HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law No. 2014-101 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM
BY-LAW NO 2014-101
WHEREAS under section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, a municipality may pass
by-laws respecting matters within the sphere of jurisdiction of Public Utilities, which includes a
system that is used to provide water services for the public;
AND WHEREAS section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that section 11
shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities to enable them to
govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to
municipal issues;
Short Title
This By-law may be referred to as the Sewer Use By-law
Section 1 - Definitions
1.1 In this by-law
a) "acute hazardous waste chemical" shall have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 347 under
the Environmental Protection Act;
b) "BOD" shall mean the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand that is the determination of the
molecular oxygen utilized during a 5-day incubation period for the biochemical degradation of
organic material (carbonaceous demand), and the oxygen used to oxidize inorganic material
such as sulphides and ferrous iron, and the amount of oxygen used to oxidize reduced forms
of nitrogen (nitrogenous demand);
c) "biosolids" shall mean organic solid material recovered from the wastewater treatment
d) "combustible liquid" shall mean a liquid that has a flash point at or above 37.8 degrees
Celsius and below 93.3 degrees Celsius;
e) "composite sample" shall mean sample made up of three or more grab samples that have
been combined automatically or manually and taken at intervals during the sampling period;
f) "discharge" shall, when used as a verb, includes add, deposit, leak or emit and, when used
as a noun shall include addition, deposit, emission or leak;
g) "environmental compliance approval" shall have the same meaning as in O.Reg. 255/11;
h) "EPA" shall mean the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.19;
i) "foundation" shall mean the supporting portion of a structure below grade, including
j) "foundation drain" or"weeping tile" shall mean any arrangement or type of pipe placed
along the perimeter of a building foundation for the collection of groundwater;
k) "foundation drain collector" shall mean a sewer for the collection and transmission of
uncontaminated groundwater from foundation drains, or any type of pipe installed for a
similar purpose";
I) "fuel" shall have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 347;
m) "grab sample" shall mean a portion of the discharge from or deposit to the sewage works
taken at a maintenance access hole or another location established pursuant to Section 12 of
this by-law;
n) "hauled sewage" shall have the same meaning as 'n O. Reg. 347;
o) "hauled waste" shall mean any industrial waste, other than hauled sewage, that is
transported to and deposited into the sewage works;
p) "hazardous industrial waste" shall have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 347;
q) "hazardous waste chemicals" shall have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 347;
r) "ignitable waste" shall have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 347;
s) "industrial" shall mean of or pertaining to manufacturing, commerce, trade, business, or
institutions as distinguished from domestic or residential;
t) "industrial user" shall mean the owner of industrial premises from which there is a
discharge of any matter directly or indirectly into a sanitary sewer or storm sewer;
u) "land drainage works" shall mean works of any sort for the drainage of land in the
Municipality including drainage channels for receiving water in its natural flow on or from any
hills or other lands, and works diverting or damming the same to prevent its overflow on to
any other lands at a lower level, as well as drainage channels for carrying off water from any
v) "maintenance access hole" shall mean an access point in a private sewer connection to
allow for observation, sampling and flow measurement of the sewage, uncontaminated water
or stormwater therein;
w) "matter" shall include solid, liquid or gas;
x) "Municipality" shall mean the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham;
y) "0. Reg. 347" shall mean R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 347 (General-Waste Management) made
under the EPA;
z) "pathological waste" shall have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 347;
aa)"PCBs" shall mean any monochlorinated or polychlorinated biphenyl or any mixture of them
or mixture that contains one or more of them;
bb)"Person" shall include, but not be limited to, an individual, sole proprietorship, partnership,
unincorporated association, unincorporated organization, corporation, trustee, heir, executor,
administrator or other legal representative;
cc) "pesticide" shall mean a pesticide regulated under the Pesticides Act, R.S.O.1990, c.P.11;
dd)"private drain" shall mean any drainage or piping, inside or outside a building, that conveys
stormwater, and includes downspouts, rain-leaders and catch basins, swimming pools;
ee)"private sewer connection" shall mean that part of any drain or system of drains, including
drains or subsurface drainage pipe for surface or subsurface drainage of the land in or
adjacent to a building, lying within the limits of the private lands and leading directly or
indirectly to a Municipal sewer connection;
ff) "reactive waste" shall have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 347.
gg)"sanitary sewer" shall mean a sewer of the Municipality used for the collection and
transmission of domestic or industrial sewage or any combination thereof;
hh)"severely toxic waste" shall have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 347;
ii) "sewage" shall mean any liquid waste containing animal, vegetable, mineral or chemical
matter in solution or in suspension but does not include stormwater or uncontaminated water;
jj) "watercourse" shall mean an open channel, ditch or depression either natural or artificial, in
which flow of water occurs either continuously or intermittently;
kk) "Water/Wastewater Operations Manager" shall mean the Water/Wastewater Operations
Manager of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham.
II) "WPCP" shall mean water pollution control plant.
Section 2— Municipal Pollution Control System Requirements
2.1 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of sewage into land drainage
works or connections to any sanitary sewer in circumstances where to do so causes or
results in:
a) a health or safety hazard to a person authorized by the Water/Wastewater Operations
Manager to inspect, operate, maintain, repair or otherwise work on sewage works;
b) biosolids from the sewage works to which either sewage discharges, directly or indirectly,
failing to meet the objectives and criteria as listed in the Ministry of the Environment
publication entitled Nutrient Management Act Ontario Regulation 267/03 amended to O.Reg
c) impairment or interference with the operation or maintenance of a sewage works or any
treatment process;
d) hazard to any person, animal, property or vegetation;
e) an offensive odour to emanate from the sanitary sewer, and without limiting the generality of
the foregoing, sewage containing hydrogen sulphide, carbon disulphide, other reduced
sulphur compounds, amines or ammonia in such quantity as may cause an offensive odour;
f) damage to sewage works infrastructure; or
g) an obstruction or restriction to the flow in the sanitary sewer including, without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, sewage containing solid or viscous substances in quantities or of
such size as to be capable of causing obstruction to the flow in a sewer such as ash, bones,
cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, feminine
hygiene products, wood, garbage, animal entrails or tissues, paper products, and paunch
2.2 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of sewage into land drainage
works or connections to any sanitary sewer if the sewage has one or more of the following
a) pH less than 6.0 or greater than 10.5;
b) two or more separate liquid layers;
c) a temperature greater than 60 degrees Celsius; or
d) total mercury greater than 0.01 mg/L.
2.3 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of sewage into land drainage
works or connections to any sanitary sewer if the sewage contains:
a) acute hazardous waste chemicals;
b) combustible liquid;
c) dyes or colouring materials which may or could pass through a sewage works and discolour
the sewage works effluent;
d) fuel;
e) hazardous industrial waste;
f) hazardous waste chemicals;
g) ignitable waste;
h) pathological waste;
i) pesticides, fungicides, herbicides;
j) reactive waste;
k) severely toxic waste;
I) oil and grease; or
m) oil based paints
2.4 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of hauled waste into land
drainage works or connections to any sanitary sewer unless:
a) the carrier of the hauled sewage is a waste management system operating under a
environmental compliance approval or provisional environmental compliance approval issued
under the EPA or is exempt from the requirement to have a certificate or provisional
certificate of approval;
b) a copy of the most recent environmental compliance approval or provisional environmental
compliance approval and any amendment is provided to the Municipality;
c) the hauled waste meets the conditions set out in clause 23 (3) (c) of O.Reg.347; and
d) the carrier meets all conditions established by the Municipality of Bayham Hauled
Wastewater Policy.
2.5 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of sewage into land drainage
works or connections to any sanitary sewer in any circumstances if the sewage contains
PCB's without prior written approval from the Municipality and only where:
a) an environmental compliance approval for a mobile site or PCB mobile waste disposal
system has been issued under the EPA and a copy of the most recent environmental
compliance approval or provisional environmental compliance approval and any amendment
has been provided to the Municipality; or
b) the person is claiming exemption under O. Reg. 347 and it has been demonstrated to the
Municipality that the conditions of the exemption have been met.
2.6 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of sewage into land drainage
works or connections to any sanitary sewer in circumstances where the sewage contains
waste disposal site leachate unless:
a) the person has written approval from the Municipality which authorized the discharge or
deposit of the waste disposal site leachate to the sewage works; and
b) in the case where a environmental compliance approval or order has been issued which
includes a provision for the disposal of waste disposal site leachate to the sewage works, a
copy of the environmental compliance approval or order is provided to the Municipality or
where the person is claiming an exemption, the person has demonstrated to the Municipality
that the conditions of the exemption are being met.
2.7 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of stormwater, groundwater,
foundation drainage, drainage from private drains or uncontaminated water into land
drainage works or connections to any sanitary sewer unless expressly authorized in
writing by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager.
2.8 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of sewage into land drainage
works or connections to any sanitary sewer if the sewage contains a concentration,
expressed in milligrams per litre, in excess of any one or more of the limits in "Table 1 - Limits
for Sanitary Sewer Discharge" to this by-law unless:
a) the person has entered into a Surcharge Agreement;
b) the discharge has been authorized in writing by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager;
c) a compliance program has been established; and
d) any fees required to be paid to the Municipality are paid within 90 days of the date of the
invoice from the Municipality.
2.9 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of water originating from a source
other than the Municipal Water Supply System to any sanitary sewer unless:
a) the discharge is expressly authorized in writing by the Water/Wastewater Operations
Manager; and
b) any fees required to be paid to the Municipality are paid within 90 days of the date of the
invoice from the Municipality.
2.10 Notwithstanding the permissible limits set out in Table 1, no person shall discharge or cause
or permit the discharge of sewage into land drainage works or connections to any sanitary
sewer where, in the opinion of the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager, the
concentrations of any parameters in the discharge may result in the Municipality's failure to
comply with any federal or provincial act, regulation or guideline regarding the discharge of
any matter from the receiving sewage treatment plant.
Section 3— Foundation Drains
3.1 A new foundation that requires a building permit for construction shall not be permitted to
discharge its foundation drains to a sanitary sewer unless it can be demonstrated to be
satisfaction of the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager, in his or her opinion and
discretion that,
a) a foundation drain connection to the sanitary sewer is the most feasible solution for managing
the foundation drain discharge; and
b) an analysis of the soil and/or a survey of the water table by a professional consultant
indicates that the ground conditions and/or water table will not result in excessive flows from
the foundation drain to a sanitary sewer.
3.2 A new foundation being added to an existing foundation must isolate its foundation drain from
any existing foundation drain connection to a sanitary sewer in order to prevent discharge
from the new foundation drain to the sanitary sewer unless expressly authorized in writing by
the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager.
3.3 Upon removal of an existing foundation, any foundation drain that existed along the removed
foundation and discharged to a sanitary sewer will no longer be permitted to drain to a
sanitary sewer.
3.4 The Municipality may require the disconnection of any existing foundation drain from a
sanitary sewer if:
a) the foundation drain discharge adversely affects the operation of the sanitary sewer system;
b) a storm sewer or foundation drain collector can accommodate the foundation drain
Section 4— Interceptors for Fats, Oil and Grease
4.1 Every owner or operator of a restaurant or other industrial, commercial or institutional
premises where food is cooked, processed or prepared, for which the premises is connected
directly or indirectly to a sanitary sewer, shall take all necessary measures to ensure that oil
and grease are prevented from entering the sanitary or combined sewer in excess of the
provisions of this bylaw.
4.2 The owner or operator of the premises as set out in Section 4 of this by-law shall install,
operate, and properly maintain an oil and grease interceptor in any piping system at its
premises that connects directly or indirectly to a sewer. The oil and grease interceptors shall
be installed in compliance with the most current requirements of the applicable Building
Code. The installation of the oil and grease interceptor shall meet the requirements of the
Canadian Standards Association national standard CAN/CSA B-481.2, as amended.
4.3 All oil and grease interceptors shall be maintained according to the manufacturer's
recommendations. The testing, maintenance and performance of the interceptor shall meet
the requirements of CAN/CSA B-481. Traps should be cleaned before the thickness of the
organic material and solids residual are greater than twenty-five percent of the available
volume; cleaning frequency should not be more than every four weeks. Maintenance
requirements should be posted in the workplace in proximity to the grease interceptor.
4.4 A maintenance schedule and record of maintenance shall be available to the
Water/Wastewater Operations Manager upon request for each interceptor installed.
4.5 The owner or operator of the restaurant or other industrial, commercial or institutional
premises as set out in Section 4 of this by-law shall, for one (1)year, keep the document of
proof for interceptor clean-out and oil and grease disposal.
4.6 Emulsifiers shall not be discharged into interceptors. No person shall use enzymes, bacteria,
solvents, hot water or other agents to facilitate the passage of oil and grease through a
grease interceptor.
4.7 In the case of failure to adequately maintain the grease interceptor to the satisfaction of the
Water/Wastewater Operations Manager, the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager may
require an alarmed monitoring device to be installed, at the expense of the owner, in
accordance with specifications of CAN/CSA B-481.
Section 5—Vehicle and Equipment Service Oil and Grease Interceptors
5.1 Every owner or operator of a vehicle or equipment service station, repair shop or garage or of
an industrial, commercial or institutional premises or any other establishment where motor
vehicles are repaired, lubricated or maintained and where the sanitary discharge is directly or
indirectly connected to a sewer shall install an oil and grease interceptor designed to prevent
motor oil and lubricating grease from passing into the sanitary or combined sewer in excess
of the limits in this bylaw.
5.2 The owner or operator of the premises as set out in Section 5 of this by-law shall install,
operate, and properly maintain an oil and grease interceptor in any piping system at its
premises that connects directly or indirectly to a sewer. The oil and grease interceptors shall
be installed in compliance with the most current requirements of the applicable Building Code
and be maintained as recommended by the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI).
5.3 All oil and grease interceptors and separators shall be maintained in good working order and
according to the manufacturer's recommendations and shall be inspected a minimum of once
per week to ensure performance is maintained to the manufacturer's specifications for
performance and inspected to ensure the surface oil and sediment levels do not exceed the
recommended level.
5.4 A maintenance schedule and record of maintenance shall be submitted to the
Water/Wastewater Operations Manager upon request for each oil and grease interceptor
5.5 The owner or operator of the premises as set out in Section 5 of this by-law shall, for one (1)
year, keep the document of proof for interceptor clean-out and oil and grease disposal.
5.6 Emulsifiers shall not be discharged to the sewer system into interceptors. No person shall
use enzymes, bacteria, solvents, hot water or other agents to facilitate the passage of oil and
grease through an oil and grease interceptor.
5.7 In the case of failure to adequately maintain the oil and grease interceptor to the satisfaction
of the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager, the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager
may require an alarmed monitoring device to be installed, at the expense of the owner.
Section 6—Sediment Interceptors
6.1 Every owner or operator of the premises from which sediment may directly or indirectly enter
a sewer, including but not limited to premises using a ramp drain or area drain and vehicle
wash establishments, shall install a sediment(sand and grit) interceptor designed to prevent
sediment from entering the drain or sewer in excess of the limits in this bylaw.
6.2 Catch basins installed on private property for the purposes of collecting storm water and
carrying it into the storm sewers shall be equipped with an interceptor and the installation of
these catch basins on private property shall comply with the Municipality's Standard
Construction Specifications and Drawings, as they may be amended from time to time.
6.3 All sediment interceptors shall be maintained in good working order and according to
manufacturer's recommendations and shall be inspected daily to ensure performance is
maintained to the manufacturer's specifications for performance.
6.4 The owner or operator of premises as set out in Section 6 of this by-law shall, for one (1)
year, keep documentation of interceptor clean-out and sediment disposal.
6.5 A maintenance schedule and record of maintenance shall be submitted to the
Water/Wastewater Operations Manager upon request for each sediment interceptor installed.
Section 7— Hauled Wastewater
7.1 No person shall discharge hauled wastewater to the WPCP works unless:
a) the carrier of the hauled wastewater operating as a waste management system has a
environmental compliance approval under the EPA for waste management systems for
domestic hauled sewage (septage);
b) a copy of the most recent environmental compliance approval or provisional environmental
compliance approval and any amendment is provided to the Municipality; and
c) the carrier meets all conditions for discharge set out in the Municipality of Bayham's Hauled
Wastewater Policy.
Section 8— Dental Waste Amalgam Separators
8.1 Any dental practice within the Municipality must comply with the Dentistry Act, 1991,
S.O. 1991, c. 24, and the regulations there under as amended from time to time, for the
disposal of amalgam waste.
Section 9— Prohibition of Dilution
9.1 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of sewage into a sanitary sewer,
combined sewer, storm sewer, municipal or private sewer connection to any sanitary sewer,
combined sewer or storm sewer in circumstances where water has been added to the
discharge for the purposes of dilution to achieve compliance with this by-law.
Section 10 — Municipal Storm Sewer Requirements
10.1 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge into a storm sewer, watercourse,
municipal or private sewer connection to any storm sewer any matter that:
a) interferes with proper operation of a storm sewer;
b) obstructs or restricts a storm sewer or the flow therein;
c) damages a storm sewer; or
d) results in any hazard or other adverse impact, to any person, animal, property, or vegetation.
10.2 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge into a storm sewer, watercourse,
municipal or private sewer connection to any storm sewer any matter that has one or more of
the following characteristics:
a) visible film, sheen or discolouration;
b) two or more separate layers;
c) a pH less than 6.0 or greater than 9.0;
d) a temperature greater than 40 degrees Celsius; or
e) total mercury greater than 0.0004 mg/L.
10.3 No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge into a storm sewer, watercourse,
municipal or private sewer connection to any storm sewer any matter that contains:
a) acute hazardous waste chemicals;
b) combustible liquids;
c) floating debris;
d) fuel;
e) hauled sewage;
f) hauled waste;
g) hazardous industrial waste;
h) hazardous waste chemicals;
i) ignitable waste;
j) pathological waste, fungicides, herbicides;
k) PCBs;
I) pesticides;
m) reactive waste;
n) severely toxic waste;
o) sewage;
p) waste disposal site leachate;
q) E.coli colonies in excess of 200 Colony Forming Units per 100 ml; or
r) a concentration, expressed in milligrams per litre, in excess of any one or more of the limits in
"Table 2 - Limits for Storm Sewer Discharge" of this by-law.
Section 11 --Compliance Program
11.1 At its sole discretion, the Municipality may establish a Compliance Program that will permit an
industrial user to discharge non-complying sewage upon such terms and conditions deemed
appropriate by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager.
11.2 Every Compliance Program shall specify the length of time necessary to plan, design,
construct or install facilities to eliminate the non-compliance, and shall be specific as to the
corrective actions to be implemented by the industrial user to bring the discharge into
compliance, the dates of commencement and completion of these actions, and the materials
or other characteristics of the matter to which it relates.
11.3 An industrial user for which a Compliance Program has been established shall submit a
compliance program progress report to the Municipality within 14 days after the scheduled
completion date of each activity listed in the Compliance Program.
Section 12— Sampling and Analytical Requirements
12.1 The sampling and analysis required by this by-law shall be in accordance with the
procedures as described in Standard Methods, the United States Environmental Protection
Agency methods, Ministry of the Environment "Protocol for the Sampling and Analysis of
Industrial/Municipal Wastewater", or any accredited procedure followed by the Municipality.
12.2 Compliance or non-compliance with this by-law may be determined by the analysis of a grab
sample or a composite sample.
12.3 Wherever possible, samples shall be obtained at the point of control closest to the property
12.4 Wherever possible, samples shall be taken from a maintenance access hole.
12.5 Where there is no maintenance access hole, the Municipality may provide, by written notice,
the use of an alternate device or facility for the purpose of obtaining a representative sample
of the discharge into the sewage works.
12.6 For each of the metals whose concentration is limited in "Table 1 — Limits for Sanitary Sewer
Discharge", the analysis shall be for the quantity of total metal, which includes all metal both
dissolved and particulate.
Section 13 - Spills
13.1 In the event of a spill to the Municipal Pollution Control System or the Municipal Storm Sewer
System, the owner or the person having charge, management or control of the spill shall:
a) abide by Ministry of the Environment, EPA R.S.O. 1990 Chapter E.19 Part X, Spills;
b) do everything reasonably possible to contain the spill, protect the health and safety of
citizens, minimize damage to property, and protect the environment;
c) notify the Municipality within two (2) hours of spill and complete any work the Municipality
may require to mitigate the spill;
d) clean up the spill and contaminated residue and restore the affected area to appropriate
standards; and
e) at the request of the Municipality, provide a report, within five (5) days of the spill, containing
all of the following information:
i. location where spill occurred;
ii. name and phone number of person who reported the spill and where they can be
iii. date and time of spill;
iv. materials spilled;
v. characteristics of materials spilled;
vi. volume of materials spilled;
vii. duration of spill event;
viii. work completed and/or still in progress in the mitigation of the spill; and
ix. preventive actions being taken to ensure the spill does not occur again.
13.2 The Municipality has the right to compensation from the owner or the person having charge,
management or control of the spill for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred.
13.3 The Municipality has the right to request all industrial, commercial and institutional
establishments to prepare, implement and maintain a spill prevention and spill response plan
for all possible contaminates on site that may gain access into the land drainage works or
sanitary sewer connection.
Section 14—Offences
14.1 No person shall prevent, hinder, obstruct or interfere in any way with the Municipality or any
of its By-law Enforcement Officer from,
a) entering in or upon any land or premises, except land or premises being used as a dwelling
house, at any reasonable time without a warrant;
b) making such examinations, investigations, inquiries and tests;
c) taking such samples; or
d) inspecting or observing any plant, machinery, equipment, work, activity or documents, for the
purpose of determining whether there is compliance with this by-law.
14.2 No person shall uncover, make any connection with, break, alter, destroy, damage, deface or
tamper or cause or permit the breaking, damaging, destroying, defacing or tampering with,
a) any part of a sewage works; or
b) any permanent or temporary device installed in sewage works for the purposes of flow
measuring, sampling and testing of sewage, uncontaminated water or Municipal Stormwater.
14.3 Any person discharging sewage, uncontaminated water, or stormwater to sewage works shall
be responsible for ensuring that such discharge conforms at all times with the provisions of
this by-law, and shall be liable for any damage or expense arising out of the failure to
properly check and control such discharge, including the cost of investigation, repair and
replacement of any part of any sewage works damaged thereby.
14.4 Every person, other than a corporation, who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty
of an offence and upon conviction is liable for every day or part thereof upon which such
offence occurs or continues to occur, to a fine of not more than $10,000.00 for the first
offence and not more than $25,000.00 for any subsequent offence.
14.5 Every corporation that contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and
upon conviction is liable for every day or part thereof upon which such offence occurs or
continues to occur, to a fine of not more than $50,000.00 for the first offence and not more
than $100,000.00 for any subsequent offence.
14.6 In this by-law, subsequent offence means a conviction for an offence, which occurs after the
date of conviction for an earlier offence under this by-law.
14.7 Any connections to the sanitary sewer in contravention of this By-law shall be disconnected
by the owner of the property immediately.
14.8 Where in this By-law any person is required to do any matter or thing, in default of it being
done by a person so directed or required to do it, the matter or thing may be done by the
Municipality, at the cost and expense of the owner of the property, and such costs and
expenses may be added to the tax roll for the property, and such cost shall represent a lien
against the land.
Section 15 - Enforcement
15.1 The provisions of this by-law may be enforced by any Person, including the
Water/Wastewater Operations Manager and/or the Manager of Public Works, approved for
the purpose by a by-law of the Municipality and/or employees of the Municipality whose
duties include enforcement of this by-law.
15.2 If there is a conflict between a provision in this By-law and.a provision of any other Municipal
By-law, the provision that establishes the highest standard to protect the health, safety and
welfare of the general public shall apply.
Section 16—Interpretation
16.1 The schedules referred to in this by-law shall form part of this by-law.
16.2 if any section, subsection, or part of this by-law is declared by any court of competent
jurisdiction to be illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection or part shall be declared to be
separate and independent and enacted as such.
16.3 Wherever a word importing the singular number is used in this by-law, such word shall
include the plural.
16.4 The grammatical changes required to make the provisions of this by-law apply to individuals
(male or female), sole proprietorships, partnerships, unincorporated associations,
unincorporated organizations, corporations, trustees, heirs, executors, administrators and
other legal representatives where the context so requires shall be assumed as though in
each case fully expressed.
Section 17 - Repeal
17.1 That By-law No. 2001-089 shall be repealed in its entirety effective immediately.
Section 14— Effective Date
18.1 This By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of its passing by Council.
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Table I - Limits for Sanitary Sewer Discharge
Parameter Limit(mgiL) Parameter Limit
BOD 300 Benzene 0.01
Cyanide (total) 2 Chloroform 0.04
Fluoride 10 1,2-dichlorobenzene 0.05
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 100 1,4-dichlorobenzene 0.08
Oil &Grease-Animal &Vegetable 150 cis-1, 2- 4
Oil &Grease-Mineral & 15 trans-1,3- 0.14
Synthetic dichloropropylene
Phenolics (4AAP) 1 Ethyl benzene 0.16
Phosphorus(total) 10 Methylene chloride 2
Suspended Solids(total) 350 1,1,2,2- 1.4
Sulphates 1500 Tetrachloroethylene 1
Aluminum (total) 50 Toluene 0.27
Antimony(total) 5 Trichloroethylene 0.4
Arsenic(total) 1 Xylenes (total) 1.4
Cadmium (total) 0.7 Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.08
Chromium (total) 2 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 0.012
Cobalt(total) 5 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 8
Copper(total) 3 Styrene 0.2
Lead (total) 1
Manganese (total) 5 PCBs 0.001
Molybdenum (total) 5
Nickel (total) 2 Nonylphenols 0.02
Selenium (total) 1 Nonylphenol 0.2
Silver(total) 5
Tin (total) 5
Titanium (total) 5
Zinc(total) 2
Table 2 - Limits for Storm Sewer Discharge
Parameter Limit Parameter Limit
(mgIL) (mgIL)
BOD 15 Benzene 0.002
Cyanide (total) 0.02 Chloroform 0.002
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 1 1,2-dichlorobenzene 0.0056
Phenolics 0.008 1,4-dichlorobenzene 0.0068
Phosphorus (total) 0.4 Cis-1,2-dichloroethylene 0.0056
Suspended Solids (total) 15 Trans-1,3- 0.0056
Arsenic(total) 0.02 Ethylbenzene 0.002
Cadmium (total) 0.008 Methylene chloride 0.0052
Chromium (total) 0.08 1,1,2,2,-tetrachloroethane 0.017
Copper(total) 0.05 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0044
Lead (total) 0.12 Toluene 0.002
Manganese(total) 0.15 Trichloroethylene 0.008
Nickel (total) 0.08 Xylenes (total) 0.0044
Selenium (total) 0.02 Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.015
Silver(total) 0.12 Bis (2-ethylhexy) 0.0088
Zinc(total) 0.04
PCBs 1 0.0004