HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 23, 2000 - Public MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM
Wednesday, August 23, 2000
7:00 p.m.
A Special Meeting of Council of the Municipality of Bayham,was held at 7:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, August 23, 2000 in Council Chambers. Present were Deputy Mayor John
Nezezon, Councillors David Mason, Mathew Schafer and Cliff Evanitski, Administrator
Kyle Kruger, Clerk Lynda Millard, Planning Co-ordinator Maureen Beatty, Cumming
Cockburn Limited Planning Consultant Gary Blazak, and Assistant Derek Dudek.
Members of the public present were Lloyd and Myrna Cowan and John Spanjers. Mayor
Max Stewart was absent.
I. Call to Order
Deputy Mayor John Nezezon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Opening Remarks
Deputy Mayor Nezezon welcomed those present and requested those in
attendance to sign the attendance sheet provided.
3. Introductions
Deputy Mayor Nezezon introduced the Municipal Planning Consultant Gary
Blazak, Cumming Cockburn Limited.
4. Presentation by Gary Blazak, Planning Consultant, Cumming
Cockburn Limited
Gary Blazak advised that the purpose of the meeting was to present the draft
Official Plan for the Municpality of Bayham, and to obtain public input and
comment for consideration of Council.
Gary Blazak provided a brief overview of the draft changes proposed regarding
the New Comprehensive Official Plan for the Municipality of Bayham. He noted
that copies are available from the Municipal office.
As part of the process, copies have been sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs
and Housing for circulation to the various Ministries, including the Ministry of the
Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources for comment. He will meet
with MMAH through September and October to take into consideration any
comments or concerns raised by the various Ministries.
Mr. Blazak noted that the Official Plans of the former Township of Bayham and
the Villages of Vienna and Port Burwell are still in force until such time as they
are repealed and replaced by a consolidated Official Plan.
He referred to the display boards used to depict various Land Use areas, Schedule
"A"being all of Bayham. He added that Straffordville has been elevated to the
same village status as Vienna and Port Burwell, depicted in Schedules"B", "C"
and"D", respectively, reflecting the highest order of urban centres in the
municipality as they have or will have water and/or sewer services.
The new Schedule for Straffordville reflects existing land use and picks up the
additional residential built up areas such as that east on Heritage Line. He
explained that the red area depicts the concentrated commercial and Institutional
use along Plank Road.
PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES 168 August 23, 2000
Official Plan Consolidation
4. Presentation by Gary Blazak, Planning Consultant, Cumming
Cockburn Limited (continued)
Mr. Blazak noted that since the Port Burwell marina and waterfront development
did not materialize, changes are proposed for the Parkland areas. In addition,
conservation land designation has been added in Vienna.
Schedule"A"has new added suburban areas transferring former rural and
agricultural areas to suburban. Hamlet boundaries have been expanded: Eden to
the west along the north side of Eden Line; Calton to the south along Richmond
road on the east side to include the Keszler property to match with changes
proposed by Caroline Davis on the west side in Malahide Township;North Hall
will now be designated as Hamlet to recognize it as a potential development area
along the Provincial highway and allow infilling.
New information, forthcoming from the MNR for viable aggregate areas will be
added to Schedule"A"when available. New maps will reflect the use of new
road names and transfer of roads from Province to County to Municipal level.
The former CP Rail lands have no specific designation at this time.
Mr. Blazak noted that Provincial policies and Planning Act changes now allow the
use of temporary zoning and holding symbols,which will encourage development
and expansion in specific areas. The new Plan is based on proposed growth in the
Villages, expanded Hamlets and suburban areas over the next ten-year period.
Mr. Blazak added that public comments should be submitted by mid-September.
Comments from the Province should be received in September or October, and
should substantial changes be made to the draft,the public will have additional
opportunity to comment.
5. Questions and Comments
The floor was opened for questions and comments. Members of the Public were
requested to state their name and address prior to speaking.
Q. Myrna Cowan—Do Provincial officials come down and review proposals?
A. Officials have now been relocated to London from Toronto and they should be
more accessible should contentious issues arise. They would not necessarily
attend at individual properties but the area affected.
Q. Lloyd Cowan—Will the new sewers handle the proposed expanded growth areas?
A. Not all proposed growth is anticipated to be on sewers. The reserve capacity
should be able to handle 1/3 to 1/2 of proposed growth. Growth in such areas as
North Hall and Calton would have no municipal services but gives people a
Q. Councillor Mason—In Port Burwell the Talisman and Bradcranex properties are
not included as commercial and the outer harbour development potential has been
removed. Can this be changed?
A. The commercial designation can be added although water should not be
designated as this would limit to one development proposal only by being too
cumbersome and specific. Predesignation along the harbour to accommodate a
mix of commercial and multi-residential could be done.
Q. Councillor Mason—Why not add now and clarify?
A. That can be done_ It would be a good idea. The harbour does contemplate
commercial use.
PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES 169 August 23, 2000
Official Plan Consolidation
Q. Councillor Mason The green areas-are they lands belonging to the Long Point
Region Conservation authority? How are they designated?
A. These lands are designated"conservation lands",but not necessarily public lands
or lands to acquire. It recognizes the unique heritage features as outlined on page
4-25 (Section Additional aggregate maps have been requested and will
be available this fall_ Many of the mapped aggregate locations add unnecessary
constraints on properties and will likely be removed from Schedule"A".
Q. Councillor Mason- The purpose of the O.P. adds emphasis on agricultural not
urban areas. Additional emphasis should be placed on the harbour.
A. Deputy Mayor Nezezon-Agriculture has always been the backbone of the area.
Substantial changes should be given careful consideration.
G. Biazak-Page 2-1 Section 2.4 does give consideration under other economic
sectors. Agriculture recognition should be maintained as it remains the largest
land use category. The Province wants Plans to be consistent and show protection
of agricultural areas from development.
The Port Burwell harbour is unique and should be preserved and enhanced.
Nothing in the O.P. precludes taking on new directions. Section 2.4 is new.
Q. Councillor Mason--The O.P. plans for future land use not population.
A. G. Blazak - The O.P. is the plan for the best potential growth and should remain
broad based enough to cover. Agriculture could be intensified_ Agricultural uses
should be maintained separate from urban. Nutrient management planning was
non-existent ten years ago. Provisions for farm help lots through severances are
no longer in the Provincial Policy. This new Official Plan continues to have more
restrictive policies for the creation of retirement lots and the severance of surplus
farm dwellings than permitted by Provincial Policy.
Q. Councillor Mason-Agricultural to non-agricultural uses permitted.
A. G. Blazak-Yes.
J. Nezezon-Farming has become more intensified with larger buildings,
equipment and farms, yet the number of people involved in farming is less. The
face of agriculture has changed, Port Burwell is waiting for change to come.
G. Blazak -There is greater investment in agriculture.
Q. Councillor Mason- Section 3.1.2 maintains rural environmental character,urban
should also be recognized. Can commercial uses be added to Section 3.1.10?
Councillor Schafer- Should Section 3.1.10 also include Vienna along the Big
Otter for recreational uses?
Councillor Evanitski- Should we not wait until we see the Provincial Policy first?
A. G. Blazak-I will be meeting for discussion with Ministry officials on September
8th and then there will be a series of meetings in September and October. The
Elgin mapping supplied will not be specific,we will need to interpret and adapt
for our own use.
6. Adjournment
Upon confirming that no one else present wished to speak,Deputy Mayor
Nezezon thanked Gary Blazak for his presentation and members of the public for
their participation and adjourned the meeting at 8:06 p.m.
Date Approved:,5,tickt . I h9-0