid annually, immediately after the last meeting of the year. 2. This By-law shall come into force and effect as from January 1st 1949. READ a first and second time this 16th day of February 1949 READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of February 1949 A.D. ancf Re o. "erk.,,Treasurer. I VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL, BY-LAW NO 3. Being a By-Law to appoint an Auditor: WHEREAS Section 246 of the Municipal Act, R.S.P. Chapter 266, and AneIdiexts provide that every Munieipality shall appoint ax Auditor: THEREFORE, The Muxioipal Council of the Village of Port Burwell enacts as follows: (1) Colin C. Bron, Chartered Accountant, a persii lioeised as a Muxioipal Auditor by the Department of Muiieltal Affr4rs, is hereby appointed Auditor. (2) The said Auditor shall hold office during good behaviour aid be removable for cause upon vote of two-thirds of the members of the Council. (3) Tke remuneration of the Auditor shall be as approved by the Council from time to time. READ AND PASSED a first, second and third time, this 7th day of MARCH 1949. a, ncf' .- Reo e. Cle V Form 100-38 Ontario q"- VIL]C GL an NEWELL on BY-LAW No 4 p iaw to authorize the borrowing of $ 6.000.00 Whereas the Council of the V i 1445 a .n rorb Burwell (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 6.400.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Nara.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 a* � not including year ad if tftho a revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ 12,000,44 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to e borrower. �- x� Iii this year for the' purposes mentioned -==subsection (1) of section, 339 of M e (Delete this paragraph if not Municipal-Act is $ , of which the Municipality has already, borrowed applicable). a-total of $ Therefore the Council of the Yiil.ase ofk'urt Buz/tell hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed,-with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise,at a rate not exceeding per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law,as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 7th day of triaroh 19 49 THE H OF THE MUNICIPALITY f SEAL ‘-'4*.:).7.7 4 CLERIC We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 4 of the V'11lab e of .curt Burwell wit in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-Law is in full force and effect. Dated This ri t h day of Aaroh 19 49 As Witness the Seal of the Vi1la ;a of rurt; Bu.r 7e 11 Jut. —� THE HEAD THE MUNICIPALITY / „0.0"/ SEAL - ` , � 41:1/7„/"' CLERK t-o THE CORPORAiiON OF TBE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL ONTARIO. BY4&W No 5. A Bram for the sub iasioa to a� vete of questions under the Liquor Licence Act 1946. 'WHEREAS at the time of the coming into force of the Ontario Temperance Act a Bylaw N.7J/passed under the Liquor License Apt was in fore. within the limits of the Municipality prohibiting the sale if liquor by retail therein. AND WHEREAS under section 69 aged 70 of the Liquor Licence Act, 1946, the Connell of a Municipality blotto)! the Byr.law was in forms within the limits of the Municipality, nay submit to a vete of the persons qualified to be entered ex the Voters= last and to vete at elections to the Assembly in the Municipality any questions set forth in the Liquor Licence Act 1946, AND !BEMS it is provided by Bastion 69 aced, 70 of the Act that where ai petition in -writing signed by at least twenty,eive per eentws of the total number of persons appearing by the last revised list of the Municipality to be resident therein and qualified to vote at elections to The Assembly requesting the Council to submit any questions set out in Sections 69 and 70 is filed with the Clerk of the Municipality and with the Boards the Council shall submit the questions to a vete of the eleotore. AND WHEREAS. a petition, has been filed with the Clerk of the Municipality requesting the Council to submit to a vote of the persons qualified to vote thereon the fallowing questions. 1. Are you in favour of the sale sr beer only under a publie haus, licence for eonsumptisn on lieemsed premises to which women are admitted.? 2. Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house license for sonatmpti.n on licensed premises to which men only are admitted.? 3. Are you in favour of the sale of beer and wine only under a dinixz room licence for consumption wive meals on licensed 4. Are you in favour of the pale of liquor wader a dining-iiirlicenco for consumption with weals en licensed premises* 5. Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises. AND WHEREAS the petition certified by the Clerk as having been sufficiently signed has boom filed with the Beard. AND MIMS the Board has fired W.dnesday the 11th day of May 1949 as the day upon which the vote upon the questions shall be taken and has notified the Clerk to that effect. AND WEEMS it is necessary to provide by Bylaw for the submission of the questions to the persons qualified to vote thereon and for the taking of their votes thereon, Byalaw No 5, Page 2. THERFFORE the Ceuneil of the Corporation of the Village of Pert Burne11, enacts as follows: 1. Under the Liquor Lieenae Aot 1946, there is hereby submitted to a rete of the persons qualified to be entered ex the Vetere; list and to vote at eieatious to the Assembly ix the Muaieipality the following questions:- 10 Are you in favour of the sale el beer only under a public house lioence for oonsuaptioa on lieexsei premises to which women are admitted. ? 2. Are you ix favour of the sale of beer only under a public house lienee for consumption on liotensed premises to which men only are admitted. t 3. Are you in favour of the sale of beer and wino only under a dining roost lieence for oexsuaptien with meals on lieeaeed premises. t 4. Are you in favour of the male of liquor under a dining lounge licence for consumption with meals on licensed premises. ? So Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge lieemoo for consumption: on lioexsed premises,? 2. The Vote shall be taken on Wednesday the 18th day of May 1949, a as directed by The Liquor Lisenoe Bear& of Ontario, and in asoordanae with the Liquor Licence Act 1946. Passed this 24th day of Marsh 1949. r ••••e•••e••�•e• •I•••••• C -r • Ree s r -062 vILlGE UP PORT BURWETL BY-hAiW No ti. Beira; a Ry-laa to lice se a,.a regulate twiicatius3 within the Village of Port Burwell. HEEREAS it is deemed necessary ane expedient to eeta l iah regulations for tae purpose of governing the opsi ations of taxivaoa within the Village of fort Burwell . AND WHEREAS this authority. is provided by BuO-section 4, section 426 Chapter 406, R.S.0. l93e ; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the kunieipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of fort Burwell as follows:- 1. Tiiis By-law ,hay be cited as the Taxicab By-law. 2. That in this By-law "Taxicab" shall mean and include an Automobile or vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power , for Which a license has been issued by the U`Ierk of the Village of fort Burwell, to Carry or transport passengers for hire from any plane Within the said Village of Port Burwell . 6. That it shall be required than all vehicles as mentioned in above section No 2 be licensed and that an annual fee of 10.00 for one taxicab and 05.OU for ea^h additional taxicab operated by the owner who is a resident of the Village of Port Burwell and 125.00 for one taxicab and 010.00 for each aaditional taxioac, operated by the owner wuo is not a resident of the Village of Port Burwell, email liuense to continue in force for one year Prow the date of issue and no longer , and such license shall not be transferable. 4. That no vehicle shall be licensed as a taxicab which is not registered in the name of the owner with the Ontario Department of Public Highways. 5. That all taxicab licenses shall bear the serial number, license number and the make and kind of car for which such license is iasued. 6. That taxicab operators shall be permitted to ohaige iaree aeoording to the fo' lowing schedule provided that the minimum fare shall be 24. Daytime fares not to exceed 2 i5e. per chile Ni ,htimfle " " 2h0 " " Daytime fares shall be in effect 'between the hours of 7 o' clock AK and 9 o' ul_ock 21. A oaxd shown the schedule of fares shall be prominently displayed within the taxicab. 7. That the operators of taxicabs shall be at leuat twenty-one years of age, of good moral character and fully competent to operate the vehicle under their charge. 8. That no operator of a taxicab shall drink any inttxicating liquor during the time he is on duty or at any time use intoxicating liquor to excess. w. 9. That no tiaenee to operate a taxicab be iasuerd to Us-Ay 0400n without the permission and sanction of the gunicipa7 Council of the Village of sort Burwell. 10. That no license to operate a taxicab be issued to any person who is not covered by "Passenger Hazard Coverage" , which meets with the approval of the iluaiuipatil Council, and shall have an endorsement attached to said •uovera e, making it mandatory for the Insurance Company to notify the Village Clerk should the r'o1.iuy lapse or be cancelled. 11. That all licensed taxicabs and their operators shall at all times be under the supervision and direction of any and a1.1_ Yo1 ice Constables and Police Oifieers. 12. The operators of taxioatioe who • transport a person or persons from any point in the Village of Port Burwell to any terminal point at the request of such person or persons, shall be entitled to the face or fares enacted by section six of this By-law and any and every person who refuses or neglects to pay such fare immediately upon arrival at any such terminal point shall be deemed to have committed au of ence against this By-law. 13. Any person or persons who violate any- of the provisions of this By-law shall for every offense incur a penalty of not less than one dollar and not more than fifty dollars together with the costs, and in default of iinmediae payment, to be imprisoned in the common gaol of the County of Elgin fur a period not exueedin6 twenty-one days. 14. All penalties under this By-law shall be recuvexWole under the Summary Convictions Act. lb. This By-law shall come into force and become effective from the day L;e of the final paesing thereof. Read a first time this hay of ac 1.949 Read a second time this -cif quay of 1949 Read a third time and finally passed this /eday ofd ! 1949. - cti.„1/4".LieL� Reeve. �' Clerk. -0-7 THE VI T&GE OF PORT BURWET.7 . BY--LAW No 7. Beim a By-law to appoint a Returning Officeriur tue purpose of taking a vote of the persons qualified to vote on the y,ueei;ions ae foi iows , under the Liquor !ioence Act 1940. 1. Are. you in favour of the ease of beer only under a, public house license for eons umption on Licensed pre cities to which women are admitted.? 2. Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under 4 publio uouee lioenoe for consumption on licensed premises; to wuiuh men only are admitted. ? 3. Are you in favour of the sale of beer and wine only under a dining room licence for consumption with metOs on licensed premises.? 4. Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge liuenoe for consumption with meals on lioensed premises.? 3. Are you in favour of the dale of liquor under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed preraisaes.? AID SEAS the Board has fixed Wednesday the }Utti u,ay of May 194i as the day upon whiou toe vote upon the questions shall be taken. AND WHEREAS it is necessary to pxoviue by By-law for the appointment of some person to act ae Returning Officer in case of inabilit4 of the Clerk of the municipality to cut in that capacity. (Section 79 t ).) . 0 BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council in regular session assembled:- 1. ssembled:- 1. That 'g 1. ' " shall be the Returning Offiuer for the purpose of talcing tie vote on toe questions above set forth, z t the Fee of, 4r . . . . • . . Read and passed, a firs, seoond and tuird time, tis 4th day of April 1349. . . . :ter. . . . . .Reeve . . . . . . . ®U BY-1AY No S Being a By-law to provide for the 1949 expenditure en toads or streets in the Village of Port Burwell in the County of Elgin. WHEREAS under part 1Y C of the Highway improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads er streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval, and, WHEREAS this municipality has paid to the County of Elgin the sun of NIL , being payment in full of the amount levied last year os this Municipality for County road purposes, apart fres any amounts levied by the county for debenture or other indebtedness, THEREFORE the Council of the corporation of the said village enacts as follows: 1. The sun of $2,000.00 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by lery,debentures and Government subsidy for expenditure on construction and maintenance of the reads or streets in the said village during the year 1949, as fellows: Estimated Expenditure. CONSTRUCTION Rods or streets $400 Bridges and culverts $200 MAINTENANCE. Roads or streets $1200 Bridges and culverts $ 200 TOTAL 42000 2. The said nonegis shall be expended on work performed in accordance with the Highway Improvement Act. 3. The Clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this By-law to the District Office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than the 28th of February of this year. PASSED at Port Burwell this 4th day of April A.D. 1949. -4::- - ..'.4'.."7:7. ..artn. . .(6,..— C1 Reeve. I 89 -109 BY-LAW NUMBER 7 CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL A By-law approving of settlement of assets and liabilities with the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Village of Port Burwell became an incorporated village on January 1, 1949, and prior to that time had formed a part of the Municipality of the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the said Township and the said Village employed Peters, Brown & Good, Chartered Accountants, to make a report for the settlement of assets and liabilities between the said Township and the said Village. AND WHEREAS the said report has been received, the same being dated February $, 1949, and is acceptable. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL enacts as follows:- The report dated February $, 1949, of Peters, Brown & Good, respecting the settlement of assets and liabilities between the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell is hereby accepted and approved of. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute agreement dated March 30, 1949, between the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and the Corporatior of the Village of Port Burwell accepting the said report and completing a $ettlsment on that basis. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this ‘ day of 1949. ,A_77REEVE 0.740, . IL) BY-LAW No 10. CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWE'LL ONT. Eieing a By-law is license and require the registration of dogs aid to impose a Lioense Fee •m the owners, possessors or harbourers of them. WRERLAS it is desirable to impose a itemise fee on the owners, possessors or harbourers of dogs and also to lioeise aid require the registration of dogs and to restrain and regulate the running at large thereof. '_KW THEREFORE be it enacted and it is hereby enacted as a By-law of the Cerporatiom of the Village of Pert Burwell as follows:- 1. For the purpose of this By-law, "Deg" shall mean any dog, male or howls, and "Owner" of a dog shall include any persen who possesses or harbours s clog. 2. The owner of any dog within the limits of the Village of Port Burwell shall pay annually when demanded by the Assessor, aid before the thirtieth day of September ix each year, to the Assessor, Constable or Clerk of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, a license fee if two dollars ($2.00) for every dog or spayed bitch and four dollars($4.00) for every bitihaid four dollars eaoh for each additional clog which he or she may ern, possess or harbour within the limits of the Village of Port Burwell. 3. No deg shall be permitted to rum at large ix the Village of Port Burwell at any time unless registered pursuant to Seotiex 4 of this Dy-law aid unless the said deg wears the metal tag referred, to in said Section 4. 4. Every person who owns, possesses er harbours any dog within the Village of Pert Burrell shall before the 30th day of September, or when demanded by the Assessor,' is each year file with the Asaess•r of the said Village Some descrip"siee by whiok the deg or dogs awned, possessed or harboured by him may be readily identified and known, together with the mama and address of the *weer, aid upon payment to the Assessor of the tax by this By-law imposed aid upon delivery to the Assessor of such description it shall be the duty of the Assessor to register the same by number for the year commencing on the first day of January ef such registration aid to furnish t' the owner ribs a metal tag ox which shall be inscribed letters and figures indicating. the year for which such tag has been paid and a: number corresponding with the number under which such dog is for the time being registered in the books of th' Assessor, together with a written lioaxse for that year. The metal tag shall be worn. attached to a collar on. the neck of the dog during the said year for which said nowise has been. granted, and the wanting of suoh license shall be authority for the said dog -to be at large in the Village of Port Burwell during the year for which the lieeise has been granted except as provided by Sections 8,9,11 and 12 of this By-Law. 5. N. person shall register a bitch as a male dig er wilfully give to the assessor a wrong description of the dog which he or she requires to be registered aid licensed 6. No person shall use any suoh metal tag or attach the same to a collar for any deg other than the dig for which the same was furnished as aforesaid. 7. It shall be the duty of the Assessor to keep a book in which he shall record the name if the owner of every dog registered under the provisions of this By-law, date of such registration, the description it the dog, the registratiea number and the amount of the tax paid, and it shall be the duty of the Assessor to make a return to the Council of the Village of Port Burwell showing the number of dogs upon whisk 2. taxes have bees paid under this By-law and which have bees licensed as hereinbefore provided and also the saves of the owners who have paid the license fee and who have registered under this Bylaw. It skull likewise be the duty of the Assessor to perform all ether duties explicitly or impliedly required to be dome by him under the provisions of this By-law. 8. No person shall suffer sr permit any dog of which he is owner, even if licensed under this By-law, to run at large in the Village of Port Burwell if such dog is of a vicious or ferocious disposition or suffering from a communicable disease or has been known to snap at or bite mankind or to fight with other dogs and bark at er abase vehicles upon public highways. 9. No person shall suffer or permit any bitch of whioh he is the owner, even if lieosaeed under this By-law to run, at large within the Village, of Port Burwell while in heat. 10. :,e person shall without the oonsentzof the owner reuove any metal tag from any licensed dog. 11. No person shall suffer or permit any dog of which he is the owner, even if licensed under this By-law, to be in or upon any public highway or in any public place in the said Village of Port Burwell between the hours of suuset and daybreak unless under the control of some person by means of a leash or chain. 12, cry person seta?.1 suffe3rt or permit any dog of which he or she is the owner, even if licensed under this 3y-law, to run at large within the Vills.®e of Pert Burnell daring such periods as shall be prescribed in any proclamation issued under the authority of this Ey-law unless such dog shall be securely muzzled by a good str ri g and substantial muzzle. 13. The Reeve of the Village of Pert Burwell at any tine when au`.,horisod Ce to by a resolution of the eouneil may issue a Troolas tiex eeelaring that as dog shall b• permitted to run at loge within the Village during such period_ as is determined by the Council and named in such proclamation unless such dog shall be securely muzzled as aforesaid and notice of such proclamation shall be given by advertisement and posters. 14, It shall be the duty of every Constable to kill any dog found running at large in. the Village of Port Burwell after the 30th day of September in any year for which a license has not been obtained or netwithstanding the granting of such Disease if such dog is running at large contrary to sections 8,9,11 er 12 of this By-law and every such doh; killed under the authority hereby given shall be removed and buried under the direction of or by the Constable killing the same unless the body thereof is sooner claimed by the owner thereof end the Constable shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar ( 1.00) for burying er seeing to the burial thereof, lb. Any person may Riese and deliver to one of the pountkeepers of the Village any dog found running at large ,contrary to the provisions of this By-law as hereinbefore set forth, and it shall be the duty of the pound keeper to whom the same shall be delivered to impound such dog and supply it with food and water while impounded, and in ease it shall not be reclaimed as hereinafter provided within three days aftet. it shall have been delivered to the pound keeper it shall be the duty of the pound keeper to kill such deg, but any dog known to be rabid whish shall be found ruxmisg at large shall be immediately killed and the fee for Pohl supplied and dtzpa disposalof the dog shall be two dollars ($2.00) ti be paid by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell. 16. No person or persons shall molest, interrupt, hinder or prevent any Constable or pound keeper in the discharge of his duties heroin prescribed and imposed upon him. 3. 17. The owner if any dog impounded under this By-law may reclaim his deg within three days after the same has been impounded upon making application therefor, to the poundkeeper and proving ownership and paying to the poundkeeper the sum of two dollars ($2.00) which shall be retained by the poundkeeper for his own use. 18. It shall be t ke duty •f every poundkeeper to enter in his peundbook a description of all doge delivered to or impounded by him and to a sake a monthly report thereof and all moneys received en account. therefor to the Council of the Village of Port Burwell. 190 Under this By-law words importing the singular number or masculine gender to a person. shall ixei.ude more persons than one and females as well as. angles .a*' the converse and any word interpreted in the sixngular number shall have a corresponding meaning when used ix the. plural. . 20. Amy person or persons who shall be guilty of any infrastisxs sur breach of this By-law shall upon. eenviotiox thereof forfeit and pay such fine as the oonvictimg Magistrate sr Justice of the Peace shall inflict of net less than one dollar sr mere than fifty dollars (=elusive of costs), such penalty to be reciveralle under the Summary Convictions Aet. 21. The Assessor shall be paid by the Corporation of the Village of Pert Burwell at the rate of 10% of all monies collected by him under this By-law. READ a thi d time and finally passed in open Council, this day of.. .. . ..... 1949. Re . /41 - ) ' BY-LAW No 11 CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL* Being a Bylaw to levey the rates and taxes for the year 1949 and to provide for the collection thereof* WHEREAS the Council of the said Village provided for the making of the assessment of the Municipality prior to the 30th day of Sept 1948 as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1949 should be levied. AND HMERELS the assessment value of the rateable property as finally revised in the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell amounts to $233,189000 AND SAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the Township of Bayham on Monday the 25th day of October 1948,, AND WBEREAS there were no appeals from the Court of Revision or that all appeals from the Court of Revision have been heard and decided. AND SAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1949 shall be levied. AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Village the sum of $13990.00 for the general purposes of the said village, for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year and for the purpose of defraying part pf the expenses of Public and Continuation School educations and other purposes* THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell enacts as follows=. is That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Village of Port Burwell prior to Sept 30th 1948 and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision and County Judge be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the Village on which the rate of taxation for the year 1949 shall be levied. 20 That for the purpose of providing the sum of $13990.00 for the general purposes of the Corporation including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the ourront year, a rate of 60 Mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1949 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Village according to the last revised assessment roll which is made up as fo11omss. Sa (A) For Public School purposes the sum of $5424.00 is required, therefore the rate of 23,03 mills on the dollar be levied. (B) For Continuation School_purposes the sum of $1358.00 is required, therefore the rate of Se8 mills on the dollar is levied. (C) For County purposes the sum of $2376.00 is required therefore the rate of 10.2 mills on the dollar is levied. (D) For General Village purposes the sum of $4835000 is required therefore a rate of 20.7 mills on the dollar is levied, Notes The Tax rate for educational purposes has been reduced by reason of an amount payable am legislative grants , estimated at $6643.00, this by ___�_ authority of the Department does not now have to appear on the Tax notices. 2. 4, The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collectorts Roll to the Collector on or before the lst day of June 1949. 8* All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the office of the Collector or Treasurer of the Village of Port Burwell or into the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Costmeroe, at Port Burwell. 6e Taxes shall become payable one«batt on or before July 20th 1949 and one-half on or before December 20th 1949. Penalties for nonpayment when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as follows:s TAX PENALTIES, TAX DISCOUNTS, First instalment when paid On second instalment ONLY on or after when paid on or before July 21st July 21st aig Aug 20th 1% Aug 20th 2% Sep 20th l Sep 20th l Oct 20th 2 Oot 20th 1% NOT 20th 2 NOT 20th Deo 21st Seoond instalment when paid on or after Deo 21st In addition, beginning January 1st 1949, * of $ per month charged on all unpaid taxes, 7. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers if he so desires, 8. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may siese any goods for unpaid taxes, READ a first second and third time and finally passed in open Council this ...(' day of MAY 1949. 401,0 10.- 0440 Reeve. Clerk, BY-LAW No 12. THE CORPORATION OF TSE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL ONT. Being a By-law to lioense 'and regulate Billiard,Bagatelle and Pool Tables. WH7REAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to establish regulations for the purpose of governing the operation of Billiard, Bagatelle and Pool Rooms within the Village. AND WHEREAS the authority is provided by paragraph 1, Section 439 R.S.O. 1937 0.266 S.272. THEREFORE be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell as follows:- 1. This By-law may be cited as the Billiard,Bagatelle and Pool Table By-law. 2. That it be required that every person or persons who for hire or gain directly or indirectly keep, or have in their possession, or on their premises, any Billiard, Pool or Bagatelle Table, or keep or have any such table whether used or not, in a house or place of public entertainment or resort, be licensed; and the person or persons obtaining the same shall pay at the time of taking out such license, the following sums, that is to say:- (A) For each and every table, Ten Dollars ($10.00) 3. That no license to operate a place of entertainment designated as a Billiard, Bagatelle or Pool Room, shall be issued without the permission and sanction of the Municipal Council of the Village of Port Burwell. 4. That it shall be required that the owner or operator of such Billiard, . Bagatelle or Pool Room, shall pey the stipulated sum hereinbefore mentioned for each and every table, as a lioense fee to the Clerk Treasurer of the Village, who shall issue the necessary lioense and the same shall continue in force for one year from January let to'Deoember 31st inclusive during the year of issue, and no longer, and such license shall not be transferable. 5. Any person or persons who shall be guilty of any infractions or breach of this By-law shall upon conviction thereof forfeit and pay such fine as the convicting Magistrate or Justice of the Peace shall infliot, of not less than one dollar or more than fifty dollars,(exclusive of costs) such penalty to be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, 6, This By-law shall come into force and become effective from the date of *he final passing thereof. READ a first, second and third time and passed this 6th day of May 1949. . • r • • .• r .41 •..• •.•• . • .r••i�y. Leve• r.-Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 13 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL WHEREAS the Pennada Petroleum Coy. and/or its successors or assigns, is desirous of erecting, maintaining and operating a petroleum refinery on lands situated in the Village of Port Burwell and desires to do so with the approval of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell deems it desireable and in the best interest of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell to grant such permission. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED as a By-law of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, 1. THAT the Pennada Petroleum Coy. and/or its successors or assigns, be and the same is hereby granted the right and authority to erect, 4 maintain and operate a petroleum refinery with all necessary lands, O P buildings, lines and equipment, within the limits of the Corpora• - $ A tion of the Village of Port Burwell, and such right and authority shall continue as long as such petroleum refinery is maintained d O and operated. p• m.0 to y, 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Village of Port r4 w «4 +) d oa, .,� 5 Burwell be and they are hereby empowered to execute any agreement which may be necessary to carry out the full intent and meaning of this bylaw. �rww° w 0 0 ,� 3. THAT any existing bylaw of the Corporation of the Village of Port • $. Burwell which may be contrary to, or in conflict with the N .8 provisions of this bylaw is hereby repealed in so far as the same may be in conflict with this bylaw. ENACTED aS a bylaw of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, this 18tblay of June, 1949, First Reading this 16tk day of June,1949. Second Reading this 16tk day of June, 1949. Third Reading this 16th day of June, 1949. Reeve if Clerk BY-MW NO. 45 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL B Y LAW CLUNIS & KEE, 118 King St.W., Chatham, Ont. 1 C»° ►_ bio 14 A Byelaw to tai it ie h a, ,tsserve and of 02500 under 3sution 316u, of tho couiloipal Aet, WK S the Corporation of the Township of Bayhem ciux.inti the year 1949 estab . .raped a xetterve fund under the authority of 5aotio ► 316a of the Muaisi, al Au arm obtained the 4.1.1 xov.:.. . of the rapsxtment of Fiunioipa ►ffsirs thereto: A3 , cHltliall,S the La<oor,poratod Til' Lose of port Buell has been 'rooted out of a a erto..uz d .strut which heretofore formed part of the said frownehip and upon the ad etmvnt of asset* and 1,iab,il ities between the said to�hip ooxpoxation and the village aorpoxs►tion the vi11at„e. ooxparation has become entitled to receive and ham been paid the mum of WOO, beinb its proportionate share of the said Vownehlo reserve rand: b ''I Ate` talialltiS it ii, de i., att?e, that the villsgoe ooxporati.an aontixue to treat tho said sum of money with el.7tature earnin ;,o thereon as~A xa, erVel Atnit aafitabl:sh+o+l fox the vino*. under the authority of the said section 316a of the imaieipal ,Aut: TH'71 " ' `i the Council, of the Corporation of the V iia a of 1hrt emelt hexebi enacts as follows:- t. That the satek wom sof money, nEcaely ,,.fi�r ,O be set aside and established as a reserve ;fid of the village eoxporation under authority of aootion 316a of the ,etunioipf4 Act and to be used for the follow purposes on'y: Hospital: emoxiais :later Markt sire ixoteetion. 2M,, that a speo t l ►000unt be opened wit;, the port Burson hrane h of The canta►dio Ate« of Coz; eros to the credit of shioh all monies belonging to the 'aid reserve lomat shall be deposited, which aaaou .t shall be knOwn as the Port Burwell Res es Auld aoeot~ant and payments out of which shall be made as may from time to time be authorised by resolution of Council, 3, is he monies to the credit of the said reserve ,fug aauount until the see are re Uxed for the above mentioned pt paee may be kept invested from time to time in aush weeuxities as are permitted by the said s s©tion of the hunicipal Act and ae 4zowvii mcg from time t time authorise tew resolution* and all ear ;;,s dexived from snob investments shall belong to the said reserve fund and be deposited to the a:edit thereof in the said special scoount. 4, So money shun be withdrawn from said speoiel account ox be used paid ox wpplied for any purpose without the approval of the ropartweut ui° sirantaipai Afieira and none of the securities in which any part of the said. 413/114 q frau time to tires be ingested shall be hypothecated or pledged without the like approval, ►al. Passed thus 4th dam of 4aly 1049. 6Z nZ. -- • ,dory, , •r k• ••e ♦ tie ♦ 0 M` • p oen ar • i cxlerk. 1 . VILLriGZ Ci+' PORT BUT.;.;LL BY-LA y X10 14 A By-law to establish a reserve fund of ,,2500. under Section 316a of the iiuni cipal Act. ^'1Tl'�'1{,hREAS the Corporation of the Toernship of Bayham durinT, the year 19 established a reserve fund under the authority I' of Section 316a of the unicinal Act and obtained the approval of � the Department of 1iunicipal Affairs thereto: AUL 21-12REAS the incorporated Village of Port Burwell has been erected out of a certain district wMch heretofore formed part of the said Tot;nshi-' and upon the adjustment of assets and liabili- ties between the said township corporation and the village corpor- ation, the village corporation has become entitled to receive and has been paid the sum of X2500. beim, its proportionate share of the said township reserve fund: AID :d'HBR AS it is desirable that the village corporation continue to treat the said sun of money with all future earnings thereon as a reserve fund established for the village under the authority of the said section 316a of the nunicipa, Act : THDREFOL'is the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell hereby enacts as follows :- 1. ollows :- 1. That the said sum of money, namely 2500. be set aside and established as a reserve fund of the village corporation under authority of section 316a of the i,`unicipal Act and to be used for the following purposes only: Hoepital: Memoriale: Water Works: Fire Yroteotioxa 2., That a special account be opened with the tort Burwell branch of the V44a41 ..04:W";.ad.Gommexoe. . . . to 'Glee credit of which all monies belonging to the said reserve fund shall be deposited, which account shall be known as the Port Burwell Reserve Fund Account and payments out of which shall be made as may from time to time Le authorized by resolution of council. 3. The monies to the credit of the said reserve fund account until the same are required for the above mentioned purpose may be kept. invested from time to time in such securities as are Permitted by the said section of the Lunicip&1 Act and as council may from tide to time authorize by resoletion, and all earnings derived from such invest- ments shall belong to the said reserve fund and be deposited to the credit thereof in the said special account. 4. No .money shall be withdrawn froa.: said special account or be used, paid or applied for any purpose without the ap-?roval of the Department of iunicipal Affairs and none of the securities in which any part of the said fund may from time to time be invested shall be hypothecated or pledged without the like approval. Passed this 4th day of July 1949, +.. _ eev BY-LAT: No IL. VIT tAG:,+. OP PORT 31TRITE77, ONT. -Being a By-law :r'i.ic the pied J'ot aonination aaa election for r aznicallat�l oanuillorh €i„au a:,y-- other local ,kioarda in tyle uurportltion o1 the Villat,e of ro. b Burwell. WERBEAS Gaal) 60,Seo 05 ana uiau a ( I) o± the revi aed Statutes of kint aria 66 rade deu 1946, piavldea that the dad fixed for nomination ion i uni t be at 'east 7 lots p. lor to the dad fined for goo?T-i . THMEFORE BE IT ANACTED oy the LahicipaI Uouao i1 of the Village of ror : Burwell racy ftp LioiMe;- I. lhaG the last i;lc1ad ae,y lu Novea ,er anal i be the dad fixed fox the ao1ai,ia6 of the non lasatloaa ior z.iiia].Ui 3til uounc it and ether local oaru.a :iii tue village of rvr; Burwell and such noir iaa-vio a s ehall we held at tue villaC e Aali i the 0.I1 a of roxt Burwell between aie Lours of 3 ilk ally. 9 .Iii on. each da;r• 2. That tue :jirrar, oaaay is T)eceaher shall be the.. ua,;f, iixet Zoe the holding of the Ainniuipal. Election+ for e;ouncii and other local Boards ii, the r aia village of r'ort Burwell and the polia shall be open from 10 of c loolz A.i . to 7 0• c l ooi: r.M. 3. By-law eaall retrain is force frog; dear to year until repealed. BEAD a third t;i e and fins& i_y passed in open U'ouncil thin Lith days of vutouex C.C.S • i • • • • • •�.. • • • + • • • • . • s a a /keeve. u1 erg;. 1.-LAW NV 1.0. Villaoe Ji XJ:ef Burwell Beiao- a Bi-Iaw .•;,) 1.)14itle i0I 1;ae aoluiat„ 'che zleoa.a .he Villaoe rj.1.1; Burwell ZUk ,•aa 19.4°i; A.D. uhu add [lb WCII Lear, Olerlai alac 20711.;16 plauc -.;he Jf a THEIMPORN EMOTED 4 the villa6e ,JJL Burwell ia ret,111&i. ia4le -1) 101;)laiii4.1i. 7,he vibaa ',A held Daue, ,Jel- bc.'h Ga i:404LaCkii4, tJ villabe j-1 io aad £i auvoiaahoe wivh ie the Aullaioipal mleotioh:i Aut. ie ele,; ,;iaui i1.tei, ehal1 a..4 the UOMAUNITY HA:1Z th 44d " a ehall lAch•ul.hia6 aad I;e• v „, • AV.8. AL1414 .14er,ges;,.- . • .-1041A444 .rut jJj, .k11,30 4 :thiid Eauw' aah paz.ao. L,64 iioiea;)-er 194j. a.12 e.,fi :/ ec-- • . xteeve ////