HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 06, 2000 - Council COUNCIL MINUTES
P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road
Thursday,April 6,2000
9:00 a.m.
The regular meeting of Council of the Municipality of Bayham, was held at 9:00 a.m. on
Thursday, April 6, 2000 in Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Max Stewart, Deputy Mayor
John Nezezon, Councillors David Mason,Mathew Schafer and Cliff Evanitski, Administrator
Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. Mayor Stewart was absent for part of the "In Camera"
Session, and disposition of Items under Committee of the Whole, during which time Deputy
Mayor Nezezon assumed the Chair.
Mayor Max Stewart called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Councillor Schafer disclosed a pecuniary interest in regard to Items 6.2(a) and 11.1(c),
and left Council Chambers during discussion of these items.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 16, 2000
Minutes of the Special Budget Meeting held March 22, 2000
Minutes of the Special Budget Meeting held March 30,2000
2000-164 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Municipality of Bayham held
March 16,2000 be approved."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
2000-165 Moved by C. Evanitski
Seconded by D. Mason
"THAT the minutes of the special budget meeting of the Municipality of Bayham.
held March 22, 2000 be approved."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
2000-166 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT the minutes of the special budget meeting of the Municipality of Bayham
held March 30,2000 be approved."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
COUNCIL MINUTES - 72 - April 6,2000
(a) 9:15 a.m. -James L. Oliver,General Manager,Long Point Region Conservation
Authority provided a summary of the 1999 Annual Report noting highlights of interest
pertaining to Bayham.
Item 9.1 (d)
(b) 9:45 a.m. Gerald Taylor, Chairman, Cemetery Committees made a brief presentation
regarding the effort of representatives of various Bayham Cemetery Boards in putting
together a by-law to provide for the maintenance, operation and control of the municipal
cemeteries. He noted that the by-law has received approval from the Ministry of
Consumer and Commercial Relations, Cemeteries Regulation, and requested Council
support for implementation.
Item 9.1 (e)
(c) Maureen Beatty, Co-ordinator of Planning,regarding
Items 6.1(a), 6.1(b), 6.1(c), 6.1(d), 7.1(a), 8.1(a)
(d) Dwayne Daniel, Chief Building Official regarding
Item 8.1(b)
2000-167 Moved by C. Evanitski
Seconded by D. Mason
"THAT Information Items 5(a) through 5(1) be received for information."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(a) Correspondence dated.March 16, 2000 from the Heart and Stroke Association providing
notification that the Ontario Gaming Commission has issued license#P000253 to
conduct a province wide raffle.
File: P09
(b) Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing correspondence dated March 9, 2000
regarding Bill 11,the Red Tape Reduction Act, 1999.
File: A16
(c) Minutes of the Bayham 150 Committee meeting held February 21, 2000.
File: C06
(d) Minutes of the Bayham Cemetery Committees meeting held October 27, 2000.
File: C06
(e) Association of Municipalities of Ontario correspondence dated March 8, 10, 13, 17, and
20, 2000 regarding "Premier Fills Parliamentary Assistant Vacancies", " and "Land
Ambulance Implementation Date", "AMO's Honour Roll", "Update New Model Gas
Franchise Agreement", "Results of the AMO Board of Directors Meeting", AMO
Secures Extension of Date for Setting Tax Rates".
File: A01
(f) Association of Municipalities of Ontario "Alert" correspondence dated March 28, and
29, 2000 regarding "Extending Gas Services in Advance of a new Model Franchise
Agreement" and "Municipalities Continue to Look for Stability and Predictability in
File: A01
COUNCIL MINUTES - 73 - April 6,2000
5. INFORMATION ITEMS (continued)
(g) Correspondence dated March 29, 2000 from Rob McConnell, "Newstalk 610 CKTB"
regarding live radio broadcasts.
File: C13
(h) Correspondence received March 21, 2000 from Brian Rachar and Robert
VanDenEeckhout expressing appreciation for Council support regarding ice rinks at the
Bayham Community Centre.
File: C13
(i) Correspondence dated March 29, 2000 from the Ontario Provincial Police regarding
"OPP Amalgamates Communications Centres into Five Strategic Locations".
File: P17
(j) Minister of Finance and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing correspondence
dated March 29, 2000 regarding Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF).
File: A16
(k) Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing correspondence dated March 27, 2000
regarding Rent Reductions, Rent Increases and Municipal Property Taxes— Changes to
the Tenant Protection Act Regulations.
File: A16
(1) Minutes of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority meeting held February 18,
File: A16
(a) Application to rezone property described as Lot 17, South Part Lot 18, Concession 1,
RP 11 R 6256 Part 1, 55844 Lakeshore Line, from the Agricultural (A1) designation to
the Special Agricultural (Al-N)designation,to facilitate the creation of one new lot for
agricultural purposes, submitted by Fraser DeLaPlante.
File: D10
2000-168 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the application submitted by Fraser DeLaPlante to rezone property described as
Lot 17, South Part Lot 18, Concession 1,55844 Lakeshore line from the Agricultural (Al)
designation to a Special Agricultural designation to facilitate the creation of one new lot for
agricultural purposes be accepted and referred to Staff and Cumming Cockburn Limited
for scheduling of a public meeting and preparation of a by-law."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(b) County of Elgin Notice of Application for Consent#E 27/00, to sever property described
as Part Lot 10, Concession 5, 55096 Calton Line, proposed to create one new lot for
retirement purposes, submitted by Ross Learn.
File: D10
COUNCIL MINUTES - 74 - April 6,2000
(b) 2000-169 Moved by C. Evanitski
Seconded by D. Mason
"THAT the County of Elgin Land Division Committee be advised that the Council of
the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham recommends approval of Consent
Application E-27/00 by Ross Learn to sever a parcel of land with an area of 1.8 acres
from Part Lot 10, Concession 5, 55096 Calton Line to create one new lot for retirement
purposes subject to the following conditions:
• That the severed lot is rezoned to a "Rural Residential"zoning designation
• Payment of$500 cash in lieu of park land dedication
• That the applicant deposit with the Municipal Clerk a copy of the survey plan
prepared for the severed lot
• That the barn on the retained parcel be demolished."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(c) Memorandum dated March 20, 2000 from Gary Blazak, Cumming Cockburn Limited
regarding Port Burwell Family Residences—Elizabeth Street.
File: D14
2000-170 Moved by M Schafer
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT the Memorandum dated March 20, 1999 from Gary Blazak, Cumming
Cockburn Limited regarding appropriate uses of the Common Room for the Port
Burwell Family Residences on Elizabeth Street in Port Burwell be received;
AND THAT the Project Co-ordinator be advised in writing that the Municipality of
Bayham considers the proposed uses of the Common Room for church services and
classes for teaching English as a second language to constitute Iegal accessory uses
within the context of the existing Port Burwell Zoning By-law 91-03, providing that
required visitor parking spaces are available for the public uses,being one parking
space for each nine square metres of floor area devoted to public use."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(d) Staff Report D2000-12 regarding Elgin-Middlesex Information Technology Project.
File: A02 & C13
2000-171 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT Staff Report D2000-12 be received;
AND THAT the request by Donna Lunn, Co-ordinator of the Elgin-Middlesex
Information Technology Project for a fee waiver to hold a public information
session on April 26th at the Straffordville Community Centre, known as
"Connecting Rural Elgin—Exploring& Planning for Information Technology for
the Municipality of Bayham" be hereby approved;
AND THAT a charge of$40 to cover the cost for a partial clean be paid."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
COUNCIL MINUTES - 75 - April 6,2000
(e) Correspondence dated March 10, 2000 from the Brant Tourism Co-ordinating Council
inviting participation in a Tourism Conference "Trends for Beyond 2000".
File: A04
2000-172 Moved by C. Evanitski
Seconded by M Schafer
"THAT the correspondence dated March 10, 2000 from the Brant Tourism Co-
ordinating Council be received;
AND THAT the following persons be authorized to attend the "TOURISM Trends
for Beyond 2000" Conference on April 13, 2000:
Councillor Mason and a member of Staff."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(f) Copy of Resolution passed by the Community Centres Committee for Council's support.
File: C06
2000-173 Moved by M. Schafer
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham direct that when a fee waiver
request for use of Community Centre property is granted, a minimum fee to cover
cleaning costs be required as follows:
• Vienna downstairs or upstairs $40
• Vienna whole hall $ 80
• Straffordville full clean $ 80
• Straffordville partial clean $40,"
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(g) Correspondence dated March 2000 from the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and
Recreation requesting nominations for(1) Senior of the Year Awards, (2) Ontario Medal
for Good Citizenship, (3)of young Ontarian for the Syl Apps Awards of Excellence, and
(4)Lincoln M. Alexander Award—for Leadership in Eliminating Racism. Anyone
intending to make a nomination is requested to fill out the appropriate form.
File: A16
(h) Correspondence dated March 25, 2000 from the Ontario Heritage Foundation requesting
participation in heritage recognition programs. Anyone intending to make a nomination
is requested to fill out the appropriate form.
File: A01
2000-174 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT Items 6.1(g) and 6.1(h) be deferred to the next meeting for consideration."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
COUNCIL MINUTES - 76 - April 6, 2000
(i) Correspondence dated March 14, 2000 from the Port Burwell Community ChildCare
Centre requesting the use of the Vienna Community Centre for a Summer Day Camp
from July 4 through September 1, 2000, and a waiver of the fee.
File: SOl
2000-175 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by D_ Mason
"THAT the correspondence dated March 14, 2000 from the Port Burwell
Community Childcare Centre be received;
AND THAT the request for a fee waiver for the use of the Vienna Community
Centre, downstairs only, for a Summer Day Camp Program between July 4, and
September 1, 2000 be approved, subject to prior bookings and any funeral
AND THAT the facility be kept in a neat and tidy condition on a daily basis by the
Port Burwell Community Childcare Centre staff, and that a charge of$40 per week
to cover the cost for downstairs cleaning be required;
AND THAT proof of liability insurance be provided;
AND THAT all other terms and conditions of the standard rental agreement remain
in effect."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(j) 2000-176 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 98-02, the Council of
the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham agrees to consider the introduction
of a motion for consideration regarding appointment of citizens to serve on the
Bayham Trans Canada Tail Committee."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
2000-177 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the following citizens having expressed a desire to serve on the Bayham
Trans Canada Trail Committee be hereby appointed for a term to expire December
31, 2000 or until successors are appointed:
Jim Hevenor Sharon Danbrook Kelly Guthrie
Cleason Hoover KevinTaylor Allan Spicer
Carole Reimer."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(a) Staff Report D2000-09 regarding Line Fences Act Application—former CP Rail Lands.
From February 17th. The following matter was referred to the "In Camera" Session
after which the following resolution was passed:
File: D06
COUNCIL MINUTES - 77 - April 6, 2000
(a) 2000-178 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT the Owner's Request for Fence Viewers received by the Municipality of
Bayham on March 8, 1999 by Mark Rudolph Drieghe, J.R. Mathews, Andy &
Johanna Geurtj ens, Robert Roy& Joan Irene Gregson, George Backus and Sons
Farms Inc., John & Margaretha Froese, Isaac & Marie Froese, Manfred Otto &
Susan Isabel Hermann, Wayne Dennis and Sandra Irene Casier,Rudy Stephen &
Susan Marie Garner, 768340 Ontario Limited per John Howey, 768341 Ontario
Limited per Doug Howey,Max Underhill's Farm Supply Limited per John Sebok,
for the appointment and attendance of Fence Viewers respecting lands jointly
owned by the Municipality of Bayham and the Town of Tillsonburg be referred to
the Fence Viewers for the Municipality of Bayham for action pursuant to the Line
Fences Act."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(a) Staff Report D2000-14 regarding Proposal by the Township of Malahide to Stop Up,
Close and Convey Part of Springer Hill Road.
File: T09
2000-179 Moved by M. Schafer
Seconded by D. Mason
"THAT the correspondence dated March 6, 2000 from the Township of Malahide
with regard to a proposal for the stopping up, closing and conveying part of
Springerhill Road be deferred pending consideration and adoption of a "Road
Closing" policy currently being prepared by Staff."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(b) Copy of legal opinion to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans regarding Maintenance
Guidelines for Municipal Drains as adopted by the County of Elgin. Support is
File: A16
2000-180 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham support the legal opinion
adopted by the County of Elgin regarding Maintenance Guidelines for Municipal
Drains addressed to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans;
AND THAT this endorsement be forwarded to A.M.O., the Minister of Fisheries
and Oceans,the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food Canada and the local M.P.
and M.P.P."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
COUNCIL MINUTES -78 - April 6,2000
(a) Staff Report PR2000-02 regarding the Former Eden Public School, 56967 Eden Line.
File: L07
2000-181 Moved by C. Evanitski
Seconded by J.Nezezon
"THAT Staff be authorized and directed to negotiate with the Eden Community
Committee, the lease of the former Eden Public School to be utilized as a
community centre as a "pilot project" for a period of one year,described as Option
No. 1 in Report PR2000-02 dated March 9,2000 and to report back to Council
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(b) Building Permit Report for the month ending March 31,2000.
File: P10
2000-182 Moved by C. Evanitski
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the Building Permit Report for the month of March 2000 be
received for information."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(c) Correspondence received March 30, 2000 from Dave Mason on behalf of Trinity
Anglican Church, Port Burwell,requesting permission to hold an Easter Sunday Sunrise
Service on the east pier.
File: C13
2000-183 Moved by M. Schafer
Seconded by J.Nezezon
"THAT the correspondence received March 30,2000 from Dave Mason, on behalf
of the Trinity Anglican Church,Port Burwell be received;
AND THAT the request for permission to hold an Easter Sunday Sunrise Service
April 23rd on the east pier be approved, subject to the provision of a certificate of
liability of insurance coverage."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(d) Correspondence dated March 13,2000 from the Township of South-West Oxford regarding an
Amendment to Automatic Aid Agreement.
File: L04
2000-184 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the correspondence dated March 13,2000 from the Township of South-West
Oxford be received;
AND THAT By-law 2000-32,being a by-law to authorize the endorsement of an amendment
to the agreement for the provision of automatic aid between the Municipality of Bayham
and the Township of South-West Oxford,be presented to Council for enactment."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
COUNCIL MINUTES - 79 - April 6,2000
At the request of Councillor Mason, the following item was added and referred to Staff
for additional input:
(e) Correspondence dated March 21, 2000 from Ron Bradfield, Bradcranex Inc., and the
municipal response provided by Maureen Beatty,dated March 24,2000 regarding the
Municipal Docks in Port Burwell.
File: L04
(a) Cheque Register, being Cheque#426 to Cheque# 529 inclusive, except Cheques# 426,
427, 428, 501 and 524,totaling $ 922,429.41,Accounts Payable for the period ending
April 20th and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending March 22, 2000 totaling
$ 30,755.40.
2000-185 Moved by J.Nezezon
Seconded by D. Mason
"THAT the Cheque Register, being Cheque#426 to Cheque#529 inclusive, except
Cheques# 426, 427, 428, 501 and 524, and totaling$ 922,429.41,Accounts Payable
for the period ending April 20th, and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending
March 22,2000 totaling$ 30,755.40 be approved."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(b) Staff Report F2000-08 regarding 1999 Council Remuneration.
File: F09
2000-186 Moved by M Schafer
Seconded by J. Nezezon
"THAT Staff Report F2000-08 regarding 1999 Council remuneration be received
for information."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(c) Memo received March 30th from Councillor Mason regarding Council Meeting Times.
File: C13
2000-187 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the Memo received March 30th from Councillor Mason regarding Council
Meeting Times be received for information."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
COUNCIL MINUTES - 80 - April 6,2000
(d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority 1999 Annual Report.
File: A16
2000-188 Moved by J.Nezezon
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the Long Point Region Conservation Authority 1999 Annual Report be
received for information."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(e) Staff Report C2000-003 regarding Cemetery Boards.
File: S09
2000-189 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by J. Nezezon
"THAT Staff Report C2000-003 be received;
AND THAT By-law 2000-27, being a by-law to provide for the maintenance,
Management and control of Cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of
Bayham in accordance with the Cemeteries Act,R.S.O. 1990, c. C.4. be presented to
Council for enactment;
AND THAT By-law 2000-28, being a by-law to appoint persons to Cemetery Boards
for the purposes of the Municipality be presented to Council for enactment."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(f) Correspondence dated March 10, 2000 from the Canadian Red Cross requesting
permission to conduct a Raffle Lottery in the Municipality of Bayham under Provincial
Lottery License #P000223.
File: P09
2000-190 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT the correspondence dated March 10, 2000 from the Canadian Red Cross be
AND THAT permission to conduct a Raffle Lottery in the Municipality of Bayham
under Provincial Lottery License#P000223 be approved."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(g) Correspondence dated March 17, 2000 from the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario
Command requesting permission to conduct a Raffle Lottery in the Municipality of
Bayham under Provincial Lottery License#P000143.
File: P09
COUNCIL MINUTES - 81 - April 6, 2000
(g) 2000-191 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the correspondence dated March 17, 2000 from the Royal Canadian Legion
Ontario Command be received;
AND THAT permission to conduct a Raffle Lottery in the Municipality of Bayham
under Provincial Lottery License#P000143 be approved."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(h) Staff Report A2000-01 regarding Janitorial Services—Municipal Community Centres.
File: A20bay
2000-192 Moved by M. Schafer
Seconded by D. Mason
"THAT the Contract Agreement with C.Wiggans Janitorial for Janitorial Services
at the Straffordville and Vienna Community Centres attached to report A2000-01
be approved;
AND THAT By-law 2000-29,being a by-law to authorize the execution of an
Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and C. Wiggans Janitorial Service
be presented to Council for enactment."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
(a) Correspondence received February 17, 2000 from Arthur Goethals, Secretary, Edison
Museum Board, regarding Budget items. From March 2n'(Additional info not available)
File: FO1
(a) Staff Report U2000-01 regarding Request for Water Service—Vienna Farms Limited.
File: E08
2000-193 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT Staff Report U2000-0lregarding a request for Water Services be received;
AND THAT the request by Leighton Martin,Vienna Farms Limited to connect to
the Vienna Water System be approved,subject to the completion and execution of a
Connection agreement as outlined in Staff Report U2000-01."
Disposition: Motion Carried
COUNCIL MINUTES - 82 - April 6,2000
2000-194 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee
of the Whole to discuss property,personnel and legal matters."
Disposition: Motion Carried
2000-195 Moved by D. Mason
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT the Council do now rise from the "In Camera" Session."
Disposition: Motion Carried
(a) Confidential Staff Report A2000-02 regarding a personnel matter.
File: R05
2000-196 Moved by J.Nezezon
Seconded by M. Schafer
"THAT the proposed contract with Mr. Mark Campbell attached to Staff Report
A2000-02 for the Management of the Vienna Community Centre be approved,
subject to any changes recommended by the Municipal Solicitor;
AND THAT notwithstanding Section 26 and pursuant to Section 37 of the
Procedure By-law, By-law 2000-35, being a by-law to authorize the execution of an
agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Mark Campbell,for
management of the Vienna Community Centre, be presented to Council for
Disposition: Motion Carried
(b) Confidential Staff Report L2000-03 regarding property matter.
File: L07
(c) Confidential Staff Report L2000-02 regarding a property matter.
File: L07
At the request of the Administrator, the following item was added.
(d) Confidential Staff Report L2000-04 regarding a property matter.
File: L07
2000-197 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by D. Mason
"THAT notwithstanding Section 26 and pursuant to Section 37 of the Procedure By-
law, the Purchase Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and William L.
Baldwin be approved;
AND THAT By-law 2000-33,being a by-law to authorize an Agreement of Purchase
and Sale with William L. Baldwin for the purchase of property described as Part 1
on Plan 11R-7271, for the purposes of a pumping station for the Vienna,
Straffordville, and Eden Sanitary Sewage Project, at a cost of$25,000, be presented
to Council for enactment."
Disposition: Motion Carried
COUNCIL MINUTES - 83 - April 6, 2000
11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (continued)
(a) Staff Report P2000-06 regarding a legal matter.
File: P17
2000-198 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham approve Option 2
(Enhanced Service)in the proposal for contract policing from the Ontario
Provincial Police dated January 25th, 2000, and agree that Policing Services shall be
provided by the O.P.P.;
AND THAT the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham agrees that the
appointees from the municipalities on the P.S.B. shall move to appoint, by
negotiated contract, four additional elected municipal councilors with voting
privileges, one from each of the four municipalities not already represented on the
AND THAT the County of Elgin shall be invoiced by the P.S.B. based on the
number of incidents occurring in each municipality, through a special upper-tier
levy that excludes Aylmer."
Disposition: Motion Carried
By-law 2000 -14 A By-law to Provide for Drainage Works (Bartley Drain and Smith
Branch)—Third Reading only
2000-199 Moved by M. Schafer
Seconded by J. Nezezon
"THAT in accordance with Section 52, Chap. D17 of the Drainage Act, RS.O. 1990,
the appeal period which allows any owner of land assessed for drainage works who
complains that a road or land has been assessed too high or too low, or that any land
or road that should have been assessed has not been assessed, or that due
consideration has not been given as to type of use of land,to appeal to the Court of
Revision by giving notice in writing to the Clerk of the Municipality has expired,
and no appeals have been received, or all appeals have been decided by the Court of
AND THAT Provisional By-law 2000-14, being a by-law to provide for drainage
works in the Municipality of Bayham for the construction of the Bartley Drain and
Smith Branch, be read a third time,finally passed and enacted."
Disposition: Motion Carried
By-law 2000 -27 A By-law to Provide for Maintenance, Management and Control of
Cemeteries under the Jurisdiction of the Municipality
By-law 2000 -28 A By-law to Appoint Members to Cemetery Boards
By-law 2000 - 29 A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the
Municipality of Bayham and C. Wiggans Janitorial Service for
Renewal of Janitorial Services
COUNCIL MINUTES - 84 - April 6, 2000
12. BY-LAWS (continued)
By-law 2000 - 32 A By-law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with South-
West Oxford for the Provision of Automatic Aid Services
By-law 2000-33 A By-law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement of Purchase
and Sale with William L. Baldwin
By-law 2000-35 A By-law to authorize the Execution of an Agreement with Mark
Campbell for Management of the Vienna Community Centre
2000-200 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by D. Mason
"THAT By-laws 2000-27,2000-28,2000-29,2000-32,2000-33 and 2000-35 be read a
first, second and third time and finally passed."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
By-law 2000 - 31 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council
2000-201 Moved by J. Nezezon
Seconded by C. Evanitski
"THAT confirming By-law 2000-31 be read a first, second and third time and
finally passed."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
2000-202 Moved by M. Schafer
Seconded by J.Nezezon
"THAT the meeting be adjourned at 3:55 p.m."
Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously
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Date approved: D-0/0