HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law No. 2012-023 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2012-023 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE CAPITAL ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR 2012 WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended provides in part that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municipality, and; WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality the sum of$777,900 for the capital program of the lower-tier municipality for the current year, NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the capital estimates appended hereto as Schedule"A"are hereby adopted. 2. THAT the tax levy requirement of$777,900 be incorporated into the 2012 current estimates for the purposes of determining the tax rates for 2012. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2012. ,J DE Pu ry y � X14 Y OR CLARK Schedule"A" 2012 Capital Budget -- - I .4- t i 1 Unassumed Prior I I 1I Year(s)- ; PrDiect- — utit et PRELIMINARY Tax Levy . Onexpend.'11 Reserves Gram t)ther �IIII Notes _ I . ! t s - - _ 1_1 Cmnputer Equipment S 5001 r 5,5001 Reserve ibr Comp Eft uu _ Council Chambers Sound System 7,500. , 2,500 Sound 5,0001 Reserve for SoSystem _ Municipal office r I IReserve for working capital 10,000 I O,ODOt Cash requirements item Transfer to Computer Reserve 5,000 5,000 ' Cash requirements item Service Deli Review-Consultation21,OOD I Transfer to RecordsManagement Reserve 5,000' 5,0011 1 + I Cash requirements-Commence Review m 2012 +Asbestos review(7 buildings) 21,000 1 • 1 1 -Apparatris I Apparatus Reserve Allocation 82,000 i 82,000; 'Cash requirements item • Bualorr Gear Acquisition _ 46,0001 L 46,0001 Fhe Apparatus Reserve Ir i ( — 1 !Building I I _ -, �. eurldmg Renewal reserve - 65,0001 i 65,0001 Y Cash requirements item Port Burwell Station- 36,000 33,500 36 000 Fire Brrildin Reserve 'Port Burwell Station-Construction 947,500_1 262,615 _ 94,D00,_ 853,500 Fire Building Reserve/Leng Terra Debt 1 I IMajorEquipment Renewal r- __ Major equipment reserve 23,0001 _ 23,0001 4,_ Cash requirements item Fire Equipment Reserve-Elgin County Radio !County Radio system , 15,000 j ` 15,000 Eq pmeat gm ty report jExhiation Equipment 1 40,000 40,000 k Fre Equipment Reserve — j. 1 F. Other i ' f Annual Remuneration Reserve t 01. 01 t 1- f -. _ 4- 1 Vehicle Reserve3 000 , 3007 Cash requirements item m 1 ` 'Vehicle Reserve 3,0001 r 3,0001 Cash requirements item February 16,2012 Schedule"A" 2012 Capital Budget Unfinauced Prior 1 ,' I 1 1 1 1 Year(s)- Budget 1 PRELIMINARY Tax ,...vv 4.,Unexaend.'11 , Reserves .,. Cruets , 9ther , Notes ---• I - T -i 1 Equipment Purchase 1 Trf to Eq_uipment Reserve 170,000 25,0001 I 145,0001Madtine Usage(Cash Req.) -- ..i. . GPS Equipment 49,0001 1,600 j000 iGast Tax Reserve 'Mower 1 -- 1 t . I.- . . ____, i - I I!Co 1 nstruction PI-rojects i 1Trf to Road Construction Reserve 1 245,0001, 245,0001 -- 1Cash requinsments item 'Lamers Line 30,0001 -1-4 1 . 30,0001 [Roads Construction Reserve(carry from 2011) • - -- --i- I ! : . lAsphak Projects -I • Green Line(t3 to Pressey)Microseal 86,500 1 186,—.-5111,0 Gas Tax Reserve Jackson Line Ph 2(Plank to West limit)Micro. 83,900 83,900 Road Constniction Reserve$28900 Gas Tax$55000 « 'Misc.Asphalt Repairs 40,0001 . 40,000! !road construction reserve Misc.Hot Patches-Asphalt Repairs 10,0001 i 1 10,0tIr- 'road construction reserve , 1 ---t- 1 -r. keavel Projects ' 1 -1 20,0001 'road construction reserve !Hovey Line(Cgle to Plank) 20,0001 , I. I. i l . - 1 I iar&Chip Resurface .I.- 1- I- .4. L --1.- . 1 i- 1 _LNew Tor&Chlp_ rfate -1- -1- Coyle_Roadmcent to BayhamiNort) 89,9001 , ..i. 189,9001 Gas Tax Reserve !Vincent Road(Cce to Bambara/Nod) 83,700 83,700! Gas Tax Reserve 1 1 .1... -1 Other •1 1 Guide rails (Various new) 15,0001 15,0001 lioad Constmetion Reserve . 1 'Roads Needs Study 35,000 '1. 1-- 35.000 ___F.1Gas Tax Cat and Genny Locator _ ..__ Used Asphalt Roller ' - 4 Computer Vehicle iil T , _lAsphalt patching Eden Line and Plank Rd 12,000 . , 12,000 County financing reouest Shoulder wading Nova Scotia and Eden Line 14,000 I. I . 14,000 County financing request Shoulder asphalt Glen Erie and Cay Rd 55 20 00020,000County fmancing request --,- 1Sidenalks I. 1, t + New 10,0001 10,000 Gas Tax Repaisr20,0001 • I 20,0001. Road Construction Reserve I 1 --r Six vet Lightb MaillialiliMMIIIIIIIIIIIIISIMMIN- --, _, I.____ i new lig,tits 10,0001 10,0001, !new arms as required i February 16,2012 Schedule"A" 2012 Capital Budget Unfinanced Prior Year s - • i Project Budget PRELIMINARY j Tax Lew , Unexuend.'11 Resery fs " Grants Clht s.r Notes SW—fate11d1rua=ement tIWMP-Blue Boxes,Compost=(tags in Op) 15,000 15,0001 i1WMP-Pronto and Education 7 0001 7,0001 .4 VWMP-Recykiag Initiatives__ I - - rt. t I -__ II . I 1.. .�-. IRiclmtond Water 450,0,X)1 24,4421 255,000 195,00DI2,3 OBWAP,-1/3 Rates — I +Rater • 'LTD repayment 109,472! - 3,3431 106,1291 Sewer reserve,tate payments — 'Pump Rebuilds 35,0001 ,., 35,0001 1Sewer reserve SBR#1 Ptsp Replacement 15,00015,000 i (Sewer reserve Valve actuator replacement 2,500 _ 1 2,5001 Newerreserve I Air Blower rebuilds 5,0001 i 50001 'Sewer reserve Auger replacment— — 24,0001 I 24,000 Sewer reserve Manhole frame replacements 10,000 r.- { 10,000 Sewer reserve SHR#1lna ecti0 ira 25,000 r I 25,00.04 Sewerreserve • ' Health Services Y --- --r-' 1- -Car port,soffit I t Parke&Rec. i_ i - j --= _Playground 9 r i f Prf to Parks R ui rnent la wtd E 10,0[X11 Cash requirements item Trfto Parks Reserve-Park improve_ .. . 10,000 .1. i Cash requirements item lay ground eqp _ !Corinth Park Entrance 2,000 I . . 2,000. Parkland Rasmus Fund - Corinth Park Pavi0lon 5,000 5000 —4 Parkkmd Reserve Fund Heath Rake -— — Vienna Park Playground Equipment 40,0001 � 40,000 1 I Parka Reserve February 16,2012 Schedule"A" 2012 Capital Budget 1 , , • Unftnanced Prior Year(s)- Project Budget 1 PRELIMINARY Tax Levx i linexuend.'11 Reserng Grants Si Illft__ Straffordyille Comm Centre -- 1Tri to Reserve . 10.009110,000! i Cash requirements item • . Vienna Comm.Centre --Aglii- illinill • _i___1 1Trrto Reserve 15,004 15,000r 1Cash requirements item ,- I• !Repairs 30,600. 40,0061._ 40,000T ,._ .. Eden comm.Centre _,._. 1building upgrades 31,591:II 31,5091 10,0001 21,500 2013 and 2014 levy • i ' .!_,1.1bras lea r VIM , ' . . I Vienna 13uilding demo , 30000 1 . 30,0001 Ilibrary reserve !Straffordville Renovations-County request 70,0001 • 70,0001 palmy reserre(Colntest) -! 1 ' ! . r _..! I I--! Ia''' .ijllMill.IIIMIIIIIIIIall"I • I , I Trf to Edison Building Reserve 2.0001 2000', 1- i Cash requirements item ..... Iconserrang-artifact reserve I . 1 i. . 1Collection acquisition Resery ,! 1 i - .TMarine Museum furnace replacement 3,5001- 3,5001 ---1-- 1- 4 lePtePt(2) 2,$0,1q 2,300 — 1 -,- ... I i . . i .—..'tr'inetriI -----1111111MMMit I smack Cemetery E x_pins ion 9,0001 6,5091 9,000 .,... 1 , -,- Planning as Development 11111EMPM. 111.111111111111111= • Zoning13nlaw review 12,0001 2,09I1 10,0001 _ 1 1 I -- - 1 . jksiness st,Commerce 'il1111.1111.1110 - L_ , 1 , _____ !East pier repair 243,0001 212,000 81,000T 1 ! 162,000 2013 and 20141evy 7 • - - East pier engineermg 40,0001 34,500 40,000, :Seawall repair reserve 1En Dev-Signs It 0 • — 1- 01 . -i- I +- !Facade Progqiin 01 01 , .. • t 4- : - .1 .. -. , .1 t ; -1- , - Tourism it fit:Oatin 111M.....111.11111.0 i . Pier P-avillion 130,000 0,000 Fundraising/Grants Beach washroom hand dgera 2,4001 2,400r Beach promotional sigrute I 1 .--• 1 1 _:. 1 , - 13 ithuckin_i; 15,0091 15,0601 • [Beach- projects ie path ' .• 5,0601 5,0001 l . . . I .1 I Picnic Tables/beack equtnont Interpretive Centre Landscaping -I •11- , ..,- _ . Illarbourfront Master Plan ' 10,9001 10,0001. : . . . ; February 16,2012 Schedule"A" 2012 Capital Budget . , . 1 Unfinanced Prior : ' • ' !ag Year(s)-is_et l'itidtzet LPRELIMINARY Tax Lew UtNesitd.'11 1 Itim jam Grants , _ I Notes ! I _.__ - Laviromnental =-4alrlMirIIWIIIIMIIIIIIMM=VIIIIIIIIIM-L , ' —1Transfer to Reserve-Transfer site 35,0001 35,0001 1 , f Cash regain:menu item 'ALIA Pilot 90,0001- 30,000 60,000,2013 and 2014 levy 1 t .,Other ---MMINIMIM I 4' ICenotaphRepairs ! 3,500! 2500! 1 , • • ,0001wants AmortiznatioExpenses 1713D - • 4 -4 t .1 1 I -± I- TOTAL! 3,952,672 777,900 714,3o4 1,121,34311 2,55,0001 1,720,12.9 , I 1 i t I t 1 ! 1 ' I • . . Febniary16,2012