HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1993 COUNCIL MUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1093 10:00 A.M. The regularmeeting of the Council of the TownShipof.Bayh*.was held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 1993 in the Coutioil2Chambers. Present*ere Reeve D. Vane Chute, ::Deputy Reeve Joe Vokkaert Sr., Col.i1clItors Wayue,Casier,.Doug Dennis, Jim Hagen, ,,-Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLdtkl,iiid,!toad StVeriitaident James Gibbons_ 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute calla:1'6e nieeting.ta:order.410:00 a.m. 2. . _ :• DISCLOSURE OF PECt14IARY 11SITIMEST':"Apfo.THE GENERAL NATURE IIIO None noted. -3. KIMITES ...Deputy:Reeve Voll<aert noted that agenda item 9 (b) from December 17, 1992 was not carried unanitatSly. Moved by yv,-.cks.ier -• - Seco by Hagell "That the minutes ofe.tikiiinherA7*-9,-,4k4t0e..04 ali:**iitiber:.214s:i-942 be adopted." . • •,:, ' ;:g ' • , r., • '• Motion Cried Unanimously - - - — 4. PEUGATIONS No items. • 5. ,TEDERS „ No items - ' • . , . 6. ACCOUNTS No‘itenas, . REGULAR COUNCIL - 2 - JANUARY 7, 1993 MINUTES 7. PUBLIC MEETING Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That the Council Meeting be adjourned for the purposes of holding a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. Motion Carried Unanimously 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Corporation of the Town of Caledon request for support of a resolution regarding the "Down Loading" of services to local municipalities from the Province and school boards. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Cagier "That the resolution of the Town of Caledon be endorsed." Motion Carried (b) Copy of correspondence from Jayson Youcke to the Farm Practices Protection Board. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Green Lane Landfill correspondence regarding waste disposal fees. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held December 2, 1992. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagen "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Cared Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 3 - JANUARY 7, 1993 MINUTES (e) Corporation of the County of Essex request for support of a resolution regarding 911 Telephone Emergency System. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the resolution of the County of Essex be endorsed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Copy of correspondence from Beccarea Camman & Steele to Gibson, Linton Toth & Campbell regarding Natural Resource Gas Limited and the Township of Bayham Chalk Drain. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a release with respect to Natural Resource Gas Limited and damage to the Township of Bayham Chalk Drain." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Ontario March of Dimes correspondence requesting the Township to designate January as March of Dimes month. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Huron County Playhouse Foundation request for financial assistance to upgrade theatre facilities to Ontario Building Code standards. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Ministry of Agriculture and Food Local Advisory Committee request for financial assistance in support of the "10 Steps to Community Action" program. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Township register a participant in the Local Advisory Committee program." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 4 - JANUARY 7, 1993 MINUTES (j) Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario request for financial assistance in staging the 55th Annual Meeting. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent James Gibbons. Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending January 6, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council that due to recent heavy rainfalls Township roads are in extremely poor conditions. Mr. Gibbons also informed Council that Mr. Tim Busfield had requested that the Township erect "Children Playing" signs on the Don Nevi11 Sideroad. In reply to Deputy Reeve Volkaert's question Reeve Chute advised Council that previously the Township had not erected such signs. Mr. Gibbons noted water quality at the Township garage is deteriorating to a point where it is unfit for human consumption. He recommended to Council that a water cooler be installed to provide a safe drinking supply. Council instructed Mr. Gibbons to arrange for a water cooler to be installed for a trial period. (b) Report from Building Inspector regarding building permits issued in December 1992. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "That the building permits for the month of December 1992 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario (Sewell Commission) Draft Report. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "That the Township Planning Consultant be instructed to prepare a submission to the Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 5 - JANUARY 7, 1993 MINUTES (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Association and Organization Memberships. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That membership in the following associations and organizations be approved: (a) Association of Municipalities of Ontario (b) Ontario Good Roads Association (c) Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (d) Association of Municipal Tax Collectors of Ontario (e) Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (f) Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Service Association (g) Ontario Road Superintendent's Association (h) Ontario Farm Drainage Association (i) Ontario Association of Property Standards Officers (j) Ontario Drainage Superintendents Association (k) Ontario Building Officials Association (1) County of Elgin Municipal Association Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding appointment of Doane Raymond Pannell as the Township Auditor. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That Council pass a by-law appointing Doane Raymond Pannell as the Township Auditor for the 1993 fiscal year." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 6 - JANUARY 7, 1993 MINUTES 14. BY-LAWS Z281-93 A by-law to amend By-law 2387 (Housekeeping Amendment) 93-1 A by-law to appoint Doane Raymond Pannell as the Township Auditor 93-2 1993 Borrowing by-law 93-3 A by-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 92 93-4 Confirming by-law Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "That By-Laws Z281-93, 93-1, 93-2, 93-3 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That by-laws Z281-93, 93-1, 93-2, 93-3 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "That by-law 93-4 be taken as read a first and seconded tune." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "That by-law 93-4 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 11) 47/7/, rigez/ REEVE CLERK SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES (PLANNING) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDYILLE, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1993 11:30 A.M. A special meeting was held by the Council of the Township of Bayham at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1993 in the Council Chambers to consider 2 applications under the provisions of the Planning Act. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis and Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W MacLeod and Gary Blazak of Cumming Cockburn Limited. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. and advised Council there were applications to be dealt with. The first application is for an Official Plan and Zoning By- law amendment submitted by Michael Reiser and the second is a "Housekeeping" Zoning By-law amendment initiated by the Township. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Reeve Chute declared a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof with respect to the "Housekeeping" Amendment. 3. APPLICATIONS a) Michael Reiser, Part Lots 14 & 15, Concession 3. i) Planning Consultants Report Mr. Blazak advised Council that the application submitted by Michael Reiser was for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment to a 5.9 hectare (14.6 acres) parcel located in Part Lots 14 & 15, Concession 3. The Official Plan Amendment proposes to change the designation from "Agriculture" to "Rural-Estate Residential" and the Zoning By-law Amendment from Agricultural (Al) to Special Estate Residential (ER-7) and Special Estate Residential (ER-8). The subject property is part of an old Reference Plan that dates back to 1850 and is why the normal planning procedures do not apply to this property. Mr. Blazak noted the intended use of the property is compatible to the non-agricultural uses in the area and because of the size of the subject property an agricultural use in not feasible. Mr. Blazak explained to Council that the final lot configuration had not been determined and the Zoning By-law amendment could not be passed until actual lot sizes are established. He did recommend that the Official Plan Amendment be passed as the provincial review process would allow time to finalize the Zoning By-law Amendment. ii) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council that no written or verbal objection was received. SPECIAL MEETING - 8 - JANUARY 7, 1993 (PLANNING) MINUTES iii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Reiser and his agent, Mr. John Wiggers were present and their only comment was that a survey would soon be completed to permit the Zoning By-law Amendment to be passed. iv) Public Comments No member of the public was present to comment on the application. v) Council Ouestions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. b) Township of Bayham "Housekeeping" Zoning By-law Amendment. i) Planning Consultants Report Mr. Blazak advised Council that the application was initiated by the Township to correct 2 mapping errors and 4 omissions from previous amendments. The two mapping errors are simply corrected by altering the map schedules to the Zoning By-law and the 4 omissions by adding the missing provision in a Defined Area in both the text and map of the by-law. ii) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council that no written or verbal objection was received. iii) Presentation By Applicant No applicant to make a presentation. iv) Public Comments No member of the public was present to comment on the application. v) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. SPECIAL MEETING - 9 - JANUARY 7, 1993 (PLANNING) MINUTES 3. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That the Public Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously "Ifri / REEVE CLERK SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO JANUARY 14, 1993 8:30 A.M. A special meeting was held by the Council of the Township of Bayham at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 21, 1993 in the Council Chambers to discuss setting the interim mill rate. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell, and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 Interim Tax Levy. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ADMINISTRATION REPORT TO: Reeve and Members of Council DATE: Jan. 17/93 FROM: Clerk Treasurer NUMBER 4.R93 SUBJECT: 1993 Interim Tax Levy Background & Comments Each year at this time a by-law is passed by Council striking the interim mill rate to permit collection of interim taxes. The interim mill rate, historically, has been set at 50% of the previous years residential public mill rate. The 50% figure is the maximum that is allowed under Section 156 of the Municipal Act. The following chart compares the 1992 total assessment, interim mill rate (50% of 1991 residential public mill rate) and the total amount of taxes due to be raised by the interim levy to the 1993 total assessment, proposed interim mill rate (50% of 1992 residential public mill rate) and the total amount of taxes due to be raised by the proposed interim levy. SPECIAL MEETING - 11 - JANUARY 14, 1993 MINUTES 1993 (proposed) 1992 (actual) Difference Real Property Assessment $7,178,244.00 $7,881,909.00 (703,665.00) Business Assessment 180,785.00 144,605.00 36,180.00 Total Assessment 7,359,029.00 8,026,514.00 (667,485.00) Mill Rate 158.00 158.00 Total Taxes Generated 1,162,726.58 1,268,189.21 (105,462.63) As noted in the above table the total assessment for the Township decreased $667,485.00 due to reassessment. As a result the interim taxes proposed are reduced by$105,462.63. Section 377 of the Municipal Act deals specifically with the situation facing Bayham Township, a decrease in the total interim taxes generated due to reassessment. Section 377 permits the Minister of Municipal Affairs, by order, to prescribe the maximum rates that may be levied by councils of municipalities in a county which has been reassessed. To receive a Minister's order Council must pass a resolution requesting a mill rate greater than prescribed by Section 376(1) & (3) of the Municipal Act. To raise approximately the same funds as were raised in 1992 the interim mill rate would have to be set at 172 mills. Total Assessment $7,359,029.00 Proposed Mill Rate 172.00 Total Taxes Generated $1,265,752.98 An additional benefit to raising the interim mill rate is that the burden on properties having tax increases would be lessened on the final bill. Recommendations 1. That Council pass a resolution requesting the Minister of Municipal Affairs, pursuant to Section 377 of the Municipal Act, to pass an order allowing the Township Council to pass a by-law under Section 376 where the interim mill rate is greater than 50% of the residential public mill rate set the preceding year. Donald W. MacLeod Clerk Treasurer In reply to Deputy Reeve Volkaert's question the Cleric noted the interim levy is necessary to raise funds to pay the County and School Board levies without having to borrow funds to do so. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "WHEREAS Section 377 of the of the Municipal Act permits the Minister of Municipal Affairs to pass an order permitting municipalities to set an interim mill rate greater than 50% of the residential public mill rate set the preceding year; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to set an interim mill rate greater than 50% of the residential public mill rate set in 1992. SPECIAL MEETING - 12 - JANUARY 14, 1993 MINUTES NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Bayham requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs to pass an order under Section 377 of the Municipal Act permitting Council to pass a by-law setting the interim mill rate at 172 mills." Motion Carried Unanomously 3. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That the special meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously REEVE CLER* COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF TILE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO JANUARY 21, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons, Fire Chief Ken Laemers and Deputy Fire Chief Merlin Norris. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the minutes of January 7th and January 14th, as amended, be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Charles Wolfe appeared before Council requesting permission to situate a mobile home on his property for his son to reside in. Mr. Wolfe advised Council his son helped with the farm operation and having him in close proximity would be an asset. In reply to Councillor Casier's question Mr. Wolfe replied that he farmed 106 acres and the main uses of the farm are cattle and hay. Council determined that the Building Inspector should visit the proposed site and report to Council. (b) Mr. Harold Stoll et al appeared before Council regarding a proposal for a Mennonite School on part Lots 1 and 2, Concession 9. Mr. Stoll reported to Council the site was selected because it was sheltered and it would cause the least disruption to agricultural land. In reply to Councils' request Mr. Stoll replied that he would supply the Township with a sketch map of the proposed site and a list of reasons why the site was selected. REGULAR COUNCIL - 14 - JANUARY 21, 1993 MINUTES 5. TENDERS No items 6. ACCOUNTS Moved by Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That the Road and General accounts be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETING 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Tiltran Services correspondence regarding property tax increases. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit correspondence regarding proposed guidelines for the creation of building lots. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit be advised that the Township recommends individual assessments of each lot creation rather than a blanket County policy." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Copy of correspondence from Farm Practices Protection Board to Jayson Youcke regarding a request for a hearing under the Farm Practices Protection Act. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 15 - JANUARY 21, 1993 MINUTES (d) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by John & Theresa Geurtjens, Lot 113, N.T.R. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised that the Township recommends approval of Application #E129/92 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Paul & Jose DePlancke, Part Lot 18, Concession 9. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised that the Township recommends approval of Application #E134/92 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication and that the subject property be rezoned to permit a rural residential lot." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Stuart & Mary Lou Hoogsteen, Lot 23, Concession 5. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised that the Township recommends approval of Application #E135/92 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Ontario Federation of Agriculture request for support of a resolution asking the Provincial Government to review the Gaming Policy. Mr. Bruce Johnson and Mr. Dale Baker appeared before Council to make a presentation with respect to the position taken by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture regarding the Provincial Governments Gaming Policy. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Council of the Township of Bayham supports the position of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to hold further discussions on the detrimental impacts on the horse racing industry and the agricultural industry with respect to the Provincial Government's Gaming Policy." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 16 - JANUARY 21, 1993 MINUTES (h) Port Burwell Canadian Jamboree Camp Committee request for financial assistance. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent James Gibbons. Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending January 21, 1993. Mr. Gibbons was pleased to announce that Terry Allin passed the Chain Saw and Safety Maintenance Course offered by the Ministry of Skills Development. He noted Mr. Allin is now eligible to train other Township Staff the Chain Saw and Safety Maintenance Course. Mr. Gibbons informed Council new radios were installed and communications have improved greatly. He also noted traffic was now flowing over the Tillsonburg Townline Bridge as construction is complete. (b) Report from Fire Chief Fire Chief Ken Laemers and Deputy Fire Chief Merlin Norris were present to advise Council on the activities of the Fire Department. Mr. Laemers informed Council that Eric Crofts was presently taking the 100 Hour Fire Course. In addition, Mr. Crofts is also taking a Fire Prevention Course. Mr. Laemers noted these courses would allow Mr. Crofts to obtain a Fire Prevention Certificate upon completion of the 100 Hour Course. It was suggested that Mr. Crofts would be appointed officially as the Fire Department's Fire Prevention Officer after completion of the course. Mr. Norris informed Council that all small engines and pumps as well as all the fire trucks have now been serviced and safety checked pursuant to Ministry of Labour regulations. In light of the recent tragedy in Dutton, Mr. Laemers suggested the Township could possibly purchase smoke detectors to sell at a reduced rate or give away to less fortunate families. Reeve Chute replied this type of program could be sponsored by local service clubs or insurance companies. In reply to Deputy Reeve Volkaerts question Mr. Laemers stated 100 signs have yet to be placed, but they should be completed by early spring. (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding an Officer and Employee Appointment By-Law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That Council pass a By-Law adopting an Officer and Employee Appointment By- Law." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 19 - JANUARY 21, 1993 MINUTES (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding a revised Council Procedural By-Law. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That Council pass a by-law adopting a revised Council Procedural By-Law." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding a quotation for the installation of a new telephone system at the Township Office. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Quote of Amtelecom Inc. be accepted." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-5 Interim Levy By-Law 93-6 Officer and Employee Appointment By-Law 93-7 Council Procedural By-Law 93-8 Confirming By-Law REGULAR COUNCIL - 18 - JANUARY 21, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That By-Laws 93-5, 93-6, 93-7 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by I. Hagell "That By-Laws 93-5, 93-6, 93-7 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "That By-Law 93-8 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That By-law 93-8 be taken as read a third time and fmally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously (1:7- XY/a0/11 REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 4, 1993 10:00 A.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 4, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That the minutes of January 21st be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS No items. 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 20 - FEBRUARY 4, 1993 MINUTES 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meetings scheduled. S. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of Municipal Affairs correspondence regarding Bill 90, an Act with respect to Apartments in Houses and Granny Flats legislation. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding 1993 subsidy on sidewalks along County Roads and King's Highways. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Clerk be authorized to make application for the repair and improvement of the sidewalk along County Road 39 east of Highway 19 to East St." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding 1993 subsidy on Early Retirement Incentive Payments to Employees. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Association of Municipalities of Ontario correspondence regarding draft provincial-municipal agreement with respect to General Welfare Assistance allowances and the disentanglement process. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 21 - FEBRUARY 4, 1993 MINUTES (e) Township of Malahide notice of Ontario Drainage Tribunal hearing on April. 22, 1993 regarding County Road #43 Drain. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Township of Malahide notice of intent to stop up and sell the Road Allowance between Concessions 3 & 4 in Part of Lot 35. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Township of Malahide be advised the Township of Bayham has no objection to the closing and selling of the Road Allowance between Concessions 4 & 5 in Part of Lot 35." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) County of Elgin correspondence regarding phase-in program assistance. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Township of Ramsay request for support of a resolution regarding the Sewell Commission. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the resolution of the Township of Ramsay be endorsed." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Township of Gordon request for support of a resolution regarding promotion of refundable cans and bottles by the beverage industry. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the resolution of the Township of Gordon be endorsed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 22 - FEBRUARY 4, 1993 MINUTES (j) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held January 6, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (k) Tillsonburg Tri-County Agricultural Society request for financial assistance for the Society's 139th Annual Fair. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the request of the Tillsonburg Tri-County Agricultural Society be deferred until the adoption of the 1993 Budget." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent James Gibbons. Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending January 21, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council that the Brown Sideroad is in poor condition due to the installation of the Ministry of the Environment's waterline. He added that the contractors do not appear to be taking precautions to prevent further damage to the road. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That Ministry of the Environment and Proctor&Redfern be advised the Township is dissatisfied with the extent of damage to the Brown Sideroad." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Report from Chief Building Inspector. Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel was present to advise Council on building department, by-law enforcement and drainage matters for the period ending February 4, 1993. With respect to the request of Charles Wolfe to locate a mobile home on his farm, Mr. Daniel inspected the site and recommended Mr. Wolfe choose one of the two sites proposed. Mr. Roger Wolfe, who will live in the mobile home, was present to ask Council to allow a different location than recommended by Mr. Daniel. Council conducted a site visit and confirmed the recommendation of Mr. Daniel. Mr. Daniel reported that Bob Moore had requested permission to install a small sign advertising his wood and cabinet shop. Mr. Daniel had also inspected the proposed mennonite school site and advised Council that visibility problems could occur if the school is located as requested. REGULAR COUNCIL - 23 - FEBRUARY 4, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "That Charles and Roger Wolfe be granted permission to situate a mobile home on Lot 1, Concession 8 subject to approval of the Chief Building Official." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1992 Reserves. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That as provided in the 1992 Budget, $30,000.00 be allocated to Reserve for Equipment and $30,000.00 be allocated to Reserve for Fire Capital as at December 31, 1992." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-9 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Vollcaert Seconded by W. Casier "That By-Law 93-9 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 24 - FEBRUARY 4, 1993 MINUTES Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That By-Law 93-9 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 415d/ 4f/ REEVE CLERK SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1993 8:30 A.M. A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, February 12, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Lerner & Associates correspondence regarding Jayson Youcke. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That Jayson Youcke be advised the Township does not object to Lerner & Associates acting on Mr. Youcke's behalf before the Farm Practices Protection Board." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding proposed amalgamation with the Village of Vienna. The Clerk Treasurer advised Council that passing a By-law under Section 2 of the Boundary Negotiations Act permits the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to assist in resolving disputes that may arise under the amalgamation process. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That a by-law be passed requesting the Minister of Municipal to initiate procedures under the Boundary Negotiations Act." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL - 26 - FEBRUARY 12, 1993 MEETING MINUTES (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding tile drainage loan applications from Simonne Sioen and Vershueren Farms. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That a by-law be passed approving tile loan applications of Simonne Sioen and Vershueren Farms." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding an agreement with the Ministry of the Environment for funding of the Township recycling program. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by J. Volkaert "That a by-law be passed entering into an agreement with the Ministry of the Environment for funding of the Township recycling program." Motion Carried Unanimously 5. BY-LAWS 93-10 A by-law to initiate procedures under the Boundary Negotiations Aet with respect to the Village of Vienna and the Township of Bayham. 93-11 A by-law to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of the Environment for funding of the Township recycling program. 93-12 Rating by-law. (Sioen, Vershueren Farms) 93-13 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "That By-Laws 93-10, 93-11 and 93-12 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That By-Laws 93-10, 93-11 and 93-12 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL - 27 - FEBRUARY 12, 1993 MEETING MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "That By-Law 93-13 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That By-Law 93-13 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "That the special Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 47) /// /1/ REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM F.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 18, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 18, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Casier noted a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to agenda item 11(a). Deputy Reeve Volkaert noted a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to agenda item 6. 3. MINUTES Moved by Dennis Seconded by Hagell "That the minutes of February 4th and February 12th be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DEl,EGATIONS Mr. Lloyd Cowan appeared before Council regarding a proposed severance application in Part Lots 21 & 22, Concession 8. Mr. Cowan informed Council it is his intention to sever the pet cemetery off his holding and construct a dwelling unit on the remnant parcel. The Clerk advised Council the present zoning does not list a dwelling unit as a permitted use on Mr. Cowan's property. He also advised Council that an Official Plan Amendment would be necessary to permit a severance of this nature. 5. TENDERS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 29 - FEBRUARY 18, 1993 MINUTES 6. ACCOUNTS Moved by Vollcaert Seconded by Dennis "That the Road and General Accounts for the month of January be approved." 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meetings scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Township of Malahide Notice of Passing of a Zoning By-law. (enclosed) Moved by Volkaert Seconded by Casier "That the Township of Malahide be advised the Township of Bayham does not object to the passing of By-law 11-93." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Town of Aylmer Parks and Recreation Board request for financial assistance. (enclosed) "That the request of the Town of Aylmer Parks and Recreation Board be deferred until the adoption of the 1993 Budget." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Roger & Jacqueline DeClercq, Lot 126 & 127, Concession 7, N.T.R. (enclosed) Moved by Casier Seconded by Hagell "That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of application#E10/93 subject to a$1500 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 30 - FEBRUARY 18, 1993 MINUTES (d) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Maurice &Jacqueline Hughes, Part Lot 5, Concession 10. (enclosed) Moved by Casier Seconded by Hagell "That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of application #E4/93 subject to a $500 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Frank & Eva Rosenberger, Lot 21, Concession 3. (enclosed) Moved by Hagell Seconded by Casier "That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of application #E5/93 subject to a $500 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Roger & Jacqueline DeClercq, Lot 126 & 127, Concession 7, N.T.R. (enclosed) Moved by Hagell Seconded by Casier "That the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of application #E5193." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Sanitary Collection Services (Project Pride) request for financial assistance. (enclosed) Moved by Dennis Seconded by Casier "That a donation of $200 be made to Sanitary Collection Services (Project Pride)." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 31 - FEBRUARY 18, 1993 MINUTES (h) St. John Ambulance St. Thomas-Elgin Branch request for financial assistance. (enclosed) Moved by Volkaert Seconded by Casier "That the request of St. John Ambulance be deferred until the adoption of the 1993 Budget." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (verbal 7:30 p.m.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending February 18, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council that Concession 8 was now gravelled and also received 2 loads of brine. He also informed Council that the a meeting was scheduled with the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding rehabilitation of the gravel pit. (b) Report from Chief Building Official regarding request from Highway Meadows Incorporated for refund of two building permit fees. (enclosed) Moved by Volkaert Seconded by Casier "That a refund in the amount of $240.00 for unused building permits be made to Highway Meadows Incorporated." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending January 31, 1993. (enclosed) "That the Building Permits for the Month of January, 1993 be approved. Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Drainage Inspector regarding repairs to the Fernley Drain. (enclosed) Moved by Hagell Seconded by Dennis "That the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 32 - FEBRUARY 18, 1993 MINUTES (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding fees charged for Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law amendments. (enclosed) Moved by Hagell Seconded by Dennis "That the report be deferred." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding fees charged for Tax Certificates and Zoning & Work Order Certificates. Moved by Hagell Seconded by Casier "That the fee for Tax Certificates and Zoning Certificates be increased to $20.00." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding appointment of Dwayne Daniel as the Township Drainage Superintendent. (enclosed) Moved by Hagell Seconded by Casier "That a by-law be passed appointing Dwayne Daniel as the Township Drainage Superintendent and repealing By-law No. 2113." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding a request from the Bayham Community Centre for financial assistance. (verbal) Moved by Casier Seconded by Dennis "That invoices in the amount of $1833.08 for the Bayham Community Centre be authorized for payment." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Report from Cumming Cockburn Limited regarding Draft Report on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario. (enclosed) Moved by Volkaert Seconded by Casier "That the report be deferred." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 33 - FEBRUARY 18, 1993 MINUTES 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Wayne and Sandra Casier application for and amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Part Lot 15, Concession 4. "That the application be referred to Cumming Cockburn Limited for by-law preparation." 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-15 A By-law to appoint Dwayne Daniel as Drainage Superintendent. 93-16 A By-law to repeal By-law 92-49. 93-17 Confirming By-law Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Dennis "That By-Laws 93-15 and 93-16 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by Casier Seconded by Volkaert "That By-Laws 93-15 and 93-16 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by Hagell Seconded by Dennis "That By-Law 93-17 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 34 - FEBRUARY 18, 1993 MINUTES Moved by Dennis Seconded by Casier "That By-Law 93-17 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Casier Seconded by Volkaert "That the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously l 2e/ REEVE _ CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO MARCH 4, 1993 10:00 A.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 4, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaprt Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Casier noted a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to agenda item 8 (i). 3. MINUTES Moved by Dennis Seconded by Hagell "That the minutes of February 18th be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 10:30 a.m. -Gary Blazak regarding Municipal Housing Study and other planning related issues. Mr. Gary Blazak was present to review the draft Municipal Housing Study prepared for the Township of Bayham by Cumming Cockburn Limited. Mr. Blazak noted the end product of an approved Municipal Housing Study would be an Official Plan Amendment to bring the Plan into conformance with current Provincial Legislation. The next step in having the study finalized is to have a public meeting to receive public comments on the document. (b) 11:45 a.m. - Paul DeCloet regarding future use of property in Part Lots 22 & 23, Concession 9. Mr. DeCloet advised Council he would meet with the Clerk Treasurer and the Township Planning Consultant before making a presentation to Council. REGULAR COUNCIL - 36 - MARCH 4, 1993 MINUTES (c) 2:45 p.m. -Vicky Wiggans regarding a request from the Boy Scouts for financial support of their annual paper drive. Vicky and Cliff Wiggans appeared before Council to request financial assistance for the Straffordville Boy Scouts annual paper drive. In reply to Deputy Reeve Volkaert's question Mrs. Wiggans replied the paper drive should not hinder recycling efforts but encourage and remind people to recycle. She continued that the collected paper will be going to a Langton area farm as bedding for farm animals, (d) 3:00 p.m. - O.P.P. Constable Joe Martin to present the 1992 Community Policing Report. Constable Joe Martin and Dave Lee were present to present the 1992 Community Policing Report. Mr. Martin noted there were not any fatal motor vehicle accidents in Bayham Township in 1992. (e) 4:00 p.m. - Milt Chesterman regarding 1993 taxes. Mr. Milt Chesterman appeared before Council to voice his displeasure with the increase in his interim tax bill. Mr. Chesterman noted his taxes were 64% higher than in 1992. The Clerk Treasurer advised Mr. Chesterman the interim tax bill was 8% higher than in 1992 and the reason his tax bill was considerably higher was due to county wide market value reassessment. 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS No items. 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meetings scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Association of Municipalities of Ontario request for action regarding Sewer and Water Charge Proposals. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Ministry of Environment and Energy be advised the Township strongly objects to the annual charge to sewer and water systems operated under the Ontario Water Resources Act." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 37 - MARCH 4, 1993 MINUTES (b) Farm Practices Protection Board Notice of a Hearing with respect to Jayson Youcke and Fred Hermann. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding 1993 Grant Allocations. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Township of Osprey request for support of a resolution petitioning the provincial government not to approve the recommendations of the Commission on Planning Reform and Development Reform in Ontario. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Elgin County Board of Education correspondence regarding Market Value Assessment Phase-In Assistance. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (0 Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of Minutes of a meeting held February 3, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 38 - MARCH 4, 1993 MINUTES (g) Town of Caledon request for passage of a resolution calling for an increase in the portion of the aggregate tonnage levy payable to host municipalities. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Metropolitan Toronto request for support of a resolution regarding the inclusion of the Adams Mine Site in the short list prepared by the Interim Waste Authority. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried (i) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Wayne&Sandra Casier concerning Lot 15, Concession 4. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of application #E15/93 subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant make a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication to the Township. 2. That the Land Division Committee be advised in writing by the Township that the subject conforms to the Township Zoning By-law." Motion Carried Unanimously (j) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Anna Szuba concerning Lot 24, Concession 9. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of application#E19/93 subject to a $500 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 39 - MARCH 4, 1993 MINUTES (k) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Urban &Louise Vantyghem concerning Lot 9, Concession 8. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of application #E25/93 subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant make a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication to the Township. 2. That the Land Division Committee be advised in writing by the Township that the subject conforms to the Township Zoning By-law." Motion Carried Unanimously (1) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting of regarding a consent application submitted by Urban&Louise Vantyghem concerning Lot 9, Concession 8. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of application#E24/93 subject to a $500 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending March 4, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council he was in the process of obtaining quotes and estimates for preparation of the 1993 Budget. (b) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending February 28, 1993. (enclosed) Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Building Permits for the Month of February, 1993 be approved. Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 40 - MARCH 4, 1993 MINUTES (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding CHUMS Money Market Investment Fund. (enclosed) Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT a by-law be passed entering into an agreement with CHUMS Financing." (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Richmond Ball Park. (enclosed) Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Phase-In Assistance. (available at Council Meeting) Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the report be tabled." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Moore Bridge. (enclosed) Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT Soreny Farms be advised the Township accepts in principal the settlement proposed in the letter dated February 19, 1993." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 41 - MARCH 4, 1993 MINUTES 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding fees charged for Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendments. (February 18, 1993) 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items, 14. BY-LAWS 93-18 A By-law to authorize the Corporation to invest money through an agent of the municipality. 93-17 Confirming By-law. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT By-Law 93-18 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by Casier Seconded by Volkaert "That By-Law 93-18 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by Hagell Seconded by Dennis "That By-Law 93-19 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by Dennis Seconded by Casier "That By-Law 93-19 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 42 - MARCH 4, 1993 MINUTES 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell. "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously ) - b`(-' e (.-- 2 -' / ' '/ 7. 0 r 101/ REEVE) CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO MARCH 18, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 18, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the minutes of March 4th be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 8:00 p.m. - Merlyn Wolfe regarding condition of Township roads. Mr. Merlyn Wolfe appeared befor Council to complain about the condition of Chapel Street. Mr. Wolfe noted that Chapel St. is in the poorest condition in recent memory and requested that Township Roads staff grade and gravel the street to improve it's condition and make it passable. He also requested that when snowplowing the street the wing plow be lifted. 5. TENDERS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 44 MARCH 18, 1993 MINUTES 6. ACCOUNTS Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Road and General Accounts for the period ending February 28, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meetings scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Long Pont Region Conservation Authority Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 1992. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) The Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board correspondence regarding Market Value Assessment Phase-In Assistance program. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Ministry of Natural Resources correspondence regarding proposed amendments to the Trees Act. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Cagier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 45 - MARCH 18, 1993 MINUTES (d) Town of Lindsay request for support of a resolution regarding abandonment of railway lines. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Ontario Building Officials Association request for proclamation declaring the week of April 11, 1993 as Building Regulation Awareness Week. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell correspndence regarding the Estate of Ida Tamasovits Tax Sale to Emerson. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending March 18, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council that the well at the Township Garage was pumping mud through the system. Council instructed Mr. Gibbons to carry out repairs to alleviate the problem. Mr. Gibbons noted that Grader #7 had 4 new brake pads installed. (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Tax Arrears. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 46 - MARCH 18, 1993 MINUTES 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Lloyd and Myrna Cowan application for an amendment to the Official Plan concering S. Part Lots 21 & 22, Concession 8. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the application be referred to Cumming Cockburn Limited for an Official Plan Amendment." Motion Carried Unanimously 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding fees charged for Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendments. (February 18, 1993) The item was not dealt with for 3 consective weeks and pursuant to the Council Procedural By-law the item shall be removed from the agenda. 13. OTHER BUSINESS (a) Frank Cowan Company Limited presentation of Township Comprehensive Insurance Program. Mr. Bryce Sibbick of Frank Cowan Company Limited and Mr. Gerry Taylor of Gerald V. Taylor Insurance Brokers appeared before Council to present the proposed Comprehensive Inusrance Program. Mr. Sibbick noted the overall annual cost was approximately $2,500.00 less than in 1992 and several of the coverage amounts increased. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the quote of Frank Cowan Company Limited for a Comprehensive Insurance Program for the Township of Bayham be accepted." Motion Carried Unanimously 14. BY-LAWS 93-20 Confirming By-law. REGULAR COUNCIL - 47 - MARCH 18, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT By-Law 93-20 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT By-Law 93-20 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously OPP 4 ;40:aie/r REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO APRIL 15, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 15, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councilors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell, and Doug Dennis, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Casier declared a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof with respect to agenda item 9(b). 3. MINUTES 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:45 p.m. - Carla Matos et al regarding road conditions. Mr. George & Carla Matos et al appeared before Council to voice their displeasure regarding road conditions in the area of the road allowance between concession 5 and South Gore and the road allowance between lots 133 and 134 Talbot Road (Taylor Rd.). Concern was voiced that school buses would not travel area roads and children had to be driven or walk to areas where the buses would pick the children up. Council was also advised the mail truck would not travel the roads after getting stuck. In reply to a question Reeve Chute answered it was Township policy to gravel roads in 10 year cycles. He also informed the residents that the Taylor Rd. was gravelled 7 years ago with 2" - 3" inches of A gravel. Road Superintendent Jim Gibbons noted the cost to reconstruct and gravel 2 km of road would be approximately $27,000 - $28,000. The residents agreed that one access to a paved road would suffice until proper upgrading could be completed. (b) 8:00 p.m. - David Free and Cindy Allin, Village of Port Burwell, regarding proposed municipal bouncy adjustment. Mr. Free and Mrs. Allin were unable to attend the meeting. REGULAR COUNCIL - 57 - APRIL 15,1993 MINUTES (c) 8:30 p.m. - Mary and. Jake Zacharias regarding proposed Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment on Part Lot 6, Concession 6. Mr. and Mrs Zacharias informed Council they wished to amend an application for an Official Plan Amendment to permit the creation of one lot, not the original two applied for. In reply to Reeve Chute's question Mr. Zacharias noted the Ministry of Transportation had given verbal approval for access off Highway #3. Mr. and Mrs Zacharias agreed to remove a hobby farm as a permitted use under the Estate Residential to avoid land use conflicts with the residential neighbours on Shady Lane. The Clerk advised Council that a second public meeting was not necessary and area residents would be advised in writing when the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment would be considered by Council. 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS Road and General Accounts for the period ending March 31, 1993. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Road and General Accounts for the month of March, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meetings scheduled 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Copy of correspondence from the Ministry of the Environment the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding Official Plan Amendment No. 64. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 58 - APRIL 15,1993 MINUTES (b) Ministry of the Environment correspondence regarding approval of recycling grants. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Copy of correspondence from the County of Elgin to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding Draft Agreement on Disentanglement. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the resolution of the County of Elgin be endorsed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held February 23, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Mike&Marlene Weber concerning Part Lots 11, 12 & 13, Concession 8. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application#E35193 as amended subject to$500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 59 APRIL 15,1993 MINUTES (1) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by 571515 Ontario Ltd. concerning Lots 110 & 111, Concession 6 S.T.R. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be notified that the Council of the Township of Bayham objects that the request of the Township to defer hearing applications #E27/93, //E28/93, #E29/93 was not complied with." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham objects to applications #E27193, #E28/93 and #E29/93 and that the appeal be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) County of Elgin Land Division Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Judy Gagnon concerning S. Part Lot 136, Concession 6 S.T.R. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application E#40/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Ontario Municipal Recreation Association correspondence regarding provincial review of grant applications under Ontario Regulation 517. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Recreation be advised the Council of the Township of Bayham supports the position of the Ontario Municipal Association." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Correspondence be referred to all parties in the Township of Bayham with an interest in recreation." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 60 - APRIL 15,1993 MINUTES (i) Straffordville Minor Ball Association request for financial assistance. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the request be differed until the adoption of the 1993 budget." Motion Carried Unanimously (j) Marcel LeHouillier correspondence requesting the closure of the Road Allowance between Concessions 3 & 4 through Lots 7, 8 and 9. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (k) Straffordville Lions Club request for municipal approval for a Special Occasion Permit at the Bayham Community Centre on July 9, 10 and 11, 1993. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagen "THAT the Council of the Township of Bayham has no objection to the issuance of a Special Occasion Permit to the Straffordville Lions Club at the Bayham Community Centre on July 9, 10, 11, 1993." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. Road Superintendent Jim Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending April 14, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council that a meeting was scheduled for April 19, 1993 at 11:00 am to meet with the consulting engineers, Proctor and Redfern, on the Vienna/Port Burwell Watermain project. He also informed Council that cold mix patching was done on the 2nd Concession to repair areas where water had damaged the road. In addition, four loads of salt brine were spread on the 8th Concession and the South West Oxford Townline. (b) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending March 31, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagen "THAT the Building Permits for the Month of March be approved." REGULAR COUNCIL - 61 - APRIL 15,1993 MINUTES 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Urbain and Louise Vantyghem application for an amendment to the Zoning By-law concerning Lot 6, Concession 8. (enclosed) Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application of Urbain & Louise Vantyghem be referred to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. for By-Law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell correspondence regarding mobile homes. (April 1, 1993) (e) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell correspondence OHRP Loan made to Beverly Handley. (April 1, 1993) 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. BY-LAWS 93-25 Confirming By-law Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT By-Law 93-25 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT By-Law 93-25 be as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 62 - APRIL 15,1993 MINUTES 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously , ////// `. ' /1 REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO APRIL 1, 1993 10:00 A.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 1, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell and Doug Dennis, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the minutes of March 18, 193 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 2:00 p.m. - Long Point Region Conservation Authority representatives to present year end review. Mr. Jim Oliver, General Manager of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority, Chairman, Paul De Closet, and members Jack Petrie and Margaret Howey appeared before Council to present the 1992 year end review. (b) 1:30 p.m. Mr. Harold Stoll appeared before Council to present a site plan for a proposed school. Council informed Mr. Stoll that the placement of the school must conform with the Agricultural Code of Practice. Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel advised Mr. Stoll that he would contact the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to ascertain is the site is in conformance with the Code. REGULAR COUNCIL - 49 - APRIL 1, 1993 MINUTES 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS No items. 7. PUBLIC MEETING Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned for the purpose of holding a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the "Planning Act. " Motion Carried Unanimously 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. and advised Council there were 3 applications to be dealt with. The first application is for a Zoning By-law amendment submitted by Wayne and Sandra Casier, the second is a Zoning By-law amendment submitted by Paul and Jose De Plancke and the third application is for a Zoning By-law amendment submitted by John Nezezon. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councilor Casier declared a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof with respect to an application submitted concerning property owned by Councillor Casier. 3. APPLICATIONS a) Wayne and Sandra Casier, Part Lots 15, Concession 4. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the application was submitted to create a lot for farm help purposes pursuant to section 4.2.6 b) of the Township Official Plan. No written objections were received. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Casier was present and did not have any comments. REGULAR COUNCIL 50 APRIL 1, 1993 MINUTES iii) Public Comments No member of the public was present to comment on the application. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. b) Paul and Jose De Plancke, Lot 18, Concession 9. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application was to permit the severance of a surplus dwelling no longer needed by the applicant. No written or verbal objection were received. ii) Presentation By Applicant The applicant was not present. iii) Public Comments No member of the public was present to comment on the application. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. c) John Nezezon, Part Lot 21, Concession 4. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application was to permit the creation of a retirement lot. No written or verbal objection were received. ii) Presentation By Applicant The applicant was not present. iii) Public Comments No member of the public was present to comment on the application. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. REGULAR COUNCIL - 51 - APRIL 1, 1993 MINUTES 4. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That the Public Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously At this point the regular Council Meeting resumed. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) County of Elgin correspondence regarding 1993 County Budget and levy. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Ministry of the Environment notice of Certificate of Approval for proposed waterline along Highway 19, Mill St. and Centre St. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell correspondence regarding mobile homes. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be tabled until further information is obtained." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Township of Malahide Notice of the passing of a Zoning by-law concerning Part Lot 35, Concession 4. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 52 - APRIL 1, 1993 MINUTES (e) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell correspondence OHRP Loan made to Beverly Handley. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be tabled until further information is obtained." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Recycling Council of Ontario correspondence regarding Waste Reduction Week to be held October 4 -10, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be referred to TEAM Systems & OVEAC." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Ontario Good Roads Association correspondence regarding Phase 1 of Disentanglement Agreement. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the OGRA be advised the Township of Bayham supports the position of the association with respect to the Steering Committee reviewing concerns raised by municipalities." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Copy of correspondence from Cumming Cockburn Limited to the Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario regarding the Draft Report of the Commission. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 53 - APRIL 1, 1993 MINUTES (i) Ron Chatten correspondence regarding activities of the Otter Valley Environmental Action Committee. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT a donation of $200.00 be made to the OVEAC." Motion Carried Unanimously (j) Jacques Oppers correspondence regarding 1993 business taxes. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (k) Wiggans Janitorial Services correspondence regarding cleaning records at the Bayham Community Centre. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (1) Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre request for financial assistance. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be deferred until the adoption of the 1993 budget." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending April 1, 1993. 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 54 - APRIL 1, 1993 MINUTES 11. APPLICATIONS 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED) ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-21 A By-law to revise Council remuneration. 93-22 A By-law to establish employee remuneration policies. 93-23 Confirming By-law (3 readings) Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT By-Laws 93-21, 93-22, Z283-93, Z284-93, Z285-93 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT By-Laws 93-21, 93-22, Z283-93, Z284-93, Z285-93 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT By-Law 93-23 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT By-Law 93-23 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 55 - APRIL 1, 1993 MINUTES 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously V ..,1 ' /41 4/ REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSIHP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 S'I'RAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO MAY 6, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 6, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. MINUTES April 1, 1993, April 15, 1993 Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the minutes of April 1, 1993 and April 15, 1993, as amended be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 8:00 p.m. Sandra Causyn regarding financial assistance for 4H Exchange Program. Sandra Causyn and her daughter Quincy appeared before Council to request a donation to help offset expenses involved with a 4H exchange with children from Prince George, British Columbia. 4H is approaching all service clubs and organizations and municipalities in the area for donations. The club is also holding various fund raisers. Reeve Chute advised the Causyns that all grant requests are dealt with at a budget session and at that time a decision would be made on where financial assistance grants would be distributed. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT this request be deferred until the adoption of the 1993 budget." Motion Carried Unanimously REGTJLAR COUNCIL 72 - MAY 6,1993 MINUTES 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS No items. 7. PUBLIC MEETING Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned for the purposes of holding a public meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. " Motion Carried Unanimously 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of the Environment correspondence regarding three R. Programs. Moved by W. Cagier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding effects on road grants with respect to the Expenditure Control Plan. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 73 - MAY 6,1993 MINUTES (c) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Stanley and Regina Berzinis concerning Lots 19 & 20, Concession 2. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised that the Township recommends approval of Applications E42/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding a consent application submitted by Andy Dieleman Ltd. concerning part Lot 6, Concession 9. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of Application E41193 subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant make a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication to the Township. 2. That the subject property be rezoned to conform with the Township Zoning By-Law." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) County of Elgin Correspondence regarding County-wide re-assessment. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Copy of correspondence from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority to Ms. Gundy Goutowski regarding potential severance concerning part Lots 15 and 16, Concession 3. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 74 - MAY 6,1993 MINUTES (g) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held April 7, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Elgin County Board of Education correspondence regarding 1993 school board mill rates and the municipal requirements. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Town of Geraldton correspondence requesting support of a resolution concerning the role of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario in negotiating on behalf of municipalities. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (j) Township of Malahide notice of a public meeting concerning part Lot 35, Concession 4 (Hamlet of Calton). Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (k) Doane Raymond correspondence regarding terms of engagement to audit the financial statements for the Township of Bayham. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 75 - MAY 6,1993 MINUTES (1) Doane Raymond correspondence regarding observation and recommendations arising from the audit the year ended December 31, 1992. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Clerk be instructed to report to Council in regards to the year end recommendation of the Township Auditor." Motion Carried Unanimously (m) St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association request for financial assistance concerning "Special Events in Elgin." Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be deferred until the adoption of the 1993 Budget." Motion Carried Unanimously (n) Ontario Head Injury Association correspondence regarding a request for approval for extension of a lottery licence. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Ontario Head Injury Association be advised the Council of the Township of Bayham grants permission to extend the sale of Break Open tickets at North Hall Snack Bar, for the period of April 1, 1993 to March 31, 1994." Motion Carried Unanimously (o) The Elgin County Plowmen's Association request for financial assistance. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT this request be deferred until the adoption of the 1993 Budget." Motion Carried Unanimously (p) Mrs. Carol Archer et al petition for the paving of Richmond Street. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be tabled until further information is obtained." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 76 MAY 6,1993 MINUTES (q) Victoria Wiggans correspondence regarding Straffordville summer day camp proposal. Victoria Wiggans appeared before Council to fully explain her proposal to run a summer day camp at the Bayham Community Centre. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be tabled." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (7:30 P.M.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons advised Council that work had commenced on the Green Expressway in preparation for a treatment of High Float Oil. Repairs to Brown Sideroad and the 2nd Concession which were necessary due to the installation of the Ministry of the Environment water line were now complete. (b) Report from Chief Building Official regarding amendments to the Ontario Building Code. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending April 30, 1993. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Building Permits for the Month of April 1993 be approved. Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding stop sign placement. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Clerk and Road Superintendent review By-Law 1894 and report to Council." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 77 - MAY 6,1993 MINUTES (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 Prudential Group Insurance Plan proposed rate increase. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Clerk be instructed to request Mosey and Mosey to review the 1993 Prudential Group Insurance Plan." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Clerk be instructed to continue 1992 Group Insurance Rates pending a review of rates to be conducted by Mosey and Mosey." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) T.E.A.M. Systems recycling progress report. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report of T.E.A.M. Systems be tabled." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Cornelius Van Ymeren. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Clerk be instructed to advise,by registered mail, Cornelius Van Ymeren that water service to Lot 8, Concession 2 (Roll #1-08600) will be disconnected if the outstanding water bill is not satisfied by May 20, 1003." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 78 - MAY 6,1993 MINUTES 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Ross Carson Farms Ltd. application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Lot 17, Concession . Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application of Elizabeth Carson be referred to Cumming Cockburn for By-Law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Max Stewart application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning part Lot 14, Concession North Gore. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application as amended, of Max Steward be referred to Cumming Cockburn for By-Law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. BY-LAWS 93-26 Confirming By-law (3 readings) Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT By-Law 93-26 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT By-Law 93-26 be taken as read a third time and finally passed," Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 79 - MAY 6,1993 MINUTES 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously hr / - REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO MAY 20, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 20, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DLSCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES May 6, 1993 Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the minutes of May 6, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 8:30 p.m. - Harold Stoll regarding proposed school development in Lot 2, Concession 9 Mr. Harold Stoll appeared before Council to present a site plan for a proposed school. Council informed Mr. Stoll that the placement of the school must conform with the Agricultural Code of Practice. Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel advised Mr. Stoll that he should arrange a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to ascertain if the site is in conformance with the Code. (b) 9:00 p.m. - Ken Nesbitt regarding Corinth Recreation Committee. Mr. Ken Nesbitt, representing the Corinth Recreation Committee appeared before Council to request financial assistance with grass cutting, purchase of baseball supplies and material for players benches and bleachers. Reeve Chute suggested that the Committee be formally recognized by Council and that a member of Council sit on the Committee. REGULAR COUNCIL - 81 - MAY 20, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Township of Bayham assume responsibility for grass cutting at the Corinth Baseball Diamond." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT a donation of $325.00 be made to the Corinth Recreation Committee." Motion Carried Unanimously 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS Road and General Accounts for the period ending April 30, 1993. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hage11 "THAT the road and general accounts for the month of April be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meetings scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of Municipal Affairs correspondence regarding reduction of unconditional grants. The Clerk advised Council that as a result of the Expenditure Control Plan the Township of Bayham was receiving a 12.9% cut to unconditional grants. In reply to the question, the Clerk advised Council that road grants are not affected at this time. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier WHEREAS the Provincial Government's Expenditure Control Plan has reduced the Township of Bayham's unconditional grant by 12.9%; REGULAR COUNCIL - 82 - MAY 20, 1993 MINUTES AND WHEREAS in addition to the Expenditure Control Plan the proposed Social Contract could further slash the unconditional grants by 30%; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has exercised fiscal responsibility in limiting tax increases without reducing services or laying off of employees; AND WHEREAS the reduction in transfer payments weakens the Township of Bayham's ability to limit property tax increases and provide basic services necessary for the well being of residents of Bayham Township; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Provincial Government be requested to honour their promise to raise 1993 conditional grants to 2% higher than 1992 grant allocations and not cut unconditional grants due to the effects of the Expenditure Control Plan and the proposed Social Contract; AND THAT Peter North, M.P.F., Elgin be requested to meet with the Council of the Township of Bayham to join Bayham Township in opposing the proposals set forth in the Expenditure Control Plan and the proposed Social Contract. Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Ministry of Municipal Affairs correspondence regarding reduction of May instalment of unconditional grant. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs be advised the Council of the Township of Bayham strongly objects to reduction of the second instalment of the unconditional grant." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Association of Municipalities of Ontario news release regarding Draft Agreement on Disentanglement. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Association of Municipalities of Ontario correspondence regarding Expenditure Control Plan and Social Contract Discussions, Moved by I. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 83 - MAY 20, 1993 MINUTES (e) Township of Malahide correspondence regarding surface treatment of Bayham/Malahide Townline. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed..: Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Oxford and East Elgin Community Futures Committee correspondence regarding membership in Community Futures. Moved by J, Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Clerk be authorized to apply for nomination to the Oxford and East Elgin Community Futures Board of Directors, as Bayham's representative." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Carmen Contracting response to Township's Invoice for repairs to Brown Sideroad and Concession 2. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. correspondence regarding 1993 collection and disposal fees and transfer station rental fees. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Richmond Minor Ball Association request for financial assistance. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be tabled." Motion Carried Unanimously 0) Guy and Patricia Valliant request for permission to situate a mobile home on Part Lot 11, Lots 119 & 120, Concession North Gore. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 84 - MAY 20, 1993 MINUTES 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (7:30 P.M.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending May 20, 1993. Mr. Gibbons informed Council that the Floyd Taylor culvert was installed on May 18 with little disruption to traffic in the area. A quotation of$8400,00 to pave Richmond Street was received. Mr. Gibbons noted the Malahide/Bayham Townline received one load of calcium. He also informed Council that all work on the Tillsonburg Townline Bridge was now complete, all guardrails and approaches were finalized. Reeve Chute advised Council that John Spriet of Spriet Associates had contacted him regarding soil testing on the bridge on the Road Allowance between Concessions 8 and 9 in lot 2. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT Spriet Associates be instructed to prepare engineered drawings for two culverts to replace the bridge on the Road Allowance between Concessions 8 and 9 in lot 2." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Report from Chief Building Official regarding Ontario Home Renewal Program (OHRP). Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report be tabled until further information is obtained." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding tax arrears. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding recommendations of the Township Auditor. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 85 - MAY 20, 1993 MINUTES 11. APPLICATIONS No items 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Victoria Wiggans correspondence regarding Straffordville Summer Day Camp Proposal. (May 6, 1993) Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT Victoria Wiggans be advised the Council of the Township of Bayham supports the application to run a Summer Day Camp at the Bayham Community Centre subject to conditions imposed by Council." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) T.E.A.M. Systems recycling progress report. (May 6, 1993) Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by I. Hagell "THAT the Clerk be authorized to purchase 60 composters." Motion Carried Unanimously 13. OTHER BUSINESS Deputy Reeve Volkaert expressed dissatisfaction with commitment of the Council of the Village of Vienna with regard to attendance at meetings of the Bayham/Vienna Amalgamation Committee. Councillor Casier also expressed concern with the manner in which the negotiations were progressing. Moved by I. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT negotiations with the Village of Vienna under the Boundary Negotiations Act be suspended pending a meeting with the Council of Vienna to reassess the goals of the Amalgamation Committee." Motion Carried Unanimously 14. BY-LAWS 93-27 A by-law to enter into an agreement with the Ontario Provincial Police for the provision of facilities for a Community Policing Office. 93-28 Confirming By-law Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-27 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 86 - MAY 20, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-law 93-27 be taken as read a third time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-law 93-28 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT by-law 93-28 be taken as read a third time and finally passes." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously /46 REEVE CLERK COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO MAY 6, 1993 7:30 P.M. The Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham met on May 6, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers to consider an application submitted by Benner Farms Ltd. Present were members D. Vane Chute, Joe Volkaert Sr., Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell and Secretary Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Donald MacLeod called the meeting to order by stating that resolutions were required to appoint a Chair, Vice Chair and a Secretary Treasurer. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT Vane Chute be appointed to act as Chair of the Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. AND THAT Wayne Casier be appointed to act as Vice Chair of the Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT Donald W. MacLeod be appointed as Secretary Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham." Motion Carried Unanimously 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the minutes of October 15, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. APPLICATION (a) Thomas and Deborah Benner, Lot 109, Concession 6. i) STAFF REPORT The Secretary Treasurer advised the Committee the minor variance was necessary to permit construction of an addition to an existing dwelling that will require relief from front yard setback requirement of 15 metres (49.21 feet)to 13.25 metres (43.5 feet) as set out in the Township of Bayham Zoning By-Law No. 2387. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - 2 - MAY 6, 1993 MINUTES ii) PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT Mr. Benner was present but did not address the Committee. iii) PUBLIC COMMENTS No member of the public appeared to comment on the proposal. No comments were received from any of the agencies or ministries circulated. iv) COM ITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS There were no comments or questions from the Committee. 5. ACTION BY COMMITTEE Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT application A/1/93 to reduce the front yard setback requirement of 15 metres (49.21 feet) to 13.25 metres (43.5 feet) be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Committee of Adjustment meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 1 • #" CHAIRMAN SECRETARY TREASURER COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVII.I F,, ONTARIO JUNE 3, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 20, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES May 20, 1993 Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagen "THAT the minutes of May 20, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL 88 - June 3, 1993 MINUTES 7. PUBLIC MEETING Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned for the purpose of holding a public meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." Motion Carried Unanimously 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and advised Council the purpose of the public meeting was to consider an application to amend the Official Plan submitted by Lloyd and Myrna Cowan. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. APPLICATIONS a) Lloyd and Myrna Cowan, Lots 21 and 22, Concession 8. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application was to change the Official Plan designation from Agricultural to Rural-Estate Residential. Mr. Cowan's intention is to sever the existing pet cemetery from the lands being re- designated and a dwelling as a permitted use. The Clerk advised Council that Ontario Hydro was the only commenting agency to submit comments and they did not object to the application. ii) Presentation By Applicant The applicant was present but did not address Council. iii) Public Comments Mr. and Mrs Knowles of Lot 23, Concession 8, were present to offer support of the application. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. 4. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "That the Public Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 89 - June 3, 1993 MINUTES At this point the regular Council Meeting resumed. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of Economic Development and Trade correspondence regarding Community Economic Development. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding Expenditure Control Plan impact on Municipal Roads Programs. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of the meeting held May 5, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding restructuring of the delivery of resource management programs in Ontario. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding draft Watershed Strategies document. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be tabled." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 90 - June 3, 1993 MINUTES (f) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E49/93 submitted by Wayne and Mary Taylor concerning Lot 121, Concession 6 S.T.R. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the County of Elgin be advised, the Township of Bayham does not recommend consent of applications E49193 and E50/93 for the following reasons: 1. The proposal does not conform to provisions of the Official Plan and Zoning By- Law. 2. The proposal will lead to strip development contrary to Section 4.2.9 of the Official Plan." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E50/93 submitted by Wayne and Mary Taylor concerning Lot 121, Concession 6 S.T.R. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the County of Elgin be advised, the Township of Bayham does not recommend consent of applications E49/93 and E50/93 for the following reasons: 1. The proposal does not conform to provisions of the Official Plan and Zoning By- Law. 2. The proposal will lead to strip development contrary to Section 4.2.9 of the Official Plan." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E51/93 submitted by Ross Carson Farms Limited concerning Lot 17, Concession 9. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E51/93 subject to $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 91 - June 3, 1993 MINUTES (i) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E52/93 submitted by Max Stewart concerning Lot 14, Concession North Gore. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E52193 subject to $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (j) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application £53/93 submitted by George Lysy and Steve Sas concerning Lot 123, Concession 7. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E53/93 subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant make a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." 2. That the barn on the severed lands be removed." Motion Carried Unanimously (k) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application £54/93 submitted by George Lysy and Steve Sas concerning Lot 123, Concession 7. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #54/93 subject to $1000.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (1) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E55/93 submitted by George Lysy and Steve Sas concerning Lot 123, Concession 7. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E55/93 subject to $1500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 92 - June 3, 1993 MINUTES (m) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E56/93 submitted by John and Katherine Nezezon concerning Part Lot 21, Concession 4. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E56/93 subject to $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (n) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E58/93 submitted by John and Josephine Froggett concerning Lot 15, Concession 4. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E58193 subject to $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (o) Brimage, Tyrrell, Van Severen & Homeniuk correspondence regarding Township of Bayham cemetery in part of Lot 27, Concession 5. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (p) Port Burwell Group Committee request for a rebate from the Township for paper and pop cans collected. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT a donation of $45.00 be made to the Port Burwell Group Committee." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent (7:40 P.M) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending June 3, 1993. Mr. Gibbons received a request from Kevin Pearson to erect a gate on the Beattie Side Road to prohibit traffic from having REGULAR COUNCIL 93 June 3, 1993 MINUTES access to the Beattie Bridge. Councilor Dennis stated that he did was not in favour of denying access to persons wishing to get to Otter Creek. Deputy Reeve Volkaert supported Councillor Dennis's position. Mr. Gibbons noted that hot mix asphalt was laid on the Green Expressway in preparation for a treatment of High Float Oil. He also advised Council that the 5th Concession Road was in poor condition west of the Owl Cage Road. However, he noted the poor condition could be alleviated by laying hot mix asphalt on the rough sections, Council instructed Mr. Gibbons to proceed with the necessary repairs. Mr. Gibbons informed Council the Tillsonburg/Bayham Townline Road experienced a severe washout east of the Bridge. Repairs to road were made by filling the area with concrete and other debris. (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding O.H.R.P. loan to Beverly Handley. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding proposed Purchasing Policy Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report be tabled pending a review by the Township Auditor and Township Accountant." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding closure of the Road Allowance between Concessions 3 & 4 through lots 7, 8, and 9. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Clerk e authorized to initiate procedures to stop up, close and sell the Road Allowance between Concession 3 and Concession 4, through Lots 7, 8, 9 and part of Lot 10." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding appointment of the Committee of Adjustment. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT a by-law be passed appointing a Committee of Adjustment." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 94 - June 3, 1993 MINUTES 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Andy Dieleman Limited application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Part Lot 6, Concession 9. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application be referred to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. for by-law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Harold Stoll application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Lots 1 and 2, Concession 9. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT item 11(b) be added to the list of business." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application be referred to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. for by-law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS REGULAR COUNCIL - 95 - June 3, 1993 MINUTES 14. BY-LAWS 93-29 A by-law to appoint a Committee of Adjustment. 93-30 A By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 94. 93-31 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-laws 93-29 and 93-30 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-laws 93-29 and 93-30 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT by-law 93-31 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-law 93-31 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously A REEVE CLERK SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO JUNE 9, 1993 7:30 P.M. The special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 9, 1993 at the Bayham Community Centre. Present were Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councilors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Planning Consultant Gary Bla7ak. 1. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of the Reeve, Deputy Reeve Volkaert assumed the chair and called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND 'tHE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted 3. PUBLIC MEETINGS Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned for the purpose of holding a public meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." Motion Carried Unanimously 1. CALL TO ORDER Deputy Reeve Volkaert called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and advised Council the purpose of the public meeting was to receive public input regarding the proposed Municipal Housing Statement and to consider an amendment to the Official Plan concerning the site plan control provisions. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. APPLICATIONS a) Municipal Housing Statement i) Consultant's Report Gary Blazak advised Council the purpose of meeting was to receive public input on the proposed Municipal Housing Statement. SPECIAL COUNCIL 97 - June 9, 1993 MINUTES ii) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment. Mr. Blazak presented a letter to Council from the Ministry of Housing which noted several minor recommendations to the Statement. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. (b) Amendment to the Official Plan concerning Site Plan Control provisions i) Consultant's Report Gary Blazak advised Council the purpose of the proposed amendment was to apply the site plan control provisions to all types of development excluding farm building. Presently the site plan control exempts residential buildings comprised of less than 25 dwelling units. ii) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. 4. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "That the Public Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously At this point the special Council Meeting resumed. 4. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding LAS Pooled Investment Program. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT a by-law be given three readings to enter into an agreement with Local Authority Service Ltd. to participate in the LAS Investment Program." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Vienna/Port Burwell Trunk Watermain. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Ministry of the Environment and Energy be advised the Township of Bayham strongly objects that restorations to the Brown Sideroad and the 2nd Concession have not yet commenced." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL - 98 - June 9, 1993 MINUTES 5. OTHER BUSINESS 6. BY-LAWS 93-33 A By-law to authorize the Corporation to invest money through an agent of the municipality. 93-34 A By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 93. 93-35 Confirming By-law. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-laws 93-33 and 93-34 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Cagier "THAT by-laws 93-33 and 93-34 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-law 93-35 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Casier "THAT by-law 93-35 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." YAY/i REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO JUNE 17, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 17, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES June 3, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the minutes of June 3, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS a) 8:30 P.M. - Mary and Jake Zacharias regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By- law Amendments on Part Lot 6, Concession 8. Mr. and Mrs Zacharias appeared before Council regarding an amendment to an application for an Official Plan Amendment to permit the creation of one lot, not the original two applied for. In response to the concern of area residents Mr. and Mrs. Zacharias agreed to plant a spruce or cedar hedgerow along the southern boundary of their property along Shady Lane. b) 9:00 P.M. - Wayne Taylor regarding County of Elgin Land Division Committee Applications E49/93 and E50/95 concerning Lot 121, Concession 6 S.T.R. Mr. Taylor appeared before Council to voice his objection to the Township's submission to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee regarding his severance applications concerning Lot 121, Concession 6 S.T.R. Councillor Casier informed Mr. Taylor that the applications submitted did not meet the provisions of the Zoning By-law with respect to lot size and lot frontage. He continued that if a proposal does not meet the Zoning By-law it does not conform to the Official Plan and a severance could not be granted. REGULAR COUNCIL 100 - June 17, 1993 MINUTES c) 9:30 P.M. - Jackie DeClerq regarding Bayham Community Centre. Mrs. DeClerq was present to request Township assistance in preparing land at the Bayham Community Centre for the installation of new playground equipment. In response to this request Council determined Township staff would level and prepare the site. 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending May 31, 1993. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT road and general accounts for the month may be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meeting scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding 1993 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Ministry of Agriculture and Food correspondence regarding 1993-94 Tile Drainage Loan Program details. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 101 - June 17, 1993 MINUTES (c) Minister of Culture, Tourism and Recreation response to Townships concerns regarding Ontario Regulation 517 (Recreation Grant). Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Ministry of Municipal Affairs correspondence regarding establishment of the Ontario Transportation Capital Corporation, the Ontario Clean Water Agency and the Ontario Financing Authority. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Ministry of Natural Resources correspondence regarding Commercial Fishing Quotas. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) County of Elgin correspondence regarding amendment to Tariff of Fees By-law for charges for processing of Land Division Applications. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Copy of correspondence from the Ontario Drainage Tribunal to the Township of Malahide regarding County Road #43 Drain appeal. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 102 June 17, 1993 MINUTES 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANT'S (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (7:35 P.M.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons appeared before Council to report on mad department activities for the period ending June 17, 1993. Mr. Gibbons informed Council that Nor John Limited has submitted a revised proposal for the 2nd Concession reconstruction project whereby the Township would be responsible for shipment of aggregate to the construction site. He reported this proposal could possibly save approximately $25,000 from the original proposal. Mr. Gibbons noted that resurfacing of the Malahide/Bayham Townline was to commence on Monday June 21, with Malahide Township in charge of supervising the resurfacing. He also noted that on Wednesday June 23, resurfacing of the Bayham/Norfolk Townline was to commence. (b) Report from Chief Building Official. (10:00 P.M.) The Chief Building Official was present to advise Council on various building and drainage related matters. (c) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending May 31, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the building permits for the month of May, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Fire Chief. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Fire Chief's semi-annual report be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding request for maintenance to the Otter Valley Cemetery. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report be tabled." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 Budget. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the item be deleted from the list of business." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 103 - June 17, 1993 MINUTES (g) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding request from Straffordville Lions Club for a Special Occasion Permit. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Council of the Township of Bayham does not object to the issuance of a Special Occasion Permit to the Straffordville Lions Club on August 13 and 14, 1993." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Ann Eeley application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning 39 Plank Road South. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application be referred to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. for By-law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) John and Elizabeth Keszler application for an amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law concerning Lot 1, Concession 3. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application be referred to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. for By-law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Blondeel Nursery Inc. application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Lot 123, Concession S.T.R. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the application be referred to Cumming Cockburn Limited for By-law preparation and further, the minimum Iot frontage of the lands subject to the applications be 29.26 M." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 104 - June 17, 1993 MINUTES 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding draft Water Shed Strategies document. (June 3, 1993) (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding proposed Purchasing Policy. (June 3, 1993) 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. BY-LAWS 93-36 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT By-law 93-36 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT By-law 93-36 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously .k72 / , REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES TILE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILI.F, ONTARIO JULY 7, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 7, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the minutes of June 9, 1993 and June 17, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS a) 8:30 P.M. - Judy Oldham regarding proposed development in Part Lot 21, Concession 8, west of the hamlet of Eden. Mrs. Oldham appeared before Council to seek support for the creation of 4 residential building lots west of the hamlet of Eden. The Clerk advised Council the present Official Plan designation of the subject lands is Agriculture and the zoning is Agricultural (Al) and therefore amendments to both documents would be necessary to create residential lots. He added, there are two methods for creating the lots, firstly the hamlet designation could be extended to include the subject lands or secondly, the lands could be designated Special Agriculture in an Official Plan Amendment to permit the severance of 4 lots. The Clerk then read a memorandum from the Township Planning Consultant regarding deficiencies with the proposal. In reply to the memorandum Mrs. Oldham replied the County Engineer did not object to the creation of new entrances off County Road 44. She also advised Council that Jim Miller from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food had stated the Ministry had no objections to the proposal. b) 9:00 P.M. - Dawn Killy requesting permission to situate a farm help mobile home on Part Lot 24, Concession 9. Mrs. Killy submitted a proposal to Council to locate a farm help mobile home on her property located in Part Lot 24, Concession 9 on Highway 19. She informed Council the farm parcel was 50 acres and it is her intention to raise horses on the farm. The mobile home would house her stepson son who would be helping part-time with the farm operation. REGULAR COUNCIL 106 - July 7, 1993 MINUTES 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending June 30, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT road and general accounts for the period ending June 30, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meeting scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of Agriculture and Food correspondence regarding 1993-94 Drainage Act program details. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Elgin County Board of Education correspondence regarding Phase-in Assistance Program. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held June 2, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 107 July 7, 1993 MINUTES (d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a special meeting held June 10, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Township of Malahide correspondence regarding Bayham/Malahide Townline reconstruction. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E72/93 submitted by John and Margaret Thiesen concerning Part Lot 1, Concession 4. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division be advised the Township recommends approval of application E72/93 subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant make a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication to the Township. 2. The field bed on the remnant parcel must be relocated to be contained within the boundaries of the remnant lot. Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 Requests for Financial Assistance. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT grants and donations in the amount of $2,200.00 be approved. Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 108 - July 7, 1993 MINUTES (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Phase-in Assistance Program. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT a by-law be given three readings to implement a Phase-in Assistance Program for commercial, industrial and business tax changes resulting from County- wide Reassessment." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 Budget. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT a by-law be given three readings to adopt the assessments on which the taxes shall be levied in 1993 and to levy the taxes for 1993 and to the collection thereof." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding proposed Purchasing Policy. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT Policy Statement Number 1 be adopted as the Purchasing Policy for the Township of Bayham." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding revised Staff Remuneration By-law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the report from the Clerk Treasurer be tabled." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Bill 42 - Farm Registration and Farm Organization Funding Act, 1992. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the report from the Clerk Treasurer be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 109 - July 7, 1993 MINUTES (g) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Dennis Drain Reconstruction. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Long Point Region Conservation Authority be advised the Township of Bayham intends to proceed with reconstruction of the Dennis Drain in Part Lot 16, Concession 5." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Fire Department Remuneration. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the report from the Clerk Treasurer be tabled." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding proposed Transfer Station Policy Statement. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT Policy Statement Number 2 be adopted as the Transfer Station Policy for the Township of Bayham." Motion Carried Unanimously (j) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending June 30, 1993. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the building permits for the month of June, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding draft Water Shed Strategies document. (June 3, 1993) REGULAR COUNCIL - 110 - July 7, 1993 MINUTES 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-37 A by-law to implement a Phase-in Program for tax increases resulting from County-wide Reassessment 93-38 A by-law to adopt the Assessment on which taxes shall be levied for the year 1993. Three readings. 93-39 Confirming By-law. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-laws 93-37 and 93-38 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-laws 93-37 and 93-38 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-law 93-39 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-39 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the council meeting be adjourned."' Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 111 - July 7, 1993 MINUTES REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORD'VILLE, ONTARIO JULY 15, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 15, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Reeve Chute declared a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof with respect to agenda item 8 (b). Deputy Reeve Volkaert assumed the chair in the absence of the Reeve. 3. MINUTES No items. 4. DELEGATIONS No items. 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending July 15, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT accounts for the period ending July 15, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 113 - July 15, 1993 MINUTES 7. PUBLIC MEETING Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned for the purpose of holding a public meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." Motion Carried Unanimously 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and advised Council the purpose of the public meeting was to receive public input regarding 7 applications for amendments to the Township Zoning By-law. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. APPLICATIONS (a) Urbain and Louise Vantyghem application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law to facilitate a severance for the development of a dwelling unit to accommodate an active member of the farm operation concerning Part Lot 6, Concession 8. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to amend to Zoning By-law to change the zoning on the subject lands to Rural Residential (RR) to facilitate a severance for the development of a dwelling unit to accommodate an active member of the farm operation. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. & Mrs. Vantyghem were present but did not address Council. iii) Public Comments Mrs. Barbara Taylor appeared to voice concern that the proposal could have a detrimental fiscal impact on her house which is adjacent to the proposed lot creation. No other member of the public appeared to comment. Comments were received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit, neither of which opposed the proposal. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. (b) Ross Carson Farms Limited application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law to facilitate a severance for the development of a dwelling unit to accommodate an active member of the farm enterprise concerning Lot 17, Concession 9. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to amend the Zoning By-law to change the zoning on the subject lands to Rural Residential (RR) to facilitate a severance for the development of a dwelling unit to accommodate an REGULAR COUNCIL 114 July 15, 1993 MINUTES active member of the farm operation. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Jack Petrie was present on behalf of the applicants but did not address Council. ii) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment on the proposal. Comments were received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit, neither of which opposed the proposal. iii) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. (c) Max Stewart application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law to facilitate a severance for the development of a retirement dwelling concerning Part Lot 14, North Gore. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to amend the Zoning By-law to change the zoning on the subject lands to Rural Residential (RR) to facilitate a severance for the development of a retirement dwelling unit. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Jack Petrie appeared on Behalf of the applicant but did not address Council. iii) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment. Comments were received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit, neither of which opposed the proposal. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. (d) Blondeel Nurseries Inc. application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By- law for the development of 4 residential building lots concerning Lot 123, South Talbot Road. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to facilitate a the creation of 4 residential building lots. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Jack Petrie was present on behalf of the applicant but did not address Council. ii) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment on the proposal. Comments were received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit, neither of which opposed the proposal. ui) Council Ouestions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. REGULAR COUNCIL - 115 - July 15, 1993 MINUTES (e) Andy Dieleman Ltd. application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law to facilitate a severance for the development of a retirement dwelling concerning Part Lot 6, Concession 9. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to amend the Zoning By-law to change the zoning on the subject lands to Rural Residential (RR) to facilitate a severance for the development of a retirement dwelling unit. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Dieleman was present but did not address Council. ui) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment. Comments were received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit, neither of which opposed the proposal. iv) Council Ouestions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. (f) Harold Stoll application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law for the development of a school for the Amish Mennonite Community concerning Part Lots 1 & 2, Concession 9. i) State Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to change the zoning on Mr. Stoll's property to Special Agricultural to permit a school for the Amish Mennonite Community to be constructed. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Stoll and other members of the Amish Community were present but did not address Council. Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment. Comments were received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit, neither of which opposed the proposal. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. (g) Ann Eeley application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law for the change in use of a body shop to a church concerning North Part Lot 124, Conc. 6. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to change the zoning on Mrs. Eeley's to Institutional to permit the existing structure to be utilized as a church. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Eeley and Mr. Jack Graves were present but did not address Council. iii) Public Comments Mr. Ken Everitt, owner of the adjacent property, stated that he had no objection to the proposal. No member of the public appeared to comment. Comments were received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit, neither of which opposed the proposal. REGULAR COUNCIL - 116 - July 15, 1993 MINUTES iv) Council Questions and Discussions In reply to Councils' question Mr. Graves replied the Mission Baptist Church congregation consists of approximately 50 members. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the public meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously At this point the Regular Council meeting resumed. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ontario Energy Board correspondence regarding application by Natural Resource Gas Limited for fixing of rates and other charges. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Kim Taylor request for Township support of Rural and Native Rental Housing Program rental unit to be located in Straffordville. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Rural and Native Housing Rental Program be advised the Township does not object to the Program purchasing a house in the Township." Motion Carried (c) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding revised Subsidy Policy for Roadside Maintenance with respect to grass cutting and tree trimming. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Association of Municipalities of Ontario correspondence regarding the Social Contract Act, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL e 117 - July 15, 1993 MINUTES In accordance with the Township's Procedural By-law the following resolution was passed to add item 8(e) to the List of Business. Moved by J. Volknert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT item 8(e) be added to the List of Business." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Copy of correspondence from the County of Elgin to the Premier of Ontario regarding a resolution passed by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Board of Directors with respect to the Social Contract Act, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the resolution endorsed by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Board of Directors at a special meeting on July 13, 1993 regarding a Municipal Sector Framework Plan under the Social Contract Act be supported by the Council of the Township of Bayham." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding the Social Contract Act, 1993. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the report from the Clerk Treasurer be adopted as the Social Contract Workplan for the Township of Bayham." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding drainage assessment apportionment with respect to the Ward Subdivision. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Township Engineer be instructed to prepare a report pursuant to Section 65 of the Drainage Act for the drainage assessment apportionment of Part Lot 126, S.T.R. with respect to the Ward Subdivision." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 118 - July 15, 1993 MINUTES (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding drainage assessment apportionment with respect to the Bogart Subdivision. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Township Engineer be instructed to prepare a report pursuant to Section 65 of the Drainage Act for the drainage assessment apportionment of Part Lot 5, Concession 10, with respect to the Ward Subdivision." Motion Carried Unanimously 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding draft Water Shed Strategies document. (June 3, 1993) (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding request for maintenance to the Otter Valley Cemetery. (June 17, 1993) (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding revised Staff Remuneration By-law. (July 7, 1993) Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT a by-law be given three readings to adopt a revised Staff Remuneration By- law." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Fire Department Remuneration. (July 7, 1993) Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the report from the Clerk Treasurer, as amended, be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 119 July 15, 1993 MINUTES 14. BY-LAWS 93-40 A by-law to adopt a revised Staff Remuneration By-law and to repeal By-law No. 93-22. Z286/93 A by-law to amend By-law 2387 (Vantyghem) Z287/93 A by-law to amend By-law 2387 (Andy Dieleman Ltd.) Z288/93 A by-law to amend By-law 2387 (Harold Stoll) Z289/93 A by-law to amend By-law 2387 (Blondeel Nurseries Inc.) Z290/93 A by-law to amend By-law 2387 (Ross Carson Farms Limited) Z291/93 A by-law to amend By-law 2387 (Max Stewart) Z292/93 A by-law to amend By-law 2387 (Ann Eeley) 93-41 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-laws 93-40, Z286/93, Z287/93, Z288/93, Z289/93, Z290/93, Z291/93 and Z292/93 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-laws 93-40, Z286/93, Z287/93, Z288/93, Z289/93, Z290/93, Z291/93 and Z292/93 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by L Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-41 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-law 93-41 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 120 - July 15, 1993 MINUTES 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 311101 •• ••• •• 14/0 A41 / REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVi i I E, ONTARIO JULY 29, 1993 7:00 P.M. A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 29, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the minutes of July 7, 1993 and July 15, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:00 p.m. - Highway #19 - Mill Street area residents regarding proposed watermain extension north of the Village of Vienna. Approximately 12 residents from the Highway #19 - Mill Street area met with Council to review the final report for the proposed watermain extension. In the absence of the Engineer the Clerk highlighted various sections of the report and modifications from the original proposal. More specifically he advised Council and the ratepayers the Engineer proposed to eliminate the section of main along Highway 19 between Mill Street and Concession 3. The revised estimated cost of the project is $112,029. In reply to Reeve Chute's question the Clerk advised Council the Enginetr would be consulted regarding upsizing of the pipe to 10" and what the effect would be of a 4" pipe flowing into a 10" pipe. It was determined that area residents would reply back to Council after carrying out a door-to-door survey to solicit residents' comments. 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS No items. SPECIAL COUNCIL - 122 - July 29, 1993 MINUTES 7. PUBLIC MEETING No items. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of Housing correspondence regarding the Province's intention to discontinue the Ontario Home Renewal Program (OHRP). Moved by J. Hageli Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding payment of per diems to LPRCA Members who sit on Municipal Councils. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Township of Onondaga request for endorsement of a resolution regarding Bill 112. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the resolution of the Township of Onondaga be endorsed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) George Lysy correspondence regarding lot severance at Lot 123, Concession N.T.R. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the request of George Lysy for the extension of the time period for the removal of a barn on Lot 123, N.T.R. with respect to Elgin County Land Division Committee Application #E42191 be extended until July 29, 1994." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Town of Aylmer Parks and Recreation Committee letter of appreciation for financial assistance provided by the Township. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL - 123 - July 29, 1993 MINUTES (f) Port Burwell Group Committee letter of appreciation for financial assistance provided by the Township. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Straffordville Minor Ball letter of appreciation for financial assistance provided by the Township. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Association of Municipalities of Ontario correspondence regarding the Social Contract Act, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Aylmer and Area Habitat for Humanity request for insertion of information bulletin with 1993 final tax billing. Moved by J. Hagell. Seconded by W. Casier "THAT an information bulletin provided by Aylmer and Area Habitat for Humanity be included in the 1993 Tax Bill mailing." Motion Carried Unanimously (j) Ministry of Finance correspondence regarding the Social Contract Act, 1993. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has enacted Bill 48, the Social Contract Act, 1993 in order to achieve significant savings in the public sector expenditures in a fair an equitable manner by encouraging employers, bargaining agents and employees to achieve savings through agreements at the sectoral and local levels primarily through adjustments in compensation arrangements and through improvements in productivity, including the elimination of waste and inefficiency; AND WHEREAS this workplan is prepared in accordance with Section 16 of the Social Contract Act. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham has duly examined all options SPECIAL COUNCIL - 124 - July 29, 1993 MINUTES to reduce the expenditures of the municipality through measures outlined in the Social Contract Act; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM RESOLVES TO ENACT THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE SOCIAL CONTRACT ACT, 1993: 1. This plan is prepared in accordance with Section 16 of the Social Contract Act. 2. The Council of the Township of Bayham, in developing this Plan, duly examined all options to reduce the expenditures of the municipality through measures outlined in the Social Contract Act; 3. Given the municipality's Social Contract Target is estimated based on a formula, an adjustment up or down in the amount of necessary savings may be required. 4. The terms of this Plan shall cover the duration of the Social Contract. 5. That the following elements be the basis of achieving the required financial savings. However, it must be recognized through changing conditions or unforseen circumstances, amendments to this Plan may be required. 5.1 The Council of the Township of Bayham hereby agrees to reduce expenditures by$34,042.00 in the reconstruction of the Road Allowance between Concession 2 and Concession 3 by Township staff procuring and supplying materials otherwise procured and supplied by the contractor. 5.2 That for the duration of the Social Contract all Township employees take 2.5 days of unpaid leave. This leave is to be taken each year between Christmas and New Years unless otherwise directed by Council or the appropriate Department Head. 5.3 That benefit coverage provided and paid for by the Township not be increased for the duration of the Social Contract. 5.4 Notwithstanding Clause 4, compensation paid to employees shall not increase in 1994. Council may amend this Plan to freeze compensation for subsequent years. 5.5 Notwithstanding Clause 4, compensation paid to Councillors shall not increase in 1994. Council may amend this Plan to freeze compensation for subsequent years. 5.6 Councillors be limited to attending one convention and seminar in each year of the Social Contract. 5.7 That overtime be kept to an absolute minimum and used in emergencies only. 6. Pursuant to Section 17(2) of the Social Contract Act this plan and a summary of the plan shall be posted in a conspicuous place that is available to all municipal employees for their viewing. 7. In accordance with Part VI of the Act an employee may, within 10 days, request in writing amendments to the Plan 8. The Council of the Township of Bayham shall undertake, each year in the duration of the Social Contract Act, a thorough review of all municipal operations to attempt to locate further expenditure reductions." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL - 125 - July 29, 1993 MINUTES 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS No items. 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding draft Water Shed Strategies document. (June 3, 1993) (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding request for maintenance to the Otter Valley Cemetery. (June 17, 1993) 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-42 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-law 93-42 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT by-law 93-42 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL - 126 - July 29, 1993 MINUTES 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the special council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM F.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO AUGUST 5, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 5, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the minutes of July 29, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS No items. 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the accounts for the period ending July 31, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETING Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned for the purpose of holding a public meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 129 August 5, 1993 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and advised Council the purpose of the public meeting was to receive public input regarding an application submitted by John and Elizabeth Keszler for amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Pat Lot 1, Concession 3. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. APPLICATIONS (a) John and Elizabeth Keszler application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law for the development of 4 residential building lots concerning Part Lot 1, Concession 3. 1) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to amend to Zoning By-law to change the zoning on the subject lands to Hamlet Residential (HR) to facilitate the creation of 4 residential building lots. The original application was also for an amendment to the Official Plan, however the Township Planning Consultant was satisfied the subject lands fell within the Hamlet designation in the Official Plan, therefore a Official Plan Amendment is not needed. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. & Mrs. Keszler and their agent, Mr. Scott Campbell were present. Mr. Campbell advised Council he was present on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Keszler and would answer any questions posed by Council. ill) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment. Comments were received from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority stating no objection to the proposal. iv) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. 4. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the public meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E82/93 submitted by Blondeel Nurseries Inc. concerning Lot 123, South Talbot Road. REGULAR COUNCIL - 130 - August 5, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of Application E82/93 subject to the applicant making a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication to the Township." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E83/93 submitted by Blondeel Nurseries Inc. concerning Lot 123, South Talbot Road. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of Application E83/93 subject to the applicant making a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication to the Township." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E84/93 submitted by Blondeel Nurseries Inc. concerning Lot 123, South Talbot Road. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Elgin County Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of Application E83193 subject to the applicant making a $1,000.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication to the Township." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Copy of correspondence from the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding Official Plan Amendment No. 92, Michael Reiser & John Wiggers. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Ministry of the Environment and Energy and the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit be requested to attend a meeting concerning policies and guidelines used to assess consent applications and plans of subdivision." "AND FURTHER THAT the Townships of Malahide and South Dorchester and the Villages of Vienna, Springfield and Port Burwell be invited to attend the meeting." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of the meeting held July 9, 1993. REGULAR COUNCIL - 131 - August 5, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) The Elgin Regiment (RCAC) correspondence regarding Canadian Forces policy for military involvement in emergency situations. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Ken & Sandra Ross et al correspondence regarding speed limits on Tunnel Road. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) George Neudorf petition for extension of Elgin Area Water System watermain to Part Lot 13, Concession 1. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (7:30 p.m.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending August 4, 1993. Mr. Gibbons informed Council John Roloson requested the Township to repair the road in front of his property. After discussion it was determined it was a Township road allowance, however it is unopened. Council determined that repairs could be carried providing Mr. Roloson is informed it is an unopened road. Mr. Gibbons noted that while repairs on Brown Sideroad and the 2nd Concession are being carried out they are still not to his satisfaction and until the roads are restored properly to Township will not assume the roads. Mr. Gibbons advised Council the 1993 resurfacing program was now finalized with the completion of the Norfolk/Bayham Townline, the Malahide/Bayham Townline, the Road Allowance between Concessions 9 and 10 between Highway 19 and Highway 3 and the Road Allowance between Concession 10 and 11 (Green Expressway). In reply to Deputy Reeve Volkaert's question Mr. Gibbons answered that Norjohn Limited was conducting tests and aggregates to determine if they would be suitable for use on the 2nd Concession cold mix repaving. It is hoped that construction should commence by the second week in September. REGULAR COUNCIL - 132 - August 5, 1993 MINUTES (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding fire protection agreement with the Village of Vienna. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the proposed fire protection agreement between the Village of Vienna and the Township of Bayham be forwarded to Vienna for adoption." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer to Committee of the Whole regarding personnel matters. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT Council move into Committee of the Whole to discuss certain personnel matters." Motion Carried Unanimously At this point Council moved into Committee of the Whole to discuss items relating to personnel matters. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Committee of the Whole rise without reporting." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding closure and sale of the Road Allowance between Concession 3 & 4 opposite Lots 7, 8 and 9. (8:30 p.m.) Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT a by-law be given three readings to stop-up, close and sell the Road Allowance between Concession 3 and Concession 4, through Lots 7, 8, 9 and part of Lot 10." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from T.E.A.M. Systems regarding waste reduction/diversion program to June 30, 1993. (8:40 p.m.) Mr. Gord Armstrong from T.E.A.M. Systems appeared before Council to present a report regarding the waste reduction/diversion program to June 30, 1993. Mr. Armstrong reviewed the waste reduction figures with Council noting the waste being landfilled has been reduced by approximately 21%. Mr. Armstrong felt the number of people who are recycling had reached a plateau and the only method of attaining greater numbers is to introduce enforcement provisions. Deputy Reeve Volkaert replied that T.E.A.M. Systems employees should accompany the recycling truck and inform residents who are not recycling on the detrimental effects of not doing so. He felt this would be a more positive way of influencing residents to recycle. Reeve Chute advised Mr. Armstrong Council did not want to see the program end on a disappointing note after positive gains had been made. It was determined that another meeting should be scheduled to review the agreement between T.E.A.M. Systems and the Township. REGULAR COUNCIL - 133 - August 5, 1993 MINUTES ((j) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending July 31, 1993. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the building permits for the month of July, 1993 be approved." 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding request for maintenance to the Otter Valley Cemetery. (June 17, 1993) 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-32 A by-law to close and stop up and sell part of the original Road Allowance between Concession 3 and 4,opposite Lots 7,8,9 and 10, Township of Bayham. 93-43 A by-law to provide for the maintenance of the Arn, Benner, Carnes, Casier, Coomber "A" "B" & Coomber "F", Corinth, Coyle, Crossett, Deli, Fearnley, Garnham, Green, Hampton, Nevi11, No. 1, C.E. Smith and Smith Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $12,840.63. 93-44 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-laws 93-32 and 93-43 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-laws 93-32 and 93-43 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 134 - August 5, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-law 93-44 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-law 93-44 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned." ‘,./(5,--.., a / 10,-/ // 4 REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO AUGUST 19, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 19, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by 7 Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the minutes of August 5, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS No items. 5. TENDERS Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT item 5(a) be added to the list of business." Motion Carried Unanimously (a) Reconstruction invitation bid for the Road Allowance between Concession 2 and Concession 3. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the bid of Norjohn Limited in the amount of$118,039.16 for reconstruction of the Road Allowance between Concessions 1 & 2 be accepted." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 136 - August 19, 1993 MINUTES 6. ACCOUNTS Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the accounts for the period ending August 10, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETING No meetings scheduled 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding Temporary Modular Bridges (Bailey Bridges). Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Copy of correspondence from the Ministry of Environment and Energy to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs concerning Official Plan Amendment No. 93 (Site Plan Control). Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) County of Elgin correspondence regarding certification program for joint health and safety committees. Moved by 1. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) News release from Green Lane Environmental Group regarding Environmental Assessment Board approval to reopen Green Lane Landfill. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 137 - August 19, 1993 MINUTES (e) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence regarding proposed revisions to Fill, Construction and Alteration to the Waterway Regulation. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be referred to Cumming Cockburn Limited for further review." Motion Carried Unanimously (t) Green Lane Environmental Group correspondence regarding Environmental Assessment for Solid Waste Management in Elgin County and Middlesex County. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Tracey Davies correspondence regarding final 1993 tax billing. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (7:30 p.m.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise council on Road Department activities for the period ending August 18, 1993. Mr. Gibbons received a request from Mr. Robert Ball regarding the possibility of opening Robertson Bridge. The Clerk informed Council an engineering analysis had been conducted by Delcan Limited in 1992 and at that point extensive repairs were required to allow the bridge to open. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Ministry of Transportation for the reason of attempting to obtaining a Bailey Bridge to replace the existing structure. Mr. Gibbons informed Council he had received a request for placement of a stop sign at the intersection of Wardwalk and the Road Allowance between Lots 126 & 127. The Clerk was instructed to prepare a by-law for consideration at the next Council meeting. In response to numerous complaints over road side weeds Mr. Gibbons informed Council that weed cutting was being carried out. The Clerk noted cutting of noxious weeds was subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation. (b) Memorandum from Clerk Treasurer to Committee of the Whole regarding property matters. REGULAR COUNCIL - 138 - August 19, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT Council move into Committee of the Whole to property matters." Motion Carried Unanimously At this point Council moved into Committee of the Whole to discuss confidential property matters. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Committee of the Whole rise without reporting." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding George Neudorf watermain petition. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Stan James request for Township assistance for refuse clean up. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Pat VanDenNest application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Lot 18, Concession 1. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the application of Pat VanDenNest be accepted and referred to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. for By-Law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 139 August 19, 1993 MINUTES 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding request for maintenance to the Otter Valley Cemetery. (June 17, 1993) 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-45 A By-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna for the provision of fire protection. 93-46 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-45 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-45 be taken as third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-45 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hageli Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-law 93-46 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned." REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 30, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes from the regular Council meeting held September 16, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the minutes of September 16, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 8:00 p.m. - Marie Hoogkamp from Oxford and East Elgin Community Futures Committee Inc. presented information regarding the activities of the Committee and programs that are planned for the future. (b) 8:30 p.m. - George Neudorf regarding proposed waterline. Mr. Neudorf appeared before Council to ascertain whether the Township would contribute funds to the construction of a proposed waterline leading to his property. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT item 4 (b) be tabled until further information is obtained." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) 9:30 p.m. - Vicky Wiggans presented a report to Council on the Bayham Summer Day Camp and outlined possibilities for conducting other recreational services. S. TENDERS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 152 - September 30, 1993 MINUTES 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending September 28, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the accounts for the period ending September 28, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS No meetings scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Ministry of Municipal Affairs correspondence regarding payment of unconditional grants. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Copy of Correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to Jack Davis regarding Richmond (Walker Subdivision). Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Ministry of Environment and Energy correspondence regarding changes at the Environmental Sciences and Standards Division. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Ministry of Municipal Affairs correspondence regarding 1993 Regional Seminar. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 153 - September 30, 1993 MINUTES (e) Village of Port Burwell request for assistance in removal of Village flags. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Town of Aylmer correspondence regarding meeting of East Elgin municipalities. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Town of Aylmer be advised representatives from the Township of Bayham will attend a preliminary investigative amalgamation session." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Township of Malahide Committee of Adjustment notice of a public meeting concerning Part Lot 21, Concession 1, Malahide Township. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Ducks Unlimited correspondence regarding wetlands protection. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Ontario Association of Property Standards Officers Inc. correspondence regarding Dwayne Daniel's completion of Part 2 of the Ontario Association of Property Standards Officers Training Program. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS REGULAR COUNCIL - 154 - September 30, 1993 MINUTES (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (8:00 p.m.) (b) Report from Cumming Cockburn Limited regarding Urbain & Louise Vantyghem (Zoning By-law Z285/93). Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the report be referred to the Township solicitor." (c) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending September 30, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Building Permits for the month of September, 1993 be approved." 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. BY-LAWS 93-53 Tile Drainage Rating By-law (Rudy Garner). 93-54 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-laws 93-53 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-law 93-53 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 155 September 30, 1993 MINUTES Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT by-law 93-54 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-54 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 2, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniel. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the minutes of August 19, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) Councillor Doug Avram (Aylmer) and Mayor Steve Peters (St. Thomas) from the Elgin Municipal Association to discuss the role and function of the Association. Councillor Doug Avram from the Town of Aylmer appeared before Council to discuss the role and function of the Elgin Municipal Association. Mr. Avram noted the Association is preparing to take a proactive position in promoting fellowship within Elgin County. The Association is receiving input to determine if a set of Round Table discussions on various issues such as waste management, clean water and sewage would be acceptable to Councils. Deputy Reeve Volkaert concurred with Mr. Avram that it would be an excellent opportunity for Council's to meet to discuss issues directly affecting Elgin. He added that the cost of seminars and travel to London or Toronto to attend the seminars makes an idea such as this a cost effective and informative vehicle to present current events. (b) Lee and Audrey Ball regarding opening of a road allowance in North Part Lot 126, S.T.R. Lee and Audrey Ball appeared before Council regarding opening of a road allowance in North Part Lot 126, S.T.R. Mr. Ball explained to Council the proposed road allowance was subject to an agreement between the previous owner and the Township whereby the Township would assume ownership of the road if the owners graded and levelled the land. This agreement was signed in 1963. Reeve Chute advised Mr. Ball that for the Township to assume any road certain standards have to be met. He continued that the Road Superintendent would examine the property and report to Council whether any extenuating circumstances would prohibit the Township from assuming the road provided the necessary works are carried out. REGULAR COUNCIL - 141 September 2, 1993 MINUTES 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending August 26, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the accounts for the period ending August 26, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS No meetings scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Canadian Pacific Rail correspondence regarding potential sale of CP Rail lands to the Township of Bayham. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Village of Port Burwell correspondence regarding conversion of CP Rail line, from Port Burwell to Tillsonburg, to a recreational trail. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT representatives from the Village of Port Burwell be requested to attend a Council meeting on September 16 to provide further information on Rails for Trails and further that the Township of Bayham be kept advised of future meetings." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held August 4, 1993. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 142 September 2, 1993 MINUTES (d) Copy of correspondence from the Township of North Crosby to the Premier of Ontario regarding the Wetland Policy Statement and recommendation 3 of the Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Copy of Correspondence from the Village of Dutton to Peter North, M.P.P. Elgin, regarding Elgin Village and Bobier Home. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Natural Resource Gas Limited letter of appreciation regarding phase-in assistance program. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the correspondence be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Royal Canadian Legion request to distribute poppies in a door to door canvass in the Township of Bayham. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Royal Canadian Legion be advised the Township of Bayham has no objection to the sale of poppies in the Township." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Green Lane Environmental Group correspondence regarding revised billing for the period October 1, 1991 to February 28, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be tabled pending a meeting with Bob McCaig to review billing records concerning the period from October 1, 1991 to February 28, 1993." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 143 - September 2, 1993 MINUTES 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (8:00 p.m.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to apprise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending September 1, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council work on the Second Concession should commence within 1 week. He was advised by Norjohn Ltd. that equipment should begin arriving after Labour Day. Mr. Gibbons noted that repairs to a culvert adjacent to property owned by Albert White were now complete. He also noted that gravelling of Floyd Taylor Road was completed with a layer of "A" gravel. (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding placement of a stop sign at the intersection of Wardwalk and the Road Allowance between Lots 126 & 127. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT Council pass a by-law to permit placement of a stop sign at the intersection of Wardwalk and the Road Allowance Between Lots 126 & 127." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Port Burwell Water Lot Annexation. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT Council give two readings to a by-law to enter into an agreement with the Village of Port Burwell to adjust their municipal boundaries." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Chief Building Official regarding revised Building By-law. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT Council pass a by-law to adopt a revised Building By-law." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending August 31, 1993. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the building permits for the month of August 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 144 - September 2, 1993 MINUTES (f) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding purchase of land for road widening on Bayham/Malahide Townline. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT item 9(f) be added to the list of Business." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT Council pass a by-law to authorize the purchase of land for road widening purposes." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Paul Brackenbury application for an amendment to the Township Official Plan and Zoning By-law concerning Lot 109, N.T.R. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application of Paul Brackenbury be accepted and referred to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. for By-Law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Rudy and Susan Garner application for a tile drainage loan concerning Part Lot 106, Concession 6. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the tile drainage loan application of Rudy and Susan Garner concerning Part Lot 106, Concession 6, be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 145 - September 2, 1993 MINUTES 14. BY-LAWS 93-47 A by-law to adopt a revised Building By-law 93-48 A by-law to authorize the Corporation of the Township of Bayham to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell to adjust their municipal boundaries. (Two readings) 93-49 A by-law to provide for the erection of a stop sign at the intersection of Wardwalk and the Road Allowance between Lots 126 & 127, S.T.R. 93-50 A by-law to acquire land for the purpose of road widening. 93-51 Confirming by-law Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-laws 93-47, 93-48, 93-49 and 93-50 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-laws 93-47, 94-49 and 93-50 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-law 93-51 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-51 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 0/1, REEVE CL COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 16, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 16, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagen., Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes from the regular Council meeting held September 2, 1993 Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagen "THAT the minutes of September 2, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS No items. 5. TENDERS (a) Quotations for supply of two 22m corrugated steel culverts for Eighth Concession Bridge replacement. The Clerk advised Council the following two quotations were submitted; Armtec $24,363.90 Atlantic Industries 17,275.85 Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the quotation of Atlantic Industries (Canada) Limited in the amount of $17,275.85 (taxes included) for supply of two 22m corrugated steel culverts be accepted subject to Ministry of Transportation approval." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 147 September 16, 1993 MINUTES 6. ACCOUNTS (a) Accounts for the period ending September 13, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the accounts for the period ending September 13, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS No meetings scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Richmond Minor Ball Association letter of appreciation regarding 1993 grant. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT item 8(a) be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation regarding Recreation Assistance Program for Small Communities (Regulation 797). In reply to Councillor Hagell's question the Clerk advised Council the program only applies to municipalities with a population of less than 2,000 and Local Service Boards. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation determine if Straffordville would be considered a Local Service Board. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Recreation be advised the Council of the Township of Bayham strongly objects to the cancellation of recreation funding program, Regulation 517." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Green Lane Environmental Group Ltd. correspondence regarding appeal of Environmental Assessment Board decision regarding Green Lane Landfill. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT item 8(c) be added to the list of business." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 148 - September 16, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Minister of the Environment and Energy be requested to dismiss the appeal submitted by Connie Drew and Glen Williams, of the decision of the Environmental Assessment Board with respect to the Green Lane Landfill." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF' AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (7:30 p.m.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to apprise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending September 16, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council Norjohn Ltd. had completed the laying of cold mix asphalt on the Second Concession. He also advised Council that Norfolk Township had submitted a bid to surface treat the road as did Norjohn. Council instructed Mr. Gibbons and the Clerk to compare estimates and report back to Council. (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 Group Insurance Plan (County of Elgin Plan). Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Tax Arrears. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Clerk be instructed to prepare a policy statement to clearly illustrate the procedures to be utilized in initiating tax sale procedures under the Municipal Tax Sales Act." AND THAT, after approval of Council, this policy be circulated to all property owners in tax arrears." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding October 7, 1993 Council meeting. The Clerk informed Council that pursuant to the Procedural By-law a resolution was necessary to change the date and time of a regular meeting. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the regular meeting of Council scheduled for October 7, 1993 be cancelled and the regular meeting be held on September 30, 1993 at 7:30 p.m." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 149 - September 16, 1993 MINUTES 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Gundy and Bryan Goutouski application for an amendment to the Township Official Plan and Zoning By-law concerning South Part Lot 15, Concession 3 and Lot 6 & Part of Lots 7,8,9 & A, Plan 54. Mr. and Mrs. Goutouski were in attendance to answer any questions of Council. In reply to Reeve Chute's question Mrs. Goutouski replied the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority had both submitted written comments stating they did not object to the proposal. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the application of Gundy & Bryan Goutouski be accepted and referred to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. for By-Law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS 93-52 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-52 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT by-law 93-52 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 150 September 16, 1993 MINUTES 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 7 11 IF ��- REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO OCTOBER 14, 1993 8:00 A.M. A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 14, 1993 in the Council Chambers to consider applications submitted to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee with respect to lands owned by Dofasco Inc. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councilors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No member of Council noted a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof. 3. MINUTES No items 4. DELEGATIONS 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS No items. 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS None scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Bruce Farnell agent of Dofasco Inc. with respect to agenda items 8(a) - 8(h) was present to answer questions on any of the applications before Council. In reply to Councilor Casier's question Mr. Farnell stated that to the best of his knowledge and that of the prospective purchasers none of the parcels was less than the 20 hectares required in the Township Zoning By-law. Reeve Chute noted that it was the Township's policy to levy a $500.00 cash payment requirement in lieu of parkland dedication on each new lot created in Bayham Township. SPECIAL COUNCIL - 157 - October 14, 1993 MINUTES (a) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E123193 submitted by Dofasco Inc. concerning South Part Lot 1, Concession Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E123/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E124/93 submitted by Dofasco Inc re Part Lots 2,3,4,5, Concession 1. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E124193 subject to a $1,000.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E125/93 submitted by Dofasco Inc. concerning East Part Lot 3, Concession 1. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E125/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E126/93 submitted by Dofasco Inc. concerning North Part Lot 4, Concession 1. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E126/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously SPI CIAL COUNCIL - 158 - October 14, 1993 MITES (e) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E127/93 submitted by Dofasco Inc. concerning Part Lot 1, Concession 2. Moved by J. Valkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E127/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E128/93 submitted by Dofasco Inc. concerning Part Lot 2, Concession 2. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application#E128/93 subject to a $1,000.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (g) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E129/93 submitted by Dofasco Inc. concerning Part Lot 4, Concession 2. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E129/93 subject to a $1,000.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E130/93 submitted by Dofasco Inc. concerning East Part Lot 5, Concession 2. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E130193 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL 159 October 14, 1993 MINUTES (i) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E109/93 submitted by John and Elizabeth Keszler concerning Part Lot 1, Concession 3. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E109/93 subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant make a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication. 2. The applicant be required to construct a buffer fence on the severed parcel to the satisfaction of the Township. Motion Carried.Unanimously (j) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E110/93 submitted by John and Elizabeth Keszler concerning Part Lot 1, Concession 3. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application#E110/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (k) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E111/93 submitted by John and Elizabeth Keszler concerning Part Lot 1, Concession 3. Moved by J: Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E111/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously (1) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E112/93 submitted by John and Elizabeth Keszler concerning Part Lot 1, Concession 3. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E112/93 subject to a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL - 160 - October 14, 1993 MINUTES (m) Copy of correspondence from Ontario Hydro to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding Official Plan Amendment No. 92. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Clerk be instructed to arrange a meeting with Ontario Hydro and the Ministry of Environment and Energy." Motion Carried Unanimously (n) Village of Vienna correspondence regarding K.C. Emerson Appreciation Day at the Vienna Community Centre on November 7, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT item 8(n) be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (o) Mary Vallee letter of appreciation. (not enclosed) Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT item 8(o) be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS No items. 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Schizophrenia Society of Canada application to manage and conduct a Nevada Ticket Lottery at Marc's Gas Bar & Variety. (not enclosed) Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Schizophrenia Society of Canada be granted permission to sell Break Open Tickets at Marc's Gas Bar and Variety subject to compliance with conditions set forth by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations." Motion Carried Unanimously SPECIAL COUNCIL - 161 - October 14, 1993 MINUTES 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. BY-LAWS 93-55 Confirming By-law. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by V. Chute "THAT by-taw 93-55 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-law 93-55 be taken as read a third time and finally passed. Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously a:0.--C. 7 Atd,e:///,,,„ 11 REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO OCTOBER 21, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 21, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No member of Council noted a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof. 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes from the regular Council meeting held October 7, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the minutes of October 7, 1993 be adopted. Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS (a) Hugh Howey from Bayham Community Initiatives. (enclosure) Mr. Hugh Howey from Bayham Community Initiatives appeared before Council to report on activities of BCI and to request a donation to help offset operating expenses. Deputy Reeve Volkaert enquired whether controls were in place to stop persons from using other social organizations in the area. Mr. howey replied that Aylmer and Tillsonburg are contacted on a regular basis to ensure the system is not being abused. In reply to Reeve Chute's question Mr. Howey that he did not have a breakdown of figures on the numbers of residents from Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell utilizing BCI. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT Bayham Community Initiatives be requested to provide information on usage of residents from Bayham, Vienna and Pt. Burwell. Motion Carried Unanimously 5. TENDERS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 163 - October 21, 1993 MINUTES 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending October 18, 1993. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the accounts for the period ending October 18, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS No meetings scheduled. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT items 8(a), 8(b), 8(d), 8(e), 8(f), 8(h) be received and riled." Motion Carried Unanimously (a) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding amalgamation of London and Stratford Districts. (Received and Filed) (b) Farm Practices Protection Board notice of decision regarding Jayson Youcke and Fred Hermann. (Received and Filed) (c) Copy of correspondence from the County of Elgin to the Minister of the Environment and Energy regarding land use planning guidelines on separation distances. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the resolution of the Town of Lindsay requesting that the Ministry of the Environment and Energy reconsider its separation distance guidelines between industrial facilities and sensitive land uses be supported." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) County of Elgin correspondence regarding winter control on County Roads. (Received and Filed) (e) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held September 1, 1993. (Received and Filed) (f) Copy of correspondence from the Township of Dunwich to the Ministry of Transportation regarding roadside maintenance on provincial highways. (Received and Filed) REGULAR COUNCIL - 164 - October 21, 1993 MINUTES (g) City of Nepean request for support of a resolution regarding Bill 77. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the resolution of the City of Nepean requesting that the Members of Provincial Legislature be requested to stop or amend BM 77 be supported." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) City of Toronto correspondence regarding financial assistance to Energy Probe. (Received and Filed) 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT reports 9(b) and 9(c) be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (7:30 P.M.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending October 20, 1993. Mr. Gibbons reported that work on the 8th Concession bridge had commenced with a contractor removing the existing structure. It was expected the road would be closed for a period of approximately 2 - 3 weeks. Mr. Gibbons noted that gravel resurfacing of East of Eden Road, Floyd Taylor Road and Roloson Sideroad was now complete. (b) Report from Township Solicitor regarding Green Lane Environmental. (Received and Filed) (c) Report from Township Solicitor regarding Zoning By-law Z285/93. (Received and Filed) (d) Report from Fire Chief regarding appointment of two volunteer firemen. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned to meet as Committee of the Whole." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Committee of the Whole rise without reporting." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 165 - October 21, 1993 MINUTES Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT Richard Hornauer and Bob Cain be appointed as volunteer firefighters subject to completion of a probationary period to be determined by the Fire Chief." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. BY-LAWS 93-56 Confirming By-law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-56 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT by-law 93-56 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously ege--OC7 REEVE CLERK COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO OCTOBER 14, 1993 9:00 A.M. The Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham met on October 14, 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers to consider Application A/2/93 submitted by Frank and Margaret Voth. Present were Vice Chair Wayne Casier, members Joe Volkaert Sr., Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell and Secretary Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of the Chair, Vice Chair Wayne Casier called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the minutes of May 6, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. APPLICATION (a) Frank and Margaret Voth, Part Lot 20, Concession 8. i) STAFF REPORT The Secretary Treasurer advised the Committee the minor variance was necessary to permit construction of a 16.76 metre by 10.97 metre addition to an existing automotive service building that will require relief from the rear yard setback requirement of 9 metres (29.52 feet) to 2.43 metres (8 feet) as set out in the Township of Bayham Zoning By-Law No. 2387. ii) PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT Mr. Voth was present but did not address the Committee. iii) PUBLIC COMMENTS No member of the public appeared to comment on the proposal. No comments were received from any of the agencies or ministries circulated. iv) COMMITTEE OUESTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS There were no comments or questions from the Committee. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - 4 - OCTOBER 14, 1993 MINUTES 5. ACTION BY COMMITTEE Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by I. Hagell "THAT application A/2/93 to reduce the rear yard setback requirement of 9 metres (29.52 feet) to 2.43 metres (8 feet) be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Committee of Adjustment meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously 4 , . CHAIRMAN S RETARY TREASURER COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 4, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 4, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell, Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod and Road Superintendent James Gibbons. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No member of Council noted a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof. 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes from the special Council meeting held October 14, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the minutes of October 14, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Minutes from the regular Council meeting held October 21, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the minutes of October 21, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS No items. 5. TENDERS No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 167 November 4, 1993 MINUTES 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending November 1, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the accounts for the period ending November 1, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned for the purposes of holding a public meeting under the provisions of the Planning Act." Motion Carried Unanimously 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and advised Council the purpose of the public meeting was to receive public input regarding 2 applications for amendments to the Township Official Plan and 3 amendments to the Zoning By-law. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. APPLICATIONS (a) Pat VanDenNest application for an amendment to the Zoning By-law to permit the establishment of a commercial bakery on a small site within an existing farm operation concerning Lot 18, Concession 1. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to amend to Zoning By-law to change the zoning on the subject lands to Special Rural Commercial to permit the establishment of a commercial bakery on a small site within the existing farm operation and also to change the zoning on the remainder of the farming operation to Special Agriculture to prohibit the raising, keeping or propagation of livestock. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. & Mrs. Van Den Nest were not present. Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment. No comments were received from any of the ministries or agencies circulated. iv) Council Ouestions and Discussions In reply to Deputy Reeve Volkaert's question the Clerk noted the raising of livestock would be prohibited on the portion of the farm zoned Agricultural. REGULAR COUNCIL - 168 - November 4, 1993 MINUTES (b) Brian and Gundy Goutouski application for an amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the development of two estate residential lots on either side of an existing residence concerning Part Lot 15 , Concession 3. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to amend the Zoning By-law to change the zoning on the subject lands to Estate Residential (RR) and the change the Official Plan designation to Rural-Estate Residential to permit the severance of two lots for the development of a dwelling unit. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. & Mrs. Goutouski were present but did not address Council. ii) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment on the proposal. No comments were received from any of the ministries or agencies circulated. iii) Council Questions and Discussions There were no comments or questions from Council. (c) Paul Brackenbury application for an amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By- law to permit the development of three estate residential lots concerning Part Lot 109, N.T.R. i) Staff Report The Clerk advised Council the purpose of the application is to amend the Zoning By-law to change the zoning on the subject lands to Estate Residential (RR) and the change the Official Plan designation to Rural-Estate Residential to permit the severance of three lots for the development of a dwelling units. ii) Presentation By Applicant Mr. Jack Petrie appeared on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Petrie advised Council the diagram in the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By- law Amendment indicated the area affected bordered on Highway 3. It was his opinion that Mr. Brackenbury only wished to sever the lands to the top of the bank. iii) Public Comments No member of the public appeared to comment. No comments were received from any of the ministries or agencies circulated. iv) Council Questions and Discussions In reply to Councillor Casier's question the Clerk noted the Zoning By-law Amendment placed the lands in a special zone to recognize an area that was greater than required in the Zoning By-law. Councillor Casier also noted the lot frontages appeared to be less than the 50 metres required. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT items 8(a), 8(b), 8(e), 8(f), 8(g), 8(i), 8(k) be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 169 - November 4, 1993 MINUTES (a) Ministry of Natural Resources correspondence regarding 1994 tipping fees. (Received and Filed) (b) Ministry of Agriculture and Food correspondence regarding Joint Human Resources Assessment Planning Committee for the tobacco industry in the Counties of Brant, Elgin, Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk. (Received and Filed) (c) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E133/93 submitted by Katherine Fehr concerning Part Lot 7, Concession 9. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township of Bayham recommends approval of application #E133/93 subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant make a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication. 2. That the Land Division be advised by the Township that the subject lands conforms to the Township Zoning By-law." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E143/93 submitted by Danny DePlancke concerning Pt Lots 22 & 23, Concession 9. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends the Committee defer a decision until the applicant supplies the Township with plans showing proposed road configurations and lot layouts." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of the withdrawal of consent application E127/93 concerning Pt Lot 1, Concession 2. (Received and Filed) (f) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held October 6, 1993. (Received and Filed) (g) Long Point Region Conservation Authority correspondence requesting submission of 1994 project file requests. (Received and Filed) (h) Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit correspondence regarding compulsory rabies vaccinations. (Received and Filed) REGULAR COUNCIL - 170 - November 4, 1993 MINUTES (i) Village of Vienna correspondence regarding invoice from Vienna/Port Burwell Trunk Watermain upgrading. (Received and Filed) (j) Township of Norfolk correspondence Fire Protection Boundary Agreement. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Fire Chief be requested to review the Township of Norfolk correspondence with respect to a Boundary Agreement for Fire Protection and report to Council." Motion Carried Unanimously (k) Mandryk & Heeney notice of service of a construction lien. (Received and Filed) 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT reports 9(e), 9(1), and 9(g) be added to the List of Business." Motion Carried Unanimously (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (7:30 P.M.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to apprise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending November 2, 1993. Mr. Gibbons advised Council work on the Eighth Concession Culvert had commenced and should be complete within 3 weeks. (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer request for a trapping permit. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT permission be granted to John Vance to trap on municipally owned property, including, roadsides, ditches, bridges, culverts and drain outlets, subject to submission of a Release and Indemnification agreement and proof of insurance." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 tax write offs. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT report 9(c) be tabled until the November 18, 1993 meeting." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 171 - November 4, 1993 MINUTES (d) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending October 31, 1993. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the building permits for the period ending October 31, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding status of 1993 Road Budget. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Interim Petition for Subsidy. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Treasurer be authorized to submit an application for interim petition for subsidy. Motion Carried Unanimously (g) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Port Burwell Water Lot Annexations. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT third and final reading be given to By-law 93-48 to enter into an agreement with the Village of Port Burwell to adjust their municipal boundaries." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS No items. 13. OTHER BUSINESS REGULAR COUNCIL - 172 - November 4, 1993 MINUTES 14. BY-LAWS 93-48 A by-law to authorize the Corporation of the Township of Bayham to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell to adjust their municipal boundaries. 93-58 A by-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 96. (Goutouski) Z296-93 A by-law to amend to By-law 2387 (VanDenNest) Z297-93 A by-law to amend to By-law 2387 (Goutouski) 93-59 Confirming By-law Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-laws 93-58, Z296-93 and Z297-93 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-laws 93-48, 93-58, Z296-93 and Z297-93 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-law 93-59 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-59 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously ai(), REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 18, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 18, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and requested a resolution to add certain items to the List of Business. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT item 8(g) and reports 9(i), 9(j) and 9(k) and 9(1) be added to the List of Business." Motion Carried Unanimously 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No member of Council noted a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof. 3. MINUTES No items. 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 8:30 p.m. - Jack Barclay appeared on behalf of Straffordville Lions Club regarding potential revised lottery licensing fees. Mr. Barclay advised Council the Lions Club could not afford to pay the maximum amount proposed in materials circulated by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. The Clerk stated that $2,246.00 would be the maximum amount the Lions Club could be charged. In reply to Reeve Chute's question Mr. Barclay advised the Lions Club could afford to pay around $500.00 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS No items. 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS No meetings scheduled. REGULAR COUNCIL - 174 - November 18, 1993 MINUTES 8. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT items 8(a), 8(c) and 8(g) be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (a) Ministry of Municipal Affairs correspondence regarding acceptance of the Township's Social Contract Work Plan. (Received and Filed) (b) Copy of correspondence from the Ministry of Housing to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. regarding Bayham Township Municipal Housing Statement. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the correspondence be deferred." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Ministry of Transportation correspondence regarding the exclusion of Quebec-based contractors, sub-contractors and materials on subsidizable MTO projects. (Received and Filed) (d) Township of Southwold request for support of a resolution opposing the Core Certification Training required by the Workplace Health & Safety Agency. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the resolution of the Township of Southwold be endorsed." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Municipality of Neebing request for support of a resolution calling for the Province to enforce Section 159 of the Municipal Act on all companies receiving telephone revenues in Ontario. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the resolution of the Municipality of Neebing be endorsed." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Township of Onondaga request for support of a resolution calling for the Federal Government to compensate municipalities for taxes lost when land is purchased by natives outside of a recognized Indian Reservation. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the resolution of the Township of Onondaga be endorsed." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 175 November 18, 1993 MINUTES 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT reports 9(a), 9(b) and 9(d) be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (a) Report from Chief Building Official summarizing building permits issued to date. (Received and Filed) (b) Final report from TEAM Systems regarding waste management and recycling in the Township of Bayham. (Received and Filed) (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Chrastina Gravel Pit. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT a by-law be given three readings authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Joseph and Victoria Chrastina for the extraction of gravel from Lot 1, Concession 3." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding revised lottery licensing procedures. (Received and Filed) (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer to Committee of the Whole regarding property matters. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT Council rise and enter into Committee of the Whole." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Committee of the Whole rise without reporting." Motion Carried Unanimously (0 Report from Live Stock Valuer regarding losses sustained by Gene Ketchabaw. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the report of the Live Stock Valuer be adopted and losses in the amount of $150.00 be paid to Gene Ketchabaw." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 176 - November 18, 1993 MINUTES (g) Report from Live Stock Valuer regarding losses sustained by Gene Ketchabaw. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report of the Live Stock Valuer be adopted and losses in the amount of $595.00 be paid to Gene Ketchabaw." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Township computer system. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by I. Hagell "THAT the Clerk Treasurer be authorized to arrange for the purchase and installation of a new computer." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 tax write offs. (November 4, 1993) Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT taxes in the amount of $15,929.88 be cancelled, refunded or reduced pursuant to Section 442 of the Municipal Act. Motion Carried Unanimously 13. OTHER BUSINESS No items. 14. BY-LAWS Motion Carried Unanimously 93-57 A by-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 95. (Brackenbury) 93-60 A by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Joseph and Victoria Chrastina Z295-93 A by-law to amend to By-law 2387 (Brackenbury) REGULAR COUNCIL - 177 - November 18, 1993 MINUTES 93-61 Confirming By-law Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-laws 93-57, 93-60, and Z295-93 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT by-laws 93-57, 93-60 and Z295-93 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by W. Casier "MAT by-law 93-61 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-61 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously n4 • ' 46// ' REEVE CLERK COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO DECEMBER 2, 1993 10:00 A.M. The Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham met on December 2, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers to consider an Application A/3/93 submitted by Dave and Patricia Harrison and Application A/4/93 submitted by Carol Archer. Present were Chair D. Vane Chute, Vice Chair Wayne Casier, members Joe Volkaert Sr., Doug Dennis, Jim Hagell and Secretary Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair D. Vane Chute called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None noted. 3. MINUTES Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the minutes of October 14, 1993 be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. APPLICATIONS (a) Application A/3/93 - Dave and Patricia Harrison, Part Lot 126, Concession 6 S.T.R. i) STAFF REPORT The Secretary Treasurer advised the Committee the minor variance was necessary to permit construction of a 140.19 square metre addition to an existing automotive service building that will require relief from the side yard setback requirement of 6 metres (19.68 feet) to 3.05 metres (10 feet). ii) PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT Mr. Harrison was present and informed the Committee the proposal was situated in such a manner to allow adequate parking so as not to disturb the existing septic system. iii) PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Dave Vogelzang, Mr. Harrison's eastern neighbour was present to request that a buffer strip of trees be planted along the property line to minimize the visual and noise impacts. iv) COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS In reply to Mr. Vogelzang's request Member Joe Volkaert asked Mr. Harrison if he had any objections to planting a buffer strip between his property and Mr. Vogelzang's. Mr. Harrison replied that he did not object to doing so. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - 6 - DECEMBER 2, 1993 MINUTES `(b) Application A/4/93 - Carol Archer, Lot 38, Plan 22 i) STAFF REPORT The Secretary Treasurer advised the Committee the minor variance was necessary to permit construction of a garage that will require relief from the maximum floor area requirement for accessory buildings of 36 square metres (393.95 square feet)to 57.97 square metres (624 square feet)and relief from the maximum height requirement for accessory buildings of 3.7 metres (12.13 feet)to 6.09 metres (20 feet) as set out in the Township of Bayham Zoning By-Law No. 2387. ii) PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT Mr. Chuck Archer, agent for the applicant was present but did not address the Committee. iii) PUBLIC COMMENTS No member of the public appeared to comment on the application. iv) COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS No member of the Committee had any questions. 5. ACTION BY COMMITTEE Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT application A/3193 to permit construction of 140.19 square metre addition to an existing automotive service building that will require relief from the side yard setback requirement of 6 metres (19.68 feet) to 3.05 metres be approved subject to applicant constructing a buffer strip along the east property line, as set out in Sections 4.25 and 4.26 of the Township of Bayham Zoning By-Law No. 2387." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT Application A/4/93 to permit construction of a garage that will require relief from the maximum floor area requirement for accessory buildings of 36 square metres (393.95 square feet) to 57.97 square metres (624 square feet) and relief from the maximum height requirement for accessory buildings of 3.7 metres (12.13 feet)to 6.09 metres (20 feet) be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Committee of Adjustment meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously CHAIRMAN S RETARY TREASURER COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO DECEMBER 2, 1993 10:00 A.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 2, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Reeve Chute noted a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof with respect to an item brought forward under Other Business concerning Mr. Stuart Hoogsteen. Reeve Chute removed himself from the chair and vacated the Council Chamber. 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes from the regular Council meeting held November 4, 1993. (b) Minutes from the regular Council meeting held November 18, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the minutes of November 4, 1993 and November 18, 1993 be adopted as circulated." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS 5. TENDERS No items. 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending November 26, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the accounts for the period ending November 26, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL - 179 - December 2, 1993 MINUTES 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned for the purpose of holding a public meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. Motion Carried Unanimously Council adjourned so as to sit as the Committee of Adjustment. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT items 8(b) and 8(c) be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (a) County of Elgin Land Division Committee notice of a public meeting regarding consent application E144/93 submitted by Wynn and Elizabeth Bilger concerning Pt Lot 28, Concession 8. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by J. Vollcaert "THAT the correspondence be deferred until the applicant provides further information regarding the nature of the consent application." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Pitch-In Ontario request for financial assistance. (Received and Filed) (c) Ministry of Environment and Energy correspondence regarding well eater testing in the hamlet of Straffordville. (Received and Filed) 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS (a) Report from Road Superintendent. (11:30 A.M.) Road Superintendent James Gibbons was present to advise Council on Road Department activities for the period ending December 2, 1993. Mr. Gibbons informed Council that shouldering on the Second Concession was now complete. Mr. Gibbons and the Ministry of Transportation representative, Art Perrier, completed fall road tour of completed 1993 projects including Second Concession reconstruction, Eighth Concession culvert installation and numerous resurfaced gravel roads. Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Perrier also inspected Bartlett Bridge and noted this as a possible 1994 supplementary project. Mr. Gibbons advised Council that snow plowing equipment had been installed. (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding South-West Oxford/Bayham Townline Road boundary maintenance and repair agreement. REGULAR COUNCIL 180 - December 2, 1993 MINUTES Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT a by-law be given three readings authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Township of South-West Oxford for the repair and maintenance of a boundary road." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1993 vacation status. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (d) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding proposed amendments to the Council Procedural By-law. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT a by-law be given three readings to amend By-law 93-7 (Council Procedural By-law)." Motion Carried Unanimously (e) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Norfolk/Bayham fire service fire agreement. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT a by-law be given three readings to enter into an agreement with the Township of Norfolk for reciprocal fire service." Motion Carried Unanimously (f) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding payments for extra services. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the following extra payments be made for services rendered in 1993." Reeve $1,000.00 Deputy Reeve 600.00 Councillors 500.00 Lorraine Moore 500.00 Diana Norris 500.00 Dwayne Daniel 500.00 Jim Gibbons 500.00 Donald MacLeod 500.00 Nettie Eroese 50.00 Road Crew 200.00 Margaret Vinai 50.00 Motion Carried Unanimously REGULAR COUNCIL 181 December 2, 1993 MINUTES (g) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding Bill 119 - Tobacco Control Act, 1993. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Minister of Health be advised the Township of Bayham strongly objects to Bill 119." Motion Carried Unanimously (h) Report from Chief Building Official regarding building permits issued for the period ending November 30, 1993. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the building permits for the month of November 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously (i) Report from Chief Building Official regarding Fred Hermann's grain handling operation. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the report be received and filed." Motion Carried Unanimously (j) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding building permit request submitted by Joe Toth. Mr. Toth was in attendance to ask Council's permission to construct a second dwelling on a 44 acre parcel located in Lot 15, Concession 10. The Clerk reviewed a report which advised Council that a second dwelling was permitted on the subject property only if the dwelling was supplementary to the farm operation. Mr. Toth stated the intended use of the second dwelling was to house his in-laws. He also noted that he was not going to farm the land but intended to rent it out. Council agreed to visit the site to determine if the proposal conformed with the Zoning By-law and advise Mr. Toth in writing of the decision. Subsequent to the site visit Council determined the proposal would not conform the Zoning By-law and passed the following resolution. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the request of Joe Toth for a building permit to construct a dwelling on Part Lots 14 & 15, Concession 10 be refused." Motion Carried Unanimously (k) Semi-Annual report from Fire Chief. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Fire Chief's semi-annual report be adopted." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. REGULAR COUNCIL - 182 - December 2, 1993 MINUTES 11. APPLICATIONS (a) Katherine Fehr application for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Lot 7, Concession 9. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the application of Katherine Fehr for an amendment to the Township Zoning By-law concerning Lot 7, Concession 9 be referred to Cumming Cockburn for by-law preparation." Motion Carried Unanimously 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Report from Township Planning Consultant regarding a severance application submitted by Danny DePlancke. Mr. DePlancke appeared before Council to review his application for consent presently before the County of Elgin Land Division Committee. He advised Council this application was to sever a parcel of land that would be developed at some point in the future and when this development does occur, either by plan of subdivision or consent, the Township would have an opportunity to comment. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised the Township recommends approval of Application E143/93 subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant make a $500.00 cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication. Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Copy of correspondence from the Ministry of Housing to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. regarding Bayham Township Municipal Housing Statement. 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. BY-LAWS 93-62 A by-law to amend By-law 93-7 (Council Procedural By-law) 93-63 A by-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 91. (Zacharias) 93-64 A by-law to enter into an agreement with the Township of Norfolk regarding fire services. 93-65 A by-law to enter into an agreement with the Township of South-West Oxford regarding maintenance and repair of a boundary road. Z279-92 A by-law to amend By-law No. 2387 (Zacharias) 93-66 Confirming By-law. REGULAR COUNCIL - 183 - December 2, 1993 MINUTES Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-laws 93-62, 93-63, 93,64, 93-65 and Z279-92 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT by-laws 93-62, 93-63, 93-64, 93-65 and Z279-92 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-66 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by W. Casier "THAT by-law 93-66 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously Ald lel Pi REEVE CLERK COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM P.O. BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO DECEMBER 16, 1993 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 16, 1993 in the Council Chambers. Present were Reeve D. Vane Chute, Deputy Reeve Joe Volkaert Sr., Councillors Wayne Casier, Jim Hagell, Doug Dennis, Road Superintendent James Gibbons and Clerk Treasurer Donald W. MacLeod. 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve Chute called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No member of Council made a disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof. 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes from the regular Council meeting held December 2, 1993. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the minutes of December 2, 1993 be adopted as circulated." Motion Carried Unanimously 4. DELEGATIONS No items. 5. TENDERS No items. 6.• ACCOUNTS Accounts for the period ending December 14, 1993. Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT accounts for the period ending December 14, 1993 be approved." Motion Carried Unanimously 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS No meetings scheduled. REGULAR COUNCIL - 185 - December 16, 1993 MINUTES 8. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT items 8(a), 8(b), 8(c), 8(d), 8(e), 8(f) and 8(g) be received and rued. Motion Carried Unanimously (a) Gilles Therrien notice of appeal of Zoning By-law No. Z297-93 (Goutousld). (Received and Filed) (b) Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Commissioner notice of a public meeting to review the Act. (Received and Filed) (c) Long Point Region Conservation Authority circulation of minutes of a meeting held November 3, 1993. (Received and Filed) (d) Metropolitan Toronto correspondence regarding search for a willing host municipality for a landfill site to serve Metropolitan Toronto. (Received and Filed) (e) Committee of Independent Pharmacists correspondence regarding the Tobacco Control Act (Bill 119). (Received and Filed) (f) Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit correspondence regarding Minor Variance Application A/4/93. (Archer) (Received and Filed) (g) Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit correspondence regarding Minor Variance Application A/3/93. (Harrison) (Received and Filed) (h) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell correspondence regarding a severance proposal submitted by Andy VanSevanant. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT Bernard Toth be advised the Council of the Township of Bayham does not support the severance proposal of Andy VanSevenant as the proposal does not conform to the policies of the Township Zoning By-Law and the Official Plan. AND THAT the Township Council does not support the use of restrictive covenants on agricultural buildings with respect to severance applications." Motion Carried Unanimously 9. REPORTS OF STAFF AND CONSULTANTS Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier REGULAR COUNCIL - 186 - December 16, 1993 MINUTES "THAT items 9(c), 9(d) and 9(e) be added to the list of business." Motion Carried Unanimously (a) Report from Clerk Treasurer to Committee of the Whole regarding a litigation matter. Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT Council rise to enter into Committee of the Whole." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by W. Casier "THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and submit a report to Council with respect to William Bogue" Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by J. Hagell Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the report from the Committee of the Whole be adopted AND THAT the Township Solicitor be authorized to make an offer to settle to William Bogue's solicitor." Motion Carried Unanimously (b) Report from Clerk Treasurer regarding 1994 Road Needs Study. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Clerk be authorized to arrange for the commencement of a Road Needs Study to be conducted by Spriet Associates." Motion Carried Unanimously (c) A report from the Clerk Treasurer regarding Park Reserve Fund year end transfer. Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Treasurer be authorized to transfer $4,365.63 from General Funds to the Park Reserve Fund. Motion Carried Unanimously (d) A report from the Clerk Treasurer regarding disbursements of investment interest received from the Care and Maintenance Fund. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by D. Dennis "THAT the Treasurer be authorized to make disbursements of investment interest REGULAR COUNCIL - 187 - December 16, 1993 MINUTES received from the Care and Maintenance Fund to the following: Cemetery Board 1993 Interest Bayham West 307.24 Calton 789.74 Claus 130.04 Dobbbie 442.35 Eden 842.31 Edison Pioneer 529.41 Firby 57.47 Guysboro 1,032.15 Light 92.16 Old Pt. Burwell 150.40 Smuck 242.31 Straffordville 953.76 Motion Carried Unanimously (e) A report from the Clerk Treasurer regarding Waste Management Collection and Disposal Agreement. Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT Green Lane Environmental Group Ltd. be requested to extend the existing collection and disposal agreement on a month by month basis pending re-opening of Green Lane Landfill." Motion Carried Unanimously 10. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES No items. 11. APPLICATIONS No items. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND DEFERRED ITEMS (a) Copy of correspondence from the Ministry of Housing to Cumming Cockburn Ltd. regarding Bayham Township Municipal Housing Statement. (November 18, 1993) 13. OTHER BUSINESS Reeve Chute thanked members of Council and staff for their support which helped contribute to his election as Warden of the County of Elgin. He noted this honour would not have been possible without the support of all involved. Deputy Reeve Volkaert congratulated Reeve Chute on his election and wished him good luck in the upcoming year. These sentiments were reiterated by the other members of Council. REGULAR COUNCIL - 188 - December 16, 1993 MINUTES 14. BY-LAWS 93-67 Confirming By-law Moved by J. Volkaert Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT by-law 93-67 be taken as read a first and second time." Motion Carried Unanimously Moved by W. Casier Seconded by J. Volkaert "THAT by-law 93-67 be taken as read a third time and finally passed." Motion Carried Unanimously 15. AD30URNMENT Moved by D. Dennis Seconded by J. Hagell "THAT the Council Meeting by adjourned." Motion Carried Unanimously A, iLatet# REEVE � CLERK